Win You Over

Chapter 2: Head Over Feet

If I could
Light the world
We could sit, and watch it burn...

I found myself staring out the window for long after I expected. I could almost see my newborn dreams unfold right before my eyes. They seemed to move like ink in water across the kingdom. They seemed to cloud up my eyes. Most of the dreams took place in pure daylight. They were joyful dreams. So childish, yet seemed mature. Too bad only I could see their beauty.

I stopped daydreaming when someone shook my shoulder. "Marceline! Wake up!" Princess Bubblegum exclaimed.

I hissed at her. "I wasn't sleeping! I was daydreaming!" I said harshly.

"Alright!" she screamed back. "So what was it that you wanted to talk about?"

"I, uh, nevermind! I'm going home," I said. Then I flew out her window, and towards my home. I liked the wind on my face. Night had already fallen, my prime time.

I could just see Bonnie say something like this in my head, "Marceline come back here! You butt!" Like I would care. I have more important, queenly things to do. Like floating over my couch, and playing my guitar! :D

The night sky was scattered with stars. I loved gazing at the Milky Way. I think it's amazing how the stars don't change much over 1,000 years. Simon used to show me all of the constellations at night. He showed me all of the planets. Simon even showed me our closest galaxy, Andromeda, to me through an advanced telescope. It looked so beautiful. Sometimes I wish the night would last forever, and ever...

I landed on my porch, and opened the door to my house. So I floated up my stairs, and into my bedroom. I found my axe bass and brought it downstairs. I *sat* on my couch and started strumming chords on my guitar. I stared out into space. I let the music take me away.

I started to sing. I didn't know where the words came from. They were just, there. I sang,

"You've already won me over in spite of me
And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault

You are the bearer of unconditional things
You held your breath and the door for me
Thanks for your patience

You're the best listener that I've ever met
You're my best friend
Best friend with benefits
What took me so long

I've never felt this healthy before
I've never wanted something rational
I am aware now
I am aware now

You've already won me over in spite of me
And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault..."

I stopped singing. I thought for a moment. I dropped my guitar beside me. I was caught in a emotion in between joy and embarrassment. Love? I guess I do have a crush on him after all...

I heard my hone ring. I answered it, "speak."

A screaming voice replied, "Marceline! That was the last straw! How could you just-"

"Bonnie, cool it. And if this has anything to do with sacrifice or ditching royalty, I don't. Want. To. Hear it!" I said to her.

"You just decided to talk to me, ruin my dinner plans, and then Leave!," Bonnie said. I rolled my eyes.

"You know they would have gotten bored of you! GOODBYE!" I hung up. God, Bubblegum can be so annoying. I don't really understand how I can stand her guts. Or how anyone can stand her guts, really. I was glad I figured this out before anyone else will.

My hone rand again. I gave the ceiling a look of haughty derision, then answered the phone. "What?"

"You wanted to talk about boys earlier, didn't you? I saw the way you looked at him!," Bonnie yelled.

"WHAT?! Heck no!," I said. Yeah, i might be feeling like that no, but did I then?

"Yeah, like I would care! He already has a girlfriend! I can't have him! Wouldn't it be peachy if ANOTHER girl was added into this triangle!," She screamed at me. Glob. What is this girl on? I didn't want to hear it, so I hung up, AGAIN.

The phone rang yet again. "Bonnie if this is you again, I will-," I exclaimed.

"Marcy, calm down. It's me, Finn. So you're mad at PB?" I heard Finn say from the other side. My mood lightened. Miss me already? I thought.

"Uh, yeah. As usual. So what made you call me so quickly?," I asked him.

"I - uh, I wanted to ask you if you would like to go adventuring with me tomorrow night. I know about a few unexplored dungeons we could go to," Finn said. I could see him blush in my mind. Sweet.

"Sounds like fun! So I'll see you tomorrow night," I said.

"Ok, Marceline! Bye!" Finn said quickly. It seemed like he was nervous.

Once Finn finished talking, I heard an angry voice from behind him say, "Finn who are you talking to?" That's when Finn hung up. I was a bit worried about what was happening at his house, so, I decided to check on him. I figured it wouldn't hurt. So I grabbed my umbrella (just in case), and headed out of my door.

The dark night was beautiful, and there was a full moon high in the sky. I could see dark clouds scattered across the sky, that covered parts of the moon. Almost like Halloween night.

As I floated further into the grasslands, I could see a bright orange glow in the distance. Weird...

Finn's treehouse; a little bit earlier...

"So who was it?," Flame Princess said bitterly.

"What do you mean, 'who was it?'," I asked her. You never really know when this one is going to have an outburst...

"That girl you were talking to!," she screamed back.

"Who? Marceline?," I said.

"You're cheating on me aren't you!?," FP yelled. She can come to conclusions pretty fast, too. I love having a girlfriend and all, but I don' think it's supposed to be like this...

"What? No, no, no...," I said. Me? Date her? Now?

"You are! Uhh! We're done!," FP said; enraged. Next thing I knew, I saw Flame Princes start to burn my house down! I was surprised she would get THIS angry! So I kicked the nearest window open, and flinged myself out of it. I fell on the cold, hard ground. And it wasn't a nice fall. I fell on a *sharp* rock. I had a few mild burns on my legs and arms. Ouch.

Jake would be so mad right now. I'm so glad he's at Lady's. But it's not like he can't stay with Lady for awhile.

"Oh... My... God..," said a voice from behind me. I turned around to see Marceline behind me. She looked so surprised, and mortified even. She noticed me, and came rushing to me. "Finn, what the heck happened?!"

"FP thought I was cheating on her, dumped me, and burned my house down," I said.

"Umm, sorry about that...," Macy said, "So do you need anything?"

"No, other thank a lace to live!," I yelled at her.

"Um, don't call me crazy, but you could stay with me for the time being...," Marceline said. Eh. Better than nothing. I'm staying with a friend after all.

"Yeah, I'm cool with that," I said.

"Still u for adventuring tomorrow?," she asked.


So that was the second chapter. yay! I'm sorry if it's a bi short, but that's he best I can do tonight XD. Song by Alanis Morissette (Head Over Feet). I'm retro, I know. Don't care! Tell meh what you think! And heads up, he italic part up top is usually from the same song (I don't own). Review, favorite, follow, mo