We had all been back at the island for almost a week now and all the other riders and dragons were back and it wasn't long before the classes were all back on track.

Sadly, I never got a chance to see Amethi again. The three or four times I tried to see her during my time after classes she had been busy with her own stuff.

On my first free day, when I woke up it was to someone knocking on my door. I stood up and went to the door and opened it to find a dwarf there.

"May I help you?" I asked him.

"Eragon would like to see you." The dwarf said to me. "The dragon Amethi will be there as well. Eragon expects you in his office within ten minutes. I shall be waiting outside until you are ready." Then the dwarf went to the road and waited.

I went back into my room and closed the door. I bathed and shaved with a quick spell and then I got dressed, strapped my sword on and then slipped on my boots and left my room. I went to the dwarf and said "Lead the way. He nodded and then he started walking. After about five minutes arrived at a large building.

The dwarf led me inside and then we went straight down a large corridor and took several turns until we reached a simple wooden door. The dwarf opened the door and then stepped aside. I walked into the room and then the dwarf closed the door. I looked around the office and saw that it was the same one that I saw when I contacted Eragon, but this time there was also a wooden chair in front of Eragon's desk.

Eragon was behind his desk writing on some paper. I looked around and saw that to the left of the door was the mirror that I had contacted and to the right was a large window that a dragon's head could easily fit through.

I was about to get Eragon's attention, but then two loud thuds could be heard from near the window I turned and looked and saw Amethi and a black dragon outside. The black dragon flew away after a minute or so and then Amethi walked up to the window and put her head through it.

I went over to her and opened my mind to her. We connected our minds and then I held a hand against her snout. Amethi smiled at me and said It is very good to see you once more, Josh. How have you been?

I've been very good. How about you? How are you enjoying your time here?

It has been very fun. I've been learning a lot from the other wild dragons. It is very nice to once again be near my own kind.

That is very good to hear. Have you started taking your regular classes?

Amethi slightly shook her large head and then she said I'm still just getting just some lessons from random dragons every once and a while.

When do you think that you will start taking your classes? I asked the purple dragon.

I was told that I will be starting them tomorrow.

Good, you are going to be amazing in those classes. So far, there has been no dragon that could outfly Blugun but now there is someone who can fly circles around him. I also saw how well you hunt. You flow between the trees like water flowing between rocks. You are going to excel with your classes.

I felt the happiness that filled her mind as well as her pride. Thank you, Josh.

You are very welcome. I said to Amethi.

Eragon cleared his throat and then Amethi and I looked over at him. He was still sitting in his chair.

"Josh, please have a seat." Eragon said as he gestured to the chair in front of the desk.

I sat down and said "If this is about no doing as I was told, I apologize." I looked Eragon in the eyes and then I said "There was no way that I was going to let Amethi die in that desert. I truly do apologize for not doing as I was told, but I wouldn't take back a single thing I did for anything."

Eragon nodded, let out a long breath, and then he smiled. "That was exactly what I was wanting to hear."

I was silent for a few seconds and then I said "What?"

Eragon stood up and walked around his desk to Amethi. He held a hand against Amethi's cheek. "What you did was truly selfless. You were willing to risk not only your status as a rider, but also your life to save someone who was in a truly difficult place to reach." Eragon came over to me and said "Josh, you are truly the one that we have been looking for."

"You were looking for me?" I asked him.

"Yes. You see, back when the elves and I all first came here and started to rebuild the island we found a strange room, one that nobody knew was there. There wasn't some spell keeping the information from everybody's minds, nobody knew that the room was there." Eragon told me. "Inside the room there was a large amount of strange objects. A large number of weapons, several of them we had previously thought to be destroyed, a large number of scrolls covered in the ancient language, and a history of this island all put into one very thick book."

There was a knock at the door and then Eragon said "You may enter." The doors opened and an Urgal came in, carrying a metal box. He set the box on the desk and then he spoke in his strange language to Eragon and then Eragon responded in the same language. The Urgal left and then Eragon used a strange spell, one that was in my head one second and then gone the next.

