Ramblings: Guess the 'update shortly' didn't quite happen, huh? Well in any case, here's a new chapter for you all, and yes, Kit is Kurama. Or at least the demon Kurama. And yes, Ichigo studios was derived from another manga. It's quite good and I believe it was licensed? Nope, Trowa's not the teacher

Usagi from Sailormoon though she won't be Sailormoon in this story.
Tatsuha from GravitationUsagi's rival is he warming up to her?
Ryuuichi from Gravitationhe's still a singer but obviously younger.
Tokiya from Flame of ReccaUsagi's new *protective* step-brother
Alec from Ayashi no Ceres Usagi's best friend, could he be the cause of the former 'incidents?'
???.... Usagi's older brother.. still a mystery. Making his way to Japan with his best friend.
Aki from Ayashi no Ceres Older brother's best friend.
???... a possessive ghost from ??? Apparently haunting Tokiya for reasons unknown
Hoto from ??? A new girl striving to be Usagi's friend. For some reason she's a bit possessive of the blonde.
Usagi's first love from ??? A bishie stranger in the arcade, that makes Usagi's heart skip a beat. Who is he?
Kit from Yu Yu Hakusho He's a silver fox with golden eyes and very attached to his Rabbit.
??? from ??? A servant of Syaron. If it wasn't for the eyes he'd be a clone of her first love.
Syaron from Card Captor Sakura Obviously rich, and has a grudge against Usagi for 'stealing' his servant
??? from ??? Usagi's new homeroom teacher, or will be eventually.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailormoon or any of the characters I borrowed for this.

A Thousand Loves

Act Five:
Scene One:

After the excitement of the tournament, Usagi was bored. She glanced at Tokiya who had been in an odd detached mood since the event. "Ne" As she gained his attention for a split moment she started to cheer up, only to realize that his attention had once more slipped away. Had she done something to upset him?

Tokiya was a lot more aware of the blonde than even she knew. He watched almost amused as she fidgeted. Why had she been talking with that group? Of all the people in Meiou for her to run in to... they were the most dangerous to be around. He'd have to think of something to protect her in case things went wrong.

Usagi glanced idly at the calendar and sighed. Their parents were even more irresponsible than she was. The small trip had quickly lengthened to a long affair and a small stream of money to take care of the house, started to make its way to the mailbox. Usagi was ready to pout until she realized Kit was watching her.

The silver ball of fluff trotted to his rabbit with a self-satisfied smirk. She wasn't in the best of spirits, and he knew how to change all that. With a canine version of a grin he nudged her hand with his velvet like nose until he had her attention. He pranced playfully at her feet as he darted from her seat towards her room and back again. Finally, Usagi followed the young animal and opened the door to her room.

Tokiya had been ignoring the weird scene when he heard a sharp gasp and sudden laughter coming from the girl's room. More than a bit curious at this point, he cautiously got up from his seat, cracked the door open, and got a peek at what had changed Usagi's mood. His face began to flame as he saw his picture on her computer monitor. How had that image got there?

Usagi glanced down to thank Kit for cheering her up when she noticed him staring at something behind her, puzzled she turned around and began to giggle as she saw Tokiya speechless. It was good to see that he didn't have an answer for everything. "Do you need some help playing that game?" She suggested her eyes twinkling with mirth. "Though I'll only help you if you wear those glasses again," she broke down into giggles at this point and tears of laughter trailed down her cheek.

Tokiya's fist clenched but he remained silent as he saw the girl almost rolling on the ground with laughter. Dimly he was aware that some part of him should appreciate that she had finally got over her boredom, but he found that next to impossible to do when her amusement was at his expense. His eye twitched as she continued laughing, and not wanting to act on his current emotions, he left the room and retreated to his own. How had she gotten that?

