You Read My Mind…

By Vickydd

This story has won the poll. It's humor and romance. A bit of mystery too… I hope this story is original…I think I read twilight a bit too much though… oh, well.

PS: Percy's not a demigod, he just knows about the gods cause of Aphrodite.

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO

Chapter 1: 50 Years Ago

He's sexy… and single.

Ok, I so did not need to hear that. Especially not from my 40 year old 11th grade teacher, Mrs. Dodds. Gross, gross, gross.

"Mr. Jackson? Would you do the honors of solving the question on the board for us?" she asked. I looked up at her, trying not to puke, and then looked at the board. I heard the answer in the nerd's next to me head. In less than 1 minute I stopped pretending to think and answered

"x equals 7; y equals 13." I replied, casting a look to the nerd next to me as if to say thank you. In truth, I could barely read what was on the board. Stupid dyslexia.

Times like these made me want to hug the crap out of Aphrodite, and afterwards drop her. We have a very love hate relationship. It's what made me end up with my damned curse after all.

"Correct as always, Mr. Jackson. Now, this month we will be studying advanced…" blah, blah, blah. I didn't like cheating, ok maybe I did, but as she read through the notes and answers I made a mental image and wrote my notes.

I cheated on him…I did….I'm such a slut…

I need to meet Jake for the cocaine tonight…

My parents are getting a divorce…this can't be happening…

Are those my balls? O my god, I am so so drunk *mental giggles*

Ow, I stabbed myself with a pencil…

Shit, my mom's gonna kill me. I'm preggers!

Will Mrs. Dodds ever shut up?

Wait a sec, that last one I recognize. Thalia. I smirked at her ideas of accidentally murdering Mrs. Dodds. Thalia always made me laugh randomly in class or wish she could hear my thoughts back. She was one of the only people who knew my secret. We bicker constantly and our friend is like, "If we were all brothers and sisters, then I'd be the middle child. Which is ironic since I'm the youngest."

Hey Perce? Why are you smirking? Tell me at lunch?

Here's him now. I laughed in my head as I heard Nico di Angelo think/talk to me. He probably found it annoying that he couldn't hear me. Did you know how much blackmail material you could get from hearing thoughts? No secrets whatsoever.

I am so asking him out today, I have to. He'll say yes, won't he? I am the prettiest girl here right? He has to.

Ah, Drew Tanaka…. Lovely girl, just splendid really. NOT. You should hear what she thinks about our music teacher, Mr. Apollo. Wait…unless your 17 you really shouldn't…. even I don't want to hear it, and I'm like, 50 years old in reality. Just a normal cursed 50 year old stuck in a 17 year-old's body. And what sucks is that according to Aphrodite, I am more lethal than a love potion. I asked why a love potion would be lethal… she told me to read Harry Potter and Twilight.

Ok, laugh all you want, a 17-year-old dude read Twilight. I only liked it cause I could completely relate to Edward. And if you're wondering how I read it with Dyslexia, well than just remember the little fact that I don't necessarily have to be holding the book. I, my friends, can read minds.

I know what you're all thinking (literally), and it's impossible. But peoples, it's true, so whatevs.

It's not like I wanted it anyway.

That dude is so weird, he's always smirking or laughing randomly. All the girls want him, and he's so damn smart. Does he think he rules the world or something? Is he mad? I always thought he was off his rocker. Merlin's pants! I'm turning British. (Note to self: stop reading Harry Potter)

Ok, I couldn't help it. I let out a chuckle. Everyone looked at me strangely…

"Mr. Jackson? May we help you with something?" Mrs. Dodds asked.

"Uh, no sorry, I just really have to stop reading Harry Potter." Sorry dude, I had to do that. The dude who thought that blushed. I cracked up again. Thalia and Nico were thinking the same thing: At lunch.

How did he know that? It's not like he can read thoughts or anything, right? Right? OMG, reading way too much Twilight.

Ok, now I just need to go to the bathroom. I ran out of the room like the crazy person I am and quickly entered the bathroom, sliding my wall back to the wall and falling to the floor.

Slowly, my laughing turned into quiet tearless sobbing. Yeah, you could say I was bi-polar.

"Why bitch?! Why!?"

