I don't own TMNT. I do own a tub of yogurt though. (:

April laughed chaotically while splashing her reptilian friends. Well, all but one at least. Donnie was perfectly dry; the side table behind her aunt's pool gave him all the protection he needed.

"Why isn't he swimming?" She thought. She narrowed her eyes and made an "I'm watching you" gesture with her hands and looked between Mikey, Raph, and Leo. She climbed up the pool ladder and walked over to where her socially awkward friend was hiding.

"What's up?" April asked. Donnie tore his eyes away from his book, and up to a concerned April. "Just reading," he dismissed bluntly.

"Why aren't you swimming?"

"I'm not really the water-loving type, April."

"Please? For me?" April batted her eyelashes. Usually by this point, Donnie would have caved. Not this time. He knew he couldn't go back into the water after what happened the last time.


April pouted. Usually when she pulled the eyelash trick, he would've accepted her request. "He's becoming immune to my girl charm," she mumbled. It was time for phase two in the handbook of a "Girl's Secret Powers."

"Why not?" She huffed.


"Because why?"

"I don't like swimming."


"April," he said in a demanding tone. "I'm not going near that water."

"Give it up already, April! There's no way he's going in the water after what happened!" Mikey yelled from the pool. Leo nodded. "Yeah, good luck with that, April," he said. "We've already tried."

April backtracked. "Wait, wait. What happened to Donnie?"

The boys and April turned their heads to Donnie, awaiting his story. Donnie sighed. "Do I have to?" He whined. The boys all agreed. "Okay, so, it was a rainy day, when we were about four or so. We were all really bored, so we went out in the sewers to play. Sensei said that it was fine as long as we didn't go far. We were having fun- playing hide and seek, tag, racing…" Then Donnie paused and started to wring his hands.

"Then, I remember the guys said something that really ticked me off. I started crying and wondered down one of the tunnels myself. First, I tripped over a big pipe on the floor, and knocked out my tooth, right here!" He said, pointing to the gap in his smile. (AN: I know I wrote another story that claimed that Donnie didn't lose his tooth, it was diastema, but pretend that doesn't apply here.) "I had my bloody tooth, my first adult tooth, ripped out! I carried my tooth, hoping that at least the tooth fairy could take it. A few minutes later, I dropped it, and went to pick it up. Then, I fell into city water drain! I remember holding onto a rusty sewer pipe that was hanging above the swirling water for at least a half an hour. Finally, when the rain slowed down, I was able to reach the other side and climbed out. I wondered the sewers for hours, until I heard Splinter's voice calling for me."

Donnie went back to reading his book after his tale. The boys returned to their water fights, but April had another idea in mind. It was called, "Mission impossible: The Hydrophobic Turtle."

I know these were supposed to be oneshots, but this one will have an extra chapter because I made it so short. Sorry!