This is the last chapter. I'm quite sad that it has come down to this and that this will be the end. I would also like to thank all of you, my readers, for making every moment of working on this story worth it! Thank you for all the reviews, making an effort to post a review, I appreciate every single small effort, if it was a review or just following this story or put this story as one of your favorite stories, thank you. You guys made me happy on a sad day, you guys made me smile. This is my proudest work of all, just because you guys enjoyed it as much as I was enjoying writing this story. I will miss you guys and I hope you guys enjoy the last chapter. Soul's POV. Oh yeah, R&R!

Chapter eight:


I can't even start this letter with Dear because you are gone. How can you be my dear, darling, sweet heart, baby? You can't because you are gone. Gone without me, without saying goodbye, without a letter. You just died. I walked hours and hours in your room looking for a letter, note, anything. I found nothing.

I have checked my emails ten times, asked all of our friends if they received anything. Nothing. Why didn't you leave me something to hold close, leave my heart a little bit in peace? If I would've pleaded suicide, or rather gave up, I would write a letter to you saying my reasons, though one of them would be that I love you too much.

I even considered suicide myself, let the darkness of depression kill me, then I realized that it isn't something I would have wanted for you, but I also realized that suicide is only left with regret. If only you coped another day Maka, we could have been together. You could have been happy.

There is so much things in this world yet to discover Maka… Why did you kill yourself? I've had so many dreams and hopes and it all involved you. I don't have a heart anymore Maka… It died with you. Didn't I promise you, Maka, that I won't leave your side? Yet you left mine.

Remember how you've always wanted to go to Europe? All the museums and historical sites? I would've taken you there, well, I've always hoped to take you there for our honeymoon, if you would say yes, of course.

If only I could turn back time, telling my feelings for you sooner, actually be uncool and kiss your holy lips. Be the man you could live for, but I am fooling myself, ain't I Maka? I am not good enough for you, I never was.

So many unanswered questions Maka.

Just like this letter.

All my hopes and dreams, unanswered.

Buried with your grave.

This letter will also be buried with you, for my last words to you will and can only be found with you.

Just like my heart.


The end. This was a fun ride, I didn't even think I will get so many reviews so thanks for all the reviews and everything. Even though I would like to know what you guys think of the last chapter so don't stop with the reviews okay. So this is goodbye for Russian Roulette, the madness has come to an end. If it so happens I write another weird, dark, full of madness story I will let you guys know. Goodbye… my fellow readers… I will miss every single one of you. And once again: Thank you!