You have to understand the after 50 years of hearing other people's thoughts and feeling emotions that aren't yours, you go a bit insane indeed. It's quite cruel really.

Whenever someone within a football stadium radius from me dies, breaks up, does drugs, or has um…sexual relations… I feel it. In a way, the last time I lived my own life was 50 years ago…

Everything was perfect. I had a lovely girlfriend, my mom had a new husband that was awesome, I was swim captain, getting scholarship offers and being the ultimate popular nice jock. Even school wasn't as bad as it used to be. I was getting Bs on everything. Everyone loved me, and I mean everyone. My 17th birthday party was the next day and the whole school was invited.

Everything was normal that day. I went home, took a shower, did my HW, ate dinner, and then it went wrong…

Beep beep beep. I picked up the phone. Calypso, my girlfriend.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Uh, Percy… I have to tell you something." She told me, hesitation and nerves were clear in her voice. I immediately thought: she's pregnant.

"What is it Callie?" all my playfulness forgotten at the moment.

"I want to break up." Those words broke me.

"Why?" I choked out.

"I, I, I don't love you anymore…" she told me, I could tell she was crying.

"Calypso…" I whispered.

"I'm sorry Percy. I just can't do this, I'm sorry. Bye…" the line went dead. I sat down on my bed not blinking or breathing. I threw the home phone across the room in frustration.

No, it cant be…only yesterday she told me she loved me. It cant be, it cant.

That night I barely got any sleep. I woke up to a scream. It wasn't mine…it was my mom's.

I left my room, bat in hand. "Who's there?"

I was answered by a knock on the back door. I slowly made my way to the kitchen, dropping my bat and picking up a knife. I walked towards the door. I unlocked it. And when I opened it, my life ended, officially.

My mother and Paul were lying motionless, on the sidewalk.

April fools anyone? No, it was real, all of it. I ran to them. My mother had a stab wound under her ribcage. She was bleeding, Paul was dead by the looks of it.

"I love you sweetheart, happy," my mother coughed up some blood, "Birthday…"

I sobbed as I hugged my mother. The next thing I knew, I heard sirens and something hot and red was eating at the grass around the house. The murderer had set my house on fire.

I lost consciousness and woke up at the hospital. I hadn't been burned, nothing but I was still here.

"Happy birthday, Perseus Jackson." Said the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She looked different every other second, as she walked to me from the door.

"Who are you?"

"I am the reincarnation of love, Aphrodite dear."

"Where are my parents?"

"Dead." As she said this, a look of malice came into her eyes, "Your precious Calypso is also."

"What!" I felt the tears well up in my eyes. For a reincarnation of love, this person was heartless.

"Do not worry Percy, you have me now." She told me.

"I don't know you, for all I know, you killed my parents!" I yelled.

"What if I did? Surely, you could not resist me." My eyes widened.

"You killed my family." Deadly quiet was my whisper.

"Maybe, Percy. What is the use of family anyway? They would've died, betrayed you or something in the end. You should be happy I killed them now; you were going to die if I didn't. And I just can't have that, can I? I mean… How could the goddess of love and lust simply let the most perfect and sexy man on earth die? We can't have that…well, not until I'm done with you…Sorry, am I rambling?"

Before I knew it, I slapped her. She grabbed her cheek and her perfect curls covered her face.

"Goddess of love, my ass. More like goddess of selfish heartless heartbreakers, bitch." I spat. Aphrodite looked up at me. Her eyes were on fire, hot pink fire, and her beautiful features were set in a scowl.

"You will pay for that Perseus Jackson. I Aphrodite, daughter of the sea, love goddess, and wife of Hephaestus, curse thee now and forever. Only true, true love will ever save you, Perseus. But of course, if you rethink my offer I might change my mind. Goodbye, I hope to…see…you again."

I collapsed as she left in a puff of pink smoke. Now, 50 years later, her words haunt still my dreams.

So? Do you understand why in a way I want to murder Aphrodite and in another I want to hug her to death? Having anyone else's thoughts are better than having mine.

I am broken and cursed to never, ever, ever, find true love, again.

Never say never- Anonymous

That last part was someone else's thought, you can guess who. Not Percy (it's obvious!)

Hope you liked it. BTW: Chaps will be longer, this is kind of like a prologue

Should I continue?

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