Hi there!

I DON'T own Inuyasha!

And a quick shout out to lenbarboza! If you like reading Inuyasha funny comics and doujinshi follow her on her Tumblr page!

Please leave comments and reviews down below!

-The Blue Spider Baboon-

Kagome wasted no time, she grabbed her belongings and raced out the bakeries door and ran straight to her car. She barley remembered telling Kagura she was leaving for Sacred Jewel Hospital to attend to an emergency and vaguely heard Rin asking her what was wrong. The drive alone was a blurred image to her, Kagomes' adrenaline gave her the focus she needed to drive as fast and carefully as she can on the roads leading to the hospital. She doesn't recall at the exact time she got there but there was a part of her that didn't care about that, she parked her car in the next available spot; tossed the parking ticket onto her dashboard and ran inside.

The minute she got inside she sees people in sitting in the waiting anticipating when they will be seen or when they can see their loved ones already insde the urgent care wing and one lone nurse at the receptionist desk. She was already in the middle of helping three other people, Kagome had no choice but to get in line and patiently wait until it's her turn to be seen. In front of her is a mother with her little boy whom clearly looks very unwell judging from his pale complexion and constant sniffling, Kagome couldn't help but feel sympathy for the little bot and hopes he gets to see a doctor soon; the nurse hands the boys' mother a clipboard with papers for her to sign. As the mother picks up her young son to find a vacant chair a young man goes up next asking where the maternity ward is; he was clearly lost. After telling which building to go to and handing him a map Kagome came up to her immediately with panic and worry in her blue eyes.

"Hello miss, how can I help you?"

"My name is Kagome Higurashi, I was called by a nurse named Tora-."

"Yes!" Kagome sees her grabbing a clipboard with charts and a nearby pen, "I'm glad you're here Ms. Higurashi, I was the one that called you. Follow me please."

Kagome follows after Tora and matches her speedy pace. They both leave the urgent care building as they took an elevator heading to the main lobby of the hospital.

"When I called you your neighbor Kaede was already in surgery with one of our ophthalmologist and surgeons. As I mentioned over the phone with you she was attacked in her home by, what the police can only suspect was an animal." They both step out of the elevator and traveled down a spacious hallway past the cafeteria and gift shop along with several nurses and some lawyers, they came to another one of the elevators and quickly stepped aside to allow an EMT take a clean gurney to one of the ambulances and promptly stepped inside. "She lost a good amount of blood from the attack, as well as her left radius and ulna being broken."

"What bones are those?"

"Her forearm." Kagome sees Tora writing down a quick note and finishes as soon as the elevator door opens. "The doctors who worked on her will be able to tell you more Ms. Higurashi." They resumed their pace down another hallway lined with post-operation rooms. Kagome took the time to notice how quiet this part of the hospital is and the only sounds that can be heard are the constant rhythmic beeps of heart monitors, nurses talking amongst themselves, and the echo of padded shoes. As Kagome continued to follow Tora she saw an elderly woman laying still in her appointed bed through the glass door from her peripheral vision; no one thought to move the curtains yet to give her privacy. Stopping to take a closer look she felt her blood run cold; there's no beeping from a heart monitor. Kagome couldn't look away, this woman looked around the same age as Kaede but her build was more frail than her neighbors. There's no color to her skin and her skin is sticking to her bones due to the lack of muscle; this woman must've been very ill. She was someones grandmother, mother, and possibly wife or lover and no one is here at her side. Kagome took some time before catching up with Tora to do a small prayer her grandfather taught her to pay respect for the ones that have passed on with no loving warmth around them for comfort; it's the least she can do for this stranger. Kagome follows after the path Tora took and rounded a corner at the end of the long hallway, there sat a large desk with two nurses, one typing away at her computer and the other making copies as she ate her sandwich. Tora gave Kagome her attention and knew there was something troubling her, to she dropped off her clipboard and turned to Kagome with a concern in her eyes.

"Ms. Higurashi what's wrong?"

She took a breath.

"I saw an elderly woman in one of the rooms we passed and, I can tell she's moved on. I did a quick prayer for her."

Tora gave her a very warm and appreciative smile.

"I think I know what room you're talking about, her children were just here not too long ago to say their 'goodbyes' and 'I love yous'. She was a fighter that one, just like your neighbor, she held on for as long as she could; at least yours' will fight another day."

"What room is she in now?"

