Jack smiled at Baby Tooth as she chattered away about the places she had been last night while collecting teeth. She had gotten permission from Tooth to come out with Jack at least once a week. Jack had begged for longer but she did have a job. For that matter he did to.

They stopped in Alaska for a quick break and Jack dropped to the ground changing into his smaller, more furry form. A baby winter fox.

Since discovering this power almost a month ago he had been using whenever possible. He had figured that when he turned into his animal counterpart his staff shrank as well and hung from a magic collar that North had made.

His favorite moment since discovering this power was going to see Jamie. It had been especially funny when he had first shown his friend his power.


Jamie walked outside into the fresh snow and breathed in the cold air. He jumped down the steps and his younger sister Sophie walked behind him. Jamie had recently turned twelve and Sophie was now seven.

"What do you feel like doing today?" Jamie asked his younger sister.

"Where's Jack?" She ignored his question and looked around.

"I don't know Soph," the boy said looking around. "Maybe he's not here."

"There is snow," Sophie pointed to the ground. "Jack brings snow. Jack is here." And with that she smiled broadly and skipped int the freezing yard.

"So what do you want to do?" Jamie asked again.

"To look for Jack," she said like it was the obvious answer.

"Alright," he sighed and ran down the street to the park. The park had recently gotten a swing set, but at the moment icicles hung form the bar at the top and threatened to hit people's head if they went any where near it.

"Look icicles!" Sophie giggled and picked up some snow. She threw it at the frozen water and one of the larger ones fell to the ground in a heap.

"Careful Soph," Jamie said. But he picked snowballs of his own and started throwing them.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw a small fury creature. Was it a cat?

Sophie seemed to notice it to and turned around. "Bunny?" She called.

"It's not Bunny," Jamie said, remembering his loathing of ice and snow.

"Is it a kitty?" She asked her older brother.

He walked forward, to the bush the animal had disappeared behind and looked for the thing that had moved. He didn't see anything.

"I don't know what it is." Jamie shrugged and walked away from the bush. But he turned back at a rustle from the bush. Snow fell from the caked branches.

"Kitty!" Cried Sophie, running forward.

Jamie turned to see a small furry creature covered in snow hopping around in the cold whiteness. The creature jumped over a large drift of snow and called out in a small squeak of pride.

"Kitty!" Sophie smiled and reached her hands out for the animal.

"Carefull sis!" He warned. The tiny girl stopped reaching out and looked back at her older brother.


"It looks like a baby."

The animal walked over to Sophie and tilted it's head. It had completely snow white fur and black tipped ears and tail.

"It doesn't look like a cat," Jamie reached a hand out and the little creature panicked. It jumped around wildly and Jamie couldn't tell if he was happy or scared. "It's ok little one," Jamie soothed.

The tiny creature hid behind Sophie as the boy reached out and Jamie could swear that the animal was grinning.

"It's a funny kitty," laughed Sophie. She knelt down and pet it's head. Jamie could've sworn he heard it purr. The creature lifted it's head and nuzzled into Sophie's hand.

Jamie came forward slowly while it was distracted and knelt next to his sister.

"I don't think it's a cat Sophie," Jamie said pondering, thinking back to his research books.

"Not a kitty?" Sophie picked it up gently and held it in her arms. "Then what is it?"

"I'm not sure Soph, lets go back inside and look in my books."

"Ok," Sophie continued to pet it's head. They carried it inside and Jamie ran into the kitchen.

"Mom look, I think we found a kitten outside," Jamie said.

"Oh dear, is it ok?" Their mother came around the corner and looked directly at Sophie. She smiled. "Dear aren't you a little old to play pretend?" She went back into the kitchen.

Jamie looked at the animal in Sophie's arms. It was there as plain as day. Maybe it was magic. That would explain why his mom couldn't see it.

"Mommy, doesn't see the kitty," Sophie held the animal like samba in lion king. It mewd pitifully.

"Carefull!" Cried Jamie. "Let's take it up my to my room."

"Can I make a play house for him?" Sophie asked.

"Yea," he smiled. They entered Jamie's room a moment later and Sophie set the creature on the floor.

"I'll be right back kitty," she said and ran out to get a few toys.

Jamie watched it out of the corner of his eye while he searched for a book. It was in his common feline book. The animal wasn't categorized there.

"Hmmm," Jamie hummed. Where else could it be if it wasn't a cat. On a hunch he looked in the smaller canines book. Before he could do more he heard a small creak from behind him. Sophie was sneaking back in the room holding two stuffed animals and her fold-up doll house.

