Note: Yeah what?! I'm actually posting another chapter, SHE WAS LYING!

Sorry to pull a Moffat on you all but since SO MANY complained about, 'What?! That's it?! That's the ending?' I finally got around to writing...something more that will hopefully satisfy you all a bit. Now, I couldn't answer and tie up EVERYTHING perfectly because it was waaay to complex and I didn't have it all figured out and would have taken an entire further like, 8 chapters. And that stuff isn't what this fic is about. So here for you is at least a more...conclusive ending to the main point, theme focus...whatever of this fanfiction.

I did have this planned for a lot sooner but for those who care and are still reading, I moved out of home, got a flat, started my first year at Uni, finally just finished my last essay for a bit and next weekened AM GONNA MEET BENEDICT! Yep, flying over to Sydney to see the rascal. It's my dream come true and afterwards I will have no purpose to my life. But anyway, its been hectic but I managed to scrap this together for you all.

Now, of course, to all those who followed, fav'd and ect., thank you so so much and I hope you had a good read! Irene90, Authoressinhiding, Graveofthefireflies, Pheobe Arocis, Eltara, Superwhomerlockkb, Renaissancebooklover108, Lossie, strgazer84, Dark Jacky, Goddess Of Darkness 97, All-Things-TMNT, copperspider005, The Beautiful Filth, , FallingStar95, Ethanamide, kspiker100, kathy420, airbenderfangirl27, kim aren, WitchBurnes, Dodge1989, BloodDiamond24678, kelasenglab, FullDarkNoLight, josie-696, magentacr, writerinblue, we don't need names, zloty-las, WanderingAndLost, HarTay2022, GoldenZodiac, InfinitytimesInfinity8, sherlollykins, Le-awesome-me, Moorea, Morgaine Moonblade and Frosta Queen of Castle Chill thank you so much and i hope this is deserving of your devotion.

And now, to all those amazing people who left a review YOU generous, amazing guys was the reason for this to be brought back, you have no one but yourselves to thank. So to apedarling, as always thank you for your support all the way through and I'm so glad you enjoyed the journey

Grac3 good to hear I can keep you on your toes!

Irene90 thank you SO much for always been such a fantastic reviewer and support for me, i always appreciated you thoughts and the time you put into my story, thank you and have that little bit more ;)

Catie501 haha, i was going to end it there but your one of the people who convinced me otherwise. Still glad to hear you enjoyed the story though and hope you also enjoy this final instalment just as much.

tinuviel21 i WAS going to leave it there but you convinced me not to, sorry it wasn't soon, but yay that it was updated...eventually!

Rocking the Redhead so glad you enjoyed it and got the full impact of the last chapter (including the Little Favour scene)

katiedz your one of the few who liked the ending where it was and I hope this little bit extra doesn't spoil the story for you. Although, you could always not read it. But thank you so much for such kind words!

Brightpath2 you know already how much your continued support means to me but let me tell you once more. So glad you enjoyed the story and yeah, that's life isn't it? When Sherlock comes it is good but short lived, then it is over and the wait starts all over again. At leas I didn't make you wait 2 years haha!

Feagalad thank you so so much for enjoying that cliffhanger ending, I hope you also enjoy this chapter. Seriously, such kind words, glad you enjoyed the journey and thank you so much for reviewing!

Graveofthefireflies thank you so much for reading and hoped you enjoyed the whole story! And thanks for leaving a review!

Renaissancebooklover108 thanks! Now here's the denouement!

The Beautiful Filth as always, you've been amazing and i can't thank you enough for it! I couldn't quite fit in with what you wanted (would have been way too much and i don't have all the answers to all the problems) but hopefully this will still be good. I cannot express how much your support has been a help to me and thank you for being awesome. Enjoy and thank you!

LadyK1138 haha! Your reaction was priceless, hopefully this answers some things for you but thanks so much for being a constant through out this journey! Your support is much appreciated and I hope you enjoy the chapter =)

superlc529 your comparison of the this to the Reichenbach fall was most amusing and I (unlike Moffat) am so sorry to put you through such prolonged grief. But here it is! The epilogue you asked for and I hope it helps fulfill your need for completion =) Thank you so much for reviewing, it was so lovely to hear of your enjoyment and I hope you like this ending a bit better

cim902 it was over, but now it isn't. Thank you so much for reviewing though and i hope you enjoy this chapter!

echoesinthenight yep! Aussie Aussie Aussie! Thanks so much for the review and so glad you enjoyed the story! Have some more mate!

magentacr good to hear the full emotions were well conveyed going from your reaction! So glad you enjoyed the story, thank you so much for reviewing and hope you like the final instalment!