"Ms. Kaede is in room 723," she pointed to a glass room in the corner covered by those hospital curtains for privacy, it looked fairly big for a corner room, "she's in there now recovering from her surgery, we have her on an IV and morphine drip. When she wakes up she'll be greeted with plenty of sunlight, but for now we have the blinds down. The nurse in charge will bring her food and help her with anything she needs and will answer any questions you have."

"What about the doctors that operated on her? Can I talk to them?"

The nurse sitting in front of her computer answered Kagomes' question without looking up from her monitor, "Unfortunately, one of them was rushed into another surgery and the other is looking at some kid that," she took a deep sigh and squeezed the bridge of her nose out of frustration, "put hot sauce in one of his eyes on a dare."

For real?

Getting the mental image out of her head, Kagome brought her attention to Kaedes' room and turned back to Tora, "Can I go see her?"

"Of course Ms. Higurashi. Now that you know where her room is you can come back with things from her home to make her feel more comfortable, the doctors did tell me she'll need to stay here for a few days; since the police are still investigating her home."

"Thank you Tora." As she left the desk to head into Kaedes' room, Tora stopped her by the shoulder.

"Ms. Higurashi one last thing, when you do come back the police are going to ask you several questions and we will need you to fill out some forms." Kagome nodded and returned to her directed path.

Kagome was greeted by dim light and the steady beeping of a heart monitor, she felt her heat break when she saw the scene in front of her. Kagome slowly walked to her bedside as she sees the right side of Kaedes' face covered with a surgical gauze protecting the absence of her right eye; she also notice small bandages covering small cuts on her face. Kagome looked closer and saw her left forearm encased within a cast, she looked closer and saw the colors of a bruise forming. She took quick notice of her hair not tied in its' usual low ponytail and is now loose and free; some hanging off her shoulders and the rest she's resting on. With a shaky hand, Kagome reached over and tucked a single strand of hair behind Kaedes' ear and felt a tear escape from one of her eyes and fall onto Kaedes' resting hand connected to the IV and morphine drip by a needle and tape.

Kagome never knew either of her grandmothers, her grandfather will often tell her and Sōta many stories of how they met and fell in love. Both of them can tell their grandfather missed her terribly but was more than happy to relive the life he had with her with his retellings; as for her mothers' mom, they were told she was kind and very warm. For Kagome, Kaede is the closest example of what a grandmother is, wise and willing to help and not afraid to stare down others much stronger than her; that's why Inuyasha respects her, that's why she respects her. From day one when Kagome moved into her unit it was Kaede that showed her around and it was her that warned her about the forest from the very beginning; she can't lose that to violence. When it's her time to move on Kagome wants it to be peaceful with no pain. She looks at her neighbors gauzed covered eye and feels a sharp pang in her already broken heart.

Kagome held Kaedes' still warm hand as she cried silently.

-Back at the Apartments-

Kagome wasn't sure what to do. The only thing that made sense to her was returning to her apartment and visiting Kaedes' to grab a few things, she knew she will have to explain to Inuyasha what happened and predicted he will want to find the animal that harmed the elderly priestess. She won't stop him, not this time. As she parked her car she sees police tape not far from where she is blocking the entrance to Kaedes' building. Kagome remembers some people leaving that particular building when the killings from the forest started, only Kaede and a measly few others live in that building; she imagines they keep to themselves. As she entered her apartment she's greeted by the familiar softness of her fat cats' fur rubbing against her leg and greets her further with a cheery meow followed by enthusiastic purring.

She needed that. After putting her emotions into a blender at the hospital she needed something to make her feel warm on the inside again.

"Hi Buyo." she closed the door behind her and picked him up placing him right where her heart is; he continued to purr as she petted his back and snuggled him with her cheek. "I'm glad to see you too."

Something's missing.

Kagome walked further inside and looked in the living room, the kitchen, and down the hallway with her bedroom door wide open. She held Buyo out in front of her, "Where's Inuyasha?" He answered with a meow mixed yawn and a rapid shake of his head. She put him down and watch him retreat to the kitchen with fresh food and water in his bowl. Inuyasha WAS here, where he is know is the part that concerns her. Kagome knows Inuyasha isn't the one who attacked Kaede, he'll call her names but that's about it. She quickly changes out of her uniform in favor of her casual jeans, black shirt and red converse; she leaves her apartment to get things for Kaede when she wakes up.

She notices two policemen and a CSI forensic scientist leave the now unoccupied building as she approached.

"Hello?" one of the officers turned and looked in her direction.

"I'm sorry miss you can't go in. Unless you knew the person who lives here or live with them I can't let you in."

