The man irritably gripped the fabric of his jeans just below the knee. With a groan he pulled his limp leg up to rest on the seat of the adjacent chair. For a moment he stared at the limb, the familiar dread weighing on his heart. The affliction had spread too far and no number of good deeds or promises of best behavior could save him now. So he cracked his knuckles and focused on the task at hand.

His long fingers flew adeptly over the typewriter's sleek, black keys and he wrote:

A Forward

The book you are about to read is not a work of fiction. I realize that statement seems incredulous, but to those who believe, the information I'm about to disclose will prove to be of the utmost value.

You are familiar with Snow White, Rumpelstiltskin, and the Evil Queen. Not because of Once Upon A Time; you knew their names before you opened my last book. You know them because their stories, those "fairytales", have been thriving in various forms for decades. There are innumerable versions of each tale, I just brought you those which are true. But no story can be told without a cast of characters. I do wish I could say that I am creative enough to dream up such a motley band of personalities such as the ones in "Once". But I can't. I do not possess the power to create life through storytelling. Not literally. Not as they can.

Two human brothers with naught a penny to their name, began to envision a world where gold could be spun from silk. The same two who had both lost love to sickness, imagined a place where true love's kiss could restore life. Magic. A world with fairies and dwarves, dragons and witches, all the things they'd heard about in old legends. They wrote their tales for fun, unaware of the power they wielded; bringing magic to life.

As I myself have only discovered recently, It truly is because of them that you and I exist. With the information I have accrued, I will share with you their story (which I can promise you is quite fascinating). It's the true story of two brothers who changed the world forever. They brought with them goodness in the purest form, but also an evil that might never be vanquished. If this evil wins-

The man paused and lifted the hem of his jeans just enough to reveal the wooden ankle underneath. "It's all over." He muttered.

-then all is lost. But there are whispers on the wind carrying hope. If the brothers come back, we will be saved. Of course, that's under the condition that they're even alive. After they disappeared (no worries, I'll explain later), they were never heard from again. But I won't ignore a whisper, especially when it's a hopeful one. So I'll continue to hope and I'll write this book for you because it is all I can do.

"It's all I can do." So he took a swig of his beer, replaced page number one with a blank sheet of paper, and typed the title of his new book:

The Brothers Grimm

To Be Continued?

A/N: I've had this idea for a SPN/OUaT fic for some time now. If it's well received, I'd like to continue. We shall see!