A/N: Hi all! This is my first Klaroline story, and hopefully I do them justice. This idea has been in my head since about February, and I finally got the inspiration to start it! Hopefully you all enjoy it!

Also, this story is unbetaed, so apologies for any errors. If anyone wants to fix that, by the way, please let me know in a review/PM! Also, thank you so much to Chrizta for making the cover art! Check her out at channelmodern and channelmoderngifs on tumblr! You won't be disappointed!

On with the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own The Vampire Diaries (or Grey's Anatomy).

"And the one night stand you were so determined to forget, becomes the love of your life." –Grey's Anatomy

Caroline groaned as she heard her alarm's deafening ring. She'd already hit the snooze button twice, and she knew that if she hit it again she wouldn't get out of bed.

She mumbled something incoherent as she tumbled out of bed, having to grab a hold of her nightstand in order to not fall over. For a second, she was confused. She was disoriented, her head was lightly pounding, and all she wanted was a glass of water.

She checked her clock to make sure she wouldn't be late for work, and then promptly decided to head for the kitchen. Quickly mapping out her timetable in her head, she reached for two pieces of bread to toast and grabbed the butter and jam out of the fridge.

As she waited for the bread to finish toasting, she turned around to check the counter for any notes from Bonnie. Usually, if Bonnie left before Caroline even woke up, she would leave a note. But there was no note, only a coffee cup that she immediately recognized as the one from her favorite cafe down the street. When Caroline picked it up, she realized it was filled with coffee, hazelnut, her favorite. Whatever thoughts she had of finding Bonnie's behavior strange left her mind as soon as she took that first sip of coffee – it was still decently hot. She must have not been asleep for as long as she thought.

The toaster brought Caroline out of her daze as she quickly ate her breakfast and continued on with her morning, jumping in the shower then getting ready for work. Not many people would enjoy working on a Saturday, but Caroline didn't mind, especially on days like today. Today, Caroline was making sure eight months' worth of preparations would be executed without a glitch.

As she dressed in an olive colored knee length skirt and a cream colored blouse, she ran through her endless list of tasks for the day, including checking in on the bride and bridal party, checking in on the groom, making sure the maid of honor and best man had their speeches and the rings, making sure the caterers, band, guests and anyone else was correctly directed throughout the reception, amongst other things. Though days like this always left her exhausted, they were what made being a wedding planner most rewarding. Seeing the beautiful couple in their newly wedded bliss. To know that she played a part in making that happen only brings elation to Caroline.

Just as she put finishing touches of makeup to her practically flawless face, a soft knock sounded at her door before it slowly slid open.

"Thank God you're up. I was worried you had slept in after your busy night," Bonnie said with a smirk on her face.

"Very funny, Bonnie. You know that I don't indulge in big nights out before such big weddings," Caroline replied.

Bonnie, however, just gave her best friend a confused look, "Care, do you not remember anything that happened last night?"

Caroline mirrored Bonnie's confusion with her response, "I went out for a drink with Anna after work because she thought it would be such a great idea to help me unwind, and after one too many drinks, I came home. And why are you giving me that look?"

"Wow, you must've been really out of it last night," Bonnie muttered amusedly as she crossed her arms looking at Caroline.

"Look, Bon, I have to be at work in like twenty minutes, so can you just spit out whatever you're thinking?" Caroline exclaimed, frustrated. There's nothing she hated more than starting off a Saturday poorly, especially when she had a wedding to coordinate. "And why are you smirking at me?"

"Because that sexy blonde in all his British glory certainly remembered more than one detail from last night."

"Bonnie, what're you talking –" Caroline abruptly stopped right as her eyes grew wide as saucers. Bonnie couldn't stop the chuckle that came out of her when last night's events hit Caroline like a ton of bricks. "Oh my God."

"Do you at least remember most of it?" Bonnie asked, this time in genuine concern. She was not an advocate for men taking advantage of women who clearly had too much to drink.

Caroline thought back to the blonde hair, blue eyes, and contagious smile that had her weak at the knees the previous night. She remembered the genuine conversation they had stricken up at the bar as Anna slyly slid away for the night. She even recalled the way his eyes slid over her body while her nails scratched at his back. Snapping herself out of her stupor, Caroline responded to her best friend, rather breathily, with a simple, "Yes, I remember it all. I just thought it had been a dream."

Bonnie only smiled at her, knowingly. As she began leaving Caroline's room, with a pointed finger she warned, "Well, I better be hearing all the details later. Or else, Forbes."

Caroline couldn't stop the blush that reached her cheeks as she thought back to the night again. She could've sworn she had dreamt up the man who was now haunting her mind. She almost groaned before Bonnie quickly popped her head back into her room, "Oh, and don't forget the brunch that your boy toy left for you on the counter. Looks like you already had the coffee."

Caroline merely nodded at her in passing before registering what Bonnie said. "Wait, what?"


"What do you mean the brunch that my boy, uh, Klaus left me?" Caroline asked confused, quickly remembering the man's name.