The metal box opened on a delicate looking pair of hinges. The entire box looked weak but I could still tell that there was a large number of powerful spells imbued in the box.

Out of the box, Eragon pulled out a huge book bound in soft brown leather. On the front was 'History of Vroengard' pressed into the leather and was lined in gold.

"This book was found hidden in the back of the room. It was cloaked in countless spells that made it almost impossible to find. Not only was it hidden within the wall, it also had spells around it that nobody, not even our most powerful spell-caster could unravel. I ended up having to use something very special that I had learned long ago. After we got the book out of the wall, we took off the rest of the spells that had protected the book. Then, we started to read."

"What we read in this book was both amazing, and shocking." Eragon said to me. "We found a prophesy near the end of the book. It spoke of a young man, a guy with a strange appendage as well as a strange mental connection." Eragon opened the book to a page that was completely blank.

Eragon uttered a spell and then words started to appear on the page.

Eragon handed me the book and said to me "Read, and then you will understand."

I nodded and then looked down at the book.

At the top of the page, in the ancient language was written the words 'the Call for the Dark' and then there was a word that I didn't know. I pointed it out to Eragon and then he said to me "That word roughly means a warrior holy-man. It used to be a rank in a fighting guild that had been going on before the attack on Vroengard. If you were giver this title, then that meant that you were not only a gifted fighter, but also a man that was close to who they believed to be the one that created it all."

I nodded, absorbing all that he said. I looked back down to the book and continued to read. I had a pretty good vocabulary in the ancient language but there was quite a few strange words in the prophesy.

Roughly translated, it said

There will come a day when a rider will come.

A rider with an arm and a dragon of the night.

He will come and fight the evil that will oppose you.

The enemy will come from beneath you,

From beneath the place that you think is the safest.

The rider will look for a lost gem within the sand,

And then return with it and fight till the end of the battle.

Then there will be two more gems that will come to help,

Both like the first but also much different.

The words stopped there. I looked up to Eragon and asked him "Why does it just end like that?"

Eragon scratched his chin and then he said "For some reason we can never uncover the rest of the prophesy, not without destroying the entire book in the process."

I nodded and then asked him "You think that this is me?"

Eragon nodded and then he pointed to my right arm and quoted the prophesy. "A rider will come with an arm and a dragon of the night. Your arm is blacker than night and Blugun blends in the night sky, that is why he hunts best at night. The animals see him and think that his scales are the sky and his horns and claws are the stars."

"That was what first made me think that it was you who was in the prophesy so I told Selena to give you, Mando and Claire the scrolls about Amethi, the cave and the creature, and the elf that had found her." Eragon told me. "In this book there is a statement from the elf that had found Amethi, it says that when he had touched Amethi and felt her mind connect with his, he had learned about her life and her name. He also learned about where Amethi had come from."

Eragon pulled a map out of his desk and then unrolled it. He pointed out in what appeared to be open water in the sea. "Right here, there is a small island with an underground labyrinth. In the center of the maze was a forest and in the center of the forest was countless dragon skeletons as well as elf skeletons. In there, there was quite a few dragon nests, and all of them had broken eggs in them. I found the nest that had Amethi's egg in it, and around her egg was two more eggs, both un-broken and un-hatched." Eragon reached into his desk again and pulled out three shards, each of a different color.

"This piece of shell," Eragon said pulling out the amethyst colored egg shell, "Belongs to you." Eragon set the egg shell close to Amethi and she sniffed it. "This shell belongs to your brother." Eragon said as he pulled out a topaz colored shell and set it next to the amethyst one. "And then this last one belongs to your sister." Eragon said as he set a piece of ice blue shell down. "The gem that this egg represents is a very rare and beautiful gem called an ice sapphire. In all of my years, I have only ever found three pieces of this gem."

