A/N: I do not own SGA or SPN. Sadly enough seeing as they are both amazing series.

By the way, the first part of the supernatural section was written BEFORE the season 8 finale aired. Soo...yeah. Don't apply things that happened in the series to this.

This is an Alternate Universe fic where the two worlds collide. I hope you enjoy!

It was the end of their junior year of high school. John Sheppard and Dean Winchester were best friends, inseparable. If you saw one, chances were the other was somewhere nearby. Everything was as normal as it could be. Dean's father was a mechanic at the local shop downtown and his mother owned her own bakery; she made the best apple pie around. Dean's little brother Sammy followed them everywhere. He was only a kid, having just completed seventh grade.

John had a more abnormal family. His mother had died when he was nine, something he was still reeling from. His father owned his own business as well as Mary, but unlike Mary, he was never home. He was always away on business and when he was home…let's just say he didn't qualify for the father of the year award. John's big brother David was exactly like their father. He always had his nose turned up and bragged about taking over the company one day.

Dave went to private school, they could certainly afford it, whereas John refused and demanded he be sent to public school. And that's how the two boys met.

They had finished their finals and were celebrating the first day of summer.

Dean had asked John to come over to his house later that night. They were going to play video games and also…Dean needed to talk to him about something.

John pulled up outside of the Winchester's two-story house to find it on fire. He jumped out of the car and ran across the front lawn as Dean helped his father out of the house. The man had too much smoke in his lungs. John took Dean's father from him so that Dean could go back for Sammy. John pulled out his cell phone and called 911 as he helped the older man get across the lawn and away from the burning house.

A few minutes later, Dean reappeared with an unconscious Sammy in his arms. He'd been hit by a collapsing beam and knocked unconscious. Dean set him down by their father, but as he turned back to go back for his mother, Mary, all they could do was watch as the house collapsed.

Dean yelled in agony as he practically watched his mother's life ending. He surged forward to try to go back, but John stopped him. He held Dean back, making sure he didn't do anything stupid. And then he held his friend as silent tears rolled down his face as realization sunk in that he was now without a mother.

The fire trucks and ambulances arrived and quickly set about putting out the fire and checking on those who had made it out of the house. John explained to the cops that Mary Winchester hadn't made it out alive. She had been the only casualty. He gave his statement and quickly returned to Dean's side where he stayed for the next several days.

He insisted that the three of them stay at his house. His father wasn't home and if he was, he wouldn't mind. He would call his father and let him know the situation, tell him everything that had happened. He knew that even with Patrick's black heart, he would still understand.

John stayed by his best friend's side for days. He'd watched as Dean withdrew in on himself, becoming a hollow version of his best friend. He didn't know what to do for Dean but give him time. He remembered being the same way when his own mother had died.

A few days after the fire, it was time for the funeral. The day they buried an empty casket as they couldn't find any remains. Dean cried silently throughout the funeral, but he refused to give in to the weakness. He knew he had to be strong for his father and little brother. John was allowed to sit next to Dean on the front pew as he was practically family. Also, everyone knew that both of the Winchester boys would benefit from the presence of the Sheppard.

Later on that day, the elder Winchester announced they'd be moving into a motel room across town. He didn't feel right staying at the Sheppard's large house and so he moved his family elsewhere.

That was the last time John Sheppard saw Dean.

They made plans to hang out the next day, but when he showed up at the motel, their room was empty and the 1967 Chevy Impala the Winchester's cherished was gone. He continuously tried their cell phones, all three of them, but they were all disconnected. The Winchester's had simply disappeared into the night.

John waited all summer for his friend to come back or even to hear anything from him. But neither happened. His father got worse, if that was possible. He would blame John for Dean's disappearance, saying he scared him off.

The first day of school arrived and John was miserable. All throughout his first day of senior year, he had to endure question after question about the location of his friend. All he could do was simply shake his head and walk away.

After school that day, he drove over to one of the military recruitment offices and signed up for the Air Force. That was his ticket out of town, away from all the questions, away from his father, away from everything that would remind him of the best friend he'd lost. All he had to do was endure his last year of high school, and he was free.

Nineteen years later…

"Colonel Sheppard, this is Dr. Weir. Please respond."

