Walk the Moon

Summary: AU Hanabusa Aidou was just minding his own business in the middle of nowhere when a car barreled into his side. Sure, hitchhiking could be dangerous but he was sure being hit, tazed and dragged back to said assailant's house was probably more than any other hitchhiker had experienced. Aidori

A/N: Hello everyone! I thought it was finally time I wrote for one of my favorite pairings ever: yes, I'm a secret (well, not anymore) hardcore Aidori shipper. I can't help it :P This is my first fanfics for VK and I hope you guys enjoy it! Anyway, please drop a review if you get the chance, thanks!


Chapter 1- Prologue

At that moment it seemed as if the moon was leering down at him saying, Hah, you pathetic excuse for a noble, how does that bumper taste?

The car came to a screeching halt as the driver ran out, stopping in front of the blonde man sprawled out in the middle of the road.

"Are you alright, sir?"

No, he was just peachy. It wasn't like getting hit by a freaking car was life threatening or anything…

"I'm fine." He mumbled out, straining to sit up. Shit—the mirror had just grazed him but he could feel a couple of broken ribs. Sure, he'd heal in a day or two thanks to his superior healing capabilities, but it didn't mean it didn't hurt like Hell. Taking in a deep, painful breath, the vampire looked at the woman who had viciously run him over.

She seemed pretty, in a natural kind of way. No traces of makeup. Large amber eyes. Small mouth, button nose. Short, curly auburn hair that gently framed her heart-shaped face. She reminded him of a doll (a dangerous, car-driving doll who enjoyed running people over for fun).

"No, you're not. I hit you going fifty." She stated bluntly. The hell—she sounded bored! Somehow, the youth had a strange feeling he wasn't the first person she had hit driving down this road.

"Your mirror only grazed me. I'm fine, really." He gave his famous playboy grin, waiting for the girl to blush and melt into his hands.

"At least let me take you to the hospital. What were you doing out here in the dead of night, anyway? Lots of pedestrians are hit on this road because it's unlit and winding."

The vampire frowned. How could anyone resist his charismatic charm? Was she blind? Well, it would explain why she hit him…

"The hospital's unnecessary. A ride to the nearest hotel, however, would be much appreciated." He made sure she was looking at him when he grinned. How about that, ice queen?

She didn't even blink. "Were you hitchhiking then? That's really dangerous."

Aidou snorted. Obviously. First day on his own and he's hit by a car.

"Well, I'll be going now—" He started to walk down the dirt road, whistling a little tune with his hands in his pockets. He'd flag down the car of the next pretty lady he saw, charm his way in, and have her give him a ride to the nearest hotel (and maybe a bit of blood if he was lucky).

Unfortunately, it seemed luck was not on his side.

"W-wait! I can't just let you leave! You hit your head; you might have brain damage or internal bleeding." He could hear her running towards him.

Figures. She might not be enamored by his good looks but she had a guilty conscience. Maybe he could use it to his advantage…

"I really don't need a hospital but I could use a place to stay the night." He gave a lopsided grin, cerulean eyes bright with mischief. Even in the darkness he could see the pink tint of blood rushing to her cheeks. If he was honest with himself, he would admit that she seemed quite cute, all embarrassed and shy.

"W-well, I live alone so it wouldn't be much of a problem, Mr…?"

"My name is Hanabusa Aidou. Nice to meet you—well, not so much the bumper of your car."

"Ah, I really am sorry about that. I sometimes have a bad habit of driving while reading."

The noble's eyes widened. Driving and reading? Did this girl have a death wish? It was astounding she had only barreled into him and not any of the surrounding trees!

"I'm Sayori Wakaba. But I go by Yori." She gave a soft smile, holding out her hand.

He took it, smirking. She probably wanted a handshake, but, how would she react to this?

"That's a beautiful name. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

He pulled her hand to his lips, breathing in her scent. She smelled sweet, like honey. A mixture of apple and cinnamon. He felt a sudden tightening in his chest.

Shit, he had been so infuriated with the girl he hadn't even noticed his own bloodlust. He hoped to God that his eyes were still their natural blue; it would require more energy than he had to erase her memory if he had to. The vampire could already feel his fangs aching. As long as she didn't cut herself—

Yori quickly pulled her hand away, taking a few steps back. The ground was uneven and she slipped before the noble could catch her. They both landed in a heap on the ground, legs tangled together.

And the moon was back, mocking him. Wow, for a vampire you're really slow. Maybe you should think about exercising and losing some weight, fatty.

Aidou stiffened considerably when he realized she was bleeding. The wound on her knee was right next to his face and he did his best to not breathe in her delicious scent. Just don't breathe. Who needs air? I'm perfectly in control of my urges—oh,to hell with it.