"My name is Kagome Higurashi, this is my neighbor Kaedes' apartment unit. I came over here to get some things for her when I go back to the hospital."

"Higurashi? One of the nurses mentioned your last name in the emergency contact slot," he turns to one of the CSI investigators as she peels off her blue rubber gloves, "is your team done in there? This young lady needs to get a few things for that apartment."

"Sure, we're done here. It looks like whatever attacked the resident living here took advantage of the fact her door was slightly open; since there's no force of entry."

Kagome took a step forward, "There wasn't anything unusual or out of place?"

"Aside from some salt on her carpet and a box full of cleansing charms, which looks like the resident was in the middle of organizing, and some superficial claw marks on the frame? Nothing out of the ordinary."

If she finds anything these 'forensic scientists' missed with any luck they'll get fired.

The policeman let her know that other policemen will come back and ask her some questions; she told them they can find her at the hospital by Kaedes' side.

They took the police tape down and left.

When she entered into Kaedes' home she can tell there was heavy traffic from police and a team of forensic scientists; even when they did their investigation no decretive item was out of place. But she can see fresh and faint feet impressions in the carpet and where Kaede was found, on her carpet she sees a fairly large part of the carpet stained with her blood that has already seeped into and started to coagulate. Kagome looks around and sees a jar covered by a purification talisman filled with purified salt sitting on Kaedes' kitchen breakfast bar top, some of it was used. They did say there was salt on the carpet, she looked from the jar to the floor and finds the aforementioned salt right on the floor in a form of an arc. On the door frame she sees the shallow groves of claw imprints and speckles of, what she can best describe as black gunk right at the very bottom of the frame and a strange bluish piece of, skin?

What happened here? How did they miss this?!

That's why the police thought she was attacked by an animal and why they stopped their investigation early. No human could possibly do what was done to Kaedes' right eye without some kind of special tool or Kill Bill technique. The only one who knows what really happened is Kaede herself. Returning to the task at hand Kagome goes into Kaedes' bedroom and starts gathering a few essentials, as she gets the last of what she needs into a nearby duffle bag she looks over to a particular place of her bedroom and sees an old picture of a younger Kaede in, what she can assume was her early twenties and with only whom she can assume is Kikyō as they pose in front of an abstract statue. Above the picture is a mounted old red bow and quiver with only eight arrows left, Kagome can tell Kaede took good care of the equipment; as the old bow looks new and the arrows have been freshly sharpened. Kagome looks to the pictures again and sees a smiling Kikyō posing with her new red bow in her priestess uniform.


That roar!



"What the-?"

Her phone goes off in her back pocket, she looks at the caller ID and sees it's Rin. Apologizing to Rin inwardly she sends her straight to voicemail. What ever caused that high pitched noise is clearly dangerous, any sane and rational person would go in the opposite direction and find somewhere to hide, but something deep within Kagome was telling her to run towards it and help Inuyasha. She can't stand the thought of Inuyasha killing others or him getting hurt in a fight, but the thing that made that noise was not human and it sounded wild and dangerous. She looked back at Kikiyos' smiling face and bowed.

"Sorry Kikyō!" she takes the mounted bow off the wall, tests the bowstrings tensions, and takes the quiver. "I'll return these! Promise!"

She takes the duffle bag and runs out of the bedroom, before she completely leaves the apartment she remembers the jar of purified salt and makes a double back for it; she quickly finds its cork and a bottle of water and runs to the entrance. Kagome runs closer to her car and plans on leaving the duffle bag in the back seat before she she leaves for the forests entrance. But before she can reach her car she sees a deep blue car pull up alongside her forcing her to stop.

Rin parks her car and steps out holding up her own phone as she exits the driver side. "Kagome answer your phone!"

"Rin? What are you doing here?"

Rin walks around her car and stops in front of the hood, Kagome can see Sesshōmaru still in his dog form sitting up front.

"Kagome I just want to know how your neighbor is doing. You said she is in the hospital and flew out of the bakery, I tried calling you to ask if you needed any hel-."


Sesshōmaru came out of the car immediately and barred his teeth in the direction of the forest as he growled ferociously.

"Kagome," Rin slightly turned to her, "what was that?"

"I'm gonna go find out," she handed Rin the duffle bag filled with essentials for Kaede, "go to Sacred Jewel Hospital to room 723, that'll be Kaedes' room. The nurses will let you in, just say I sent you."