John was sitting at their usual table in the mess hall with his team as he heard his com go off. He reached up and hit it. "This is Sheppard. What is it, Elizabeth?"

Teyla Emmagen-Sheppard smiled as John responded to the call. He rarely got the opportunity to eat a meal without getting a call. Ronon Dex and Dr. Rodney McKay both snorted, thinking the same thing Teyla was: John never got a break.

"When you get a moment, I'd like to speak to you in my office."

"Okay. I'll be there in about half an hour. Sheppard out."

He picked up his cup of coffee and took a sip. He looked around the table as his friends watched him. "What?"

Teyla smiled sweetly at him. "Do you not have to go this time?"

He smirked as he dug into his sandwich. "Nope. Just gotta be in Elizabeth's office in half an hour."

They continued to eat their lunch in peace, talking about the latest mission they went on together. They used up all of the time they had before Sheppard had to leave. Before he stood, he gave Teyla a quick peck on the lips, smiled and stood up. "I'll pick up TJ after the meeting. There's nothing exciting happening, so we'll spend some quality time together."

Teyla nodded, liking the idea of her husband and their son spending more time together. "That is a great idea, John. I will see you tonight."

He nodded at his team and left the mess hall. It didn't take long to get up to the control room, across the walk, and into Elizabeth's office.

"You wanted to see me?" Elizabeth looked up from her laptop and smiled, waving towards one of the chairs sitting across from her desk.

"Yes, John. Please, have a seat."

He sat down heavily and looked up at her curiously, waiting for her to tell him the reason she'd asked him to be there.

"I was just talking to Dr. Heightmeyer not too long ago. She reminded me that you and your team haven't had any kind of leave in a while. She suggested that the five of you take a trip back to Earth for a while. And frankly? I don't think it's such a bad idea."

John couldn't believe what he was hearing. He might actually get a break from everything. Sure, he loved Atlantis. Atlantis was his home, but sometimes you just need a break.

"For how long?"

"Well, I was thinking two, maybe three weeks. You'll be going through the Stargate, so you don't have to worry about the time it takes to travel on the Daedalus. What do you say, John?"

He sat in amazement for a moment, not sure what to say. Finally, he nodded. "Yeah, um…when do we leave?"

A grin spread across Elizabeth's face. "In three hours, so you might wanna let the rest of your team know and get any matters settled if you have any. I assume you'll need to talk to Major Lorne about military issues before you leave."

He nodded, already running through everything he would need to get done in the short amount of time they had.

"Better hurry. You don't have much time. Oh, and John? Have fun. And…try not to get into too much trouble."

John smirked as he stood and left the room, giving no promises. He quickly made his way to the quarters of the woman who looked after Torren while both himself and Teyla were busy. He picked him up and went straight for his office.

On his way there, he radioed for Lorne to meet him there as soon as he could and then radioed Teyla.

"Teyla, this is Sheppard. Come in."

"John, is something wrong?"

He smiled to himself. She had started to worry more after TJ had been born. "Nah, everything's fine. Better than fine actually. I need you to do me a favor. Could you let Rodney and Ronon know that there's going to be a team meeting in my office in…half an hour."

There was a pause, as she seemed to think through the possibilities of why they were meeting in his office. "That is fine. I am with Ronon now and I will radio Rodney. Did you pick up Torren?"

"Yep, got my little buddy with me now. We'll see you in half an hour. Sheppard out."

He walked into his office and sat Torren down on the ground. He already had a blanket spread out on the ground behind his desk with some of TJ's favorite toys. John would often bring him back to his office with him, so he made sure he was always prepared. Torren busied himself with stacking some blocks just to knock them down again. John would always chuckle when he watched his son do that. Of course, he always found his one-year-old son amusing.

The chime on his office rang and he mentally opened the door. Lorne walked through and moved closer to his desk. "You wanted to see me, sir?"

"Yes, it seems my team and I are going on a last minute vacation. Elizabeth just told me and we leave in….just under three hours. I wanted to run through some things with you before I leave."

"Yes, sir."

They went over different plans. John made him aware of every team that was currently off-world and ones that were due to be off-world in the coming days or hours. He went through every last detail that the major would need to know.

