"Oh no, you're staying right there." Gale orders me in an almost sultry whisper as he pins my arms above my head on the bed, locking my wrists together with one of his hands. With the other hand he explores my body, his touch making my skin tingle in anticipation as my body urges me to listen to him, crying out for more satisfaction than just the path of luxurious electricity from his fingers. If his eyes weren't so bright I'd think that the lust that has grown in his widening pupils was the only reason he's keeping me hostage in bed this morning, but I know he's just teasing me. He's just as excited as I am for today.

"The sooner we get up the sooner we go to the woods." I remind him, but it doesn't stop my moan in my throat as his lips catch mine in a deep, long kiss that almost makes me forget why I wanted to leave the bed in the first place. Oh who cares if we don't leave for another hour or so, it's not like there's anyone waiting for us in the woods.

"Gale, Katniss get up! Mommy's got breakfast ready!" Posy's voice comes through the door as she knocks on it. Gale and I stop instantly and give each other a mutual look of 'well doesn't that suck' before he sighs and moves over to get out of bed.

"We'll be out in a minute, Pose." He calls back to her and gives my lips one last kiss before getting up as I follow to quickly get dressed. Once we are, we're out the door and into the kitchen where the intoxicating smell of eggs, bacon, and pancakes are coming from the stove, Hazelle cooking away already.

"Morning." Hazelle tells us as we come in and goes to her son and gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Happy birthday!"

"Thanks, mom." He replies, feeling slightly embarrassed that she's making such a big deal out of it. Normally birthdays are just days slightly different than the others, but apparently Hazelle has decided these are different times and since the Hawthornes had come to visit anyway to see a now eight month old Caitlyn anyway, Hazelle's making a big deal this year. I know Gale doesn't really care about his birthday still but he's going along with it because it makes his family happy.

"Are you going to actually eat before you two leave or are you going now?" she asks me as Gale goes to where Vick is holding our daughter in his lap as he eats breakfast and takes her from him, giving her a kiss on the head.

"We'll probably leave now." I tell her and she seems disappointed and yet understanding at the same time. It isn't often we both get to go to the woods together ever since Caitlyn has been in the picture. It's not that there aren't people that couldn't watch her (not that I quite trust Haymitch with her alone yet anyway), it's the fact that neither of us want her to be without at least one of us. This is one of the first times we will do so, the first being when my own mother came to visit when she could come to meet her granddaughter and insisted she wanted time alone with her. It makes me anxious still, but it helps that I trust the Hawthornes; despite not being blood, they are my family in practically every way.

"Alright, have fun." She smiles, and the way her eyes twinkle a bit makes me blush because it tells me she's well aware that most or all of the time we're going to be gone today is not going to be spent hunting. It's silly really, but when they came I almost refused to go to bed with Gale because I was embarrassed about it, but once he pointed out that was stupid because they knew because of Caitlyn that we did stuff anyway I reluctantly went. It doesn't make it any less embarrassing, I just try to ignore it. But Hazelle doesn't seem to mind at all and while she'd never say it, I think she likes teasing me about it.

"Can I go?" Posy asks, and Gale shakes his head as he hands Caitlyn to me so I can tell her good morning.

"No, sorry Posy. This is just like old times when it's just me and Katniss." He tells her and she pouts but goes to the table.

A snort comes from the table and Rory replies, "Old times? I don't think you two were havin…"

"Rory!" Hazelle interrupts him, giving him a stern look. He shrugs and gives a wicked grin to Gale who rolls his eyes while I blush yet again. I don't think I'm ever going to get used to people knowing about us. We've apparently gone from dirty liars to dirty lovers in their minds.

Well…it's kind of true.

Feeling like a bad example all of a sudden, I hand Caitlyn over to Hazelle as we mumble goodbye and leave, and I feel relieved once we're out of the house.

"Forget about it." Gale tells me as he takes my hand as we walk to the woods and I give him a look.

"I liked it better when they didn't know." I respond and he smiles at me with a mixture of agreement and amusement at me.

"Well nothing we can do about that now." He shrugs before a challenging grin graces his face. "Race you there."

With that he lets go of my hand and takes off laughing as I watch him for a second before going after him, feeling free and happy, trying to let my worries and embarrassments fall behind me if only for the day.

