"Yumi. Yumi, wake up, please."

Yumi could hear someone calling her, but she didn't know who or why. Her head was spinning and all she wanted to do was sleep. And so, she did just that.

"Yumi please, come back to us…Come back to me."

The voice was young and pleading, somewhat familiar to her. But she could not place it. Whoever it was, she wanted him to be quiet. Her head was already killing her and his begging wasn't helping. The pain was simply overwhelming.

"Please, Yumi, I'm begging you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

She frowned, even more confused than before. Light filtered through into her eyes and forced her to squint. She heard a gasp from somewhere up above, startling her.

"She moved! Odd, did you see that?"

Odd? Well, that's quite a strange name. But, why didn't she recognize it? And why was it such a big deal that she was moving? Last time she checked, moving was a normal thing. She was so bewildered. And extremely disoriented. And the ache seemed relentless.

She ignored the voices screaming her name and fell into a deep sleep.

The next time her eyes fluttered open, it wasn't so bright and her head didn't hurt as much. She was still exhausted, but she felt some energy creeping into her veins. The room was dark this time around. It was small and she rested on a bed in the dead center of it. There was a boy, who could pass as a girl considering the excessive amount of purple he was wearing, sitting on a chair in the corner of the room. Beside her was a small table with bottles and needles on it. What caught her eye was the pretty bouquet of white flowers that sat in the middle of the mess. As she woke more of her senses, she recognized the scent of bleach and steel.

She was in a hospital. But…Why?

Quickly, she tried to recall what had happened, but as she attempted to grasp onto whatever memories she had left, they slipped through her fingers like sand. She knew her name was Yumi Ishiyama and that she was a student at Kadic Academy. She knew she came to France from Japan with her family. She knew…

Was that all? It felt like she was forgetting something, something incredibly important. Try as she might, she couldn't put her finger on it and all that thinking was only intensifying her massive headache.

She looked around the room franticly, hoping to find some clues of her life, or what's missing of it. The boy slumped in the corner was fast asleep, snoring comically loud. He was still unfamiliar, but he must be here for a reason. He looked roughly her age, maybe one or two years younger, with blonde and purple hair and his hoodie pulled tight around him. Could he tell her what had happened?

"Hey." She rasped, her voice cracking and stinging her throat. She swallowed a few times, trying to sooth the dryness and tried again. "Hey!" When yelling at him didn't work, she reached for one of the plastic bottles on the table and threw it in his direction.

The bottle met the boy's skull and he jumped up, darting his eyes around the room. When his eyes landed on her, he heaved a sigh of relief and smiled sarcastically at her. "You would wake up after I sent Ulrich away, wouldn't you? But, oh, it's good to see your eyes open and actually conscious."

"Ulrich?" She questioned, the name feeling familiar on her tongue, but it did not spark a memory.

"Yeah, you know, your boyfriend? Well, not really, you two should be dating with all the sexual tension between you." Yumi felt her cheeks warm, but she pushed the feeling down. "He's been worried sick over you! He's been in here every night since, and we had to force him to go back to school and get a decent night's sleep in something other than these stupid chairs."

"I don't…Remember anything. What happened to me? And, who are you and why are you in my room?"

He looked startled by her question, but recovered quickly with a charming smile. "I'm Odd Della Robbia. The doctors said you might have some problems with your memory. So, you really don't remember me?"

"Nope, sorry."

"It's okay. I'm sure it'll come back to you sooner or later. I'm one of your best friends, we're great teammates too! You helped save my tail from Xana once. Well, more than once really, but I stopped keeping track for the sake of my pride."

"Who the hell is Xana and how can I save your tail if you don't have one?" She questioned, her eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "Are you sure you should be in my room and not at a mental asylum?"

Odd shrugged. "I ask myself that sometimes too. Anyway, you will remember one day, hopefully you've only lost your memory up to a certain point where you hadn't met us, I mean me, yet."

Her head began to pound again. "Can you tell me why I'm here? And how long it's been?"

Odd's face grew serious for the first time. "You've been out for a week."

"A week?!" Yumi tried to sit up, but Odd sprang up from his chair to ease her back down.

"Shh, I don't think it's a good idea to get all aggravated over this. You still need a lot of rest." Odd warned, keeping an eye out for any doctors or nurses that may have heard Yumi's outburst.

"A week." She repeated in disbelief. "You need to tell me what happened."

"I don't know. I don't want to upset you."

"I'm going to be upset if you don't tell me. And I can assure you that you won't leave this room until I hear the whole thing, Della Robbia." She threatened.

Odd was worried about how aggressive she was getting, but he was pleased to see the Yumi he knew and reluctantly began to tell her.