The door slid open before they were finished and both men looked up from some papers to see John's team walk in. He smiled when he saw them and held up a finger. "Just one moment."

He turned back to Lorne to finish up their conversation. "Okay, so Sergeant Stackhouse's team is due back in about four hours. He was in charge of some science team, so there shouldn't be any problems. I got about half of the paperwork done that's due in the next week. Sorry about that, I was planning on doing it after my meeting with Elizabeth. Um…I think that's about it."

Lorne smiled and nodded. "Don't worry about anything, sir. I'll make sure she's still in working order when you get back."

John nodded, still worried about leaving Atlantis for too long. "Yeah. Like I said earlier, if there are any problems, don't hesitate to contact me. I'll only be a dial and a phone call away."

Lorne chuckled as he stood and moved towards the door. "Yes, sir. Just try to relax and not get into too much trouble while you're gone. I mean, I don't mind makin' a trip back, but I'd rather it be under happier circumstances. Have a safe trip, sir."

John chuckled as he sat back in his seat. "Thanks, Major. I'll try my best." As Lorne left, Teyla looked at John questioningly.

"Are you leaving, John?" He smiled at her and nodded.

"Actually, we're leaving. As in the four of us. Well, five. It seems Elizabeth and Dr. Heightmeyer conspired against us and are sending us back to Earth on leave. We'll be gone two to three weeks."

Rodney's eyes widened as a huge grin spread across Ronon's face. "We're going to Earth? Awesome. When do we leave, Shep?"

He smirked at Ronon's excitement. "We leave in two and a half hours. That's why I wanted the three of you to come here so we can just have the conversation once and not keep repeating it. Pack enough for a couple of weeks, and I advise you leave room for souvenirs as I'm assuming you'll want to buy stuff while we're there. And be thinking about places you wanna go. The SGC will have a rental car waiting, I've already confirmed it with Elizabeth, and we'll be leaving for a hotel for the night. We can decide where to go from there. General O'Neill has already made us hotel reservations apparently so…that's where we're going first. Any questions?"

Rodney stuttered, his mind going a mile a minute and his mouth was trying to keep up. "Whoah, whoah, wait a minute there, Sheppard. Wha-What about the projects I have going on? Or..Or the missions we're scheduled for. There are some really cool discoveries out there and and and I was excited for that! We can't just just just leave. Not now. I mean…I have to pack and make sure Zalenka doesn't screw anything up while I'm gone. I'm a really important person, you know. I-I-I…I just can't pick up and leave on a moment's notice!"

"Well, Rodney, that's why I didn't give you a moment's notice. You have a two and a half hour notice. That should be plenty of time for you to yell at Radek, pack up some clothes, and be ready to go. Now, I suggest you go start getting ready because you are going. There's no getting out of it, and we're leaving on time. I'll make sure of it. Now go."

Rodney glared at John, but flew out of the room in a frenzy. He was muttering to himself about everything he had to do before he left, trying not to leave anything out.

Ronon was practically bouncing on his balls of his feet. "So it's just going to be the four of us and McKay? Can I bring my blaster?"

Sheppard rolled his eyes. "No, it'll stand out too much on Earth. We don't have weapons like that so you can either leave it in your quarters or leave it at the SGC where they'll probably run tests on it or something when they get bored."

Ronon winced. "Yeah, I think I'll leave it in my quarters. I'm gonna go get ready. I'll see you three later."

They watched him leave and then John turned to Teyla. "So, what do you think?"

Teyla walked around the desk and sat down on John's lap. "I think that it is just what the team needs. As well as this family. I don't know about you, John, but I could certainly use a vacation."

John smiled as he nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. "I know exactly what you mean. So, how about we get going. We have to pack enough for three people, toys included. Not too many toys though, because we'll definitely be stopping at a toy store at some point. I'm determined to spoil him on this trip."

They went back to their shared quarters and packed enough for the three of them for a couple of weeks. It ended up being a lot of stuff, mainly Torren's. John didn't need that much since he was used to packing light with being in the military. He packed so lightly that he and Teyla were able to share a bag. Torren got a whole bag to himself.

They made their way to the gate room, Torren in John's arms as he carried Torren's bag and Teyla carried theirs. They found Ronon already waiting there. All they were waiting on was Rodney.