"Shhhh," she whispered trying to sneak up on the small animal who was messing around with a small super hero action figure. She sat down and spread out the toys before whispering. "Come here little kitty."

The animal turned around and squeaked in happiness at the stuffed animal. One of them was a small white teddy bear that resembled it very much. And the other was a huge pink cat Sophie had gotten for her birthday. The thing was a little taller than her with a huge pink bow. While it inspected the smaller one Sophie unfolded the doll house. The doll house, once unfolded was about three feet high with each side open room just big enough for the animal to walk around in.

Jamie shook his head and turned back to the book. "Aha!" He said happily. Crawling over he showed his sister what he had found. "Look Sophie I found out what it is."

"F..." Sophie deciphered. "O... X. Fox." She smiled proudly.

"Yea," Jamie pointed to the pictures. "And it's a boy. The girls don't get the black tipped ears and tail."

"Boy fox," Sophie was now uninterested. She turned back to the animal who had lost interest in the stuffed animals and was now trying to climb the doll sized stairs. The tiny girl giggled and lifted the animal to the second floor of the doll house. It looked around at the pink room which was obviously a baby's room and yawned. Moving on to the next room which was a kitchen he licked the little plastic food.

"He's hungry Soph!" Jamie said.

"What do foxes eat Jamie?" she petted the top of the fox's head.

"I don't know, but the book says they eat bugs and berries."

Sophie stuck out her tongue. "Ew!" The tiny animal made a sound of disgust.

"Alright," Jamie smiled at the little fox. "I'll see if I can find a box of raspberries."

When he went down stairs he saw his mother still stirring the soup for dinner. He tried to sneak past her.

"What do you want young man?" She smiled.

"Can I get a box of raspberries?" He asked

"Dinner is in a bit," his mother warned.

"It's for the animal we found. It turns out it's a fox!"

"Alright Jamie," she laughed. "But make sure the 'fox' doesn't eat to much of the raspberries."

Jamie grabbed a small container and ran back up to his room. Sophie was there laughing almost hysterically as the fox tried to grab the plastic chandelier hanging from the ceiling of the doll house. "Jamie look," she hiccuped. "He think's it's real."

"I got some raspberries from the kitchen. Let's see if he'll eat them."

At the word 'eat' the fox looked over and jumped from the top of the doll house to the bottom. He padded over and nudged the box. Jamie opened the box and put a raspberry on the ground. It squeaked wildly and tried to put the entire thing in it's mouth at the same time. It wouldn't fit but, unknowing it kept trying.

Both Sophie and Jamie were laughing now and, finally it gave up and took smaller bites. Once it was done the tiny fox yawned and turned back to the doll house. On the first floor was a fluffy little bed. He curled up and put it's head on the pillow.

"Nighty night little fox," Sophie kissed the top of it's head.

"Sophie do you know why mom didn't see the fox?" Jamie asked.

"No," she pet the sleeping animal.

"Wanna know what I think?" His eyes became bright. Sophie's eyes lit up as she began to wonder. "I think that it's magic."

"Magic?" Sophie looked down at the sleepy animal. Jamie nodded. "What kind?"

"I don't know," Jamie said. "But I think he's like Jack."

"Bringing snow?"

When he heard the word 'magic' the fox opened it's eyes and jumped on Jamie's bed.

"I'm going to put the raspberries back," said Jamie. "Make sure the little guy doesn't fall of the bed.

Once Jamie was gone, right before Sophie's eyes the fox grew. The white fur straightened becoming light blue in color. The fur disappeared on the face and legs until...

"Jack!" Sophie said aloud.

"Hey kiddo!" Jack smiled.

"Jack you can turn into a fox?" Sophie asked happily

"Yea, I figured it out a couple of days ago."

"Cool!" Squeaked Sphie climbing on his lap, "you gonna tell Jamie?"

"No, let's make it our secret."

"Ok," Sophie smiled mischievously and began to sing little songs. By the time Jamie returned Jack had left. The winter spirit had now idea what Sophie had told her older brother but Jamie still had no clue about Jack's new ability.


Jack smiled, remembering the little scene. Baby tooth was riding on his back as Jack ran through the snow, his little body getting caked in the bright white flakes. It was mid winter now, a little past Christmas, and Alaska had feet and feet of snow absolutely everywhere.

It was his job to bring snow and frost, but once his job was done, he lived playing in it. A light sprinkling of snow was still falling around them and Jack looked up at the receding light.

Baby tooth squeaked at him patting his head. Jack nodded. It was getting late and he had to get baby tooth home.

