This is it, the final chapter to my story "A Simple Plan." I must give thanks to everyone who read it, and to all of you who reviewed it! I'm actually glad its over since I have grown rather tired of it. and I don't know why.

But anyways I have a new story in the works and will probably be out VERY soon! Its going to be a lot different then this one, probably A LOT more complicated, but I'm sure all will enjoy and review. So that's all I'm gonna say about that! Now let get down to the last chapter of this story!
As always---Enjoy!

"That's enough son, now just finish him off so it'll all be over Goten." Gokou reached out and placed a hand on his youngest sons shoulder. Inner Goten stayed with his back to him and didn't answer. Fooler used all the strength he could manage pushed himself into a sitting position his hands behind him for support. He bared his teeth in anger when he saw Gokou talking to Goten. Hearing only half the things he was saying was enough.

"Did I say you could get up?" Inner Goten said.

Fooler scooted back a bit still sneering at them both. "You can't beat me that easy. It'll be over when I say its over." He narrowed his eyes secretly focusing the little energy he hand left into his good hand.

"How did you escape anyway primate?" he questioned towards Gokou. Ignoring the insult Gokou grinned at him.

"Instant transmission of course. I had to time it perfectly though, and I should say it wasn't that easy. Heh."

Foolers smile turned into a crooked one showing his fangs. His brows narrowed more and he concentrated more energy into his hand. Things might just go his way after all, if he kept his cool about it.

"I should have known. Saiyans were always the lucky ones.especially you." He said calmly. His attention then went to the boy who was starring in space at the ground. He looked totally out of it. More energy filled the palm of his hand, and now that Gotens head wasn't in the way anymore he had the perfect shot. The perfect shot for revenge and everything else he had come to Earth for.

"Yeah I have to agree with you there." Gokou answered just as calmly.

"But you know, luck doesn't last forever." Fooler lifted up as fast as he could his hand pointed directly at the Earth raised Saiyan. Still flashing his smile Fooler fired the rest of his energy off with a loud "HA!" Worn out and not expecting this there was no time for Gokou to dodge, if it would have been for Inner Goten catching the blast he probably wouldn't have been standing anymore. The boy caught it still looking at the ground. The red energy lighting circling his hand like a never ceasing whirlpool. He gave Fooler one final glance before returning the smile and firing his own blast back at him.

"No, NO! NOOO!!!" Fooler screamed shielding his face with his hand. He was engulfed before he knew what hit him. A bright light lit up the area, as Fooler was turn into small bits of flesh and metal thrown into a cold oblivion wiped away from the face of the Earth. It was over now, the enemy was dead.

Laughter was heard running across the plain towards both father and son. Trunks was running at then arms out a big smile on his face. Vegeta was right behind him smirking. Trunks grabbed his best friend by the arms and jumped around.

"Ha! You did it Goten! Yahoo! Its over!" Trunks cheered.

"I have to hand it to you boy, you did well." Vegeta commented.

Inner Goten didn't respond instead he made an unbelievable act, he backhanded Trunks away. The small lavender haired child rolled then came to a halt about five feet away. Trunks didn't move although his foot gave a twitch.

"Goten!" Gokou yelled he backed away starring at his son in shock. "Goten whatsthe matter with-" He was cut short by an energy beam sailing offly close to his right ear. Inner Goten had turned around his arm out stretched.

"Who said anything about it being over?" he said slyly. "But next time dad, I won't miss." He gave a little chuckle energy building into his palm again. IT was growing bigger and bigger until his whole hand was engulfed.

"G-Goten." Gokou said slowly. He was stuck in horror at his own flesh and blood. What had gotten into his little boy? This wasn't the same Goten; this wasn't that sweet little kid. His features hardened watching Gotens face curve into a nasty grin. That wasn't his little boy out there grinning like that. Gokou would bet the Ox kings whole fortune that Goten didn't even know how to grin like that.

His son his own enemy?

"Kakkarott move!" Vegeta yelled firing a blast countering Gotens. Vegeta beam blew it up right in front of Gokous face causing him to fall backwards. He was so lost in thought he didn't even see that coming. The word surprise couldn't even be used to tell about the look on his face. He watched as Goten turned his attention to the prince.

"You want to play too?" He asked teasingly. Before Vegeta knew what hit him Goten was on him like a fly on manure. Using the same move he did on Trunks Inner Goten simply backhanded the prince away watching him skid until coming to a complete stop. Bits of dust floating into the air from where his body hit the ground. Inner Goten turned his attention back to his father.

"See what I can do? See the damage I can cause from just one hit?" his voice had gone hard, and he went back to starring into space before collapsing to the ground. Holding his head Inner Goten began to yell out.

Now extremely confused Gokou couldn't just sit there. So he got at rushing over his son. Reaching out to touch him his hand got smacked away.

"Go away." The boy cried. "Dad please! GO!" His voice had gone back to the normal Gotens, but he was fighting with something Gokou could tell.

