Chapter 5

Dante's house, Venice, Italy

Dante walked into his guest room only to arrive none other than their kind titan friend Cherit. Cherit wasn't his usual cheery self, he was struck with chronic headaches and pain in his joints. It had all started a week ago, when Cherit feel to the ground had remained on the bed in the guest room since, and had failed to get , this was a situation Dante had never expected to encounter, Titans don't get sick or injured on a normal basis, and when they do in the slightest way possible they return to an amulet, however Cherit didn't have an amulet but like every Titan he didn't get injured easily.

Dante assumed it was a curse as he drank from a piping hot cup of what most people would assume was coffee, although it did smell peculiar and not in any way like a daily basis he was plagued with what he assumed was a curse, because he was completely aware that he should be immune to sickness. However, Cherit was weak and barely had the strength to speak, another peculiar feature that made Cherit so special.

Dante had placed a piping hot bowl of chicken soup near the bed, however he only earned a curious look from Cherit, and he was forced to a split second it felt as if everything was normal, but with every new sip of his mysterious beverage Dante knew that it wasn't true. _

The Huntik team sat in the living room of Dante's home, the team had previously returned from their respective missions, although they were disappointed once they found out that none of them had received any information to help them on their team was talking about their adventures amongst themselves when Dante received a mission from Metz.

"Nice to see you again Huntik Team" Metz greeted them "I assume your travels went well"

"Sadly, we didn't gather any new information" Dante answered "but we will continue to work on this mission you gave us"

"However.." Metz replied "The boy's first change is presumed to be in around a month, which will allow you some time to complete other missions"

"What are you saying?" Lok asked as soon as Metz had finished speaking

"Have you ever heard of the Melusine?" Metz asked the Huntik team

"You mean the serpentine nymph from French legend?" Sophie asked in her typical manner

"The very one" Metz replied "We believe we have discovered it's location"

"Where would such a titan be kept?" Zhalia asked curiously

"We believe it is located in theHypogée des Dunes" Metz replied "An underground chapel located in the city of Poitiers"

"You mean the site that was closed to the public in 1998" Sophie replied "Do you really believe this is where the titan could be?"

Metz nodded

"We'll take it" Dante replied before saying his signature phrase "Seekers, we have a mission"

2 days later, Poitiers, France

The Huntik team walked through the streets of the city, looking around at the beautiful city as they began to approach the felt a strange feeling about the place but she shook it off as they entered the chapel.

"Alright team" Dante said aloud "keep your eyes open, the Blood Spirals may also be after this titan"

"Alright" Den replied "I was keeping an eye out anyway but thanks"

Suddenly, the team approached a stairwell, as they begin to walk down they noticed a second section of the steps, separated by a single step that appeared to have carvings different from the rest of them,Lok thought it looked peculiar and reminded himself to come back later,when suddenly a voice could be heard.

"Think you could escape us so easily, Dante Vale!" Shauna's voice blasted through the chapel "Wind and I aren't easily defeated, even after what you did" the last part had some extra venom in it, as if she truly had grown to despise Dante. Wind soon approached them,however he wasn't in his usual semi-normal shape. Wind looked like a real Zombie, he walked towards them, limping with a bloody bandage around his neck, his pupils were more dilated to the extent that the irises of his eyes were no longer visible, his skin had gone from just snow white to a greenish pale tone, defining his features and making his eyes even more noticeable as well as making him appear as if he was truly dead.

Harrison suddenly remembered how Wind was when he left, his blood was spewing from his neck,considering Lok had knocked Shauna unconscious he had most likely lost a lot of his blood, and because of his current undead state his body couldn't produce any more of it.

Shauna ran towards them, Wind limping slowly behind her as she pulled out an unfamiliar amulet, it was a golden amulet with a red gem in the middle, it had curved lines popping out of the center of the amulet similar to the hair on a ragdoll.

"Come on out to play, Laveau!" Shauna cried out summoning an unfamiliar titan, the titan had an appearance similar to a voodoo doll with a cloth-like exterior and buttons over it's eyes. However, it's mouth contained strong silver fangs and had two silver spears in it's arms that were in resemblance to needles, "Ash" Shauna called out for her other titan to join them, "You're not stealing this titan!" Shauna yelled as her titans began to attack.

"Caliban" "Kilthane" could be heard from Dante and Zhalia as they summoned their titans near to defend against titans were holding up well, however the seekers weren't doing quite as well soon after Shauna unleashed her banshee scream,both seekers had their hands over their ears and their concentration was slowly fading away.

Meanwhile Den and Harrison were attempting to defeat Wind, who was still just as powerful in his weak state. Their Power Bonded titans Antediluvian and Vigilante were attempting to fight of Shakrit as the two rookie seekers aimed their spells at Wind, whom blocked their shots with ease.

As their companions were fighting off the enemy, Lok and Sophie took the opportunity to sneak into the next room. In the room were five sarcophagi, many of them were under beautiful arches that were covered in mysterious carvings all over the walls similar to the ones on the stairs.