HarnGin that's a good idea. Although i really didn't want sherlock to have given the Dogs name a thought, almost dismissive but really he loves her and named her what she is. But so glad you enjoyed the story and thank you for reviewing!

magentacr gonna reply to you twice and yes, ok, i know and here it is! Well done, you guys begged me enough and i delivered. Hope you enjoy it!

Le-awesome-me it was but its ok, finally got around to writing some more and i hope you enjoy it!

Basser your review was much appreciated! Glad to hear another who enjoyed the characterisation and platonic relationship, (apart from the massage scene which is my dirty dream) Sherlock was hard to write but people wanted more emotion and as i knew there would be a change for season 3, i wanted my own shot of it before the series effected my writing of sherlock being more human. So glad you liked Dog (the name, characters, relationships and all together the story) Really glad my story managed to grab you and its nice to know I can provide some freshness to the same old stuff you get with fanfic (totally know what you mean, so hard to find a good story now days). Sorry about the typos, I wrote most of this during my year 12 so i was always a bit tired and rushed and you know how it is reading your own work, you never seem to spot the typos as you do in others. But anyway, I am so very pleased you enjoyed the story, it really means a lot coming from you and I hope this chapter doesn't ruin any of it for you. Thank you, your review was delightful! =D

So enjoy guys! And i'll see you on the other side (of the story, nothing to do with death)

Unless you show me how...

Despite the layers he had wrapped himself in that morning; the brisk air of autumn still seemed to bite. Yet he didn't mind.

The taste of freedom always had a bite.

Her door opened suddenly and she flinched on seeing him, she was still sometimes a mouse in front of a lion.

'Sherlock! When did you...?'

He held out his hand to her with a smile to show it was a request, not a command, 'Come with me.'

With hands deep in pockets and small amounts of breath misting the air the pair slowly made their way through paths and small alleys between the jumble of houses that were Molly's neighbourhood.

Eventually they crossed a road and concrete gave way to park where Dog trotted forward with a bark of greeting. She had been sitting and waiting for them.

Molly returned her greeting with a good pat and cooing. She caught a glimpse of Sherlock smiling down at them.

The group continued to walk the paths that journeyed between the frost kissed tress. Dog bounded ahead with enthusiasm and fascination, following each new smell she discovered along their way.

Eventually they stopped at a bench where they both sat and watched Dog's antics as she explored the territory around them.

'So they let you go?'

'Yes', he replied but showed no opportunity for further details.

'Does John know?' A stupid question but the past few months had become confusing. The actions from three years ago were only just coming into effect yet things had been altered so much already that no one knew what was to be expected anymore.

'He'll be coming soon,' Sherlock eventually huffed out in way that said annoyance but Molly knew to be his sign of nervousness. He then moved passed any chance of further details on the matter and instead began what was his version of small talk, Molly was all too happy to oblige if that's what Sherlock wanted. It was all still so raw and would do no good to talk about the consequences of the past when there was nothing to be done to change it.

Instead he asked her about her work in which she animatedly gave accounts of some interesting autopsies while he in return told her of the list of experiments he had been planning to do, three and a bit years worth.

At some point both contently let the conversation die and Dog had fallen asleep under the bench where Sherlock sat who was absently massaging her ear.

'Molly,' he began carefully in a tone that was completely different to what it had been all day. 'I really struggle with,' he gestured vaguely around then sighed. 'I'm not very good at conveying-I never seem...but need you to understand Molly,' at this point he turned to face her and she felt trapped under the intensity of his complete focus.

'You need to fully understand, how much I appreciate all you have done for me.' Again he paused and made a rolling motion with his lips, 'I would like to make it up to you but the words I try to use always seem to escape me.' He was talking slowly as if trying to calm the fluster that had entered his voice. Molly wasn't sure where it was all headed and couldn't help but blush from the awkwardness of the moment.

'If there is anything you want Molly, anything at all please just tell me and it can be yours.'

With that Molly smiled, something caught her eye over Sherlock's shoulder in the near distance. In the glance she watched as John stumbled to a halt on seeing the pair.

Sherlock had a slight frown when Molly directed her gaze back to his and she felt herself finally relax, her face soften. 'I have already gotten what I want Sherlock,' she replied honestly and gave a pointed look over his shoulder.

Sherlock's frown deepened and his mouth opened to voice a reply but he had turned just enough before he quickly spun to look behind him.

The reaction was instant.

Sherlock stumbled to his feet as Dog stared at the new man, ears pricked and alert.

The past three years seemed to give a closing replay in Molly's mind, the final drum roll. Slowly she got to her feet to stand behind the man who had suffered so much, all he had for this day, the moment that was about to finally happen after so many dark nights when such possibilities seemed out of reach.

At the ending of it all the three stood. The one to Sherlock who counted and the other, the one who mattered the most.