They set the bags down and John looked at his watch. The scientist had two minutes left until John was going to track him down.

With about fifteen seconds left on John's watch, they heard the familiar ranting of Dr. Rodney McKay as he argued with Dr. Radek Zalenka over having no one touch anything in his lab while he was gone.

Finally, they were ready to go.

Elizabeth met them in the gate room and said her goodbyes. "I will see the five of you in a couple of weeks. And remember, John, don't get into too much trouble."

He rolled his eyes. "Why does everyone keep saying that?"

Elizabeth smiled as she walked up to the control room and gave the order to dial the gate. The gate whooshed into place.

They picked up their bags and made their way towards the gate. Right as they went through, John looked back over his shoulder, taking one more glace at his beautiful city, sending a smile up towards Elizabeth, and stepped through the gate.


"Castiel, don't do this. Don't you dare complete this. You're making a big mistake."

Cas narrowed his eyes at Naomi and took a step closer. "I don't think I am, Naomi. I think you are the one who is making the big mistake. I am simply doing what is best for the world."

"Oh really? And what might that be, Castiel? Ridding the world of angels? That doesn't seem like a very good idea."

Cas took another step forward, lowering his voice even further. "On the contrary, I am ridding the world of you. And that will always be best."

There was a bright flash of light, so bright the angels who had gathered around shielded their eyes. Cas' voice was heard though none could see him.

"If any of you wish to remain on Earth, I advise you Fall. Now. The gates of Heaven will now forever be closed."

As if on cue, the sound of rusted metal was heard scraping together. The angels started to panic and some chose to Fall to Earth. They didn't want to be a part of Naomi's team any longer. There were many who hadn't backed down though and remained at her side.

"Castiel, stop! This is traitorous of you. I am willing to overlook the monstrosity of being with a human romantically, but you must end this now. You must fight for Heaven once more. This is not what was meant to be."

Cas smirked the way he'd seen Dean do plenty of times before. "There is no 'meant to be' any longer. There is no fate, no destiny. This is the era of free will. And as long as you're around, there will not be any. So, in the words of a very dear friend, bite me, Naomi."

He turned to leave, but suddenly looked back at her. "I would say…it was nice knowing you, but I would be lying. Goodbye, Naomi, brothers, sisters. You will have a long time to think about what has happened. Maybe in the next thousand years you'll be able to understand why I must do this."

There was a loud bang, loud enough to be an explosion, as the gates of Heaven closed and locked forever. Cas took one more step and was suddenly falling through the sky, spiraling towards Earth. It all happened very fast and very slow all at once.

Cas felt every sensation as he rocketed towards the ground and watched as it came closer and closer, threatening to swallow him hole. He would have feared it would if the gates of Hell hadn't officially been sealed as well.

Pain erupted throughout his body as his wings were slowly being ripped from his shoulders. He could feel every muscle snapping, every tendon jerk from their rightful places, every blood vessel surrounding the area swell and explode into showers of red. A monstrous howl of pain erupted from his throat as his body shook horribly.

It was the worst kind of pain imaginable, the kind of pain every fallen angel must endure as their wings are ripped from their bodies, leaving them broken and bloody.

He could feel his tan trench coat soaking up his blood, but knew it wouldn't be enough. He would have to receive medical attention once he was back on Earth.

He pried his eyes open against the pain, only being able to tolerate it due to the thoughts and images of Dean that were flying through his mind: Dean's smile, Dean's laugh, Dean's utter and complete selflessness when it came to his family and someone in need. He thought about the way Dean held him, with the love and care he didn't think he deserved after all he'd done.

That was why they were perfect for each other. Neither thought they deserved the other, but did all they could to convince the one they loved that they were worth it. It was a never-ending cycle that inevitably fueled the love the two men had for each other.


Cas watched as the ground still came closer and closer until everything went dark and the pain finally ceased.

Dean woke from the dream drenched in sweat. He had watched the entire scene unfold as Cas defied Naomi once more, closed the gates of Heaven, and Fell to Earth. He had felt every blood vessel connected to his wings burst, every burst of pain shooting through his body, he had felt the blood running down his back, he had felt everything. The strangled sound of his name being whipped from Cas's lips echoed inside his mind.