Scene Two:
Usagi was still in a happy mood when the doorbell rang. She grinned as she opened it and stared blankly at the lean teenager before her. Hadn't she seen him somewhere before? She studied him closely and tried to remember where she had seen that particular shade of silver hair, besides Tokiya of course. "Anno"

His lips curved into a gentle smile and he bowed his head slightly. "Tsuki, ne? I'm your new manager. You can call me Takuto."

Usagi glanced down at her skirt she was wearing and slowly began to pale. Had she been found out? "Tsuki-Niichan? I'll go get him," she offered with a weak smile before attempting to close the door.

Takuto stopped the door with his palm and stepped into the house past the flustered girl. "I know you're Tsuki, Tsukino Usagi, right? Just get dressed. It's time for you to meet your fellow idol singer and to get some photographs taken."

"Photographs?" Tokiya was still red from the shame of having an even lower score than Usagi in video games, but he managed to try to forget about it as he sized up the new threat. "Why would anyone want photographs of her?"

A faint smile pulled at the other boy's lips. Beside the hair length and a few different facial features they weren't all that different to each other. "I guess you didn't watch her debut, did you? We've had numerous calls all about 'Tsuki'. Everyone wants him to hold a concert, and that is why he's going to team up with the highest rated idol of the moment, Neko."

"Neko?" Usagi pondered over that for a few seconds as she tried to recall if she had seen anything by the oddly named artist. "He's popular?"

"Very," Takuto reassured. His eyes scanned a scowling Tokiya and his lips twitched, "It seems that looks run in the family, you'd make a great idol singer as well." He watched as Usagi rushed upstairs to change and scanned the frowning boy. "You're not immediate family, are you? No, you watch too closely over her for that. So that leads me to the conclusion that"

"Stop." Tokiya was not amused. "Why does she have a manager like you anyway? You can't be any older than I am." His eyes narrowed in contempt. He didn't like the looks of this guy one bit. "How do you know where we live?"

Takuto didn't reply as his keen eyes noticed Usagi coming down the stairs, once again dressed in male garb. "Are you ready?"

"She's not going until you answer all my questions," Tokiya interrupted.

Usagi scowled, "You're not my aniki," she hissed, as a flash of pain clearly expressed in her eyes as the name brought a wave of memories. "I'll make my own decisions, I'm going."

Takuto almost chuckled as the door slammed behind them. The girl didn't even have a clue about how much her words probably hurt the other silver-haired boy. "Get in."

Usagi's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as she numbly stared at the limousine. "In there? I get to ride in there?" A squeal escaped her and as he opened the door she made a dive for the seats, not even aware of Takuto's cautious warning.

"Aren't you a bit old to be diving into cars head first?" questioned an annoyed voice.

Usagi blinked and realized that the seat of the car was either deliciously warm, or that she had landed on someone's lap. With a startled yelp, she leapt back as if she had been scalded with boiling water and stared at the orange-haired teenager. He didn't look happy. "Gomen nasai!" she apologized as she bowed before him. "I wasn't thinking"

Unbeknownst to her, something flashed in the dark red eyes of the one watching her. "It's okay" It didn't sound like he was used to forgiving others. "So, you're Tsuki, right? They call me Neko."

Usagi's eyes widened. "You're Neko?" She shuddered as she realized she would be singing with this stranger. "Um Yes, my name's Tsuki"

"You're getting along great; don't you usually bite off the heads of the younger singers I pair you off with?" Takuto questioned his eyes sparkling with thinly veiled amusement. It seemed that his star was a lot more keen eyed than he had thought. He had easily discerned that the slightly younger boy was in fact a girl. "Or are you planning to wait until the photograph session?"

Usagi would have said something but at this point the car stopped and the older orange-haired youth pulled her out of the car with one arm. As soon as she was in the sunlight he was draping an arm around her shoulder and smiling almost predatorily as the cameras clicked and whirled all around him. Flashes of light nearly blinded Usagi and it was all she could do to attempt a smile. What had she gotten her self into?

