This is an idea I had come to me after reading a story on here. Its called Life and its by dmnq8 its rated M just as a warning for those of you who don't like M stories, but I do highly suggest reading that story. Now I thought it would be a cute idea to have Naruto and Sasuke as men in their middle ages with a family and have Naruto tell the story of how he and Sasuke met. This story is rated T to be safe. The characters may be OC but I will try and keep them in character as best I can, also this is an AU.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters. The only things I own are the three non Naruto characters Aiko, Kenjiro, and Daisuke.


Buzzz Buzzz Buzzzz

"I'm coming hold on! Damn that bell is annoying." Naruto grumbled the last part to himself as he shuffled his way to the front door. Upon opening the door Naruto found himself with arms full of a small child that had bounded into him. " Grandpa Naru!" The child screamed latching on to the blond. "Kenjiro! what are you doing here?" The blond man asked slightly squeezing his grandson. "I don't know. Mama, came home from work and said to get ready 'cause we were gonna go somewhere." Kenjiro explained still holding tightly to his grandfather. " Oh ok. Well Grandpa Sasu is in the backyard why don't you go and say hi?" Naruto said smiling widely at the child. "Ok!" Kenjiro exclaimed as he hoped out of Naruto's arms and rushed to the back door.

Meanwhile at the front door stood Aiko Naruto and Sasuke's twenty-eight year old daughter and Kenjiro's mom. She closed the door behind her and walked forward to greet her father. "Hey daddy, how have you been?" Aiko asked as she hugged and kissed her father on the cheek. " I've been good, just been dealing with your grumpy father." Naruto explained rolling his eyes at the mention of Sasuke's attitude. "Oh and why is dad so grumpy?" Aiko asked as she stepped into the kitchen grabbing a glass of water and then sitting at the kitchen table, Naruto following her with his own drink.

"When is he not grumpy?" The blond snorted and continued "He's just more grumpy because yesterday he found his first grey hair." Naruto snickered remember the events of yesterday. God his husband could be so vain. " Not surprising that even at fifty he could still be so vain." Aiko laughed imagining her father freaking out over a measly grey hair.

At this time Sasuke was heading inside with a very happy Kenjiro. "Mama, grandpa Sasu is gonna take me to the park. Is that ok?" The eight year old asked running to his mother with pleading eyes, Sasuke following to hug and kiss his daughter's forehead in greeting. "Of course just don't stay out too late, you still have school tomorrow." She said looking her son in the eyes. "Yay! Let's go!" Kenjiro yelled grabbing Sasuke's hand.

Just before he could be completely pulled out the front door, Sasuke freed his wrist and went about grabbing the things he needed before he headed out. On his way to the front door he walked over to Naruto and gave him a quick kiss and then proceeded to follow his grandson out the door and to the park. Aiko having watched the whole things smiled as she saw the loving look pass on both her fathers faces. She felt quite proud having these two as her fathers, her family.


Well there's the first chapter. I know its short but I just wanted to post something and get some feed back on if I should continue or not. Please leave a review and let me know what you think, also criticism is welcome but please be nice about it.