"Surprisingly, the ice sapphire dragon was enchanted to hatch for a rider which is very unusual because that enchantment didn't come into being until after the dragon and elf war was over. We of the council suspect that someone here on Vroengard tampered with her egg, but I think that it was for the better. Having a dragon related to you and being bonded to a rider is a great honor." Eragon told Amethi. "Your sister hatched for a girl named Katrina Stronghammer, a direct descendant of Roran Stronghammer. She will be a great rider. She was here on a surprise visit with her great uncle who I am very good friends with. Katrina named your sister Glacia, the ancient language word for ice. Your brother's name, I still haven't figured it out. Would you like to name him?" Eragon asked Amethi.

Since he is the topaz dragon, how about Zaptho, the ancient language term for topaz? Amethi asked Eragon.

"That is a very good name. Would you like to see Zaptho? We have him in the hatchery where we keep all the un-hatched and recently hatched dragons." Eragon asked her.

I would like that very much. Where is my sister, Glacia? I would like to see her as well.

"Glacia is with her rider back in Alagaesia. It is customary for each new rider to first be tutored by another rider that has been posted there." Eragon then said to Amethi "Jason was first tutored by a rider named Septimus, if there had been any other hatchings then the new rider and dragon would have also studied under Septimus. For all new riders, they must pass a series of tests and then when the teacher has dubbed them ready, the new rider and dragon make their way here to Vroengard for their advanced level of training."

Oh, so I have to go to Alagaesia in order to see my sister. Will she be visiting Vroengard sometime between her time training under their first teacher and the time where she must leave home and come here?

"Yes, she has often visited here and I have no doubt that she will visit soon." Eragon said to Amethi. Eragon's face went blank for a few seconds and then he focused on Amethi again said to her "I've just sent for your brother. He should be here in a few minutes."

Thank you, Ebrithil.

"You're welcome Amethi." Eragon went back to his desk and then picked up the paper he had been writing on. He inspected it and then set it back down and wrote a few more words down. Then with a flourish Eragon signed the paper and used a ring on his hand to make an impression on the paper. After a small spell, the wet ink dried on the paper and then Eragon wrapped it up in a tough looking material and tied it with a ribbon.

Eragon wrote a name on the paper and then used the same spell as before and dried the ink and then he handed it to me. "That is a letter to Septimus. I require his assistance and I can't get a hold of him. I want you and Amethi to deliver that letter to Septimus as fast as you can."

I looked down at the wrapped letter and then I asked Eragon "But what about Blugun?"

"I know how you feel about having to ride another dragon other than your own, but I need this letter delivered as fast as possible and I have watched Amethi practicing with the other wild dragons. You are incredibly fast Amethi and what I need right now is speed. Will you please fly with Josh to help him to get this letter to Septimus?"

Yes, Ebrithil. It shall be done. Amethi said to Eragon with a nod from her large head.

"There is still the problem with Blugun. What will I say to him about this?" I asked Eragon.

"Just tell him that I need this letter delivered as soon as possible and that I need you and Amethi to fly together because you are one of my best riders and Amethi is quite possibly the fastest dragon." Eragon told me. "If you two fly fast then it should take around a week to get there and back with one full day to spend with your teacher and your mother."

"Blugun has been really wanting to go home for a visit. How can I possibly tell him that I'm going home and he isn't?" I asked Eragon.

"I don't know Josh. Blugun is fast, but he's not fast enough. Riding him will make this delivery take longer." Eragon placed both of his hands on my shoulders and then he looked into my eyes and said "Please josh, you must understand that riding your dragon is simply not going to work for this mission. I know how terrible it is to have to ride another dragon and then having to spend a long time away from your dragon. About two hundred years ago I had to spend nearly a year here while Saphira was in Alagaesia."