Dean struggled to catch his breath as he hurriedly climbed out of bed and went to find Sam. He had to let his little brother know that at least Cas was successful at sealing off Heaven. He swiped his cell phone off the nightstand table as he pulled on his robe and rushed out of the room.

He found Sam asleep at the dining room table surrounded in books. He'd been trying to catch up on some of the information that the Men of Letters had left behind.

"Sammy! Wake up!"

Sam jerked awake and rubbed sleep from his eyes as he looked up at Dean. When he noticed the worried expression on his older brother's face, he sat up immediately on hyper alert.

"What is it? What happened? Have you heard anything from Cas?"

Dean shook his head, wondering what all he should tell his little brother, but then decided on all of it. "Kind of…You remember the last time Cas fell and I had a dream about it? And then the next day he called saying he was at the hospital and found a way back to Bobby's?"

Sam scrunched his eyebrows together and nodded slowly. "Yeah…I remember."

"Well, I just had a dream. Cas closed the gates of Heaven and he Fell. He did it."

Sam's mouth dropped open. He'd had every confidence that Cas would be able to close the gates, but since they hadn't heard anything yet, he'd started to worry as had Dean.

"That's great! Well, not about the Falling part, but he did it! Did you see where he landed?"

Dean shook his head sadly and looked down at his phone, practically willing it to ring and let him know where the man he loved was. "No, I didn't. He blacked out before anything recognizable could be seen. I…this dream was different then the last one. The last time it was like I was merely a bystander, watching from outside of the situation. This time…"

He shook his head, trying to remember everything that had happened, every detail. Sam leaned towards Dean slightly, but gave him his space. "What happened, Dean?"

"It was like…like I was Cas, but…I wasn't. I could feel everything he was feeling, but I was watching it. I wasn't seeing through his eyes, but it was like I was right next to him instead of away from what was happening."

Sam thought about it for a moment. "I'll look through some books, see if there's anything here about it, but…my best guess would be that it's because the two of you are a lot closer than you were a couple of years ago when he Fell the first time. You know each other inside and out now, so the 'profound bond' has probably strengthened and it allowed you to be closer to what was going on, letting you actually feel what he was feeling. That's really interesting…Do you think he's alright? Did it seem like he was seriously injured or anything?"

Dean put on his best bitchface, the one he saw Sam wear at least once a day. "He just Fell from Heaven, Sam. His wings were ripped from his back. Of course he's seriously injured!"

Sam pursed his lips together, refraining from making a snarky comment because he knew how worried Dean was.

"Okay. Well, we'll find him. I'll start doing searches online and see if anything comes up on news channels, anything about falling meteors from the sky crash landing or something."

Dean nodded and looked at his watch. It was too late to go back to bed, though even if he tried he'd never be able to sleep with Cas still out there somewhere injured.

He sighed and decided to go take a shower, maybe it would clear his mind for a while. Then he'd run some errands, fill up their fridge and pantry. He would do everything possible to keep his mind preoccupied as they waited for Cas to call.

Three days later…

"Dean! I thought you said you were making breakfast!"

Dean appeared in the doorway between the kitchen and the dining room where Sam was surfing the internet, looking for any trace of demonic activity as well as any signs of Cas.

"Keep your panties on, Sammy. It'll be done in a few minutes. How's it comin' with the search? Find anything?"

Sam sighed as he scrolled through another page. "Nothing. It seems that it was successful. I found a couple of cases, but they were real minor and with hunters nearby. I let them know and they're on it. As far as Cas goes…there haven't been any reports yet. I just widened the search to see if that gives me anything."

Dean grunted. "Well, I should hope it was successful. You closed the damn gates of Hell. What if no one saw him land? I mean…it was nighttime when he Fell, that much I could tell. Maybe no one was watching."

Sam finally pried his eyes away from his computer screen and looked worriedly over at Dean who tried to hide his own worry, but was unsuccessful.

"It's a possibility. Maybe….maybe you should try calling for him? I mean…He always comes for you. If he can hear you, he would call."

Dean rolled his eyes and snorted. "Well, I should hope he comes for me, he's my damn boyfriend, Sam. But no…I've tried. His grace must be completely gone already. That or he's unconscious still."