"Tsuki-sama! Tsuki-sama!" A small chant rose from the center of the crowd. With effort Usagi forced herself to stare that way. Who were those people? A crowd of females were chanting the name and holding pictures that they had taken, screenshots of when she had debuted. She felt her color rise as she read some of the more risqué signs. "TSUKI-SAMA!!!"

"Overwhelming, ne?" questioned Neko, his calm eyes meeting her bewildered ones. "Wait until you pick up a stalker or two" he noticed sheer terror fill her blue eyes and chuckled as he leaned close to her ear, "Don't worry, as long as I'm around no one will hurt you," he promised before pulling away and once again smiling at the crowds.

Scene Three:
Usagi was positioned at Neko's side for most of the day, and towards the beginning of the evening. She was having first hard experience with the fact that the work looked a lot easier than it actually was. "Are we almost done yet?" She questioned Takuto for the hundredth time that day. Her agent was starting to look worn down and frazzled with her constant questions.

Neko laughed in amusement as he watched Takuto start to short circuit. It was entertaining to watch, and even more so when he realized that the slightly older boy didn't notice it was happening. "Yeah, are we done yet? We need to go out tonight to celebrate our new partnership, ne Tsuki-chan?"

A small group of girls who were close by to the two artists gasped at the affectionate name. Had Neko ever been so close to his co-stars before? One of the stronger girls pushed her way past the tittering nitwits and slapped a palm on the table between the two idols. "Neko-sama, Tsuki-sama, I'm Dakki from Meiou academy's 'Music Scene' I'd like to ask for an interview for our paper."

Usagi would have agreed, she had even opened her mouth to do so, but Neko had frowned at the interruption and leaned towards the hopeful interviewer. "We don't do interviews, or have anything to do with 'that' academy."

Dakki's eyes narrowed and her hand gripping her notebook clenched, releasing several papers from their tedious hold and making them float to the ground. She would not be embarrassed like this, not by these type of people. "Are you sure?" Her voice had a low warning note in it as her eyes scanned the crowd. If things had gone as planned he should have been there

"Problem?" The group milling in front of the two idols vanished instantly as a tall lean figure emerged from its depths and eyed the gathering with a small smirk. "Neko-san, I see you have a new partner" Amused eyes studied the reddening blonde with a faint frown starting to appear. This boy reminded him of someone but who? "I wonder how well you two do while working together?" he noticed Dakki's scowl and almost laughed. Not many could make her displeased. "Dakki-chan, is something wrong?"

Dakki brightened and latched onto his arm as she fluttered her long lush lashes. "Syaron-sama! Neko-san won't let me interview the two of them for our paper; he claims that Meiou isn't good enough for it." She staged a sniffle and loosely grabbed his sleeve as she pretended to whine.

Syaron wasn't a fool; he knew perfectly well that disobeying one of the school's most popular girls, and one of the school's most treasured students, would have repercussions for even someone like him. "I see" He turned his attention back to the two artists and noticed the blonde actually glaring at him. He smiled slightly in response and leaned forward, "Tsuki-san, Neko-san, I wanted to come here today to ask for you two to play at a little party I'm having. I'm sure I could properly pay for your services and time."

Takuto quickly stepped between the two before Neko could answer and smiled dazzlingly at Syaron. "They'd be delighted to answer questions for the paper, they're just tired today from the entire media blitz. Maybe we could arrange another time?"

As Syaron glanced to Dakki the older girl frowned, her expression was clearly that of someone who didn't want to wait. "I promise to be quick, I won't tire them out, and if they feel worn out I'll stop," she vowed as she smiled charmingly at Takuto.

Takuto sighed, he hated the thought of treating Neko and Tsuki like some sort of dolls to be used for money, but he knew this was beyond that. Syaron was dangerous, and even more so was the seemingly innocent Dakki. He knew her type, and he knew her well enough. Besides, Neko might have been an ignorant, arrogant, jerk at times, but he was still a friend, and Takuto wasn't about to let any friend flush their career away. "I see Well we could arrange a mini interview, would that satisfy you, Dakki-san?"