"We faced the same problem that you are now and I saw that my work here would prevent me from ever returning to my home in Alagaesia." Eragon said to me. I couldn't imagine spending so long away from Blugun. "It was terrible being away from Saphira for so long but I pulled through and Saphira returned unscathed. I really hope that Blugun will see that this must be done."

"As do I." I said to Eragon with a sigh. "So when do we leave?"

"As soon as you can. I have a saddle already made for Amethi. I have also had some armor made for her. To help keep her fast, the armor is lightweight metal, forged using the elven method. It has several enchantments on it that make it stronger without adding weight as well as several other simple wards. The armor and the saddle should both be by the front door."

Someone knocked on the door and Eragon told them to enter. An elven maiden brought in the little orange dragon that I had seen when I had contacted Eragon. Zaptho was looking a like he had just been woken up.

The elf set down Zaptho near Amethi and then took several steps back. Amethi sniffed the baby dragon and then Zaptho squealed in happiness as Amethi nuzzled him with her snout. Watching the siblings play together made my heart swell with not only happiness, but also a small flare of sadness. I had always wanted a sibling and that was kind of what Blugun had become, he became like a brother to me but what I had always wanted was a brother that was human as well.

Zaptho started climbing on Amethi like she was some sort of tree to climb. It was adorable to watch them play. I heard the ancient language being muttered and then I looked over to its source and saw Eragon holding a piece of perfectly squared slate. On the front of it there was color flowing over it, Eragon was making a fairth.

When the fairth was finished, it showed Amethi smiling and looking down at a playing Zaptho, all against a background of almost black, slightly silver around the edges of both dragons. Eragon showed me the fairth and then he showed Amethi the fairth. I could feel from Amethi's mind that she really liked the fairth.

"You may have this as a gift from me. I shall have a frame made and then it will be taken to your cave. It shall be there before you leave to deliver the letter." Eragon said to Amethi as he gave the fairth to the elf who took it and left. Amethi nodded and then went back to playing with her brother.

"Josh, Zaptho needs to learn about the world outside so I would like for you and Amethi to take him with you as well. He is still very small so he can just ride on your shoulder during the trip. Keep an eye on him, he likes to wander."

"Yes, Ebrithil." This was going to make it a lot harder to explain to Blugun but I dared not refuse Eragon. "Shall I take him with me for the night or shall he stay here until Amethi and I leave tomorrow?"

"I shall keep him here and then before you leave I shall bring him to you." Eragon said to me.

"Yes, Ebrithil."

"You two had better get to sleep, you have a long trip ahead of you. You may go to breakfast early, an hour before the regular time. That is when all the other riders and dragons that have missions go for breakfast. Farewell." I stood up from my seat and Amethi licked Zaptho and then we both left through the window, leaving a baby dragon watching us from the open window.

Amethi flew to the front of the building and sitting a little ways from the front door was an orderly pile of dragon armor and near that was a lightweight black leather saddle. A passing human rider helped me to get Amethi's armor and saddle on. I thanked her and then Amethi took off in front of the building.

Amethi dropped me off at my building and then she went to her cave. I went inside and found Blugun still sleeping. I went over to my closet and pulled out one of my saddle bags. I grabbed several tunics, a jerkin and then several pairs of pants. I put it all into the leather saddle bag and then I got out some basic supplies like a map of Alagaesia, a compass, a bag of coins and several other simple things. I put everything into the saddles bag and then I set the bag near the door and before I could climb back into bed, I felt Amethi's mind calling out to me.

I went outside and waited for a few seconds until she landed near me.

I need your help to get the armor and the saddle off. Amethi said to me.

Sorry about that. I said to Amethi. I went over to Blugun's door and opened it. Amethi went in, making sure to be quiet because of the sleeping dragon. I took off all of Amethi's armor and then I took off her saddle and then I piled it next to Blugun's armor and saddle.

Thank you. Amethi said to me.

You're welcome. I said to Amethi. I shall see you tomorrow, farewell.

Farewell, Josh. Amethi left the room and then I closed the door and climbed into bed and quickly went to sleep.

