Hi everyone! I know you all will think this is crazy, but I knew Matthew was going to propose before I even saw it! I totally called it to all my friends. Anyway, I loved his proposal (inner squeal). Guys, take note: that's how a girl is proposed to!

Anyway, I wanted to write something after this episode. I think the season finale is going to be a doozy for us so I am going to write something similar. Let me know your thoughts. I am not sure how much I am going to write…so we will see. Thanks for reading!

Never Saw It Coming


Jackson watched from behind a couple of nurses as April glanced around herself in amused confusion, the flash mob began swirling around her. Then Matthew came down and began dancing and her musical laughter filled the ambulance bay. Jackson couldn't help the smile that touched his lips. Her laugh always made him smile.

"Matthew?" she gasped in surprise, her smile huge. April was literally trembling in excitement as people hoisted her on their shoulders and Jackson leaned against the wall as he watched his friend go through one of the biggest moments of her life. The crowd was loving it, laughing and clapping.

"Uh…April I know that this seems crazy," Matthew said as the music ended and April was seated, clutching a rose.

"Totally crazy!" she responded, giggling and looking around her in confusion.

"And to some sudden, but when I know something…I know it. When I first saw you standing in this doorway, I felt a shock."

April gasped as she realized this was more serious a situation than a lighthearted one.

"And I thought, 'This is the most beautiful person that I have ever seen' and then I thought…no, you know what? I knew, that I was gonna fall in love with you."

April covered her mouth with her glove covered hand and released a sob as her eyes filled with tears.

"And I have never been so happy knowing anything in my entire life," Matthew said, smiling down at her.

"Oh my…" she gasped, tears filling her eyes, realizing where he was going with this.

Matthew reached for a little velvet box and the crowd gushed as April cried out, "Oh my God, oh my God!"

Matthew sank to his knee in front of her and said, "April Kepner, I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you make me, if you let me. Will you marry me?" he asked with a hopeful smile, snapping open the box.

April nodded as she blinked back tears and tried to contain her sobs as she exclaimed "Yes! Yes!" pulling him forward for a deep kiss. Confetti fluttered around the couple in such a perfect moment as the crowd cheered. Jackson smiled as Matthew picked her up and twirled her in his arms as he hugged and kissed her.

Couples were touching each other as they remembered how they had begun and everyone cheered looking at the happy couple.

Jackson's eyes suddenly met April's over Matthew's shoulder and he gave her a grin and a small nod to let her know he was happy for her. April quickly averted her gaze back to her new fiancé and laughed up in his face and kissed him again.

Jackson walked away from the celebrating crowd as they congratulated April and Matthew. As he headed into the ER he shook his head and frowned. He was happy that she was so happy. April was his friend, so he didn't understand what it was that had him frowning as he walked towards the surgical board, which was a mess.

Jackson rested his hands on his hips and looked down at the floor before looking up again and focusing on the board. He picked up the dry erase marker in one hand and the eraser in another and began focusing on the work he needed to do, which he found helpful. It cleared his mind.

Jackson occasionally found himself remembering April's smiling face, or hear her infectious laughter echoing in his ears as he wrote, but he would refocus on the board quickly.

"Hey, never saw it coming? Right?" Matthew asked, his shoes squeaking against the linoleum as he approached Jackson with a big smile on his face. Jackson could tell he was still ecstatic over the day's events.

"What's that, the storm?" he asked, playing dumb, though he didn't really know why.

"No. April," Matthew said, "I was sure someone would let it slip. And, uh, have you seen Dr. Hunt?" he asked, looking over his shoulder.

"No, no, what's up?" he said, completely focusing on Matthew instead of the electronic pad in his hands and the board in front of him.

"Nothing. I…I'd…well, would you tell him thanks though? I had him keep April out of surgeries all day. This was kind of my only shot at this. Didn't want to miss it."

Jackson nodded, remembering how pissed April had been earlier, immediately questioning Hunt's confidence in her abilities as a surgeon.

He smirked as he remembered how fired up she had been as he responded, "No, no. You didn't. Congratulations. Both of you guys."

"Thanks," Matthew said, turning and walking out the ambulance door as he heard sirens going off.

Jackson watched him as he walked away and it wasn't a moment later Miranda Bailey approached him with Ross trailing behind her and snatched the marker out of his hand. She wrote her name and Ross' on the board and then shot him a look, daring him to argue with her.

Jackson remained silent as she asked Ross if he was tired and then she walked away.

Jackson looked at the board and decided he was done for the day. He couldn't take one more thing today.


April had gone home and texted Matthew how much she loved him and how excited she was to be his fiancé. She smiled when he texted her goodnight and he loved her too.

She smiled as she turned off the light and the rain outside was actually calming and she fell asleep quickly.

