Amy headed to the oh so familiar apartment, for the first time in months. After her and Sheldon had broken up, it hurt. A big part of her missed the gang, and seeing them, but she needed time. Then she found out that Sheldon and Penny had begun dating. Although thankful that Penny was honest with her, she felt the pang of betrayal. Her best friend and her exboyfriend...together.

As she hit the third floor landing, she let out a sigh. They never stopped speaking to her, or telling her to come over whenever she was ready. Leonard had been her shoulder to cry on recently, and he'd talked her into joining them for dinner. He knew what she was going through, and therefor, she knew he was the best one to take advice from.

The closer she got to their apartment, the tighter her grip on her purse became. "Relax, Amy Farrah Fowler. Relax." She told herself, moving forward. Her feet took the stairs, feeling heavy. Leonard had done his best not to discuss Sheldon and Penny's relationship with her unless she asked how they were.

Reaching apartment 4A, Amy knocked. A moment later, Leonard open the door, smiling. "Hello, Amy. I'm glad you could come, come on in!" He said, moving to the side to let her in. There, in the living room, was the whole gang, plus a face she didn't recognize.

"Hello everyone." She smiled. "Thanks for the invite, Leonard." Amy added, looking over at him. "Hello, I'm Amy." She said, approaching the new girl.

"Oh, sorry, I should have told you. That's Vickie. She's Raj's new girlfriend." Leonard explained as Vickie reached out and shook Amy's hand.

"It's nice to meet you." Vickie said kindly. She had short, pixie like brown hair and hazel eyes. Amy was looking forward getting to know her once it was less awkward being back with the group. Everyone was paired off it seemed, except for her and Leonard- Raj had Vickie, Sheldon had Penny, Howard had Bernadette.

"So, Amy, how's work?" Penny asked, taking a bite of her pizza.

Amy shrugged. "Oh, ya know, cutting open brains and dealing with feisty little rats." She said with a small chuckle. "How's the Cheesecake Factory?"

"The same as always. People order food, I bring it. And get tipped poorly." Penny said, not really bothered by the fact of the matter. Sheldon shook his head and patted her leg.

"She left out that she landed a spot in a commercial, as well." He said, proudly, smiling at Penny. Amy shook her head slightly.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this yet." She said before leaving. As much as she knew about the human brain, how to simply 'get over' a break up was a bit more difficult. She guessed it had something to do with her best friend.

Leonard watched her for a moment before going after her. He felt bad, having been the reason that she even showed up. Catching up to her on the second floor, he grabbed her arm gently. "Look, Amy, I'm sorry. Had I known it would have been that hard I wouldn't have asked you to come." He admitted sadly.

Amy shook her head. "No, it's okay Leonard. I think it was just overwhelming seeing everyone have someone, and then the way Sheldon looked at Penny." She told him, trying not to get teary eyed.

Sighing, Leonard licked his lips. "How about this. Let me get my keys, and I'll treat you to dinner. We can just talk and hang out." He suggested. He didn't have a problem with Amy anymore, and she'd come along way since hanging out with them.

"I don't know. I don't want to take you away from hanging out with the others."

"No, I insist. Besides, as you said, everyone up there has someone. I don't. Let them have a couples night. I'll meet you outside." He said, smiling at her before heading back up to the apartment to grab his keys.

Amy gave him a small smile and made her way down the stairs towards the front door. It was nice to have someone want to spend time with her, and just her.

She waited outside for a few minutes, enjoying the cool breeze before Leonard joined her. "Where would you like to go?" He asked, letting her choose. After all, she was the one that was upset. It had been hard at him at first, as well, but he'd gone through losing Penny before.

"Somewhere they serve alcohol. I don't intend to get drunk, but something to take the edge off would be nice." She told him as they made their way to his car.

"How's Italian sound?"

Amy simply nodded, sliding into the passanger's side. She was oddly looking forward to spending some one on one time with Leornard again. The last time they spent time like that together was at her co-workers wedding. Glancing over at him, she smiled at him.