Hi, this is my first time writing for this pairing and I hope you enjoy it.

A quick note, right now Romano is 5 and Spain is 7.

Please review and I don't own Hetalia.

I awoke to the sound of a blood curdling scream followed by a series of whimpers. Checking my bedside clock I read the red numbers: 2am.

My feet hit the cold wood floor as I make my way to the bed next to mine. There are rows of beds, but they are all empty; their owners having been adopted week before. Reaching my destination I reach out to comfort the small figure under the blankets.

"Lovi, Lovi wake up. It's just a dream, I'm here." I whisper as I sit, stroking the boys hair.

"I'm fine. Go back to sleep bastard, it's two in the morning and Mistress said a couple is coming to look at potential children to adopt. Besides if she catches us up she'll beat us. You don't want that do you? Go back to sleep." Whatever the dream was about must have really upset him and I can't let My Little Tomato be sad can I?

"If your dream was about Feli being adopted today, then you can always tell me about it, o.k. Lovi." I say in a soothing tone.

"Of course it's about Feli being adopted." He hisses "he was the one chosen because everyone loves him-everyone chooses him-instead of me. I am the bad child; anti-social, cranky…no one would pick me over him." Through his whole confession I had sat frozen, not daring to move a muscle.

Then his words sank in.

"Does Mi Tomate really think that?" I ask softly staring intently at him.

"Why do you care, Bastard?" he huffed, his tomato red cheeks puffing. So cute!

"I care because I would choose you over Feli or anyone else. You are perfect just the way you are and don't ever forget it, Lovino Vargas, understand?"

He just nodded. Amber eyes opened wide in astonishment and red blush spreading to fill his whole face before regaining his attitude.

"Stupid sentimental idiota, go back to bed before you get caught." He says turning over.

"Okay Lovi! Te amo y buenas noches" I say before going back to bed.

"Whatever, fucking can't understand you" was the grumbled response.

The next morning I make sure that Lovino has gone down to breakfast before I get up so I can find the perfect present to show Mi Tomate just how much he means to me. Digging into my drawer I pull out a hallow glass tomato that a glass blower made when Mistress was dating him. He made all the children something except Lovino because Mistress was punishing him for something again. This would be perfect I think as I make the red glass catch the light and create a tiny array of red specks on the floor.

Gently wrapping it in a piece of my old tomato patterned pjs, I hum to myself an old lullaby from before I was stuck in an orphanage. Back when my mama and papa wern't drug users, before my brother ran away with a gang. Before I was abandonned.

I shake my head to get rid of those bad thoughts. Bad thoughts make me frown and smiling feels so much better.

Carefully tucking my surprise for Lovino under my pillow I walk down to breakfast. Pushing open the door to the dining room I'm surprised to find it empty. Grabbing a piece of now soggy toast, I look around for a sign of anyone. Deciding everyone was outside at the meet and greet session with their potential parents I take another piece of toast.

"I said no! I don't want to live with you stupid old man!" That was Lovino shouting, I realised with a start.

"Lovino Romano Vargas! Apologize to your grandfather this instant." Mistress ordered in a scary the scary tone she used before she beat you.

"Why? He should apologize to me for abandoning Feli and I after mama and papa died." Lovino was on the verge of tears by now, I could tell by his voice. Just the thought of my precious Tomato crying made me want to run in there and hug him.

"No he's right. I am very sorry for leaving you and Feliciano like I did, but now I have Feli back and when I heard you hadn't been adopted I came straight here to get you. So, will you come home with me?" The voice sounded hopeful and sincere.

"Fine, I'll go with you. On one condition."

"Just name it" I would have run in there right then if it hadn't been for what came next.

"I want the rest of the day to pack my things."

"Of course, I have to fill out some paperwork before we go anyway so take your time."

Walking back to our room to get my surprise for Mi Tomate thinking that it will mean even more now that he's leaving the orphanage. My heart grows cold despite the good thing happening to my friend.

Maybe one day when I get adopted we will be neighbours and see each other again. That would be the best thing ever and we could live right next to each other, or maybe share an apartment! That way I could see Mi Tomate everyday. Humming to myself I pull my gift out of its hiding spot and hide it behind my back just as Lovino enters.

"Hey! Tomato Bastard, did you hear the news? My grandpa came to get me and I have the rest of the day to get my stuff ready." Lovino's amber eyes stare into mine, almost daring me to say something about his leaving.

"I'll miss you, Lovi. Promise to remember me?" I ask.

"How could I forget someone as stupid as you?" He mumbles blushing.

"Well you'll never forget me since I have a going away present for you" I say producing the glass artwork.

Lovino's eyes grow wide and I expect a snide remark about how stupid it is. Instead he surprises me.

Wrapping his tiny arms around me he whispers "Thank you, Antonio." Then quickly pushing me away he sets the tomato on his bed and starts digging in his bag. Pulling out a gold cross and placing it over my head.

"So you don't forget me either, bastard." He says looking away.

The rest of the day is just us packing all of Lovino's belongings into a suitcase. Before I know it, Lovino's grandpa is calling for him.

Pausing in the doorway he turns back and says "Goodbye Tomato Bastard. Ti amo"

"Te amo Lovi. We'll see each other again someday, promise." I say clutching the chain around my neck.

And then he left.

I stood there in the middle of the dormitory until Mistress called for diner. I ate my food, said my prayers and went to bed. All the while never taking the cross off; it quickly became my most valuable possession

Ever since that day I have worn that tiny cross around my neck as a reminder of my promise to find Mi Tomate again.