I was awoken by Manny for lunch and then we went and ate with our dragons, during which I had a long mental conversation with Blugun. Thankfully Blugun understood the importance of the delivery and he said that he didn't mind that I was riding Amethi instead of him. But he was still greatly disappointed that he couldn't see Septimus and Mom. I also talked to Manny and Claire about what I had been told to do. They were both thrilled that Amethi and I being trusted with such an important task.

After lunch, Blugun and I spent as much time as we could together. We even went out and hunted together for dinner. I cooked up a delicious stew and then the two of us ate it. Obviously Blugun needed more food so I also hunted down another deer and then I quick cooked it with magic and seasoned the meat to perfection. Blugun ate the deer slowly, savoring the meat.

After words, we flew for a while longer and then we descended into a clearing and lied down together for an hour or so and then before we went back to the building I gathered up a large amount of energy into my ring from the surrounding trees and then we went back to our room and we both slept in his bed.

I awoke to the sound of someone knocking on my door. I sent out my mind and saw that it was Amethi. I stood up and stretched, then I went and opened the large door for her. She walked in and then settled down near Blugun.

Good morning, Josh. Are you ready for our mission? Amethi asked me.

Yes, and thankfully Blugun understood how important it is that we get to Septimus as fast as we can. I said to Amethi. I looked outside the still open door and checked the position of the sun and saw that it was about an hour until regular breakfast began. You ready for breakfast? Amethi nodded and then I went and grabbed a tunic and put it on as well as my boots. We then left and went to breakfast.

In my eating hall there was a large number of other riders, all looked much older than I. some seemed skeptical about why I was in here, und some just stared at me and my arm. Again I started to feel self-conscious about my arm. I ignored the feeling and walked with my chest out and my shoulders squared.

I got some food from the tables and then I went to an empty table and ate quickly and then I left the building. I waited for a few more minutes until Amethi was done eating and then she flew down to where I was. Then the two of us walked back to my room.

We went inside and then I started getting Amethi's armor and saddle on. When there was still a few more straps left on the saddle that I still had to buckle, someone knocked on my door. I sent my mind out and saw who it was then I went over to the door and opened it for Eragon, who was carrying a sleeping Zaptho.

Eragon was also carrying a small sack. He set Zaptho on my bed and then handed me the bag he was carrying.

"That bag has some special hatchling food in it. Give a handful to Zaptho during breakfast and again during dinner with his regular food. I have already fed him breakfast so today you only need to worry about his dinner." Eragon told me. "In the past week I have noticed that he was slightly weak so I made this special food to help him. So far, I think that it is working."

"Yes, Ebrithil." I told him.

I felt from my mind that Blugun had woken up. I heard him yawn and then I went over to him and rubbed his head. I shall be leaving soon, Blugun. Farewell my friend, be safe and be strong.

Farewell Josh, I hope you have a safe journey. Give Mother and Septimus what I have given you. Blugun nudged me with his nose and then I hugged his large head and sighed.

I released Blugun and then went back to Amethi and finished the straps on her saddle. Then I went to the bed and picked up Zaptho. I brought him over to Blugun and Blugun sniffed him.

He smells like Amethi. Are they related? Blugun asked me.

Yes, his name is Zaptho, he is Amethi's brother. Amethi also has a sister named Glacia and she is bonded with a trainer. They are in Alagaesia right now taking their beginning classes. I told Blugun.

He is weak. Blugun said to me.

I nodded and then pointed out the sack that Eragon had given me. That bag contains some special food for Zaptho. It should help him to grow stronger.

That is good to hear. I shall see you in a week.

Yes, I shall see you in a week. I stood up from my crouch near Blugun and then picked up Zaptho and carried him closer to Amethi. I set him down next to her and then I picked up my saddlebag and strapped it onto Amethi, as well as the bag of food for Zaptho.