Rin watched Kagome run pass Sesshōmaru and in the direction of the forest with only a jar, a bottle of water, and a bow with a quiver filled with a few arrows. Rin wasn't sure what her friend was running into, but she did know that she's going to need all the help she can get. She looked over to Sesshōmaru and he looked back at her and sees her determination and bravery in her deep brown eyes; and watches her retrieve a large knife from the side of her door and places the duffle bag where he sat.

As she ran, Kagome took some of the salt and poured it into the water and shook it hard enough to blend the two, next she readied Kikyōs' bow and arrow and just kept running. She wasn't sure where she was running and how far deep her legs will take her into the forrest, but she feels a drive inside of her to keep running and her instincts are telling her where she was running is where she needs to go. That when she hears it, loud snarls and growls mixed with the sound of claws tearing into flesh. Kagome slows down as she sees Inuyasha in the distance fighting some weird gangly looking thing and can see his claws are covered in that same black gunk she found at Kaedes' apartment. She crouches behind a tree and takes the arrow in her hand and dunks the arrowhead into the salt water. She readies her borrowed bow and peeks out around the tree far enough to get a clear shot, she watches on as Inuyasha wrestles and snarls at the creature and throws it into a boulder, opposite of her line of view, so hard it crumbles. Kagome eyes widen as she sees this thing emerge from the rubble with a hiss escaping from its' none existing jaw.

This creature has four extra long limbs coming out from each side of its torso and waist as it only adds to its' original arms and legs; as each hand has long black claws. It has white fur covering it's body but only in patches as some fur falls off it in clumps; it looks like it might be suffering from a severe case of mange. It's blue face resembles a baboons even with the absence of a jaw, its' eyes are sunken pitch black soulless holes. She looks on as it sickly cracks and pops it's bones back in place and lets out another loud high pitch scream.


Kagome and Inuyasha keep their eyes on the creature as they both cover their ear. That's when it lets out a large purple gas from its' jawless mouth and it quickly spreads from where it stands to the rest of the surrounding area. Kagome is at a safe distance so the gas doesn't affect her but she sees its' affecting Inuyasha, he tries to guard himself from the gas by using his mouth; it's a poor attempt. Inuyasha starts to cough behind his mouth and wavers slightly, the creature took the window of opportunity and charged at Inuyasha as gas still exude from its' mouthless jaw. Kagome felt time slow for her as she came out of her hiding spot as she took aim, she knew where this creature was going to land and she be damned if she allowed that thing to harm Inuyasha any further! She feels a surge of power flow through her and sees a faint purplish-pink light embody the entire arrow; that's when she heard someones voice whisper in her ear.


Kagome let loose the arrow and watch it hit the creature square in the shoulder with the purplish-pink energy, causing the creature to get knocked back several feet through two trees and clearing the area completely of the purple gas. Kagome will figure out who it was that whispered in her ear along with where and how that light appeared later as she went straight to Inuyashas' side.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome sat the bottle of water and jar of salt down right behind her as she cups his face; he continued to cough until he was able to breathe in the newly cleansed air. "Deep breaths, that's it." She looked him over and saw the blue shirt he's wearing has been torn with three giant claw marks and his jeans are covered in grass stains and mud just like his bare feet; but none of his blood is seen. Kagome sighs inwardly to herself out of relief.

He looks into her concerned laced eyes to see some relief in them, he's grateful that she's here but she doesn't yet know the danger she has put herself in. And, he's not sure why, but the creature seems oddly familiar to him; and when he tries to remember he feels a sharp pang in his mind. He takes her hands in his as he stands, "You...have to...go. Get yourself far...from here." One of his ears move in the direction where the creature landed and hears it getting back up as it groans in agony with every move. Inuyasha gets in a fighting stance and shields Kagome from sight and from danger, until he hears her readying another arrow.

"I'm not leaving Inuyasha," she looks down slightly and sees the same black gunk she found in Kaedes' apartment; she feels her blood boil. "This, bastard is the reason Kaede is in the hospital with a broken forearm and no right eye," he looks behind him and his blue crimson eyes meets her clear blue eyes, "I WILL NOT let that go unpunished." He gives her a smirk as he watches her take aim.

They both watch the creature screech and hiss in pain as it comes in clear view, they continue to watch as it pulls the arrow out of its' shoulder only to have its' shoulder dissolve right off its' torso. It screeches in pain again and watches it's own arm flop on the ground right in front of it, the arms' nerves are still active as its' fur melts and eats through the muscles and finally the bone; only to have it become nothing but dust. The creature hisses at the both of them, but stops when it's sunken eyes land on Kagome.