When we get there he stops and pulls me to him while I'm still running, spinning me around as I squeal. "Put me down!" I order him, but because I'm laughing so hard I know neither of us is going to take me seriously. Instead, he sets me down for only a moment before picking me back up bridal style and carries me to our rock, sitting down with me on his lap. I smile up at him as his stomach growls from hunger.

"So what's for breakfast?" I ask, looking to the berry bushes around us. It's only the beginning of spring so the blackberries aren't all that ripe yet, but they're ripe enough that they'll be tart but edible. There's the strawberry patch about twenty minutes away that might have some good strawberries already that we could eat too.

"Hmm…you." He gives me a wicked smirk, and before I even know what's going on he's laid me down on the ground and is giving me wet kisses as I try to realize what's happening. Actually that's stupid, I know what he's referring to-I just thought he'd be hungry for actual food first.

"You don't…want…berries?" I ask between kisses and once I do he stops for just a second as his face hovers over mine by a few inches and shakes his head.

"No, you're better than berries." He informs me and I roll my eyes.

"I doubt it." I tell him, but it's his birthday-if what he really wants is to pleasure me than who am I to argue? I can't believe that not that long ago I wouldn't have even had that thought in my head let alone have let it happen and now I can't wait for it. I don't even care that my hair is going to get messed up or I'm going to get dirty from being on the ground. I'm actually anticipating it.

"Well let's find out." He tells me and continues kissing me, unbuttoning my pants as he does so as I unbutton his shirt, fumbling with the buttons. Once he's unzipped them he pulls down my pants and I'm left in my shirt which is half up exposing my stomach and my underwear. I'm still self-conscious about all the scars and stretch marks from my pregnancy on my body but it certainly helps that Gale doesn't really mind them at all. In fact when he's like this, I practically forget they even exist. Because in this kind of mood it's just Gale and me and all our love and dirty little activities and all I can think about is how good it feels.

He kisses down my stomach and on my inner thighs, hot wet kisses where his tongue leaves them slick and little love bites make me tingle in desperation as it ignites that primal desire in me awaken and my eyes darken in lust and anticipation, pulling on his hair as he teases me further. His lips go around my underwear line until he kisses me right where I'm already throbbing in anticipation and growing in need, and I practically shudder as he does so. I know he feels it to because I can sense his smile against me.

Slowly, almost as a torture, he looks me in the eyes as he deliberately takes his sweet old time taking the dang underwear off of me. I wiggle in annoyance but that only makes him go slower, his smile widening as he teases me.

"Gale!" I yell at him in a half whisper, half desperate cry from needing him so bad. Instead of giving me what I want he stops all together and I glare at him. So help me Gale Hawthorne if you don't do something right now I'll…

Almost as if he could read my mind he does what I want, leaving my underwear where it is by my knees and locking them together as his tongue comes down on me, licking between me as I throw my head back in pleasure, moaning as he makes me wetter and wanting more. Eventually his fingers come in too, his thumb rubbing that bundle of nerves that makes my hips buck and go wild as he continues licking me, holding down my stomach so I can't squirm away from him. He's driving me absolutely insane and I have this intense war as I build up to get away and force him to go faster until…until…

That glorious white heat rolls off me as he continues licking me, chuckling against my orgasm as I catch my breath. Once I do, he comes up with shiny lips and kisses me on the mouth and I can taste myself on him.

He grins against my lips before whispering to me. "Best breakfast I've ever had."

"Gale!" I respond in fake embarrassment, but out here in our place I really don't have any and he knows it.
"It was you're idea to not have breakfast at the house." He reminds me and I roll my eyes though I'm grinning.

"I meant berries." I inform him which makes him laugh.

"Tell me this wasn't better." He dares me, and I pretend to think about it before frowning.

"It wasn't." I lie, and even I know he doesn't believe me for a second because he can probably see it in my eyes that I'm still recovering from it. For that he brings his hands around my back and flips me over so I'm on top of him as he sits up with me straddling him.

"Hey we said no lying, remember?" he shakes his head, but his delighted eyes tell me he really doesn't mind.

"You're right." I tell him, giving him a soft kiss before bringing my forehead to lean against his, going from dirty to loving in ten seconds. It's probably not normal, but that's just how we work.

"Happy birthday." I tell him quietly as I open my eyes to find my mirror of deep grey ones looking back at me, a smile in them somehow. But that love doesn't take too long to turn to lust again as they darken and I can feel it too, and we're off again in a flurry of lips and hands. We're definitely not hunting today, that's for sure.

Oh well, I guess that's what happens when you're dirty lovers.