Transfiguring back he took his staff and flew down to the tooth palace. It was always slightly warm at the tooth palace but Jack could stand it for short amounts of time.

Tooth turned at the gust of wind and smiled at the approaching figures. "Hi Jack," Tooth smiled, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"Hey Tooth," Jack said, completely oblivious.

Baby Tooth flew forward and chattered happily about what they had one that day. "Alaska!" Tooth's brow furrowed.

"I made sure there wasn't any storms or hard snow going on," Jack reassured smiled at Baby Tooth lovingly. It wasn't a really deep care. Anyone could clearly see it was completely sisterly, but Tooth saw the glance and felt jealousy rise in her chest. Pushing it down she gestured Baby Tooth back to her sisters.

"You really do love being with her don't you?" Tooth smiled softly.

Jack nodded also looking at the retreating figure. "She was the first one out of you four who actually accepted me."

Tooth nodded. "Well, you'll see her again today anyway," Tooth shrugged.

"What are you talking about?" Jack asked.

"North is having us all to dinner, didn't he tell you?"

"I haven't been up to the pole in over a week," Jack admitted.

"I'm glad you came over then, dinner's at seven."

Jack smiled and left. He had to make sure southern Canada got their scheduled snow and headed up to the pole. It was almost a half hour before dinner so he snuck into the main room and shrunk to his smaller form.

The furry white fox trotted in front of the fire. While he was this animal he had normal temperatures. And-even though he had a warm furry coat- had grown fond of curling in front of the fire. Closing his eyes he wondered how often called them to dinner.

Pitch had seemed schooled to see the four together when Jack had become a guardian. But ever since Jack had seen one of the members there at least once a month if not all together. Jack came and went wherever he pleaded, including each of the guardians places.

It seemed only a moment later when a hand was petting the top of his head and scratching slightly behind his ears. Yawning he opened his eyes and smiled up at Sandy.

Sandy waved creating a question mark over his head.

Jack sat up and transformed back into his normal self. He grabbed his staff and stood. "Hey sandy," Jack smiled.

Sandy smiled back and created the question mark again.

"North is holding dinner?" Jack raised his eyebrow.

Sandy nodded and tapped his wrist.

They arrived at dinner a moment later where Tooth and her cloud of smaller fairies were along with Bunny and North.

"Welcome!" cried North. "Jack, so glad you came I was wondering if I was going to catch you before dinner."

"We'll I'm glad Tooth caught me or I'd feel all left out," Jack stuck out his bottom lip comically.

Dinner was a quick affair of mostly healthy food- at the insistence of Tooth- was dessert which mostly consisted of fruit salad. Jack was distracted the entire time, his mind seemed in a completely different world.

"Jack, are you ok?" Tooth asked.

"Huh," Jack looked up. "Oh sorry Tooth. I don't know what's wrong with me lately, I just can't seem to concentrate."

"Flighty as a bird, always was, always will be," chuckled Bunny.

Jack shook my head. "It's different." He said.

"What do you mean?" North asked.

Jack shrugged. "I just can't concentrate. Like I'm in nine different places at a time."

"And what would these places be?" Bunny smiled, putting more food in his mouth.

"I don't know. Places I've created a storm recently. It's as if I can see what's going on there."

"You think it might be a new power?" Tooth cocked her head.

"You seem to be racking those up pretty quickly." Bunny snorted. Sandy smiled affectionately.

"I don't know Tooth," Jack sighed and put his head on the table.

"Are you alright Jack?" North asked.

"Yea," he looked up and smiled. "I guess I'm just freaking out." He stood up and stretched, his body striking to it's more mobile form. He trotted over and jumped up to sit in Tooth's lap.

"You really do love that form don't you?" Tooth petted the top of his head.

The tiny fox nodded emphatically.

Bunny rolled his eyes at the fox with a small smile on his face. "I told you being an animal is more comfortable."

Tooth agreed.

Jack shrugged, which on the tiny furry body looked a bit strange. Tooth picked him up in her arms like a bay doll and kissed the top of his head "you're so sweet when you're like this!" She cooed.

"You're only giving him what he wants," warned Bunny.

"And what would that be?" Tooth sighed.

"Time with - you know what? Nevermind." Bunny folded his arms and leaned back in his chair.

Tooth blushed bright red and looked down at Jack whose large white ears were folded down on his head in a fit of embarrassment.

"Well my fellow guardians you should know that I am heading up to my bed." North stood and waved walking up the stairs.