"You and Sissi, you know the principal's daughter, were trapped by Xana at a nearby construction site. Do you remember her at all? Because if you don't, you may just be the luckiest person alive."

"I met her my first day at Kadic. She didn't like me then and quite frankly, I didn't care for her much either."

"Things haven't changed then. But, you two did have something in common." Odd stood up, making dramatic sweeping motions with his arms. "You both wanted the love of the great Ulrich Stern!"

Yumi raised an eyebrow, obviously unimpressed.

"Tough crowd today…" Odd took his seat again. "Anyway, you two don't get along at all, but when Xana somehow managed to materialize hornets in school, you were forced to work together to survive. I purposely devirtualized Ulrich so he could assist you in the real world. Aelita and I stayed on Lyoko to deactivate the tower. You and Sissi were chased into a construction site where you hid from the bugs. Ulrich arrived, but he was a bit too late. One of the hornets shot part of a beam down. There was no way of dodging it and you took a pretty big hit to the head."

Odd took a steadying breath. "You were knocked out cold. Ulrich carried you out and Sissi escaped safely with only minor injuries. But you haven't woken up since then. Yumi, we were so worried."

Yumi tried to conjure any memory of what seemed to be a big event, but only succeeded in making her head spin again. "I'm sorry I worried you." She murmured genuinely. "I just don't remember any of it. But, everyone's okay, right?"

"It'll come to you." Odd assured her again. "And yes. Well, Ulrich suffered a few burns and is probably sick with something, not to mention exhausted, but he'll be fine once he sees you're awake and talking again." He winked suggestively.

He kept saying that name like it should be important to her. It frustrated her to realize that it held no meaning at all.

"When will he be here? And the others?"

"He'll be here first thing in the morning before school, I'm sure, though I could go and get him if you like. He's back on campus. It's the middle of the night, but I'm sure he'd love to see you."

"No." Yumi was quick to say, even though she was a little disappointed. She'd hoped she could see him now. Maybe it would jog her memory. "He should rest too. Besides, it must be a real pain to sneak off of campus at this hour."

"You got that right. I was almost caught by Jim on my way here, it's no walk in the park. The others will come by in the afternoon to check on you. Those drawings are from your brother." He nods at the wall to her left, where she hadn't noticed the several papers taped to the wall. There were crayon drawings of what she assumed to be portraits of people passing through her room. Hiroki always had a knack for drawing.

"That's sweet of him." She said softly, feeling the exhaustion beginning to weigh her down.

Odd took the hint. "Go back to sleep. Someone will be here when you wake up again." He took her hand and squeezed it gently. "Goodnight."

Though she fought desperately against it, sleep won the battle that night.

"What do you mean she woke up?! Why didn't you come and get me?!"

Yumi's eyelids fluttered, the exclamation dragging her out of her fitful sleep.

"Sorry, buddy. It was late and even she insisted you get some sleep. Plus, how would I get back onto campus without getting caught? Jim almost got me the first time, no way I could get by the second time around."

"You could've figured something out!"

"She wasn't awake for very long anyway. Just long enough for me to explain to her what happened. But, Ulrich, she doesn't remember us."

Yumi heard a sharp gasp. "What?"

"She remembers who she is and where she is, but her memory stops sometime after she came to Kadic and before she became a Lyoko Warrior."

She heard footsteps as someone started pacing. She assumed it to be that guy Odd was talking about, Ulrich, with how agitated he sounded. She struggled to muster the strength to opens her eyes so she could catch a glimpse of him. There was something about his voice that she knew, and the encouraged her. If she could just see him, maybe her memory would return…

He sighs again, and she can see him run a hand through his brown hair. "Sorry, Odd. I know you're just as worried as I am. I'm sorry I yelled at you.

She blinks and waits for him to turn around, her voice still weak from sleep. Besides, even if she could talk, she didn't know what to say. A simple "hey" didn't seem appropriate and there was something…Different about him, something that made her unable to speak.

After what seems like an eternity of waiting, he finally turns to her.

She takes in his dark eyes, angled face and expressionless lips.

But she doesn't remember him.

He approaches her, his mouth open as if to speak, but nothing comes out. His hand hovers over hers, unlike Odd, as if he was afraid that if he touches her, she'd break.

Then he breathes her name and wraps his fingers around hers.

And then Yumi remembers.

Flashes of shouting, his dark eyes lit with anger and jealousy, her heart pumping pure adrenaline and looking for a fight, the two of them pummeling each other with sharp words, more screaming…More pain.

She pulls her hand back, flinching away from his touch. Her eyes widened at the sudden vision.

"Yumi?" Ulrich asks, his voice full of concern. "What's wrong?"

"I remember you." She whispers. But just as his face relaxes with relief, she hisses the words that crushes all the hope he had held with him.

"Get the hell away from me."