Chyna: I know it took me almost six months to update but I had a lot of stuff to deal with over the summer because my exams didn't go as well as expected. However I am back now and I shall be focusing on this story until it is finished because I have other stories to write ^^ AND THANK YOU SO MUCH TO THE 19 AMAZING PEOPLE WHO REVIEWED AND MADE THIS CHAPTER MORE POPULAR THAN CHAPTER ONE OF YTS! I LOVE YOU ALL!

Dynasty: I would like to thank Pokemaster94 on ff and megaman2977 for helping Chyna to come up with OC Valkyrie cards for my deck :D However I still need more monster cards for my deck so please keep submitting.

Chyna: I do not not own anything in this story except for Dynasty Arclight/II. Now please enjoy and review :3

"The winner of this tournament is...IV!" The Master of Ceremonies announced before the entire arena broke out into a rapturous applause. I found clapping for my own brother to be a bit of a chore, especially because I knew he was going to win; he was a superb duelist.

After Tron (he was no longer my father and to emphasise that point, he forced us to call him that) entered our lives, he changed mine and my brothers names to Roman Numerals. Christopher went by 'V', Thomas was called 'IV', Michael is now 'III' and I am 'II'. Chris took to his new name almost immediately, Thomas on the other hand, fought against his new title but Chris lectured him about how he shouldn't go against Tron. After that, Thomas allowed himself to submit to Tron but I could tell that it was destroying him because he liked being called 'Thomas' as when he lived with his adopted family, he had to go by another name there as well.

Michael had nothing to say on the matter, he simply smiled sweetly and did what was asked of him. I felt like Thomas did, but I wasn't as brave as he was so I took the Michael approach instead. I stood around as if I was some pretty ornament and was treated like a doll, pretending to have adopted the views that Tron shared.

An entire year had passed since Tron returned to us; he forced us to leave Malaysia with the sole intention of destroying Dr. Faker. He told us the story of how Dr. Faker had sacrificed him and a man named 'Kazuma Tsukumo' to a place called the 'Barian World'. Tron said he made a deal with the Barian World so that he could return back to Earth to carry out his revenge. I was gobsmacked because this 'boy' used to be my tou-sama and Tou-san world have never proclaimed this. It was clear that during him time away from us, he not only had a warped appearance but also a warped mind.

Another key event had happened since Tron returned; Thomas had become a famous pro duelist! He receives so much respect and attention that it's unbelievable, I find it annoying to be seen with him in public because of how so many people either want an autograph or a picture with him. I suppose you could say that Thomas is the 'figurehead' for our family because he's the only one who duels in public, I'm forbidden to duel in the public eye as Tron is rather traditional. He believes that I'm incapable of being taken seriously as a duelist because I'm just a fourteen year old girl.

"What's the matter II?" Michael prodded my bare shoulder to catch my attention, breaking me out of my deep thinking.

Currently we were in the most recent tournament that Thomas (or should I say IV as nobody knows who Thomas Arclight is) had been invited to. The 'Mini Surf Expert Match' tournament, which was being hosted in beautiful Hawaii, so that I wasn't overheating, I was wearing a frilly green bikini with a long blue sarong that had a floral pattern, wrapped around my waist and paired with green sandals. To finish, I wore a floppy white sun hat that had a green ribbon tied around its brim with my hair styled into a French braid.

My hair had grown to a ridiculous length as it no longer reached my hips, it now reached behind my knees and if I wasn't careful, it would soon be as long as Chris' (which still reached his ankles). Chris figured that it was because we had travelled to many countries where nearly all of the food was filled with protein, and protein helps hair to grow. It was irritating and I desperately wanted to cut it, yet I couldn't because Tron liked my hair at this length; he even started to call me Rapunzal. That fairy tale name suited me more than I cared to think, I felt like I was trapped in a high tower with no means of escape. At least Rapunzal was able to escape her fate because of her prince; I have nobody to help me escape my fate.

