I will always

I love you
and I will write it
all over my body
to show it

100 years later

They never actually celebrated it. It wasn't worth celebrating if you lost someone else with the decision, she once said.

And he agreed.

So they never talked about it. The day had passed ninety-nine times, a hundred if you actually counted that particular day. And that meant that it had been a hundred years exactly since everything changed.

Wasn't a hundred years long enough to talk about? Wasn't it in the past now?

She didn't know.

His lips sucked at the skin of her neck, his arms crept around her waist from behind. 'What are you all torn up about?' he murmured, hot breath washing over her ear.

She shuddered at the sensation. 'It's been a hundred years.'

He held her closer as she leaned into his chest, his chin resting on her shoulder as he looked out of the window just like she did.

There was no doubting him anymore, nothing like it, even. Her mind flew back to that one particular day - the day where there had been doubt. And she had chosen him, knowing that she'd lost the other. But she couldn't live without him, could she?

He had shown her so much, had loved her with all he had and she could do nothing but love him back with all she had.

Because how could she leave him? He had done terrible things, he had done so much to hurt her and to scare her away...

But that was the most frightening thing of her undying love for him. She would always forgive him.

It scared her - she was absolutely horrified about that fact. Because he could do anything and she would still love him. He could kill whoever he wanted, by all means, he could even kill her and she'd probably still love him.

And because of that one thing, she had left Elijah with a whispered apology as she had walked to him that night.

Klaus had learned his lesson, though. He was angry, at first, as for she had threatened to leave him, as for she had doubted, as for she had hesitated too much for his liking.

But after that, he had never chosen his hybrids over her. He had never chosen anything over her.

He had thrown her against a wall and threatened her and he had hurt her, but he had never done it again. He promised and she could do nothing but believe him.

The dark side of it all, was that she hadn't seen her former best friend ever since.

She didn't want to - her shame and guilt getting the best of her, she knew she could never face him again without falling apart. She'd hurt him that night, she'd rejected him and even though she knew he most likely already moved on, she couldn't face him after what she'd done.

Because the horrified look on his face when she walked to his brother after he had just hurt her, thrown her against the wall and threatened her like she meant nothing to him - that look followed her into her dreams and nightmares.

'You know, he isn't mad at you, sweetheart,' Klaus murmured. 'You may have avoided him for a century, but I certainly didn't and he isn't mad nor does he feel betrayed or played by you. He knew very well that you wouldn't choose him over me.'

'I still hurt him, Nik,' she sighed. 'I let you throw me around like some puppet and hurt me and then I chose you.'

His grip tightened. He had apologized for it so many times - something he hadn't done before. Niklaus never apologized. It was weak to do so, he claimed. You should never apologize for something you chose to do.

But after that night, he promised he would make time for her, and he apologized. Not for choosing his hybrids over her (he was still sternly claiming that that wasn't the case at all, he hadn't chosen them over her and so he would never apologize for that), but for hurting her. With words and with actions, he had hurt her and he had been the cause of those tears to stream down her face and for that, he was sorry.

'I told you-'

'I know you didn't mean to,' she cut him off, placing her hand over his on her waist sweetly. 'And I'm not mad about that - I haven't been for like a century. But I know he was hurt when you did all of that to me, I know that he was angry at you for hurting me and he wanted to protect me and I chose you.

And I can't be sorry for that, because it will always be you.

But the thing I can be sorry for, is for hurting him with my decision. I hurt him and I can't do anything about it.'

Klaus sighed as he kissed her shoulder gently. 'It's been over a century, love. He got over it, you should do too. Even he thinks that.'

'You talked about this with him?' She turned around in his embrace, placing her hands on his chest as she raised her brows questioningly.

'He's my brother, of course I did.' He dared to smirk.

'Don't act like you and him have this incredible bond, because I know you daggered him at least twice the last three centuries,' she warned him.

But she smiled. And he knew he could probably get her so far to face his brother and to get his friendship back. It may take a while - a long while, if he thought about Caroline's stubbornness -, but he would succeed.

Because the friendship between his angel and his brother was something he clearly envied, but he also wanted her to have it. He wanted her to have someone to trust - someone who knew him as much as she did.

It was silent for a long while as he got lost in her eyes. His hand raised to cup her cheek, neither of them ever looking away.

'Do you ever regret it?' he asked suddenly, his voice soft and trembling.

There was no hesitation in her answer. 'Never.'

And then he kissed her.

I know most of you already knew this was going to happen. I also know some of you wanted her to end up with Elijah.

She clearly didn't.

Well, if you want to hate on me or just tell me what you think of this, feel free to review.