Hello peoplez!

Yes I'm starting a new story, and if it works out this might just be labeled the 'Sequel' to my other fic, "Brothers Of Fusion." No, you don't have to read my other story to get this if your wondering, all I ask you to do is review.

Now things you need to know: Trunks and Goten are 8 & 9. Takes place one Year after Buu saga. No ones memory was erased, so the boys still know Fusion. I DON'T OWN ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH DRAGONBALLZ! The last and final thing,You have to review.

So, now that you know whats different or whatever, you can read it, and please enjoy.



It was a beautiful Sunday night sometime around midnight in the middle of winter. The stars were out and the moon was brighter then it had been. Yes, there was a moon it had been wished back a year earlier due to the fact Bulma, and Chichi missed it. Goten had gone to bed around nine something that night, since the next day he was gong to spend the day with Trunks. The little Saiyan had a great dream that night, and slept wonderfully.

Until he was awoken sometime around midnight by his window opening. Goten opened his left eye and glanced around the room, but saw nothing except for the shadows on the wall. Not feeling like getting up Goten just laid there trying to get back to sleep. About five minutes later the chilly air had filled the boys room causing him to snuggle more into the covers. The covers were warm but not warm enough.

Goten was finally forced out of his bed to close the window. He shivered as he reached up to shut it very tight, since ice had layered it self around it. A little bit confused on why and how the ice got there, Goten shrugged it off and turned back to his bed when something caught his eye on the wall. A shadow had just was across it, and it didn't look like any type of tree in his backyard. Goten now fully awake looked around his room for whatever made the shadow.

He was about to just leave it alone and go back to bed when someone or something came up behind the young Saiyan, threw a cloth over his mouth. Goten struggled and tried to break free, but passed out in the process. The last thing he saw was the shape of a hooded figure looking down at him, then blackness.


Around the same time Goten blacked out, Trunks was just exiting the kitchen. He had woken up thirsty and needed something sweet to drink. Slowly, Trunks had made his way to the kitchen following the wall since it was almost pitch black in there except for the night light Bulma had put up. When Trunks reached the kitchen he opened the fridge to get strawberry water. Ever since Bulma had bought the multi-flavored waters at the store Trunks was hooked.

Vegeta called then a 'weaklings' drink, but the night before Trunks had caught him drinking a grape. So after chugging two strawberry waters Trunks headed back up to his room. On his way up, he noticed it had started snowing. "Cool," He thought. "I can't wait for Goten to come over tomorrow." Trunks smiled with joy and entered his room.

It was a bit dark in they're except for a very dim light in the corner; I guess you could call it a night-light. Trunks was a little frightened of the darkness so Bulma made him a light. Trunks never told Goten about it for fear he would make fun of the young Prince. As a matter of fact Vegeta knew nothing about Trunks night-light either, for fear his father might start calling him a weakling or look down on him.

Trunks was now lying in bed trying to fall asleep when he glanced to his window and noticed it opened. Being just as lazy as Goten Trunks simply refused to get up and shut it. Finally when the cold breeze had gotten to him and his covers didn't work anymore, he got up to close the window. As he got out of bed something caught his eye, it was a shadow of someone, or something. Trunks slowly looked around his room as he walked expecting something to happen.

Nothing. The room remained silent, but as soon as the young Saiyan closed his window something grabbed him from behind throwing a cloth over his mouth. Trunks let out a yell of surprise and tried to break free, but the force was just too strong. He was out in a matter of seconds. The last thing he saw was a darkened figure starring at him, then blackness. The figure then took out the letter and placed it on Trunks bed just as he had done Gotens.

The next morning two screams could be heard as Bulma and Chichi walked into their son's room and saw they were missing, but found and read the letter.


I know short! Well this is just the first chapter, but the second one will be longer I promise! Also I'm pretty good at putting up chapters as long as I get reviews. The more reviews the faster the next chapter goes up! Simple huh? By the way, if this Chapter was messed up and paragraphs were all out of line, don't blame me, blame the word program. It has been messing up on me for some time now. Thanks!

Ch. 2 soon!