I looked at Michael in his pink swim shorts that stopped underneath his knees; he looked so precious in them as they matched his hair.

I sighed, I could never disguise my emotions and when I did, Michael could tell that there was something wrong with me. "Nothing, it's can IV smile so naturally like that? As if there's nothing wrong,"

We were silent as Thomas crossed the stage with a natural grin on his face before he was handed the winning trophy that gleamed in the sunlight. It was a chunk of white crystal that was placed on a slab of wood, with a golden plaque in front of it. I had to look away from it as the light shining through it was playing havoc with my eyes. Thomas looked like there was nothing wrong with the world, that everything was fine while he stood there in his white and gold swimming trunks. was truly the best actor that I had ever seen. He had started to believe the lie that we were living. He was no longer Thomas Arclight.

He was IV.

Michael tried to plaster a smile on his face, but I knew him well enough to know that he was faking it. "But there isn't anything wrong, we're all together as a family and that's the most important thing."

Then why do I feel so empty? I thought, before the crowd erupted into a loud and joyous applause.

IV locked eyes with me for a brief moment and for a small moment; I could have sworn that there was something in his eyes, hinting that not everything was alright. And then it was gone.

Later we were back in the hotel that we were staying in, I found it to be quite luxurious. IV wouldn't stop complaining about how easy it was for him to win the entire tournament, it irked me greatly because he was practically disrespecting every duelist he faced in this tournament.

"I thought that at least one person would give me some type of challenge! I didn't think it would be this easy! The only thing that made this all worthwhile was-" I couldn't let him finish that sentence.

"That's enough, wouldn't you say?" I spoke up.

He took a couple of steps in my direction until we got into a staring contest, "II, you're being a bit bold tonight. Especially when compared to me, you do nothing."

I could tell that he expected me to back down and on any other day, I would, but I was exhausted and he couldn't say that about duelists. Usually Chris would scrutinise IV and prevent his ego from becoming too big, but he had gone out with Tron to goodness knows where. Traditionally women were responsible for dealing with these types of negative emotions, so I felt like it was my duty to deal with this current situation at hand.

"I do more than you know, who do you think helps to pack our suitcases before we leave cities? Who do you think is responsible for waking you up in the morning?!" I shouted the last part because IV can never wake up on time. It's because he's out late and as a result, he goes to bed late.

"You may be the one who is out there, dueling and entertaining the masses but just remember that the world doesn't revolve around you." I concluded, never once breaking his glare. We remained in that position for a while until dear Michael told us to stop arguing with each other.

"We're family; we should live in harmony and appreciate each other's company." He reasoned, until IV transferred his sights onto him instead.

"Stay out of this III! You call us a family when this 'family' as you so call it, is a freaking sham! I'm outta here!" Thomas snatched a room card from the table by the door. "Don't wait up," he slammed the front door and the hotel room was now filled with deadly silence.

Michael sat down on the sofa and rested his face in his hands. So...I wasn't the only person who felt this way. IV was being very vocal and Michael's current state says it all; we're all trapped in this new life, looking for a way out. The room started to feel smaller, my head was reeling and I felt so dizzy; I needed to leave the room before I vomited. I spotted the balcony and ran over to it, scrabbling with the lock like a crazed dog because I was having problems getting this ghastly door open.

The feeling in my head was getting worse, at this moment I felt more like a caged grizzly bear than a thirteen year old girl. With one final pull, I yanked the balcony door open and fell to my knees before emptying the contents onto the concrete floor. My hair had gotten in the way and an ample amount of it had been coated in my vomit. Sweat plastered my bangs to my forehead and I felt like utter filth, this was what Tron had reduced me to.