"Shut up!" he yelled returning to his other voice. Rolling over onto his back Gotens body began to yell again. His eyes were closed tight while he screamed. Inside his two identical boys were fighting each other. Except of one them had a tail. The one with the tail boiled with anger inside, while the other stood away from him, almost timid. They were together in the white void Fooler had seen when looking into Gotens mind.

"You shouldn't be in control! You're worthless! You come from the pathetic human side of the family!" His tail bushed out lashing angrily behind him. "Its my turn for a chance Little Goten! You're not taking over anymore!" He ran at Little Goten fists swinging madly. Inner Goten knocked him upside the head sending him into the wall of his own mind.

Little Goten hit it with a soft thud sliding to the ground. He didn't want to fight this other half, his Saiyan side of him. But he knew he had to be in control and this Inner Goten was crazy. He got up holding onto the blank wall watching his other self.

"Look at you. Your not even fighting back Little Goten." Inner Goten said. "What a worthless piece of--"

"I am not." Little Goten said quietly. "And you're the one who's got to go. You hurt Trunks and Vegeta. And you almost hurt my dad. You're the one that has to leave! YOU'RE THE BAD GUY!" Little Goten lunged at Inner Goten punching him across the face. Then his brought his foot around he kicked him on the side violently.

Inner Goten hit the ground, did a front handspring and landed a ways back. He cupped his hand to his side forming an energy ball.


The energy ball started to grow in size.


The light protruded from his hands.


The light began to grow, as did the energy in his palms. Inner Goten gave a smug smile and fired.

"HAAAA!" The bright blue beam left his hands headed towards Little Goten. No time to dodge Little Goten got hit in the chest, he was thrown back hitting the white wall once more the beam burning into him then fading away. The poor boy fell from the wall landing hard on his stomach. Inner Goten landed above his head the smile of victory on his lips.

"Now you see? I won Little Goten, and you lost. So now you'll be the one to stay in the place all alone, if you even wake up." He turned and walked away nearly vanishing before Little Goten got the last laugh. With everything he had left the real Goten used it to give a finally blast. Inner Goten turned around only to see his fate coming straight at him. He closed his eyes as the beam wiped him away from Gotens mind once and for all.

Little Goten collapsed onto the floor. That was everything he had left and then some. He smiled happily as he fell into unconsciousness.

It was finally over.
"You have summoned me, now what is your wish?" Shenlong's voice boomed over the area. A day had past since the incident and now it was time to bring Gohan and all the humans back to life, not to mention the Planets beautiful outer crust, and animals. After finding Bulma and Chichi lodged between two rocks in their plane, Gokou took the dragon radar and went searching for the dragonballs.

He left a sleeping Goten and knocked out Trunks with them. Vegeta had gotten up after Goten had passed out on the battlefield. Gokou made him swear not to tell Goten about anything that happen, unless he remembered for himself. He had no clue what Goten had become, but if he didn't have any memories of it then it was all for the better. Bulma and Chichi tried to fid out what had happened, but they got no answers.

Chichi started crying when she saw that Gohan wasn't with them and didn't need an explanation as to why he wasn't there. So now it was time to bring peace to the planet once more, and wish back everything that made it so wonderful.

"I'd like to have you bring the Earth back to normal again with all its people!" Gokou yelled happily. "That's my first wish!"

There was a pause then the dragons eyes began to glow a bright red. The hair on his head waved in the wind as a wave of grass blew threw the area covering the rocky ground. Soon trees had sprouted from nowhere, and the city that had been destroyed was up and running again.

People enjoying their every day lives. Gokou now found himself on the rooftop of a building, and Shenlong in the middle of the street. Cars stopped and people started in aw at the dragon. They were too speechless to run away scared.

"Okay Shenlong! For my second wish I want you to bring my son Gohan back to life!"

The dragons red eyes flickered once more and like magic Gohan appeared beside his father, alive and well.

"Your wishes have been granted, I bid you a farewell." And with that Shenlong busted into the seven magical balls and shot off until needed again.

"Uh, dad? What happened?" Gohan asked scratching his head.

"I'll tell you later. But how about we go home now and get something to eat? I'm starving!" Gokou gave a laugh and rapped his arm around Gohan and disappeared.
Not to far away in the 'other' after life known as the H.F.I.L or just Hell, two Ice-Jins sat on a large boulder watching the fountain in the bloody lake. They watched at some poor demon fell into it being sucked under by its stickiness, and watched as he cried out for help.

They gave no response.

"You know it was your fault." The short white one sneered. "I give all blame to you Cooler. If it wasn't for you stupid plan I wouldn't have had to die---AGAIN, I might add."

"Frieza, shut up." Cooler snapped and got up from the rock walking away. He really had nothing else to say and didn't want to be bothered by his bratty brothers complaints. He got enough of that when they were younger. Another smaller Demon ran by him, and irritated Cooler blasted him into a million pieces. Where the Demon had been a white puffy ball was floating. Then he scurried away just in cause that person wanted to cause him to lose another body also.

Cooler gave a small growl as he took a seat on another boulder.

"It was suppose to be such A Simple Plan."
The end.