Before Sam could say anything, Dean disappeared into the kitchen to finish cooking breakfast, signaling an end to the conversation.

Sam sighed, exhausted. It'd been three days since Dean had had the dream about Cas. They hadn't heard a word from him yet.

He'd watched as Dean had gotten more worried as the days went by. The two had been together for longer than Sam could remember. Of course, they'd hidden their relationship at first since Dean was a private man, but Sam had been able to tell right off the bat that their relationship had moved on to the next level.

He'd waited until Dean had been comfortable enough to tell him and then reassured him that he was perfectly okay with it. He'd known since they were both kids that Dean was gay. When they'd met Cas, he knew it would be just a matter of time before they made it official.

After a few minutes, Dean appeared back in the dining room with two plates piled with food and two cups of coffee on a tray. They ate their breakfast in silence before Dean got up to get ready for the day.

They spent most of the day in the bunker. Dean would switch between pacing and watching a movie, trying and failing to preoccupy his mind. He had finally slipped into a restless sleep when his phone suddenly went off, startling him awake.

He pulled it out of his pocket in a hurry, already knowing who would be calling him.

"Cas? Cas, where are you?"

"Dean. I am in Long Beach, California in the Long Beach Memorial Medical Center. I need you to come get me."

"In the hospital? Why the hell are you in the hospital?!" Sam appeared in the entrance to their makeshift living room. He'd heard Dean's frantic voice when he'd answered his phone and knew it was Cas who'd called.

"I Fell, Dean. I will see you soon."

The line went dead before Dean could say anything else. He stared at his phone for a moment before jumping up and searching frantically for his keys.

"Cas is in the hospital in Long Beach. He needs us to come get him. Where the hell are my keys?!"

Sam ran from the living room and into the dining room where he'd last seen them. "Dean! In here!"

Dean swiped the keys from the table, grabbed his jacket, and was out the door with Sam right behind him and on his way to get his fallen angel.


"This is our hotel?" John looked around the lobby and nodded.

"Yep, General O'Neill booked the top suite for us, so we'll all be together. It's going to be like that at every hotel we go to if we can manage it. I'd prefer us being as close as possible so nothing happens."

Rodney grunted as he set down his bag. "Okay, lead the way then, Colonel. I just want to put my bags down and then go get food. When are we going for supper?"

John rolled his eyes as he walked towards the elevators on the other side of the lobby. He still had a hold on Torren and one of the bags so he set down the bag to press the up button. "We'll get settled into the room and then we'll decide where to go. We wouldn't want you to starve, now would we?"

Rodney rolled his eyes, but stayed quiet for once. All that was heard from him were the semi-quiet rumblings from his stomach.

They made it into their room and John designated where each of them would be staying. John, Teyla, and Torren got the master bedroom considering there were three of them and he pointed to the two smaller rooms for Rodney and Ronon.

There was a small kitchenette as well as a living room and small dining room. Teyla looked around the room in awe. "I have never seen a room such as this. It is very…extravagant."

John smiled and walked towards their room so he could set down the bag he was carrying. He laid down on the bed with a sleeping Torren in his arms and closed his eyes for a moment, relishing the softness of the mattress beneath him.

He felt the bed shift slightly as someone laid next to him and then a hand softly comb through his messy hair. He opened his eyes to find Teyla smiling at him.


She shook her head, her smile growing. "Nothing, John. I am just loving watching you with our son as I always do. Do you wish to take a nap before we go to supper? You seem exhausted."

He chuckled, accidentally waking up Torren, and shook his head. "Nah, I'll be fine. Besides, if we don't get some food in Rodney soon, he may actually faint from 'manly hunger'."

Teyla laughed softly as she remembered the time when Rodney had worn a personal shield that hadn't allowed him to eat or drink anything while he wore it.

Torren lifted his head and looked up at his dad. His lip started to tremble as he was getting hungry as well. "Alright, buddy. I gotcha. Let's go get you and Uncle Rodney something to eat."

He reluctantly stood up from the comfortable bed and made his way out into the living room with Teyla right behind him.

Ronon was inspecting the mini fridge as Rodney looked through a couple of cabinets. "Okay, let's go. Where do you want to eat? We can just go downstairs to the restaurant here in the hotel."