Molly gentle placed a hand on Sherlock's shoulder, the man she loved and moving closer she lent up on tip-toes and whispered to him what he had never really understood, 'All I ever wanted Sherlock, was to get you through to this moment.'

It was the slight push that she gave him that got Sherlock on his way, moving as always with such purpose towards John in evident fear but also barely contained excitement.

The smile on John's face was the end Molly had been waiting for over the past three years and pulling her scarf more securely around her neck she turned around to head home.

She had got him to where he needed to be, and that was enough for her.

Unless you show me how...

Despite the layers he had wrapped himself in that morning; the brisk air of autumn still seemed to bite. Yet he didn't mind.

The taste of freedom always had a bite.

Her door opened suddenly and she flinched on seeing him, she was still sometimes a mouse in front of a lion.

'Sherlock! When did you...?'

He held out his hand to her with a smile to show it was a request, not a command, 'Come with me.'

With hands deep in pockets and small amounts of breath misting the air the pair slowly made their way through paths and small alleys between the jumble of houses that were Molly's neighbourhood.

Eventually they crossed a road and concrete gave way to park where Dog trotted forward with a bark of greeting. She had been sitting and waiting for them.

Molly returned her greeting with a good pat and cooing. She caught a glimpse of Sherlock smiling down at them.

The group continued to walk the paths that journeyed between the frost kissed tress. Dog bounded ahead with enthusiasm and fascination, following each new smell she discovered along their way.

Eventually they stopped at a bench where they both sat and watched Dog's antics as she explored the territory around them.

'So they let you go?'

'Yes', he replied but showed no opportunity for further details.

'Does John know?' A stupid question but the past few months had become confusing. The actions from three years ago were only just coming into effect yet things had been altered so much already that no one knew what was to be expected anymore.

'He'll be coming soon,' Sherlock eventually huffed out in way that said annoyance but Molly knew to be his sign of nervousness. He then moved passed any chance of further details on the matter and instead began what was his version of small talk, Molly was all too happy to oblige if that's what Sherlock wanted. It was all still so raw and would do no good to talk about the consequences of the past when there was nothing to be done to change it.

Instead he asked her about her work in which she animatedly gave accounts of some interesting autopsies while he in return told her of the list of experiments he had been planning to do, three and a bit years worth.

At some point both contently let the conversation die and Dog had fallen asleep under the bench where Sherlock sat who was absently massaging her ear.

'Molly,' he began carefully in a tone that was completely different to what it had been all day. 'I really struggle with,' he gestured vaguely around then sighed. 'I'm not very good at conveying-I never seem...but need you to understand Molly,' at this point he turned to face her and she felt trapped under the intensity of his complete focus.

'You need to fully understand, how much I appreciate all you have done for me.' Again he paused and made a rolling motion with his lips, 'I would like to make it up to you but the words I try to use always seem to escape me.' He was talking slowly as if trying to calm the fluster that had entered his voice. Molly wasn't sure where it was all headed and couldn't help but blush from the awkwardness of the moment.

'If there is anything you want Molly, anything at all please just tell me and it can be yours.'

With that Molly smiled, something caught her eye over Sherlock's shoulder in the near distance. In the glance she watched as John stumbled to a halt on seeing the pair.

Sherlock had a slight frown when Molly directed her gaze back to his and she felt herself finally relax, her face soften. 'I have already gotten what I want Sherlock,' she replied honestly and gave a pointed look over his shoulder.

Sherlock's frown deepened and his mouth opened to voice a reply but he had turned just enough before he quickly spun to look behind him.

The reaction was instant.

Sherlock stumbled to his feet as Dog stared at the new man, ears pricked and alert.

The past three years seemed to give a closing replay in Molly's mind, the final drum roll. Slowly she got to her feet to stand behind the man who had suffered so much, all he had for this day, the moment that was about to finally happen after so many dark nights when such possibilities seemed out of reach.

At the ending of it all the three stood. The one to Sherlock who counted and the other, the one who mattered the most.

Molly gentle placed a hand on Sherlock's shoulder, the man she loved and moving closer she lent up on tip-toes and whispered to him what he had never really understood, 'All I ever wanted Sherlock, was to get you through to this moment.'

It was the slight push that she gave him that got Sherlock on his way, moving as always with such purpose towards John in evident fear but also barely contained excitement.

The smile on John's face was the end Molly had been waiting for over the past three years and pulling her scarf more securely around her neck she turned around to head home.

She had got him to where he needed to be, and that was enough for her.

Love to hear your thoughts

I have all ready started a few things in my spare time that are more season 3 related but some other different story lines too. I hope you enjoyed this epilogue and keep an eye out for more from me.

Wish me luck for meeting Benedict!