Dakki smiled thinly at Takuto and nodded slightly. This would suffice for now; she was going to be the first to hear from this new pretty boy at Neko's side. Was he truly worthy enough to sing with the greatest star of Japan? This would take some investigating. She rifled through her pages of notes and plucked out the most promising ones. Picking a few out of the many she had compiled would be a tough task, but it was worth it to keep her reputation as one of the most informed reporters out there.

Usagi wanted to groan at this point. From the looks of it she was about to endure a rough interviewing session, and on top of that, the evil person from the tournament was there. She was so mad she couldn't even recall his name. Who cared if he was rich? That gave him no right to control other people's lives! She was about to stand up and yell at him when she noticed a flash of red hair and felt her heart stop.

Amethyst eyes caught sight of a pair of familiar blue and widened. He wasn't fooled; he knew exactly who the young blonde was. He was amazed that Syaron hadn't realized it but knowing Syaron that was probably a good thing. His master was a ruthless person once you got on his bad side, and the girl Usagi had already gotten there. But why was she being labeled as a male artist? The thought intrigued him and he moved closer, only slightly taking notice of her eyes filling with disappointment as she got a peek at his eyes. Why was she so attached to 'him' anyway?

Usagi shifted uncomfortably in her seat and unintentionally caught the sharp ever-seeing eyes of Dakki. The red-headed girl smiled and grabbed the startled Tsuki's hand. "Tsuki-sama! Let's start with you, I was one of the lucky few to see your debut so I know you can sing with Neko-san. But, what do you have to say to all the girls that don't believe you fit in and think you should stop riding Neko's coattails?"

Neko's dark eyes narrowed and he leaned forward completely blocking Dakki's view of his younger partner. "How would everyone know that we've been paired together when it just happened today? Only you know that we're a team, Dakki-san."

Takuto resisted the urge to slap his forehead and groan. Neko was being ultra-protective of the blonde at his side, and he wasn't quite sure why. Neko was usually the type to ignore his partners and focus on his job; he routinely left them to the wolves and never ever stood up for him like he was doing now. The only time Takuto had seem him like this was when he had been dating a certain girl a few years back.

Dakki forced a smile and leaned closer to the suddenly flushing Tsuki. "He's right, I apologizebut the question still remains because a number of fans at the shoot today have been demanding I ask that. So do you feel you'll be taking advantage of Neko's success to make your name known?"

Usagi tried to tear her gaze away from the violet-eyed teen that was studying her so extensively and turn it the ruby-eyed Dakki. "AnnoI'm going to do my best and work hard" Her tone was weak and one could easily tell she wasn't sure if she believed her words or not. She had already discovered just how hard the entertainment industry was.

Dakki seemed to notice the vulnerability and a sly smile crossed her lips. "There are also rumors that you and Neko-san are in a relationship. He's never treated any other artist with the care he treats you with, do you have anything to say to that?"

Usagi squeaked and lowered her eyes as she turned a startlingly shade of red. "WhyWhy would people think that? I just met him today!" her protest earned an even more vicious smile from Dakki. The crowds would lap this up.

"Relationship?" Neko's eyes held a smoky atmosphere as he looped an arm around the startled blonde girl. "I wouldn't describe it quite like that" His voice lowered and he leaned towards a startled Usagi and brushed his lips against her brow. "Any more questions, Dakki-san?"

Scene Four:
Tokiya hung up the phone with a scowl and glanced down at a displeased fox who was fairly scowling at him. A soft chuckle escaped him and he patted the beast on the head. "Don't worry; your owner will be home soon" He let his words trail off as his eyes widened slightly in realization. That was true; Usagi was going to be returning soon. His eyes drifted to the phone and he winced. What if they met up? He was doing all he could to keep their circumstances hidden but What if she was found out? This was going to be close.