I didn't want to be part of this manic family anymore; I had to escape; even if it was only for five minutes. Michael would never allow me to exit out of the front door, but there was a tree alongside this balcony so I could climb down it and perhaps go to the beach. With one quick glance in Michael's direction, I closed the balcony door as silently as I could and eyed the tree. I was thankful at the fact that I had changed into shorts because it would be easier for me to jump onto the tree and climb down it. I took a running start before lunging for the nearest tree branch; I almost lost my grip as it began to sway in the wind, a few leaves floated down to the ground. When the branch finally stopped moving, I pulled myself up and slowly made my way down. One of my flip flops slipped off of my foot.

Oh bugger!

Nevertheless, I continued my descent and once I was at a reasonable distance away from the ground, I jumped. I bent my knees so that I would have a softer landing, it would have worked better if I was wearing suitable footwear. I rubbed my ankles and picked up my fallen shoe before sliding it back on. I stared at the clear evening sky for a few minutes and watched it transform from a crisp orange to a midnight blue colour, a few tiki torches had been lit to ignite the path leading towards the small sort of shop/bar where you bought drinks. It was on the beach so by following the path, I would be able to reach my destination.

I adjusted my shirt and patted down my tousled hair into a presentable style before walking down the illuminated path. It was a fairly pleasant evening because the air was quite warm and I found it to be relaxing. As I approached the beach, I could see a small crowd of people gathering around something.

"You don't have to push my dear fans. You'll each get your turn."

...or rather someone, I'd recognize that voice anywhere! I better make sure IV doesn't see me.

I took my sun hat off from its string that was hanging around my neck and used it to cover my face until I had reached the ocean. I placed my hat back on my head and sat on the sand, kicking off my sandals before dipping my feet in the water. I couldn't help but smile at the way the water tickled my toes, I even started to hum and flip through my deck.

Like most seasoned duelists, I kept my deck on my person at all times. I used a Valkyrie deck because just like Michael uses a Chronomaly deck as he is interested in out-of-place artifacts, I'm interested in Norse mythology. You see, Valkyries are female warriors who decide which soldiers die in battle and which live. They also had to guide them to their correct afterlife. Doesn't it just sound fascinating? My favourite card is Mischief of the Time Goddess because it's based off Skuld who is one of three Norns who decide the fates of people. I could go into more detail but I have a feeling that I would bore everybody.

"-such a shitty duelist anyway, I don't know what everybody sees in him. If you ask me, he's a creep." One of these two boys (who was walking down the beach might I add) scoffed.

"Yeah I mean look at the way he flirts with everyone, it's disgusting." The second boy agreed.

I kept my head hung down low and continued to look at my deck, but the boys were so loud that I couldn't ignore them. I was tempted to shout at them to shut up. I looked up and I couldn't get a good look at them because there wasn't much light. One boy had dark hair and the other had light blue hair.

"Excuse me, could you two be quiet please?" I sounded quieter than I intended and I don't think they heard me because they continued their conversation.

"The only reason IV won this tournament was cuz he wasn't up against any good duelists." The blue haired boy continued.

His friend laughed at that and playfully punched his arm, "You mean like you! Just admit it; you wouldn't last one second in a duel against him."

Blue boy gave his friend a dirty look, "I would too! He may be a pro duelist but he's still an average guy, anybody could beat him if they tried hard enough."

Those two boys are being extremely disrespectful. To win a duel is more than 'trying hard enough'; it's about putting your everything into your deck. IV perfects his dueling in his spare time because Chris kept him on his toes if you know what I mean. The only reason IV is a brilliant duelist is because he really does give his all in every duel.

I put my deck back into its case and stood up, dusting my feet to the best of my ability before slipping my shoes back on. I was going to go back to the hotel room because I had to get a start of packing my suitcase, my family never stayed in one place for too long. However the two boys made one final comment about my brother that I couldn't ignore, but I don't want to repeat what they said. I marched over to them and slapped the dark haired boy across the face.

Surprise and anger flashed across his face, "What was that for strange person who I have never met before?!"

I adjusted my hat, "That was for saying those ludicrous statements about IV-sama."

Blue boy scoffed, "I take it you're one of those IV fangirls."

I almost smiled at that, these boys had no idea who I was but then again, nobody does. "You could say that I am his number one fan. After all, I do know the most about him."