Bonnie's face broke out into a huge smile as she began her explanation, "Well, I woke up this morning to find your boy toy in the kitchen, rummaging through our cupboards looking to make you coffee. I, of course, quickly informed him that we normally went to the café down the street for our morning coffee and brunch, especially on Saturdays, to which he promptly insisted he get it for us. Don't worry, I told him it wasn't necessary, but the man insisted, Caroline. Sounds like a keeper." Bonnie teased as she merely laughed at the expression on her friend's face.

"I'm sorry, so this guy, who I just met last night, not only offered, but also bought me coffee and brunch?" Never in her life had Caroline had a one night stand where something like this had happened.

"Oh please, don't flatter yourself, Caroline." Bonnie quickly said, though she could see the concern on her friend's face and couldn't leave her hanging, "He bought me coffee and breakfast too."

"You are a cruel woman, Bonnie Bennett," Caroline mumbled as she narrowed her eyes.

Bonnie just laughed as she pointed in the direction of the kitchen, "Oh please, you love me. But seriously, your breakfast is on the table and I think he left a note. But anyway, good luck with the wedding! I'm gonna catch a couple more hours of sleep!"

As Bonnie headed back to her bedroom, Caroline moved to their granite counter and picked up the bag with the breakfast bagel inside – damn it, he must've asked Bonnie what her favorite breakfast was too – as well as the note.


I apologize for my early departure this morning – I, unfortunately, had a meeting with a client and couldn't stay late. I do, however, wish to take you out for a proper date. Meet me at 252 West 46th St. tonight at 10pm for a late dinner. I'll be waiting for you.



Caroline read over the letter a total of five times before she realized she was late for work.

"What do you mean you're not gonna go?!" Anna asked Caroline rather loudly. As soon as Caroline came into work, Anna bombarded her with questions about the 'sexy British man' from the prior night.

"Would you keep it down? We're coordinating everything today, and you may be my friend, but you're still my assistant, so I will fire your ass," Caroline stated adamantly. She liked having total control throughout wedding days; they were far too important for all parties involved to be ruined by anyone.

"Yeah, like that's ever going to happen; I'm the only one who knows how you operate at work. Good luck finding an assistant who's willing to deal with all your post-its everywhere. And you're deflecting," Anna responded knowingly.

"I am not deflecting!"

"Let's see, you're getting flustered, you're blushing, and your voice is getting all high, I would say you're deflecting," Anna merely smiled at her.

"All the days in the world and today had to be the day I needed you on board," Caroline grumbled.

"Caroline, in all seriousness, why are you not even considering going out with him. What, did his personality suck or something? Cause from where I was sitting, his looks were definitely not the turn off," she smirked.

Caroline groaned, "There was no turn off, ok? He was perfect, too perfect. He even brought me and Bonnie breakfast and coffee this morning, before I even woke up!"

"Wow. I'll admit, that's impressive, especially for a one night stand. But explain to me why it's bad?"

"This is too ideal, there has to be something wrong with him. Think of all the guys I've dated, Anna, there's no way this guy can be perfect."

"I think you're afraid that he might be." Anna could see Caroline's mind working a mile a minute. She really did need to relax every once in a while. "Look, you guys haven't even been on a date, you had a one night stand, that's not exactly the ideal situation to get to know someone. Just go out with him and see how it goes. If you like him, you go out again, if you don't, then you won't."

"It's not that simple –"

"On the contrary, it really is that simple. It's called dating for a reason. Besides, you should listen to me; you are, after all, helping me plan my own wedding," Anna smirked at her. Caroline narrowed her eyes at her friend. What did Jeremy have to do with anything?! "Look, Care, he seems like a nice enough guy, and you need to get out there some time. Today is as good a time as any."

"The wedding doesn't finish until ten, Anna." Caroline was sure she could find some reason to stay behind later than the time on the letter.

"Have you seen the bride and groom together? They'll be out of here by nine, latest. I'm pretty sure those two will be up in their honeymoon suite before anyone has time to give a toast."

"Anna! Keep your voice down! Someone could hear you!" Caroline scolded while Anna just gave her an amused look. "Let's just go make sure everything is in order for their photo session out by the park," Caroline shook her head as she led Anna away from the ballroom.

"Wedding party! I need the wedding party in line for the reception!" Caroline yelled out to the excited bridesmaids and groomsmen. "Ok, line up please, you will be announced momentarily."

Just as Caroline finished her sentence, the band's singer began speaking, ready to announce the wedding party and the new Mr. and Mrs. to the entire ballroom. Caroline just watched on as the ten people walked in, two at a time, smiles on their faces and a jump to their steps.

It was nearing 6pm, and though Caroline was running around making sure the bride and groom would have everything in order, her mind would not let her forget the blue-eyed man who had shared her bed the previous night. The way he said her name, the way he made her feel like she could talk about just about anything without getting embarrassed, the way he made her body –

"Watcha thinking about?" Anna asked, realizing she interrupted her boss's train of thought.

