Author's Note: First I'm SO sorry for the delay for the last chapter. I was trying to find a song for a Harry potter video but got a virus from the site where the song was. The virus was so bad I tried everything including erasing while my files. Luckily I have a backup brand new computer, so I'm on that one now as the old one can't be fixed at least not yet. Next, this is the last chapter but I have an idea for another already called Forbidden Love, look for it. And I'd like to once again thank all my reviewers, followers, favers. The reviews is what really gives me inspiration to write more than anything. Enjoy!

Harry awoke in the hospital wing, on a bed by his was Hermione. Harry's eyes flew open worried for her. She was pale and looked terrified but was awake.

She was looking on the other side and Harry followed her gaze, Snape was talking with Fudge, even being offered Order of Merlin first class.

"The three of those students were confunded by Black to believe he's innocent", said Snape. "THAT'S A LIE!", yelled Harry out bursting, he shot up out of bed.

"Sirius is innocent!", yelled Harry. "It's true!", cried Hermione. Snape glared at them both. "You're both confused, he will be sentenced to the Dementors kiss any moment", said Fudge.

"NO!", yelled Harry. "Please believe us! It wasn't Sirius, he did nothing wrong it was Scabbers! Ron's rat, he's an animangus, it was Peter Pettigrew-", cried Hermione when..

"HOLD YOUR TOUNGE !", yelled Snape making Hermione flinch. "Don't talk to her like that!", snarled Harry so dangerously it even made Snape fall silent.

"Don't you ever talk to her like that", he snarled again. Suddenly Dumbledore came in the hospital wing, Ron was unconscious in another bed his leg wrapped up.

"Severus, Fudge. I'd like a word with these two alone", said Dumbledore. Snape whipped his cloak around as he turned and exited the wing, Fudge following.

"Sir, please! Sirius is innocent!", pleaded Harry. "We know the truth! Please believe us!", begged Hermione. "I do. I truly do. But I'm afraid the words of two 13 year olds will convince few others", said Dumbledore.

"A child's voice, although is true, people have forgotten to listen", said Dumbledore. They heard a chime from the cloak tower.

"Mysterious thing, time", said Dumbledore looking at them. "Powerful, and when messed with, dangerous. Sirius Black is on the West Tower locked up", said Dumbledore.

"You know the law Miss. Granger, you must not be seen. If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life shall be spared", said Dumbledore.

Harry starred at Hermione completely confused. "Three turns should do it", added Dumbledore as he winked, he walked to the doors.

"Oh, and I'm sure if you two work as a team, it will go perfectly", said Dumbledore. He closed the doors.

"What was that about?", asked Harry. Without answering Hermione pulled a golden chain out of her shirt and at the end was a circle hourglass, she put the chain around herself and Harry.

She turned it three times and suddenly, it was daylight, Ron was gone. "What happened?!", asked Harry.

"Harry, where were we at 7:30?", demanded Hermione. "Going to Hagrid's", replied Harry confused. "We can't be seen!", ordered Hermione urgently, she grabbed his hand and they ran outside.

"Hermione! Hermione can you please explain what it is we're doing!?", demanded Harry but he stopped as they were at the exit of the Covered bridge seeing themselves. Harry, Hermione and Ron going to Hagrid's.

"That's us...this is not normal", said Harry as Hermione slammed him slightly against the wall. "This is a Time Turner Harry, McGonagall gave it to me first term. This is how I've been getting to my lessons all year", explained Hermione.

"We've gone back in time?", asked Harry. "Yes. Clearly there's something Dumbledore wanted us to change", said Hermione.

They went down to Hagrid's. "Buckbeak's still alive...we can also spare Buckbeak", realized Hermione. They saw Fudge and Dumbledore pass the Pumpkin patch where Buckbeak relaxed, and went inside Hagrid's hut.

Harry walked up to Buckbeak, bowed and Buckbeak bowed back lazily. Harry grabbed the end of Buckbeak's chain.

"Ok come on Buckbeak", said Harry. He pulled but Buckbeak stubbornly pulled back wanting to nap. "Come on, Beaky!", cried Hermione.

Suddenly, Hallowfeathers, the orange Hippogriff who was also tied further way flapped his ways in a fussy way and made an eagle sound loudly.