"Josh, Amethi, good luck to you two. Take good care of Zaptho. Have a safe journey, farewell." Then Eragon left the room. I went to where I had my armor and put it all on and then I grabbed my sword from where it was leaning against the wall.

I strapped my sword to the saddle and then I picked up Zaptho and climbed into Amethi's saddle. I looked down at Blugun and then continued to watch him as Amethi left the room.

Amethi had some troubles at first, but then she managed to close the door with her tail. Amethi flapped her wings hard, the sudden motion waking up Zaptho. Then Amethi started to climb high into the air and before long she was soaring over the trees and buildings.

The recently awoken hatchling in my lap loved the breeze that was blowing around us. Zaptho had his neck stretched as far as it could go and he had his wings stretched out. I held a hand against his back to hold him down and prevent the wind from blowing him away from Amethi and I.

The three of us were soon over the sea and on our way to Alagaesia.

It was quite some time later that Amethi was flying over solid land once more. Amethi didn't stop though and continued flying until she reached Carvahall. Amethi rested in one of the rooms while I went out and got food for the three of us.

I came back holding a deer on my shoulders. I dropped it in front of Amethi and Zaptho and then I went to go and get the other one that I had killed. When I came back the first one was gone, no trace of it was left except for a few small blood spots on the ground.

Out of this deer, I took off a section for myself. I cooked it with magic and then seasoned it. I ate slowly and then once I was done and Amethi was fully rested, we left the room and Amethi began to fly once more.

Our flight to my home town was short, though it felt long. When we were finally able to see the edge of the city, I felt overjoyed. Amethi and Zaptho shared my joy. As we flew slowly over the town, I pointed out what building was what in the small town. Once that was done, Amethi flew to a nearby cliff and landed on it. I jumped off and inspected the house that I had come to know as my first master's home.

It was grown out of the trees that filled the area. Four large oaks made his home, and it was surrounding my roses that he had magically altered. During the day they were a bright golden color and during the night they were a few shades of blue lighter than Blugun's scales.

I felt an old and familiar mind touch mine and I opened myself up to the mind and let it in. Seconds later the door to the wooden home was flung open and a tall human with wavy blond hair and gentle green eyes that shone with excitement. Septimus wore a light brown traveling cloak, a white tunic and a pair of brown cotton pants. He had one boot on and he held the other in his hand.

Septimus came over to me and picked me up with his outstanding strength and then gave me a hug.

"I was so worried about you Josh." Septimus said to me. "I got a message more than a month ago that you and Blugun were supposed to return here but you never came. I got so worried and so I left here and went out looking for you two but I couldn't find you. I just got back from looking for you to replenish some of my supplies and see if Eragon had heard anything about you."

"Ebrithil, Blugun and I are fine." I said to Septimus. "We both had to find someone here in Alagaesia before it was to late. We went with our friends and we found her, we found her just in time and if we had been just a few minutes to late then she would have died." I said to Septimus. "We apologize for making you worry, but we couldn't risk anybody knowing that we weren't going where we were supposed to; there was a high possibility of us being taken here if we were found out so we didn't tell anybody. We truly are sorry, but we will never take back a single thing that we had done no matter what."

Septimus laid his hand on my shoulder and said "I'm so proud of you, my apprentice. You and Blugun risked everything to save someone. That is truly a selfless act and you deserve whatever praise you get. Tell me, Josh, who is it that you and Blugun saved and where is Blugun? Plus, who is this lovely dragon and the little one on her head?"

"Her name is Amethi, and the little dragon's name is Zaptho. They are brother and sister." I said to Septimus. "Blugun had to stay back on the island because Eragon needed me to deliver this letter to you as fast as I could and Amethi was the fastest dragon on the island." I pulled the letter out of my saddle bag and then I handed it to Septimus.

Septimus opened it and began reading. The farther down the paper Septimus got, the more he looked worried. Then he got to the end and read the last few lines and his eyes widened in shock.