"What? Nothing," Caroline quickly changed the subject, "You gave the music list and song requests to the band, correct?" Anna nodded. "And you gave specific instructions to the photographer and cameraman?" Again, Anna nodded. "And you –"

"Caroline, yes, I checked everything off on that checklist you gave me. It's all taken care of. Now you get to stand in the background and see what a perfect job you did."

"Our job's not over until the last person's left, Anna, you know that," Caroline argued.

The girls spent the next few minutes looking out at the newly wedded couple sharing their first dance as man and wife. Caroline loved seeing the look of pure joy on the couple's faces; it was probably her second favorite moment in a wedding.

"Care, let me ask you something." Caroline turned to Anna, confused by her sudden change of tone. "I can tell that you're clearly over thinking this whole date thing, and just putting the whole one night stand thing aside, did you have a nice time with him last night? Before you went back to yours?"

Caroline scrunched her eyebrows and nodded.

"Was the conversation good?"

Again, Caroline nodded and quietly muttered a 'yes'. Where was she going with this?

"And what about the sex?"

"What?" Caroline shrieked. Don't get her wrong, she was all for the dirty details of relationships, but she couldn't quite bring herself to embrace this particular night.

"Oh don't get all shy on me, Forbes. Was the sex good?"

Caroline was certain her face was fifty shades of red. Was the sex good? Of course it was good. Actually, it was great. She can't even remember a time it was this good, if a time like that ever even existed. She doesn't think she's ever connected so powerfully with a person in the physical sense. Instead, however, she again gave Anna a tight lipped nod.

"Then that should tell you all you need to know."

Caroline couldn't believe it. It was quarter past nine and all the guests had gone home already. Anna, of course, was right in saying the bride and groom were just a bit too eager to get out of the ballroom, the guests having quickly followed. If she really wanted to make dinner with Klaus, she technically could. It would only be a fifteen minute cab ride from her current location. It wouldn't be a hassle, and she was quite hungry. She quickly dismissed the idea in favor of heading home and hanging out with Bonnie, maybe even watching a movie. Although…

"So," Anna drew out as she approached her friend who was writing ferociously. Caroline always ended her weddings with an evaluation and summary so she could store it for later reference if the need were to arise. "What's the verdict?"

In an effort to once again move the topic along, Caroline simply replied, "I can't go, Anna. I've been working for ten hours, it's getting late, and I don't even have any clothes to change into for a date."

"Oh! That's not a problem, Bonnie dropped off an outfit for you," Anna held up a bag that Caroline promptly grabbed out of her hands.

"When did she do this? I didn't even see her come by today," Caroline began, then added, "You two totally planned this, didn't you."

"Maybe," Anna popped, smug smile present on her face and all.

Caroline opened the bag to find her one shoulder, olive dress that she rarely wore along with a pair of black pumps. "This isn't the dress I usually wear," she mumbled.

"I know. Bonnie thought you could use a change of pace," Anna merely continued to smile. "Plus, she thought it might be easier for you to touch up your makeup and all considering you've already matched it to your olive skirt."

"Of course she did," Caroline laughed. She stared at the dress and pumps for several more seconds, thinking of the worst case scenario, which really only included Klaus standing her up or being a dull conversationalist, the latter of which she doubted would be the case. Caroline squeezed her eyes shut as she squeezed the bridge of her nose with her pointer finger and thumb, "Alright. I'll go. But if this goes terribly, I am blaming you two, and you will both owe me…big time."

"Yeah, yeah, change now, complain later," Anna quickly hurried her off to the bathroom, making sure to text Bonnie in the process.

Forty minutes later, Caroline was almost at the address Klaus had given her, running through feasible ways to kindly excuse herself to leave during the night. Why was she so nervous?! After changing into her dress that went to mid-thigh, Caroline proceeded to touch up her makeup, straighten her hair with the straightener that Anna just so happened to have in her trunk - that girl didn't even have straight hair - and throw her bag of clothes at Anna. Caroline sincerely hoped she wouldn't regret this.

As the cab approached her destination she took several deep breaths. Paying the cab driver, she walked towards the restaurant's door. Klaus chose a quaint little French restaurant called Pergola des Artistes. First grabbing onto the door handle, Caroline quickly turned around and walked a couple steps away from the door. Did he not say he'd meet her outside? No, he didn't specify. But surely he would have been outside. Maybe he was running late? Maybe she should just leave.

Just as Caroline turned around to begin walking towards Broadway to hail a cab home, she heard someone stop behind her.

"Hello sweetheart."

Oh crap.

A/N: So what'd you all think? Love it? Hate it? Too soon to tell? Reviews are love! As I said, I've never written Klaroline before, so hopefully I'm doing alright with characterization, but please feel free to call me on anything I'm doing wrong (and right too!) I welcome constructive criticism!

I know this chapter didn't have much Klaroline, but I promise next chapter will! I just had to set this up. My goal is to update once a week! Reviews really encourage me! ;) Hope you all enjoyed!

Oh! The dress Caroline's wearing is the dress Candice wore in the season 1 promo shot! And if you'd like to follow me on tumblr I'm believeitsadream! xx