Her cell phone jarred her out of her sleep and she looked to her clock, but found it black. The power had gone out sometime. She looked at the face of her phone.

"It's 4:30AM and I am not on call, whoever this is better have a good reason for calling," she answered with a yawn, recognizing the hospital number.

"April, it's Jackson," Jackson said, his tone off.

"J-Jackson, what's wrong? I thought Hunt was covering the pit tonight?" she asked, annoyed.

"He is. April, it's Matthew. He's been involved in an accident," he said, his tone sympathetic.

"I'm coming," she said immediately, her heart stopping, trying to use the light of her phone to get out of the bed.

"April, it's a blackout because of the flooding," he said, as if she was ridiculous.

"I'm coming," she said, clicking the phone off. Jackson didn't understand. Matthew was now no longer the geeky paramedic boyfriend. He was her fiancé and future husband. And that meant so much more. She needed to be by his side.

April quickly dressed in the dark, sure she looked nuts but not caring as she walked down the darkened stairwell of her apartment building carefully.

She made it out into the pouring rain and found her car, climbing in and turning the windshield wipers on full blast as she sped there, listening to the radio so she knew what roads she needed to take.

She parked her car a few blocks away because most roads leading to Seattle Grace were closed.

She ran the rest of the way and walked through the ambulance bay, where just hours ago Matthew had been proposing to her. It seemed like she was in a nightmare now.

Jackson was waiting by the desk and looked at her in shock as she walked through the automatic doors, sopping wet.

"Where is he?" she asked, looking at the board for his name so she could find him.

"April," he said in the soothing tone he used for the family of patients.

"Where is he," she repeated, snatching his board out of his hand and searching the system she had helped integrate at the hospital.

"April, slow down," he said.

April found his name and began running, forgetting Jackson and going towards the OR. Jackson must have called because she found the door locked and she couldn't get in. She went to the next best place, which was the gallery.

She raced into the gallery and watched in horror as she watched Bailey, Torres, and Christina work on Matthew.

April heard shuffling and panting as she looked down at Matthew on the table, her hand resting against the glass.

"April," Jackson said, trying to catch his breath, "You can't be in here."

"Leave me alone, Jackson," she snapped, never taking her eyes off the boy who gave her his whole heart. She turned to the intercom and turned the volume up.

"So much damage…

"His body has been through too much…

"I can't stop this bleeding…"

April gasped as she realized he was circling the drain.

She sobbed and all three surgeons froze at the sound of her cries.

"Get her out of here now Jackson!" Callie snapped.

Jackson wrapped his arms around her and she sobbed and fought him as she cried out, "Matthew! NO!"

"JACKSON! NOW!" Christina roared as she worked furiously.

April was suddenly over his shoulder and carrying her out of the room. She fought Jackson as he set her down, but he just held her, wrapping his arms around her in a restraining hug.

"Shhh, April, shhh," he whispered against her hair.

April sobbed as she caught sight of something sparkling on his shoulder.

Her ring. The engagement ring he had given her.

"I…he just proposed today. We…we are supposed to get married," she sobbed out, going limp against Jackson.

Jackson held her up and ran his hand in circles on her back. April sobbed against his chest.

"April, they are working. They are determined to do everything they can, and that gives Matthew pretty good odds, okay?" he said comfortingly.

April only nodded as she wiped the tears from her face, though it was pointless. They were quickly replaced by a fresh batch.

April's head swam with everything happening. Her heart felt like it had stopped and fallen out of her chest and so much was rushing through her head. Suddenly her legs gave out and April stopped thinking all together.


Jackson swooped April up in his arms as she fainted and he carried her towards an empty patient room.

A nurse came in behind her with tears in her eyes, "Is she okay?"

Jackson nodded and said, "I need a gown. Can you get one for me please?"

She nodded and scurried out, returning with a patient gown.

"I am going to change her and put her in here. Can you mark this room off?" he asked gently, not wanting to wake her. Today…everything had been too much for her.

Jackson gently undressed her and easily slid the gown on. He grabbed a towel and squeezed as much excess water from her hair as he could and dried her off as best he could. She began shivering and Jackson quickly covered her with the blankets and walked out in the hall to find more.

He told the nurse that when Bailey, Torres, or Yang came looking to come and get him. The nurse nodded and then Jackson went back in the room, turning off the overhead light and covering April with the second blanket.

He sat in the chair next to her and turned his pager off. He didn't care what happened, he wasn't leaving her side.

Too soon for his liking, Yang quietly entered the room, looking in concern at Kepner in the bed.

Jackson stood and guided Christina with him and the three doctors' faces told him everything.

"He didn't make it," Torres said, tears leaking from the corner of her eyes.