All at once, the rational, collected side of himself disappeared, leaving only the injured, blood-starving vampire.

"Aidou-kun?" She questioned. It was the longest the man had stayed silent and with his bangs covering his eyes she couldn't tell if he was alright. Crap, was he having an aneurism?

"Are you alright—"

The man roughly gripped her shoulders, head buried in the crook of her neck. She could feel puffs of hot breath against her skin and she reflexively shivered at the contact.

"S-stop, please…" She mumbled out as his tongue glided across her skin. Was he… tasting her? Oh, God, she had somehow made acquaintances with a cannibal. An arrogant, attractive one (although she didn't think it made the situation any better).

"If you don't stop in the next three seconds I will use my Taser." She warned.

No response; he couldn't hear her past his haze of bloodlust. The man's breaths continued to grow shallower as he opened his mouth, exposing a set of fangs. Just a tiny bit of pressure and he would have what he so sorely desired—

His eyes immediately returned to their natural ice blue as he froze, feeling jolts of electricity shoot up his spine. Damnit! He thought it was a freaking bluff!

The world spun in slow motion as he fell forward onto the dirt like a beached whale.

If only his parents could see him now (wouldn't they be so proud?). Their only son, the intellectual, savvy Hanabusa Aidou was now lying face down in the dirt after being tazed by a human girl (although, in his defense, she had also managed to run him over with her car so she was probably far from normal).

Light spilled through the blinds, illuminating parts of the vampire's face in hexagonal marks. He turned away from the light, mumbling something in his sleep as he pulled the quilt over his head.

Wait, where was he?

Immediately, he awoke, squinting his eyes in the harsh light. The room was decorated in pictures and books, a whole wall dedicated to them. A small desk was at his side with a little note attached. Swinging his legs over the side, the noble ran his fingers through his messy bed-head (he hoped he could find a mirror somewhere) and pulled off the note. It was written in elegant cursive, looking more like it was meant to be written on business ledger instead of a cheap yellow sticky note. Aidou read it out loud, eyes widening in surprise.

"Dear Hanabusa Aidou,

I assume if you are reading this then you must have woken up. I apologize for using the Taser but I did warn you. Anyway, I left some food on the table if you're hungry. Just warm it up because it's probably cold by now. I'll be back around 2; until then you can just sit around and watch T.V or something.



P.S. I'm sorry if there are any bruises on your face. It was a bit difficult carrying you to the car so I may have dropped you a couple times."

She was sorry about tazing a man who had nearly ripped out her throat? He couldn't help it; he laughed, tears welling up in his eyes. This woman was unbelievable. She had trusted him enough to leave him, alone, in her house. She was too naïve!

The vampire put the note down, walking into the bathroom to assess the damage. He sucked in a breath at the sight. He looked like he had gone through Hell (which, arguably, he had). Black bags hung under his eyes and a purplish bruise was beginning to form on his temple. A couple of cuts marred his otherwise flawless skin and he groaned at the sight. Without blood or blood tablets it would take weeks for the cuts to heal. Yep, his ribs were still (surprise!) broken and it hurt to breathe, nevertheless move.

It wasn't his fault that he had been ambushed by a bunch of thugs in his moment of weakness. They had surrounded him with guns and knives and being the pacifist he was (well, more like he didn't want to be riddled with bullet holes) he gave him his suitcase and wallet. Which, of course, contained his money and blood tablets. Luckily, they left him on the road, unharmed, until a certain auburn-haired girl barreled into him with her car.

So, the vampire complied with the girl's commands. He sat in front of the T.V, watched some horrible sitcom about homeless people and let his brain melt for a few hours. He eventually got hungry and warmed up the leftover food. Surprisingly, it tasted delicious and he honestly could have gone for seconds.

Suddenly, he heard a click at the door and watched as Yori walked in. She gave a curt nod as she placed her suitcase to the door, striding towards the startled blonde.

"I have one question, Aidou-kun."

Oh God, had she figured out he was a vampire? Running away from home was one thing, but if anyone found out he let loose the secret of vampires he'd be burned at the stake (pun intended)!

"…What?" He braced himself, shutting his eyes. If this little stunt wasn't enough, surely revealing their secret would have him disowned for sure!

"Are you a cannibal?"

The noble blinked once. And then twice. Was she serious?

"If I was you'd be dead."

"Oh." She commented, as if they were having a perfectly normal conversation.

He swore he would get a normal reaction out of her someday…

A/N: Here's the prologue-ish chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Next chap will be more development and the reason as to why Aidou ran away from home, lol XD Remember, reviews are awesome and greatly appreciated! Thanks again :3