"Josh, will you please remove your cloak and jerkin and let me look at your arm?" Septimus asked me. Something in his voice scared me as he asked me. I had never seen him scared or worried about anything. I removed my cloak and then took off my jerkin, left arm first, and then my right.

I took off my left glove and then my right and raised my right arm for Septimus to see. I saw a spark of fear shine in Septimus's eyes and then he asked me "Is Amethi the one who you found and did you find her in the sand?"

I nodded.

Septimus took a deep breath and then he asked me "Does Amethi have another sibling?"

Again I nodded. "Her name is Glacia; she is the color of an ice sapphire."

Septimus nodded and then he said to us "You three must be very hungry. Wait here while prepare something to eat." Septimus was gone in his tent before I had time to react.

He returned less than a minute later carrying a bowl of fruits and a pitcher of what I was guessing to be some kind of fruit juice. "Gunder, my dragon, should be returning with some deer soon. Do not be frightened by him, he will not harm you. He will land here in a minute or so, just go ahead and relax until he comes. My pupil and I have much to speak of."

I followed Septimus as his long legs carried him away from me. It wasn't long before we reached an empty spot on the cliff that held a small table and two chairs. Septimus sat down and then I did the same. Septimus pulled out two clay mugs from within his cloak and then he poured the red liquid from the pitcher into the mugs.

Septimus handed a mug to me and then I held it up to my mouth to drink. It smelled strange so I cast a spell on it and saw that Septimus had slipped one of his practice poisons in the drink. The poison did nothing more than give you a headache for several minutes.

I cast the spell that Septimus had taught me for poisoned food and drinks and then I drank the juice, but was surprised to find that it was wine.

"You trust me with wine?" I asked Septimus.

Septimus smiled at me and said "Yes, I do. After all you have been through I think you deserve it."

"Thank you, Ebrithil." I said to Septimus. I took another sip of the red wine and then I set my mug down and asked Septimus "What was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

Septimus took another drink from his wine and then he turned to me and said "We need to talk about something that was started long ago. Before even the elves started fighting the dragons." Septimus sighed and set down his mug after a long drink from it. Again he reached into his cloak and this time he pulled out a book.

It was slightly thick and bound in thick black leather. The front cover of the book held a piece of thin marble and on the marble was a fairth. The fairth was of an oddly shaped speck of green that slightly resembled a crescent moon with the two points facing down. Near the top of the fairth was a large purple gem, in the bottom left corner was a slightly smaller icy blue gem and then in the bottom right was a small orange gem. Above the fairth were words that I didn't recognize and they were pressed into the leather. The edge of the covers of the book was covered in silver metal.

"This book was found long ago on Vroengard. It was in the same room as the one that Eragon showed you." Septimus told me.

"How did you know that Eragon showed me a book? I asked Septimus.

"It was in his letter." Septimus told me. "This book, had far more enchantments and wards on it than anything else in the room." Septimus opened the book with a creaking sound and then on the front page was even more weird words that I didn't know. "We had originally thought that this was written in code, but it is actually written in a whole other language. We believe it to be the language that has long since been forgotten. But, thanks to this book I found two hundred years ago in some old ruins in the Hadarac desert I was able to start translating this book right here." Septimus said as he patted the cover of the book. "I started with the title and found out that this book hold much more than I had originally thought."

Septimus closed the book and then held a finger against the first word on the cover and then moved his hand to the right as he read the title. "Uan Sheil ir wre Reacun."

"What does that mean?" I asked him with fear in my voice.

Septimus looked up from the book and at me. What I saw in his eyes made a shiver run down my spine. "Uan Sheil ir wre Reacun; in our own language, the title of the book is, 'The Fall of our Kind.'"

I believe that this is the perfect ending to this story and the perfect beginning to the next. My dear readers, thank you for sticking with me through this whole story and please stay with me as I start up my next one, the sequel to Dragonling; the Fall of our Kind.