Kit did his own version of a huff and curled up by Tokiya's feet. His rabbit had abandoned him. Stolen away by a stranger, and no chance to get her back, he hadn't liked the smell of the guy that had nabbed her. He wouldn't forgive him if he met him again.

As the tiny fox heard a sound his ears pricked up and he turned to the door as it was thrown open and an overly happy Alec bounced in. Disappointment set in and the fox began to growl as the crazy human grabbed hold of him. There was no way he was going to let himself be clad in embarrassing outfits again. Not this fox. He dodged beneath Tokiya for temporary safety and was relieved when the fellow silver-haired creature didn't try to give him up. As much as he cared for his bunny he was fairly positive she would have not only handed him over, but held him still for the fitting.

"Kit!" Alec grinned and started to lean down for the animal when it growled from the safety of Tokiya's legs. "Oh, don't be like that; I got you a new costume!" Alec happily held up his latest creation, a miniature set of a white mask, and a black cape and top hat. "See? Now you can be the brave protector of Sailor V." At the mention of the heroine he paused to glance around. "Hmm? Where is Usagi-chan?" His eyes grew wide and he pinned Tokiya with a helpless gaze. "She abandoned me didn't she?" His eyes began to water as he sniffled at a sweatdropping Tokiya.

As if those words were enough the door was again opened and a spaced out Usagi entered the door being supported by her manager. "I'm home" She tried to untangle herself from Takuto but he had a surprisingly good hold. Why had the photographers gotten a snapshot of that very moment? Tokiya would probably be furious, and Alec would break into tears that she wasn't there. Speaking of Alec "Alec-kun? Why are you here?"

Alec glanced up and started to grin when he noticed the snug grip she seemed to be in with an oddly familiar looking stranger. He shrugged off a small nagging feeling and pouted at Usagi. "Where have you been? You've abandoned me again!" He sighed for effect and held up the small outfit, "and after I took time to make your pet a matching outfit for your Sailor V costume."

Usagi chuckled softly at her friend and finally came out of the shocked dream world she had been in since the interview. "I didn't abandon you, Alec-kun. I went to a photo shoot, and had to do an interview." She seemed to notice Neko and turned a bright red. "This is Neko I guess you could say he's like my tutor for all of this." She glanced around until she spotted Takuto sitting on her couch. How had he gotten in? She didn't remember him even coming out of the limo "And that's Takuto-kun, my manager."

Takuto weakly raised a hand as his mind raced. He was going to have to do damage control. What was Dakki going to do? It was a well known fact, at least to him, that Dakki was one of the biggest fans of Neko and had known he wasn't dating anyone else. She had been after that elusive spot for at least three years by now, the fact that Neko had done 'that' would be hard to defuse. Considering that they had been at a photo shoot with some of the most influential and wide-spread magazines around Takuto groaned. His job had become incredibly tougher in the course of one stupid interview. Neko was going to pay for this; he'd make sure of it.

Kit noticed his prey and his ting fangs were bared. He hadn't forgiven this one. Not for taking his rabbit away, and not for bringing a new threat. He was going to prove to everyone, including that laughing poltergeist, that the rabbit was his! With a soft snarl he leapt at Takuto and managed to snag the boy's shoe.

"Kit!" Alec snatched up the tiny animal and in the midst of a fur-flying, teeth-baring, and furious fox; he managed to somehow tie the miniature black cape about its shoulders. "There," Alec grinned at his achievement and ignored the sharp sensation of sharpened teeth gnawing at his hand, as he proudly showed off his latest design. "See, Usagi-chan? You should have taken Kit with you! Now we just need to get the mask on and get you in the Sailor V outfit, which I've modified for you." His smile grew as he managed to slide the mask on the outraged fox. "Then we take pictures!"

Usagi rolled her eyes at her over enthusiastic friend. "Alec-kun, maybe we should wait until we get to your house before we decide on that?" Her offer was given with a weak hopeful smile. The last thing she needed was to have to prance before Neko and Takuto in 'that' outfit. She'd never hear the end of it.