I do know quite a few things about IV that is not privy to the public.

They both laughed, "Number one fan?! Hahahaha, that's the funniest thing I've ever heard!"

They probably thought I was some kind of rabid fangirl, well I'll show them what we girls can do.

"Laugh all you want but if you want a good laugh, then you should look in a mirror because you two are the real joke. You're just jealous of IV because you know that you're not as talented as him and at least he knows how to treat people, unlike you two." I said while holding my head up high.

I could tell that I had offended them but I was just being honest. Blue boy clenched his hand into a fist and shook it at me.

"I have more talent in my left little finger than you have in my entire body; nobody has ever beaten me in a duel before because I'm that good." He bragged, trying to make himself sound more impressive than he actually was.

I giggled at that; blue boy is quite the entertainer. "That makes the two of us; I've never lost a duel before either."

Truth be told I have lost several duels to my brothers, but I don't count them as proper duels because sibling duels mean nothing. If you win then it means everything, although if you lose, it means nothing as you can challenge them again later and try to redeem yourself. I am always losing to Chris and in some cases to IV. I duel Michael all the time and it's gotten to the point where we can predict each other's moves before we make them. Michael doesn't care about the results of our duels because of all the fun we have. But to be fair in the instances that I have dueled other people, I have had yet to lose (except I've only really dueled around five to ten people). However blue boy doesn't have to know that.

"There's always a first time for everything, if you think that I'm soooo untalented at dueling then how about we have a little duel right now?" His eyes narrowed as he spoke.

I was stunned; it had been a while since I had dueled somebody else besides my family. I'm not afraid of losing this duel because I refuse to lose to someone like him.

"I agree with you on all counts, though your friend should join in. More people means more fun, don't you think so?" I smiled at them while cocking my head slightly to the right.

I get bored very easily and I haven't had a proper duel for a while, although I am trying to teach them a lesson at the same time.

The dark haired boy shrugged, "I don't see your logic but alright."

I clapped my hands together in joy, "I hope you two try your very best."

Because it isn't going to be fun if you go easy on me, I thought.

We all threw our Duel Disks into the air and attached them to our wrists, "Duel Disk, set."

Next we all activated our D-Gazers and attached them to our faces, "D-Gazer, set."



Ahe: 4000
Haku: 4000
II: 4000

"For my first move, I send Machina Sniper and Machina Defender to the graveyard to special summon Machina Fortress (7/2500/1600) from my hand." Ahe (dark hair boy) explained. "In order to special summon this monster; I have to discard Machine-Type monsters whose total levels equal eight."

A sky blue tank drove onto the field, it was heavily armed with a silver missile launcher and for some reason, Machina Fortress had two blue hands.

"I set two cards faced-down to end my turn." Ahe finished as the two horizontal brown card backings materialized in front of him.

Ahe has summoned quite a powerful monster on his first turn. Unfortunately for me, my entire hand is filled with monsters and even though this is a Battle Royal, I know that Ahe and Haku will be both aiming for me.

"Here I go. For my first move I activate Cost Down which reduces the levels of all the monsters in my hand by two levels; however I have to discard one card from my hand so I discard Vampire Lady. Next I summon Vampire Lord (3/2000/1500) which is now a level three monster due to Cost Down." Haku (blue hair) smirked as the blue haired vampire monster flew onto the field.

He had eerie purple skin, a floor length dark purple cloak and very sharp yellow fangs that rested on his bottom lip.

That explains why he activated Cost Down, quite a smart move if you think about it. I have a feeling he is only just getting warmed up.

"I banish Vampire Lord to special summon the Vampire Genesis (8/3000/2100) in my hand!" Haku held up the named card before slamming it onto his Duel Disk.

Vampire Lord disappeared in a small cyclone of silver sparkles, causing a gigantic purple skinned monster with bulging muscles and large bat wings to appear in its place. Its face was quite grotesque.

