Raphael's Insanity

Chapter 1: A Horror Hallucination

The terrifying darkness was all around me. Nothing in front of me could be seen, not even my own hand centimeters in front of my face. The darkness was closing in on me, consuming me causing me to get more and more terrified every step I took. A horrible bone chattering laugh was very close behind me and it sent a painful chill up my spine. But that didn't keep me from running. My heart was racing at rapid going pace and it almost made me collapse. Sweat was rolling down my face and tears were beginning to roll down my eyes like a waterfall. Time slowly went by until whatever was chasing me grabbed my pale-green arm. "No! Let go of me!" I scream as I struggle to get my arm free. The grip on my wrist just kept getting tighter and it started cutting of my circulation in my wrist. Another dreadful laugh escapes the monster holding onto my wrist and more tears begin to fall down my eyes. "I've got control over you now, Raphael!" It says as it begins to come closer to me. I wail and scream at the monster again, demanding it to let go. "Let me go!" "Let go!" I continue to scream and struggle against the monster, but every time I did, it would just laugh and mock me. My anger was beginning to build up and all my fright and pain was being pushed back. "I'm going to kill you Raphael." "All of your sanity is being taken away by me!" It threatens. Then suddenly the fright and pain instantly comes back and begins to come out in cries for help. "Stop! "Leave me alone!" "Help!" I had finally lost it.

RAPH!...RAPH WAKE UP LITTLE BROTHER! PLEASE! Leo yells as he shakes my shoulders. I bolted up in my bed. My forehead and body was drenched with sweat and the sharp pants escaping me were beginning to make me dizzy. I was tightly grasping my messed up covers trying to get control of my breathing "Raph, are you ok?" Leo asked with a severely concerned look on his face. "I…I don't know." I was still in shock from what I have just seen in my sleep. "Raph, you have been having these nightmares for a long time now and it's really been worrying us." Leo explains as he put a gentle hand on Raphael's shoulder. "I'm fine fearless. Quit tryin' to baby me." Raph angrily grumbles as he shrugs Leo's hand of him. "Raph, I'm desperate to help you." "You have been like this for week's now-"Leo was shortly cut off as a shouted at him out of a strange anger. "Leo leave me the freak alone!" "Yer also tryin' to get on me, but I don't need yer-"I then halted from finishing what I was going to say. I looked into Leo's eyes and noticed the worry and sadness he was unshamfully showing. "Leo…I…I'm sorry...I" Leo put his hand up to silence me. He then walked over and wrapped his strong arms around my shell. "Shhhhh….calm down little brother." He soothes as he rubs my shell. My sharp and painful panting begins to tone down as Leo continues to soothe and calm me down. I bury my head into his shoulder as I have my eyes wide open trying to calm myself down. "It's ok Raph. I'm here. You're safe now." Leo continues to whisper soothing things into my ear. His grip gets tighter around me as he notices I begin to relax a little. A time that felt like 3 years, Leo finally tucks me back under my covers when he see's that I have drifted off into a deep slumber. Another terrifying nightmare doesn't plague my mind after that time, but my horrible visions are far from over.