Ronon nodded, "Sounds like a plan. I'm starving. Do they have beer?"

John chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, probably. I'll get you a beer, buddy. Might have one for myself as well."

They headed down to the restaurant and got a table pretty easily. The restaurant was reserved for guests and they continuously reserved a table towards the back for anyone occupying the suite.

They ordered their food and made small talk while they waited for it to arrive.

"So, while we're waiting…how about we discuss where we'll be going next. If none of you mind, I'd prefer if we get out of here tomorrow morning, get a kick start on this vacation."

Ronon grunted, signaling that he agreed with the Colonel, making John smirk. One vote down, two more to go.

"That is fine with me, John. I do not care where we go. I am just excited to see your planet."

"Yeah, same here. I would like to go surfing sometime though. Those waves we caught on the last alpha site were fun."

John's smirk turned into a full-blown smile as he imagined him and Ronon going surfing again. "Okay! It's settled then! We'll go to…Long Beach first thing in the morning."

Rodney groaned, already dreading being on the beach for hours while the two surfed. He knew that he would inevitably get sun burnt. "Okay, but on one condition. We have to stop somewhere and buy buckets of sun block before we go. I am not going back to Atlantis looking like a tomato."

John laughed genuinely at the image of a very red Rodney McKay walking through the halls of Atlantis. "I think that can be arranged, Rodney. Although, it would be entertaining watching you walk around looking like you got baked."

They went about the rest of their night, enjoying their dinner and not having all the responsibilities of being back on Atlantis.

Within the next two days, they made their journey to Long Beach, California where they would officially start their vacation and relaxation.

It took them a day and a half to make it to their destination and get checked into their hotel. Again, they had a suite where all of them could be together and not worry about separate rooms. Once they got settled in at the hotel, they freshened up a bit, and then went straight for the beach.

Of course, John and Ronon had to buy surf boards and the rest of the gear they would need, as well we sun block for Rodney and some beach towels for them all.

Teyla decided that it would be best to build sand castles with Torren on the beach while John and Ronon surfed and Rodney flipped through data reports from Atlantis on his data pad.

Occasionally, Teyla would look out at the ocean to see if she could spot the men and watch them for a few minutes before turning back to her son. She had watched as they both had taken turns falling into the water from the waves. She would chuckle to herself before helping Torren with their sand castle.

By six o'clock, they were all ready to head back to the hotel, freshen up, and then get some supper. John had heard about a festival that was happening in town and thought they could check it out.

So, that's exactly what they did. As soon as they had eaten supper and were content, they left the restaurant they had found and walked down a couple of blocks to the festival. Before they reached it, John suddenly stopped and looked around curiously.

The rest of the group stopped and looked back at him. Ronon's brow furrowed, knowing the look that was on John's face. They all did. It was the look he got when his spidey senses were tingling as Rodney would say.

"Shep? What's up?" John narrowed his eyes and continued to look around.

"I don't know, buddy. Something's just…off."

They knew that John had to investigate. Whenever he shrugged off the feeling and ignored it, nothing good ever came from it.

He backed up a couple of steps and turned to look down the alleyway they had just passed. He spotted a man a little ways in. John watched him to see if he was going to cause any trouble, but then he got a better look at him.

He was tall, but not as tall as he was. He had black, messy hair and was wearing a tan trench coat…or was it red?

That's when he saw the cuts on his face and hands and the blood running from a gash on his temple. He was staggering towards the entrance to the alley, murmuring something. John's eyes widened and he looked at Rodney.

"McKay, call 911. Now!" He rushed forward into the alley and reached the man right as his legs gave out from underneath him and he collapsed. John was able to catch him before he hit the ground, thankfully.

"Hey, help is on the way. Everything's going to be okay. You're going to be fine. What's your name?"

He vaguely heard the rest of the team entering the alley and coming up behind him. The man stopped what he was murmuring to look into John's eyes.


"Okay, Cas, we're going to get you to the hospital. I'll stay there until we can get ahold of someone for you. Is there anyone I can call for you? Family? Friends?"

The man nodded slowly, he was starting to lose consciousness. "Dean."

John nodded. "Okay, does Dean have a last name?"

Cas kept murmuring the name over and over again before he finally slipped into unconsciousness. Just the one word: Dean.

