so yeah this thing hasn't be updated in like 6 months, and it's because i dont like how it's going anymore. i only had vague ideas when i started this but no idea how to connect them, and i still dont exactly but i have a better grasp on them now and I want to start new so im doing a rewrite, which i'll call [this is the end].

so, yeah thanks for liking this abomination of a fic and reviewing for the year it was a thing!

and since there's that pesky rule about no updates that are nothing but an author's note i'll give u guys something from what i have right now. sweet deal for u guys huh?


Kwan's not a doctor by any means. Not by PhD nor by profession in this brave, new world. He's not qualified for anything outside science, like biology and chemistry. That's what he'd been studying anyway. Before, y'know. But.

He's knows something about behaviour, nothing official honestly, but he knows enough. Enough to see the way the man is being eaten up from the inside out.

("Cas," the man says, face a bewildered mix of feral awe and pain, and he looks at each of them in turn. "You all are real, right?"

Kwan blinks, turns slightly toward Sam when she orders Star and Paulina to check the tree line, and then goes for a coat.

I can't decide if him not breaking down into a sobbing mess is a good thing or not, Kwan thinks, and rummages through an unorganized pile of winter gear.)