So I actually started this a while back, and FSB made me start posting this. I will try to update all my other stories over the course of the week, so bear with me. Anyways I would have actually never written so many stories without you lovely people, I salute you, my lovely readers.

Maddy was so confused, Her parents had been in the office with the Commander for a while now.

"Are they angry that I'm here?" Zoe asked her, the little girl had been sitting in her lap for the past half hour since a woman with dark hair stole their parents away.

"Maybe, but there is really nothing they can do." Maddy wrapped her arms tighter around her little sister, like hell would she let the child be taken from her now. "What do you think of our new home?" Maddy loved the old world, the bright colors, fresh air, but most of all, the sun. It felt so warm and comforting on her back and she couldn't help but smile from it.

"I like the pretty flowers." Zoe lifted her tan hand to point at a vendor who was selling the very plants she spoke about.

"I'll get you one after we get home." Josh whispered to the little girl, although he lost his girlfriend, at least he had his family and he smiled at his sister's beaming grin.

Suddenly the door above them shot open and their parents stormed out after the dark haired woman and Commander Taylor. "You're not taking her!" Jim yelled at the Commander, who was ordering men to take the Shannon girl.

Josh scrambled up and in front of the littlest girl, Maddy on his other side. They had to protect Zoe. Hands wrapped around Maddy's shoulders and she was dragged away. Screaming she told Josh to protect Zoe, then the Commander said something very odd.

"Bring her up here." And the soldiers were dragging the sixteen year old nerd up to the office, led by the dark haired woman. "Wash, debrief her."

If Maddy's ears weren't pumping so loudly she would have heard her family calling for her, or Zoe crying in her brother's arms while her parents begged for her not to be taken away.

However, all these noises were silenced once the doors were shut and she was plopped into a chair.

"Maddy Shannon. Age sixteen, IQ:189, pretty smart for such a young girl." The woman, Wash, laid the plex down on the table before her. "Since your outta school, We're going to put you to work." Maddy felt an acidic sinking feeling burn her gut and creep up her throat.

"What do you want from me?" She really did try to sound strong, but the question came out in a whimper.

"You are going to be a live in house nurse, or sorts, to a soldier who is too stubborn for help otherwise." The older woman sat down opposite her. "You will have one weekend a month to see your family, otherwise, you will be devoting your time to helping the soldier.

"W-What? Why?"

"Because your illegal little sister came here." Wash sat back. "We may seem like the bad guys here, but we need your help, besides, if you can get him to be civil and go out in public, I'm sure you could take him to see your family. Win-Win. It's that or take away Zoe."

"You want me to be a baby sitter, basically." Maddy hissed, after all was said and done, she actually felt angry, but more or less frustrated too. She leaned forward, a scowl painting her face. "Why? I'm sixteen."

"It will be good for him and you, if you do well in the first year, I am sure I could pull some strings and get you an internship under Malcolm and maybe even Ken Horton." Now that offer was tempting to Maddy, however, she couldn't just leave the people she loved.

"I want to have at least two weekends to see my family." She crossed her arms, she didn't want to do this, but she was not going to have Zoe taken from her and her family. "Alright, alright." She sighed in defeat and stood to follow the woman outside again.

"You have five minutes to collect your things and say goodbye to your family." Maddy nodded and followed the woman, her head bowed as her dark eyes sought out the people she loves.

It took a minute to explain things, though her parents calmed down considerably when she kept reassuring them that it wasn't so bad. Josh however, was furious.

"They can't just take you away." He hissed, Zoe gazing teary eyed at her.

"They can and will. Look I'll try to see you tomorrow, Lt. Washington said she would get me a map to find you guys, apparently I'll be on the other side of the colony from you." She moved forward and hugged each of them, lingering on Josh. "I'll be fine, and if something goes wrong, I'll come straight back to you all."

He seemed to take that to heart, kissing her forehead gently. "Remember, I'll kick anyone's asses if they hurt either of my little sisters." She snorted, although the moment was sobering.

"I'm not little anymore."

"You are to me." He whispered, he was always so protective of her since the first day she was bullied, she's sure it would have been much worse in school if he hadn't stood up for her.

"Yeah alright, I have to go now." She kissed Zoe's forehead and turned to Wash with her pack on her shoulders.




The housing unit the two women walked up on was actually bigger than she expected. "You will be living here with the soldier, your ward, another soldier by the name of Ken Foster and his caretaker, Skye Tate. Now then, to meet your ward."

To Maddy this sounded a lot worse than it was. Why couldn't the woman use terms like oh, kid, or incapacitated person to be forever cared for by Maddy. The girl took a deep breath, look at the bright side, she wasn't on a dying planet anymore.

Wash let herself in and pointed to a two bed room, one side taken with art and a blue bed spread, the other side up for grabs, "That's yours." She watched Maddy put her bag on her bed before ushering the girl down the hall. "Reynolds, You in here?"

The door clacked open and Maddy came face to chest with a handsome Adonis. "What do you want Wash?" he didn't even look at either woman, just at the wall above Maddy's head.

"About half a foot in front of you is your caretaker. Maddy Shannon this is Mark Reynolds, Everything you need to know about him has already been sent to your plex. Mark be nice, This is the last caretaker I am giving you, if she quits, there will be no more."

"Wait, I can quit?" Maddy asked brow lifted.

"Not until the end of the month." Wash mimicked the look, only adding a smirk to her face. "Have fun kids." With that she turned and left the house, leaving Maddy awkwardly in front of a strong soldier that didn't seem to acknowledge her.