"John? What are we going to do?"

John looked up at Teyla. "We're going to get him to the hospital and then someone's going to stay with him at all times until this Dean guy can get there. I don't want him by himself."

Rodney groaned at the pause in their vacation, but quickly stopped when he saw the look John had thrown his way.

The ambulance arrived a couple of minutes later and took Cas from John. They loaded him onto the gurney and put him into the back of the ambulance. John decided to go with and gave their room key and the keys to the rental car to Rodney and told them to meet him at the hospital.

John stayed with Cas until they wheeled him into surgery and then was back at his side as they wheeled him into his room after recovery. He explained to the staff who he was, that he had found them, and that he and his team were going to stay with him until his family could be reached.

And that's exactly what they did. John made sure that someone was in the hospital room at all times in case he woke up. He didn't want Cas to wake up in a strange place with no one around.

It took three days for him to regain consciousness because of the severity of the head wound. Three days of listening to Rodney complain about it ruining their vacation, three days of being indoors instead of enjoying the weather, but most importantly, three days of looking after someone who was in need of someone. And that's what mattered to John.


"Dean, you might want to slow down a little. You won't be helping Cas if we die in a car accident before we even get there."

Dean's grip on the wheel tightened as his foot pressed on the gas even harder. There was no way he was slowing down now. They were almost there and he needed to know if Cas was okay.

Sam sighed in frustration, but relented. There was no stopping a determined Dean. He was far too stubborn for that. It only took twenty more minutes and they were pulling up into the hospital parking lot.

Before the car was even off, Dean's door was already opening. He pulled the key from the ignition, jumped out, and was walking across the parking lot by the time Sam finally managed to get out. He had to jog to catch up to his big brother who had already reached the hospital doors.

They walked in and were greeted by a rush of cold air that was greatly welcomed from the heat of the day. Dean strode across the lobby and stopped in front of the reception desk.

"Hi, may I help you?"

Dean threw on his most charming smile, which she bought, and flirted his way into finding out where Cas's room was. "Yes, um…Lisa, I was just informed of my…cousin's accident and that was being treated here. I came straight here as soon as I was called and was hoping you could tell me where his room is. They didn't say on the phone."

She smiled and nodded, "Absolutely. What's his name?"

"Castiel Novak."

She nodded as she typed it into her computer. "He's on the third floor, room 322."

"Thank you very much, Lisa."

He was on the move before she could get out her response and was all but running for the elevator with Sam close on his heels.

They made it up to the third floor agonizingly slow for Dean and burst through the doors as soon as they opened, almost knocking over a man who had been looking down at some papers.

If they hadn't been in such a hurry, they probably would have found it comical the way the man had jumped back out of their way with his papers flying everywhere.

They walked quickly down the hall, scanning every room number as they passed by. They were getting close when a nurse stepped in front of them, cutting off their path.

"Excuse me, visiting hours are over. You can only be here if you're family to someone being treated here."

Dean was getting annoyed. "We are family. We're looking for Castiel Novak. We were just informed that he was here."

Her gaze softened as she nodded towards the room. "A man from the military was the one who found him. He demanded that he and his team stay with Mr. Novak until his family could arrive. He and his wife are in there now."

Sam nodded his thanks as Dean was already moving towards the door. He stepped through the door, eyes already searching for Cas when something caught his eye.

He stopped dead in his tracks. Sam hadn't been expecting him to stop that suddenly and ran right into him.

"Dean, what are you doing?"

Dean's eyes had widened as they locked with another man's sitting across the room with a woman. His lips parted in confusion.

The man stood and took a couple of steps towards Dean. Everyone looked around at each other in confusion as the two men stared at each other. They were just feet apart by this point and Cas was looking back and forth between the two men.

Sam walked over to the side of Cas's bed and looked over at the two of them to get a better view of what was happening.

Finally, the men found their voices and spoke at the same time.



So what did you think of the first chapter? Just a warning, the rest of the chapters probably won't be this long. There was just soooo much information that needed to go into this chapter. It was originally going to be longer, but I didn't feel like going through detail by detail and thought I'd summarize what could be. Well, anyways...let me know what you thought! This is my first crossover with these two series, so...let me know! Thanks! =)