Tokiya, who was slouching on the couch and almost scowling at Takuto, perked up a bit at this comment and glanced backwards at the troublemaking duo, "you're going somewhere?" the question seemed to hang in the air as it dawned on the other two teens in the room.

"You have another photo op, and you have a modeling gig tomorrow," Takuto was quick to explain as he flipped through her schedule. "So I need the address, phone number, and need to know how many people are at his house," he tilted his pen towards a blinking Alec. "K?" There was no way he was going to let her just run off with a friend with this sort of story looming over them. It seems he had been the only one that had noticed the tabloids following them, only some quick directions to his driver had been enough to keep 'Tsuki's' true identity secret.

"How many people are in my house?" Alec gave a confused smile and shook his head. "I live alone. I have lived alone for the last.three years, I think?" He grinned and set a furious fox down that instantly raced off. "As for all that other information, Usagi-chan has it down somewhere." He shrugged and smiled. "She'll get it for you; I'm going to go make sure she has everything she needs."

Tokiya who had slipped up the stairs and had grabbed a bag, halted Alec on his way up, "I've already got the bag, so you two can just get going, ne?" to be perfectly honest he didn't want her to spend the night with her weird friend if they'd be all alone. But obviously she had been fine with him for this long and anything would be safer than having her here when 'they' came by. He'd do whatever it took to keep her safe for a little bit longer. It would be bad enough her first day.

"That's it." Alec snatched up the bag and practically skipped down the stairs only to pause on the last one as he noticed the one named 'Neko' whispering to a fairly red Usagi. His eyes narrowed and he started to frown before forcing it away and grinning. "Usagi-chan," he called as he looped an arm around her neck and successfully pushed her away from an unhappy Neko. "Are we ready to go?"

Usagi nodded and offered a bright smile to all present. "I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, Tokiya-Niichan," she called as she reached to heft her bag only to have another hand grab it before her. "Takuto-kun?" she questioned, obviously confused about his help.

"We'll give you a ride, ne, Neko?" he eyed his star that was seriously considering bodily harm to a happy oblivious otaku. "I'll leave the outfit you're supposed to go in tomorrow. Don't get it dirty," Takuto warned as he, Neko, Alec, and Usagi exited the house to the sounds of Alec's indignant protests that he get to design 'Tsuki's' outfits.

Scene Five:
Usagi frowned deeply as she rifled through the bag. "Who packed this? Nothing I need is in here at all" She threw the bag down with a scowl and glanced around. Alec had stepped out to go pick up something for them to eat and had left her alone. There was no way she could make do with this! She quickly dialed her phone number and cradled the phone to her ear while she slipped her shoes back on. Her eyes narrowed in annoyance as the phone continued to ring with no one answering it. The nerve

With a tiresome sigh she jotted down a quick note to let Alec know where she was, she had learned early on that the otaku went into a panic state if she vanished without a note. The last time she had forgotten he had posted her picture all over the neighborhood and was petitioning to get her face on the side of a milk carton, not something she wanted to happen again. With a last glance around the house to make sure she didn't forget anything she would need, Usagi locked the door behind her and rushed off to her house.

Kit's ears twitched as a key grated in the door. With a soft 'K~on,' he got to his feet and pawed at the door. He was overjoyed as the door opened and a familiar blonde girl bent down and grinned at him. "K~on!" he yipped in happiness and pounced at her, almost succeeding in knocking her over.

"What do we have here? I believe this sweet fox belongs to you?" A platinum-haired boy knelt down and carefully plucked Kit from his position. "Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Zechs, but if you wish you can call me Milardo." He gently grabbed the still puzzled Usagi's hand and helped her to her feet. "What a soft hand Miss?"

Usagi stared at him unsure of how to respond. Who was this? Why was he in her house? "Anno. Well this is Kit," she hugged the starting to fume fox that was viciously baring his teeth at the odd stranger. "And I'm Tsukino Usagi. Etto Why are you here?"