"Shhhhh!", cried Hermione. "Buckbeak, come on we got to move!", said Harry. Hallowfeathers continued fussing. "Hallowfeathers, be quiet!", yelled Harry.

"Buckbeak!", cried Hermione suddenly holding a dead ferret and wearing a bunch more on a string over her shoulders.

Buckbeak then looked at Hermione. "Come and get the nice dead ferret!", said Hermione. Buckbeak stood up instantly knocking Harry over.

Hermione threw a dead ferret and Buckbeak caught it and ate it. Harry got up and they led Buckbeak into the forest with the ferrets.

"That's it, over here Beaky", said Hermione. They were hidden in the trees. Harry blinked realizing Hermione didn't even have to bow down to Buckbeak.

He really trusted her. They went deeper into the forest, as nightfall hit. Hermione tied Buckbeak to a tree and gave him another ferret.

They ran up a hill not far from Buckbeak and saw the Whomping Willow, they saw Lupin and Snape walk in.

"Let's wait", said Hermione. Harry nodded, they both sat. "Hermione...", said Harry. "Down at the lake, two Patronuses drove off those Dementors", said Harry.

"According to Dumbledore only two very powerful wizards could have conjured them", said Hermione. "It was my parents", said Harry.

Hermione looked at him worried. "But Harry, you're parents are...dead", said Hermione. "I know...I just know what I saw", replied Harry.

Hermione bit her lip, she moved closer to Harry. " you think I'll ever be able to produce a Patronus?", asked Hermione softly.

Harry looked at her. "Yes. You're an amazing witch Hermione", said Harry. Hermione blushed. She moved closer to Harry and leaned her head on his shoulder.

Harry turned red but stroked her bushy hair, which was so soft. "Harry...", began Hermione. But before she could finish they saw Lupin transforming into a werewolf.

Harry and Hermione ran, and saw Harry from the past throwing a rock at the werewolf's head. Hermione suddenly howled.

"What are you doing?!", yelled Harry grabbing her. "Saving your life!", yelled Hermione. She howled again and the werewolf began running toward them.

"Run!", cried Hermione, they ran deeper into the woods, the boney werewolf chasing them snarling.

Hermione and Harry hid behind a huge tree, Hermione hyperventilating. Suddenly, they heard the wolf snarl and he faced them ready to attack.

Harry held onto Hermione shielding her, willing to protect her. Suddenly, a bigger creature leaped between them, flapping his long wings aggressively.

Buckbeak stomped his razor sharp talons on Lupin's head chasing the werewolf off. Hermione panted clutching onto Harry.

Suddenly it got windy and a cold took over, they looked up into the sky seeing Dementors. "Sirius...come on!", yelled Harry, they held hands running to the lake.

On the other side they saw Dementors attacking Sirius, past Harry and Hermione. "My parents will come!", said Harry.

Hermione watched shaking. "Any minute now!", said Harry. " one's coming", said Hermione. Suddenly it hit Harry, he hadn't see his parents. He had seen himself and Hermione. Hermione also seemed to realize, they both ran out pulling out their wands.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!", they both yelled. They chose the same memory, of them nearly kissing. A white light came out from both wands, and two animal emerged from the blinding lights.

A stag and an Otter. The stag charged at the Dementors while the otter leaped and ran through them. The Dementors were gone within seconds.

The Otter ran back to Hermione while the stag cantered to Harry. The lights vanished then. Harry and Hermione looked at each other, and suddenly they embraced and kissed.

Their kiss was at first soft but then more deep, Harry holding onto Hermione tightly. Hermione had her arms wrapped around Harry's neck.

They broke the kiss finally and smiled. Soon Buckbeak was flying them to the West Tower. "You were right Hermione, it wasn't my parents I saw earlier. It was us", said Harry.

"I know...but I don't like flying!", cried Hermione, she screamed as Buckbeak dove down. They got Sirius and went to the Cloak Courtyard. "I don't know how I can ever thank you", said Sirius as he got on Buckbeak.

"And both of you, you truly are like James and Lily", smiled Sirius. Hermione blushed, she and Harry were holding hands.

Buckbeak then flew off with Sirius vanishing into the clouds, they were gone. Harry and Hermione rushed back to the hospital wing.