"I end my turn with one face-down card." He concluded, "Ha, I'd like to see you top this!"

I licked my lips and placed my hand on the top of my deck, "You two are sure strong." I commented as I drew my sixth card.

"At this moment I activate my two Secret Barrel trap cards; this inflicts 200 points of damage for every card in your hand and field. You have six cards in your hand!" Ahe declared as two multicoloured machine guns materialised in front of him and shot multiple pellets at me.

Ahe: 4000
Haku: 4000
II: 1600

I was about to continue with my move, but Haku was quicker. "I activate my face-down card, Vampire Takeover. If I control no field spell and all my face-up monsters are Zombie-Type, I can activate the field spell Vampire Kingdom from my deck!" A card slid out from his deck and he picked it up, activating it straightaway.

The field was shrouded in a red light with a blood red moon hanging over our heads. A large decrepit silver castle was behind Haku and small cottages surrounded us.

"The second effect of Vampire Takeover allows me to special summon one DARK attribute 'Vampire' monster from my graveyard in defense mode, the only monster in my Graveyard is Vampire Lady (4/1550/1550) so I summon her." In the centre of the field a black rune circle materialised, causing the green haired, blue skinned vampire woman to fly in front of Haku.

She crossed her arms across her chest and knelt down to show that she was in defense mode.

"Now can I make my move?" I sighed; I was rather irritated because they kept interrupting me. "Didn't anybody ever tell you that it is rude to interrupt a lady? I activate Ride of the Valkyries, it has been a real pleasure dueling you two gentlemen but all good things must come to an end as they say. Parting is such sweet sorrow." I slid all five of the monster cards in my hand onto my Duel Disk.

"I summon three Valkyrie Zwei (5/1600/1600) and two Valkyrie Erste (6/1600/1800) from my hand." I giggled while covering my mouth.

The five Valkyrie monsters galloped over to Ahe and Haku's side and encircled all of their monsters in a tornado of rose petals. Their mouths dropped open in shock, "What's going on?!"

"Allow me to shed some light on your current situation. Valkyrie Zwei's effect allows me to destroy one of your monsters, so three Valkyrie Zwei's equal triple the fun. Valkyrie Erste's effect removes from play one monster in my opponents' graveyard and Erste's attack becomes the attack points of the banished monster, so that equals double the trouble. You two lose." I concluded.

Ahe: 0
Haku: 0
II: 1600

The Augmented Reality disintegrated and I removed my D-Gazer, "Goodbye gentlemen, I have other business to attend to." That translates to 'I have to go back to the hotel before any of my brothers' spot me and I get in trouble'.

I quickly jogged back to the tree that I had climbed down and rested one of my hands, trying to catch my breath. I examined it, how on Earth was I going to get back up? Climbing down a tree is easier than climbing back up it. I tried jumping to the closest branch but it was too high, why does nothing ever go my way? I took a deep breath and decided that a running start would probably be my next best option, so I took a few steps back before running towards the tree and jumping onto one of its roots for more height.

I managed to grab hold of the branch momentarily, except I ended up losing my grip on it and fell down onto my bottom which pained me. I almost gave up because I didn't want to kill myself, but the thought of Chris finding out that I left the room scared me more. So I repeated my jump and this time, I held onto it tighter and didn't slip, this motivated me enough to climb further up the tree until I reached the balcony. With one final glance at my surroundings, I opened the balcony door and walked back into the hotel room.

Chyna: Basically I only wrote this duel for the sake of trolling and showing people how powerful a Valkyrie deck is as shown by Zigfried Von Schroeder in Yu-Gi-Oh! DM. Now I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because in chapter 3, Dynasty will be meeting Rio and for those who read about her in YTS, you'll find out why Dynasty blames herself for Rio's accident. So next chapter will contain major spoilers but I should be update again sometime next week. I hope you enjoyed chapter 2 and please leave a review :)

P.S. I'll give a cookie to whoever catched the pun with this chapter's title ;)