"Um, I'm Maddy," She offered her hand, but he huffed, a frown tugging at his lips.

"I heard," He stepped back and shut the door on her.

"How rude." Maddy muttered, walking to the shared room only to meet a blue eyed girl. "Hello. I'm Maddy." The girl smiled and pulled her dirty blonde hair back into a bun.

"Skye, I guess your Reynolds' caretaker." Skye smiled warmly at the smaller Indian girl. "Good luck with that." Maddy sighed.

"Is he that bad?"

"Yep." She smiled and pointed at the plex on Maddy's bed. "You might want to read up on him, but I have been living here long enough to help you, just ask."

"Thanks, you seem to be the only person to be helping me."

"Hey, we caretakers gotta stick together." She winked at Maddy who grinned back a little. "Anyways, if you need anything come to me, I know most of Terra Nova by heart and I have been Marks temp. caretaker before so, yeah."

"Thanks," Maddy took this time to unpack as both the girls talked easily to each other like old friends, even Skye listening to her through her rambling. Once she could ,Maddy sat down with her plex and read up on Mark's Bio.

He was practically perfect, his training scores were ridiculously good, and he was about to be promoted to captain, third in command under Taylor. A prefect military career until seven months ago; an accident that left him completely blind and unfit for duty.

Maddy couldn't help her heart break a little over his circumstance. After his aspiring and promising career came to a sudden halt, he apparently has gone through six other caretakers in as many months.

She sat up to go the kitchen, she was going to help Mark, if it was the last thing she did.



Mark waited until the evening meal to leave his room, a mouth watering smell reaching his nose. "Skye, what are you cooking?"

"Not Skye." That voice, that stupid melodic voice that actually made him want to listen to it. "And it's a type of vegetable dish, you'll like it."

"Like hell I will." Mark grumbled softly, before he heard light footsteps from his right. Skye ran her fingers over her elbow like she always did when walking by. The only reason he could stand Tate was because she announced herself to him in a way that didn't leave him feeling left out and alone.

"Be nice," Skye's footsteps got father from him and he shuffled towards the kitchen.

"So, Maddy." Her name rolled of Mark's tongue in a way he never meant. "What do you know about our new home."

"Almost everything I could read about Terra Nova. I was so excited about coming here, that I just had to know everything. I even read up on the dinosaurs of the region and time period, and was fascinated on brachiosaur dietary regiments, because of their protolateral incisors, upper and lower, they will eat small reptiles to facilitate bacteria growth." She said without taking a breath and thoroughly stunning Mark and Skye.

Skye spoke first, "That was awesome." Before Mark stood up and walked away, back to his room.

Really, Brachiosaur eats small dinos? No way. He turned on his heel and came back to the kitchen to sit on a stool.

"What else do Brachiosaur eat? I mean other than the tiny dinos." He leaned on the counter on his forearms.

"W-Well, well greens. I saw some of the colonists feeding cabbages to them on the way here." She mumbled this softly, but his sensitive ears picked up on this. "Anyways, I talked, a lot, but I have one more question." Her delicate voice lowered a little, like she didn't want anyone to hear.


"Can you fire me?"

"Yes, but I not going to." The next person who talks is Ken, who is no doubt sitting on the couch after his physical therapy session and greatly interested in the interaction between his friend and the new caretaker.

"What do you mean you aren't going to fire her? You hate almost everyone man." Ken's voice carried loudly through the house, and for a moment, Mark asked himself the same thing.

"Well, I figure I could give her the week." He shrugged, "Now, what else do you know about dinosaurs?"

"Well, almost everything, however, I am still reading about slashers." The soft clack of a plate being set before him made him lean back before a small soft hand wrapped around his and a thin metal eating utensil was settled there.

But seriously, her hands were soft…and small…and delicate. Oh Gods.

Mark frowned and took a tentative bite of something that was so, so good. "This is amazing."

"Thanks." He heard her moving around the kitchen again before she sat in the seat next to him and brushed his side with her elbow. "I'm going to try to take care of you, but you need to meet me halfway."

Mark stayed silent, he has never felt comfortable enough with a caretaker to do all the things he would need her for help, often times it was Skye on her days off that was helping him, she was like a little sister to him, but still.

"I can't promise that."

"Then try." The soft voice whispered against his ear and his cheeks felt hot. "I know your blind, but I will help you, I CAN promise that."

A sudden thought ran through him.

She was going to break him.

Preview for next chapter:

Maddy rubbed her palms up and down Mark's strong shoulders, "Sh, sh, it' okay." He buried his face deeper into her neck, arms tightening around her towel clad body. God this was so scandalous if it wasn't actually serious. What had happened today scared her worse than almost anything before and all she could do is sigh after all of it.

She just wanted a bath and maybe a good cry after the traumatic day she's had.

"Are you sure you're okay." He mumbled, her just nodding.

"Yeah, um, Mark, this is not the best time to be, um hugging me." She was sure her entire face was red, and hoped he couldn't hear her roughly beating heart. She had never been in so little around a Man before, none the less a blind man.

"Right," He had no intention of letting go of her soft body, Gods she was so small. He heard footsteps around the corner, but refused to relinquish the small girl. HIS caretaker.

"Hey Mark, I heard about the incid- Oh." Skye stopped in her tracks at the sight of Maddy, barely covered in a white towel and blushing all over, being embraced tightly by the large soldier, whose face was tucked against her neck.

Oh, Perfect.

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