Jack looked up at Tooth and cocked his head. He jumped out of her arms and looked at the clock. His eyes went wide and he squeaked before jumping off the table and transformed back into his normal form.

"I told Jamie I'd give him a snow day for Friday." He said to the other guardians. "See you."

"Flighty as a bird," laughed Bunny as the figure of Jack Frost zipped away.


Jack flew into burgess a few moments before mid night. "Come on wind," he coaxed. "We have a job to do."

The soft breeze holding him up turned into a torrent of air, bringing with it millions of billions of tiny snow flakes. Once the snow was falling gently on it's own Jack flew to Jamie's window.

The twelve year old was in bed reading a book with a flash light. Jack smiled and knocked on the glass. Form inside Jamie looked up and grinned wildly. He jumped out of bed and pulled the window up. Jack slipped inside.

"Hey Jamie, enjoying yourself?"

"I thought you weren't going to come." Jamie smiled closing the window slightly behind Jack.

"North invited me for dinner," Jack explained. "When I saw what time it was I hurried over as fast as I could."

"Well I glad you came." Jamie said.

"I'm glad to," Jack said.

"I promised Sophie you'd be here to say goodnight," Jamie blushed at his sentimentality.

"We'll I'd better go and fulfill that promise shouldn't I?" Jack slipped down the hall.

He opened the pink door to see the little girl with a sleepy look in her face as she sat on her window sill

"Hey princess, shouldn't you be in bed," Jack smiled.

"Jack!" Sophie yawned as she attempted to smile.

He picked her up and held her for a second, sitting on her bed.

"I wanted to play with you again." She whispered, cuddling the cool arms of the older boy.

"You really like me as that little fox don't you?" He asked. Putting his staff on the ground, to better hold her.

"Don't you like being the fox?" Sophie sat up in his arms. "If I was an animal I would never change back."

"Of course I love being a fox." Jack rubbed Sophie's head. "But I like being human to."

"Jack do you want to prank Jamie?" That tiny voice asked.

Jacks eyes lit up like the Fourth of July. "Always!"

"Great," she smiled. "Because I have an idea."


The next morning Sophie woke up to find a tiny being at the end of her bed. It could've been there all night, she had no idea. It was snoring quietly and contentedly. Or it was until Sophie sat up rubbed her eyes and saw it.

"Jack!" She giggled gently picking him up. "You stayed!" The tiny animal opened one eye and yawned. "Good morning," she kissed him on his furry snout. "Did you bring snow?"

She stood up and wrapped the animal in her arms. She climbed up to the window and giggled happily. "Jack brought snow!" She squealed. "Jack brought snow!"

"Sophie what's wrong?" Her mother poked her head in.

"Jack brought snow!" She said one more time, pointing to the window.

The creature in Sophie's arms purred and looked up at Sophie's mother.

"That's great Sophie." The mom smiled. "What are you holding dear?"

"Jack," Sophie held the animal up with both hands.

"Alright sweet heart." She smiled, shaking her head. "Whatever you say."

And with that she left.

Sophie put Jack in her giant doll house and shook her finger at him. "Don't peek."

The little fox looked around the doll house, trying to travers the four flights of stairs into the next room. It was interesting to look around the many bed rooms. And play around with the dolls in varying positions.

"Ok Jack I'm ready," Sophie turned around and the little fox squeaked with happiness. She was wearing a warm sweater and snow pants. "We go get Jamie and and my coat and then we'll go play." She grinned and Jack jumped up into her arms.

"Mew," called the cat like animal.

"Yes," nodded Sophie, as if understanding the tiny creature. "I will show you Jamie's friends."

The fox purred and nuzzled farther into Sophie's arms as she walked outside a moment later. Her mother was there with the snow shovel, trying to get a walkway to the gate.

"Morning Sohpie," the mother greeted. "It snowed buckets on us last night."

"Yep,"Sophie nodded matter-of-factly. "Jack brought it."

"All right sweetie," the older woman rolled her eyes. "You go play, but be back by lunch time. The school has called a snow day."

"Yay!" Sophie danced around holding jack in her out stretched hands. "Snow day!" When she stopped her dance the little fox was panting happily. "Mommy, where's Jamie?"

"He went out to play with his friends."

Sophie giggled wildly and ran over to their popular hang out- the park. She found everyone except the twins there. They had, apparently, been kept home by their mother with an awful cold.

"Jamie!" Called Sophie, stumbling over her feet as she ran to her older brother. "Jack came!"

"I noticed," Jamie smiled. "That's why there's snow."