A soft chuckle and a gentle smile graced his lips as he watched her. "Me? I was invited by a friend, though I'm not sure why you're here?" He eyed the fidgeting blonde for a long moment before his eyes lit up with partial understanding. He had seen her before, in that other room that Tokiya claimed was forbidden to enter. Like that would keep any of them out... The question was why were there pictures of her in there? Who was she to Tokiya? Was she a girlfriend perhaps? "My apologies, that was rather rude of me, in any case, it's a pleasure to meet you. Perhaps we can get together sometime; it'd be nice to properly get to know you."

She smiled warmly in response and relaxed. He must have been a friend of Tokiya's. It was funny, she hadn't even thought that Tokiya had friends. "I'm just here to get a few things out of my room" She noticed his eyes had widened slightly at her words and he was staring at her intensely. She felt her cheeks flame and she took a step backwards. "Anywaynice meeting you."

He caught her before she got a single step away. One hand was loosely loced around her hip. She was so shocked at the action she was frozen and stared numbly at him. At their feet Kit was throwing a fit and desperately trying to knaw through the expensive shoes that this stranger wore. "You live here?" his voice was almost a purr in her ears.

Usagi colored even more and nearly yelped as she felt something hot and moist tickle her ear. What was he doing to her? She pulled away with a glare and started to throw things at him when she noticed his completely innocent and questioning expression. Maybe he had only accidently nibbled on her ear when he had been speaking to her? It was possible wasn't it? He didn't look like a pervert

Kit was outraged. No one had dared to do such a thing to his Rabbit before! With a soft warcry he leapt at the pantleg of the boy and finally managd to sink his needle sharp teeth into flesh. He heard an annoyed grumble before he was picked up by the back of his neck and handed to his mistress once again. He bared his teeth in warning but was otherwise ignored.

Usagi used Kit's fury as an excuse and politely excused herself as she cuddled the tiny fox and hurried off to her room to gather her things. That had scared her, but considering that he had looked so puzzled afterward It just had to have been a mistake. She was positive if she had confronted him on it he would have apologized to her and that would have been that. With a final shudder she entered her room and packed a new bag. She just hoped she'd be finished and back to Alec's house by the time he returned. She didn't want to make him worry even more so than usual.

Scene Six:
The suffocating crowd was grating on his nerves. All around horns honked impatiently mingling the mindless chatter of tourist groups walking past. Barkers hocked their wares, eyes eagle sharp for the next witless chump. Citizens rushed to and fro, casting annoyed or amused looks towards the hapless lost traveler. He glanced down at his hand. The crumpled corners of bills poking out of his clutched fist.

Seventy-five euros.

Roughly 10,000 yen. 51 pounds. 86 US dollars.

Chump change.

This little money wasn't even a fraction of the amount, they needed to return to Japan. Barely enough for a decent hotel, if he dared to waste it on frivolous comfort. He cursed, as Aki calmly filched an apple from a street cart. He glared at his best friend. Now he knew which stomach most of his school lunch wounded in up.

"Want one? They're free," Aki offered cheekily.

"I hope you get food poisoning."

"Hmph...At least I'm not 'wasting' money on unimportant things like food."

"Shut up." Wasting money wasn't even an option.

He needed to get back to Tokyo, before some wolf in sheep clothing captured his Usagi in their evil clutches. There was no man alive he would trust to cherish, protect and love Usagi. There was no man alive, he would allow to touch Usagi. No one.

They were born together for a reason.

That reason was and always would be, to protect Usagi. His heart.

Lost in his thoughts, he almost missed the bright sunlight reflecting off a tiny gold surface. The object laid on a cushion of simmering blue silk. Tiny and dainty, obviously crafted especially for a lady. It was lackluster in appearance, yet it held an aloof, elegance. As if someone had breathed life into the precious metal. No carvings of the ancient Celtics, flourishes of the Italian craftsmen, or cheap replicas tarnished the unblemished gold.