Jackson closed his eyes and swore under his breath.

Bailey was crying too, but she wasn't saying a word, just looking down at her shoes shaking her head slightly.

"I'll go tell her," Christina said softly, the only one able to keep it somewhat together, but even her eyes were slightly misty.

"No," Jackson said, raising his hand to stop her. "No, I will."

"Jackson, I don't know if that's the best idea," Callie said, wiping the tears from her face.

"I agree," Christina said.

Jackson began to protest and then Bailey said, "It needs to come from the doctors."

Jackson remained silent and he knew she was right.

"You can be there for her," Bailey said, walking past Jackson and going into the room.

Callie and Christina followed her in and Jackson inhaled deeply, knowing this was going to be terrible.

He stood on the other side of the bed and grabbed April's hand. Her eyes fluttered open at his touch and she looked up at him in confusion and then towards the doctors on the other side of the bed.

April looked at them and in a voice much too cold for April, she stated, "He's dead."

Bailey stepped forward and took her hand and nodded, "He is. I…I am so sorry, April." Tears were running down Bailey's face and April face was frozen in a mask. It was one that expressed no emotion and her usually sparkling eyes looked dead. It was haunting and Jackson shuddered as he squeezed her hand.

"We did…everything we could," Callie said, her own cheeks coated with tears.

April remained silent and then looked down at her lap. Jackson expected tears, sobs, even fainting, but not silence. Not…this.

"April?" Christina asked, her voice gentle.

She looked up and then gently pulled her hands out of Bailey and Jackson's grips and then threw her blankets off of herself and stood. "Will you get me some scrubs?" she asked in the same cold voice as before.

Christina looked as creeped out as Jackson felt, but nodded and went to go grab a pair of fresh scrubs for her. Jackson doubted any of them would refuse her anything right now.

Christina returned moments later as Jackson exchanged concerned and confused glances with Christina, Bailey, and Torres watched April slide the scrubs on and jam her feet into her soaking sneakers.

"Take me to him," she said, her voice cold and emotionless.

Jackson nodded as Christina looked to him for guidance. It wasn't uncommon for family to request seeing their loved ones after they were lost. It was part of accepting their new reality.


He was still in the OR apparently, not moved to the morgue yet.

April walked forward into the room as the rest of them stood in the doorway watching her. He was draped with a surgical sheet and April walked up to the table and inhaled deeply before grabbing the corner and pulling it back. Matthew looked peaceful. Asleep. He was still warm. Just a little cooler than normal. Soon he would be ice cold.

April reached up and touched his cheek softly and then brushed his bangs off his forehead as she looked down at him. Her heart was…broken. And in that moment she felt herself go somewhere. Because this…this was too much for her. She felt a tear run down her cheek and she shook her head as if scolding herself.

"Matthew?" she whispered, as if she could wake him up with just her voice.

How could someone so wonderful…how could he be gone? She couldn't understand even though she saw him dead in front of her.

She heard whispering and knew the other doctors in the room were wondering what to do. She didn't know either.

April couldn't look at him like this anymore. His face was usually filled with joy and excitement, especially when he was around her.

April covered him up once more and said, "His family. They need to know."

She then walked past the doctors and walked out of the OR and through the halls. She heard them following her and as she reached trauma Jackson finally caught up with her and said, "Let me drive you, April."

She shook her head and continued walking out the door with Jackson following her out into the rain.

"April, wait," he said, grabbing her elbow. April didn't know what got into her, but she snapped and her hand reached out and slapped Jackson across the face. She watched his face transform from concern to hurt in seconds, but it immediately went back to concern.

"Leave me alone," she stated, not caring she had hurt him.

Jackson stood there as April turned and walked away towards where she had parked her car a couple of hours ago. She looked down at the pavement and could see the pink, white and red confetti, messy on the ambulance bay floating in the puddles from earlier.

She let out a choked sob as everything she had lost swam in her vision. She walked and found her car somehow and climbed in as she sobbed and cried until she had nothing left.

April watched as the sun came up and it was…beautiful. This city has always been most beautiful after a storm. April stuck her keys in the ignition and drove to her apartment.

She climbed up the stairs slowly and heard her phone ringing down the hall. She didn't even know where her cell had gone tonight.

She unlocked her door and walked to her ringing phone and hung it up, then unplugged it. She changed out of the damp scrubs and grabbed a t-shirt of Matthews she had here from when she had fallen asleep at his house. She pulled the collar up over her nose and turned off the lights as she breathed in his scent. It was almost as if he was here. All that was missing was his goofy smile, his laugh…his love for her.

"Matthew," she whispered as she fell asleep, exhausted.

So I know I have more to do…but I want to know your thoughts. So let me know what you think by reviewing or sending me a message! Thanks for reading!