Pippa rolled her bright green eyes. "Come on Jamie, Jack just dumped snow and left, we haven't seen him all morning."

"Of course he's here," Jamie cried. "We just have to find him!"

"Found him!" Sophie giggled putting the fox down in the snow.

Cupcake, Pippa, Jamie and everyone else got down on their knees and looked at the little creature. It mowed pitifully and everyone began to laugh.

"Sophie, that's not Jack!" laughed Jamie. "That's the fox we found a week ago."

"You found a fox a week ago?" Pippa asked.

"Yea, but my mom didn't see it so I knew it was magic."

"So why couldn't it be Jack?" the short boy with the huge glasses asked.

"But," Jamie seemed at a loss for words. He turned to his sister. "Prove it Sophie."

She knelt down next to the fox. "Ok Jack show them." She coaxed. The tiny fox paused and closed its eyes. But nothing happened. "Jack?" She tilted her head. Again nothing happened.

"Very funny," Jamie rolled his eyes. "You and mom came up with this didnt you? You've probably been keeping the thing in your room for a week waiting to pull this."

"No!" Sophie protested. "That is Jack!"

Everyone was laughing-cupcake almost hysterically. The fox squeaked and looked up at Sophie with terrified eyes.

"You're scaring him!" Pippa knelt down next to the baby fox. "Jack or not it is cute." She admitted rubbing the top of his head. The animal purred contentedly and nuzzled her hand.

Cupcake and the other boy knelt down as well and smiled as the fox started running in circles, chasing his own tail. Jamie looked over in slight defiance, still believing he was right but the animal looked up at him with those huge black eyes almost begin him with those eyes to come over Jamie relented.

"Alright he's cute," Jamie admitted. "But I still don't believe it's Jack."

The creature squeaked with joy and ran up Jamie's legs as the younger boy sat down. The fox licked Jamie's exposed nose. And a line from one of the Christmas carols he was always hearing came to mind. 'Jack Frost nipping at your nose'.

Jamie shook his head and rubbed the fox behind the ears. That was a ridiculous idea. Jack was human. He didn't look anything like this sweet little animal. Despite the collar with the charm that looked exactly like Jack's staff.

"What the?" Jamie touched the little charm. The fox seemed to smile and backed up, growing, his fur becoming shorter and frame becoming longer. In only a moment a full sized Jack sat there, his staff right next to him.

"Hi guys," he smiled a little out of breath. "For a second I thought that I was going to be stuck like that."

Very one of the children except Sophie sat there, completely stunned. Then Jamie managed to choke out one word. "Jack?"

"Yea?" Jack tilted his head, and sat cross legged next to his younger companions.

"You can turn into a fox!" Jamie cried jumping up and grinning.


"That's so cool!" Pippa stood as well. The rest stood and Sophie jumped on his back.

"Told you," Sophie taunted sticking her tongue out.

"Be nice Soph," Jack chuckled and tried to stand. His normally pale face lost what little color it had and he swayed slightly.

"Whoa," he muttered, supporting himself on his staff.

"Are you ok?" Sophie asked, still on his back.

"Yea princess," Jack smiled. "Just a little dizzy." He knelt down and grabbed a handful of snow. "Shhh," he hushed Sophie and threw it directly at the back of Jamie's head.

Sophie laughed at her brother's confusion and Jamie turned around.

There was a moment of silence where everyone paused to see how Jamie would react.

"Attack!" He cried and picked up a snowball. The two girls and boys picked up their own balls of snow. Sophie slid off Jack's back and joined the snow ball fight.

"Get 'em Sophie!" Yelled Jack grinning like a maniac.

The tiny girl balled up some snow and threw ferociously. It hit Pippa square in the chest and almost knocked her over. Jack laughed out loud, but something was still nagging at the back of his mind.

He hadn't been able to change back. That had never happened in the month or so he had gotten this power. Was this a one time thing or was it going to keep happening until... a son ball hit him in the face before he could doge and startled him so much he fell over.

"You actually hit him," Jamie said in awe.

There was a short silence I could see I had nearly put the kids into shock.

"I've been hit!" I laughed. "You win, you win." I sat up, shaking the snow from my hair.

"He can dish it out but he can't take it!" Cupcake cried, throwing a fist in the air.

I stood Sophie looking at me concernedly. "You got it Cupcake." I pretended to see something out of the corner of my eye and turned toward the huge clock on the sign across the street. "I need top get going but you guys enjoys the snow." I laughed and sped off before anyone could stop me.

I needed to talk to someone about this.

I promised this chapter so long ago and I am so sorry!