"Where should we start looking?" Sophie asked Lok, expecting him to lead the way

"I don't know" Lok replied "perhaps we should check inside one of the sarcophagi"

"How about the one to the northeast?" Sophie asked "It does have the largest arch"

Sophie and Lok walked to the northeast sarcophagus and inside found that there wasn't much that remained of it, however the parts that were left were adorned in drawings of angels that all seemed to be pointing to the center of the sarcophagi.

"It seems as if the drawings are all pointing to the center of the sarcophagus" Sophie informed Lok

"Yeah, i noticed that too" Lok replied "Wait! That gives me an idea, wasn't the Melusine a mermaid?"

"In a way, but it would most likely be in water" Sophie managed to say before Lok poured some of the water from his bag into the middle of the sarcophagus, however he was disappointed when he didn't see anything change.

"Nothing happened" Lok commented, however the ground soon started to shake and the abnormally marked step from earlier disappeared, the hole that was in the step's place began to expand until another staircase could be seen leading down to a small corridor underneath the chapel

Shauna noticed the opening and quickly sprinted towards what was beneath the chapel, however, she was followed by Zhalia and Dante shortly after.

"Should we help them?" Sophie asked Lok

Lok nodded before he began going in the direction of the opening, he was soon followed by Sophie as the Fears brothers continued fighting again Wind.

Inside seemed to be a large room, on one side laid a beautiful crystal statue of the Melusine with adequate details, clenched fists and unreadable carvings underneath, the other side had what looked like a bathing chamber, with an old fashioned bathtub, soaps and herbs lying all around the area and an old corpse, which was chained down and appeared as if it had been trapped for a very long time.

"What do you think happened to this guy?" Lok asked his companion

"I have no idea" Sophie replied "but it may be part of the story of the Melusine, she was punished to have the legs of a serpent after she trapped her father with only his riches"

"You mean like that statue over there?" Lok replied looking towards a large crystal statue at the other side of the room, it seemed as if that was the place Shauna decided to continue her battle with Dante and Zhalia as she sent several spells their way.

"Yes" Sophie replied "now all we need is a way to find the Titan"

"Water opened up the staircase right?" Lok asked "Why don't we try putting something in the bathtub and see what happens"

"No dungeon uses the same trick twice" Sophie replied "there must be another way to get to it"

"Either way I think we have a better chance over here rather than at the statue with Shauna" Lok told Sophie

"What if we look around?" Sophie commented "We might find something"

"Alright" Lok replied before he reached into the bathtub, he soon felt something strange near the examining it he found it was some sort of wooden lever, he quickly pulled it and watched as the statue opened up it's right hand to reveal an amulet, it appeared to be silver in the shape of a snake tail, in the middle appeared the _ gem that marked the amulet of every _ Titan.

"Its the amulet" Lok said as he raced towards it

"Not if I get there first" Shauna hissed as she tried to run from her battle only to be stopped by Dante grabbing her arm with a strong grip

"I don't think so" Dante said as she struggled from his grip, "Lok! Get the titan!"

Lok ran as fast as he could to grab the titan; jumping over spells, titans and traps to get towards the several minutes he managed to step close enough to the statue to grab hold of it's right hand and the amulet hidden in the first.

"It won't bond!" Lok yelled as he felt the cold alloy, failing to feel any connection to the creature on the inside of the amulet.

"What do you mean it bond!" Sophie yelled "Titans always bond to you Lok, why won't it bond now?"

"I don't know" Lok said "I've been feeling strange lately, that might be it"

"Ha!" Shauna fell into a fit of laughter "The boy can't bond with the titan!"

"Quick!" Dante yelled "While she is distracted!"

Zhalia nodded, sending a Auger Frost towards Shauna.

As blast hit Shauna right in the head, she fell unconscious and allowing Dante and Zhalia to be able to focus on Lok.

Lok then smashed the hand of the statue using Dragon Fist, permitting him to grab the amulet and bring it to his friends.

"Do you guys have any idea why it won't bond with me?" Lok asked, approaching his friends "I mean I bonded with Medusa, and the titans seem to be very similar."

"I have no idea" Dante replied "It may be that there is something wrong with the titan. Do you feel anything strange Sophie?"

"No, not at all" Sophie replied "Let me see the amulet"

"Alright" Dante replied, tossing the amulet in Sophie's direction.

As Sophie grabbed the amulet she felt the titan inside the amulet, feeling no problem bonding with it.

"There is nothing wrong with the titan" Sophie informed her friends "In fact, it was one of the easiest i've ever had to bond with"

"That means that if there is nothing wrong with the titan…" Zhalia started

"Than there must be something wrong with me" Lok finished

Authors Note: Sorry it took me so long to update, i've been having computer issues. Hopefully I can make the next chapter faster, but for now i hope you enjoyed my latest chapter.