Me:Okay.I admit it.I had a teeny meeny writer's block as suggested by xing414.T.T



Sakura:Syao-kun!How could you be so mean to her!

-fake tears in my eyes-


Sakura:Oh yeah?


~Around two hours later~~Syaoran's POV~

I looked towards my left,at of couse,the cute cherry blossom sleeping cozily on my shoulder looking and cute as ever,I leaned forward our lips were just a milimetre apart….

New chapter!~

"Class we're here!"shouted -breaker.I sighed,woke Sakura up and got up to take out our bags from under our seats.

"Hey Syaoran-kun…"Sakura said,stretching her hands in front of her,also making the off-shoulder off-white sweater she was wearing stretch making the boy next to her blush.

"Let's go,Sakura"

"H-Hai"she said,kind of surprised to see Syaoran leaning into her.

As they walked out of the bus,their eyes widened with surprise as they saw a glass greenhouse,filled with plants and outside there were hundreds and thousands of colourful flowers.

"It's beautiful"Sakura whispered,loud enough for her partner to hear.

"Just like you….."Syaoran said,leaning in to let her chuckled as she turned a vibrant shade of red.

They walked around the park,each hugging their sweaters closer to them so that they won't be tortured by the cold breeze,winter seemed to come a little too fast this found some rare Helleborus,commonly known as winter 's rose white petals moved as it bobbed its bud up and Sakura bent down,to look at the flower yellow anthers were protruding out,just like a halo surrounding the white flower.

"Syaoran,it's so….."

"….beautiful,I is why I brought you here first.I kinda…researched on the whole place yesterday"he said a pink blush taking over his looked at Sakura whose eyes now showed a feeling of gratitude.

"Sakura,I need to talk to you."

"But what about our project…..?"Sakura asked,as she watched Syaoran dig through his bag and bring out a file,having a monotone unreadable face,though he broke into a smile,as he handed it to her.

"This is…?"she said opening the file to see the names of many flowers their photographs and their information.

"You think I researched on the internet for the whole night for nothing but showing you?"he asked in a kind of tone which Sakura found sarcastic and humoured at the same giggled at this.

"Come on now!"he said,dragging her towards a corner of the greenhouse,where surprisingly,no one was present(coincidently,huh-poke-poke- )

"Sakura,I'm sorry.I'm sorry that I ignored you.I'm sorry that I never actually listened out to you.I'm sorry that I didn't return your feelings,I'm sorry that I was so den-"he was cut off by a pair of lips,feeling their softness against could feel tears,which of course were coming out of Sakura's beautiful emerald eyes,now closed.

"Sh…"Sakura hushed him,her lips just milimetres away from the rest of the afternoon was spent by them,in each others arms,surrounded by pink cherry blossom petals and silence was not at all interrogating,but it showed how they could communicate without looked deeply into the other's eyes,drowning in them….


"Magic!Magic!Magic~!"Sakura sang,as she walked along the corridor,with of course no other than Syaoran.

"Sakura…"he said,sighing "Aren't you a bit too excited to see some normal false magic tricks for somebody who has her own magic?"he finished having a kind of a victorious smirk on his face.

"Noooooooooooo~"she said in a sing-song sighed,and then smiled.How did you make me fall for you,Sakura?Even after what I did…

His train of thoughts was broken when he was pulled towards a room,by an auburn-haired girl.

"S-Sakura!"he blushed at the sudden just looked at him in a way which said 'you-didn't-blush-when-we-kissed-and-now?'

They entered through the large oak doors,entering a room which was lined with a red carpeted floor and black walls,thought they didn't remember having such a room,but one might have been made during the renovation.

"Sakura!Li!"they heard a voice,one which was not known to any of turned back from the gothic decorations to look at the blonde.

"Jon-kun?What's wrong with your….voice?"Sakura asked innocently trying to break the glare contest between the two had intertwined fingers with Syaoran,looking at him with hopeful eyes.

"Was sick…"he replied non-chalantly,glaring at their intertwined fingers.

"You guys…..together or something?"he asked faking a sick smile.(Watched Harry Potter? Gilderoy Lockhart's 'so-called-best' smile)

"Um…no..yeah…kind…of….not sure though!"Sakura stutters,looking at Syaoran with longing eyes.

"Li,could you just bring me some papers from Mitzuki-sensei?She's in the teacher's room"

"Um….er…..okay,I guess"Syaoran said looking at their intertwined fingers and took back his hand and brought Sakura into a hug,kissing her forehead."I'll be right back,kay Kura?"Sakura nodded,looking down at his chest.

~After Syaoran left~

"So,you two really together?"Jon questioned,walking towards Sakura,making her back away into the wall.

"Y-Yeah,I guess we just…."she said looking down as her feet.

She suddenly fely two hands ,on each side of her head,trapping saw her temporary paralyzment and smirked.

"You thought I would let go of you so easily?"he whispered in her ear.

"W-What d-do you want….from me and Syaoran?"she asked,her courage building up.

"I don't want anything from Syaoran,just from you…..or should I say,I want you."He said,lowering his head,so his lips were millimeters away from a certain point at Sakura's neck.

"Sakura,I'm a vampire."he said gasped,trying to back away from him.


"Sakura,you know vampires need a mate…"he said in a matter-of-factly gripped Sakura's right arm tightly,

"I didn't find any teachers in the-What…?Get away from her?!"ironic point for Syaoran to come in…

He pulled something out of his backpack,and threw it at the said vampire.

"Garlic,huh?"He asked,specifically looking at the bulb of garlic.

"Vampires don't hate just something writers have made fact we all love garlic,a LOT."He finished,taking a bite out of the raw garlic bulb.

"Ewww….."Sakura grimaced trying to take this opportunity to run upto winced as she felt her ankle twist,just before falling into Syaoran's arms,just to find him grimacing at the sight of the former vampire eating the WHOLE bulb of garlic.

Syaoran reached for his pocket,to find a small amulet given to him,by his mom and threw it at the vampire.

"W-What was that?"Sakura asked,arching her eyebrow,before holding her ankle and almost falling before being caught by her –cough-cough- boyfriend.

"Woah! Careful there!It's an amulet mother gave um….changes the monsters' forms."He lied.

"Oh…"she said,her lips forming an 'O' shaped.

"W-we should get going,'kura."

"Wait…"she stopped him,a scarlet blush taking over her pale face.


"Does this mean we're official now?..."

He nodded,looking behind Sakura,where there was a bulb of garlic,instead of the said vampire.


Yelan stood before her son,handing him an amulet.

"What's this mother?"

"It's an 'll help you fight away vampires and shapeshifters."she explained,calmly.

"Why not use the classic?Garlic?"

"You'll know soon…."

Me:Well,that's the end !PLease review about what you think bout it!