"Beautiful ring, is it not?" A light voice, questioned politely.

He ignored the shop keeper.

The shop keeper smiled mysteriously. "Would you like to see the inscription?"

He said nothing, vaguely wondering when Aki was? Hadn't the other blonde been just behind him?

"It would fit her perfectly." He glared causing the shop keeper to chuckle lightly, catching the withering question in the young man's blue eyes. "I know many things, that will always remain my secrets." The blue silk draped across his hand and arms, the ring gleaming in sunlight. "It was made for her. Can you not, is see it?"

A vivid image of the strange ring, adorning Usagi's finger, burned deep in his mind. Her smiling face beaming up at him as he kissed the skin of her knuckles. For how many decades had a simple ring bound two lovers together? That was what he wanted...

To be bound to Usagi. Forever.

"All I refuse, Thy I choose."(*) The shop keeper murmured, softly. He tilted the ring, allowing the sun rays, to hint at the inscription on the band.

"How much?"

"Hey, baka! What are you doing?" His eyes narrowed at the sight of a half eaten apple being angrily waved in his face. He glowered at Aki, why was he cursed? No money, wrong city, stuck with Aki, and no Usagi. "You can't get that! Does it look like we have the money for it? To get money, we need jobs! I'm no-"

Jobs? He hadn't even thought of that. Jobs equal money. Money equaled the currency to get out of this rat hole and home to Usagi. Money meant the chance to acquire Usagi's ring.

"Jobs?" The shop keeper, asked cheerfully. His tone no longer mysterious and haunting. "Is that all? I have a friend who needs some able bodied workers." He rummaged though a drawer looking for his friend's business card.

"I don't work. I get others to work for me." Aki replied annoyed, glancing at the ring. "It's probably fake."

"Hn...Do you want to eat? Then you work."

Aki glared at his best friend, as he snatched the offered business card. "I'm beginning to think you were some power hungry shogun in a past life."

"Young man?"

He looked up, warily. "Do you really want this ring? Not only is it priceless..."


The shop keeper continued as if uninterrupted. "Some says it's magic."

"Magic?" Aki snorted.

"Shut up, Aki!"

"You shut up! You just took a job at-" Aki looked down to read the business card. He watched vaguely amused as Aki's faced turned several different shades of red. "There is no way in hell I'm working at-"

Scene Seven
"Welcome to the Storybook Day Care." A grouchy long haired blonde stated, as children squealed at her feet. "Let us take your children in Wonderland while you, parents, roam one of the most beautiful cities in the world."

"Mommy! Daddy! Mommy! Look! It's Alice! She's prettier than the one in Disneyland." 'Alice's' eye twitched, at the child's excitement rambling.

"Yes, she is." The mother stated indulgently, while the father eyed 'Alice' suspiciously.

"Hmm...You know pumpkin," The father mumbled, "Daddy has to wonder why Alice has an Adam's apple?" His wife elbowed him, harshly. The little girl just blinked innocently.

Aki's eye twitched and his legs itched. Stupid pantyhose.

"Look! It's the White Rabbit!!!"

Aki turned around, and suddenly crossdressing wasn't so bad. It sure beat a fuzzy bunny outfit.

Blue eyes glared at the children surrounding him, dancing. All singing "I'm late! I'm late!"

"One word and die."

Aki looked thoughtful for a moment, before glancing down the hyper anklebiters. "Who wants a picture with Mr. Rabbit?!"

A murderous look glazed over his blue eyes. Eager little hands shot up as a few parent who had yet to ditch their children, dug for their cameras.

'Alice' beamed a wicked smirk at 'Mr. Rabbit.' "That was six words."

Camera flashes blinded the group of children as a beloved children's classic took a violent turn.


(*)Taken from LJ Smith's "Forbidden Game" trilogy.