A single human eye with a milky iris rolls into place and muscles form behind the eyeball to keep it propped up in place. The eye changed its' color from milky white to ruby red. The creature just stands there now only staring in Kagomes' direction; black liquid rolls out of the sunken eye socket and down its' cheek, when it lands on the ground a small patch of grass dies.


It raises its' paw and makes an out reach towards Kagome, only to have it sliced off by a thin whip of light. Kagome looked behind her to see Sesshōmaru appear and land right beside Inuyasha as Rin dismounted from his back holding a hunters knife. Kagome wasn't sure why but she was half expecting him to be naked, but here he is dressed in simple black slacks, a white button down shirt with his sleeves rolled up, and black dress shoes. Inuyasha looks like a complete slob next to Sesshōmaru.

Rin looked at Kagomes' confused face, "I wasn't going to leave you and Inuyasha to defend for yourselves, and he," she pointed her knife at Sesshōmarus' back, "won't admit it. But, I had a feeling he wanted to help his brother."

Inuyasha and Sesshōmaru gave each other a quick glance in a silent understanding as the held their fighting stance; ready to defend each other if need be and their mates. Rin takes a look at the creature and tries to make sense of what's going on.

"What is that thing?"

"That thing is the reason why Kaede is in the hospital."

Rins' eyes widened as they filled with anger. "It'll pay for what it did."


It looked to Inuyasha.

"HHHHrrrrrrrrr ssccnnt, oon yyyyuu. AGIN?!"

It let out a loud screech and flung itself towards Inuyasha using all of its' body weight. Inuyasha jumped forward to absorb some of the impact of the attack by using his shoulder and force it back using its' own chest and weight, it was knocked back a few inches and charged again only to have Sesshōmaru attack its' right side with a precise jab into its' muscle; severing the tendons connecting the extra two arms. Sesshōmaru grabs the creature from inside its' own body and throws it to the side making it roll sideways and colliding with a tree. Kagome sees the two brothers attacking the creature in tandem and quickly comes up with an idea. Before Rin could go in and join them, Kagome grabs a hold of her jean jacket sleeve and pulls her aside so that both of them are out of sight from behind a tree.

"Rin," she holds up the purified salt jar and the bottle of salt water in front of her friend, "I have an idea, but we need to move fast."

After being kicked into a large dead stump by it quickly gets up and prepares for another attack. The brothers get into position until all three of them hear a whistle in the distance. It looks in the direction of the sound and trains its' sight on Kagome and makes a mad dash towards her.


Inuyasha makes an attempt to go to her side but Sesshōmaru holds him back by his shoulder, Inuyasha yanks himself away from his older brother and growls deeply; his annoyed eyes meets his calm and composed ones.

"Watch our mates." and points in Kagomes' direction. Inuyasha sees Kagome, but wheres the younger girl named Rin?

The creature gets closer to Kagome as she stays in her stance. Once it reaches her and launches itself, its' suddenly propelled back by an invisible shield that surrounds her. Inuyasha looks down to Kagomes' feet and see a ring of salt protecting her and an empty bottle of water.


Kagome takes aim as Rin comes out from behind the ruble of the former boulder, jumps up and grabs the creature by one of its legs with her wet hands. "THIS IS FOR KAEDE!" With her grip strong on its' leg, she twirls around in the air and slams the creature right onto the ground. It screeches in pain as its' leg starts to dissolve just like its' arm did, as it bounced in recoil from the impact Rin took her wet hunters knife, stabbed in its' lower part of its' side, twisted her knife, and ran it right up and through its' side slicing its' side open along with the lower arm causing the fur, flesh, and muscle to bubble and dissolve. Rin quickly side steps herself away.


The creature looks in Kagomes' direction and sees the same purplish-pink light as before, the pressure from the built up energy is so great it causes Kagomes' hair to tousle behind her. Black liquid slides down the creatures' eye socket as it sees a familiar figure bathed in the light of the arrow.

Kagome heard the whisper in her ear again and synched with what it said.



The arrow flew straight towards the creature and hit its' useless side making it knock back by the powerful blow. Inuyasha and Sesshōmaru came to their side, as Kagome walked out of the ring of salt and Rin used a fallen leaf to dry her hunters knife and uses her jean jacket to wipe her hands of the salt water. Both of the brothers looked over their women to make sure nothing was out of place or scratched. Kagome gave Inuyasha a reassuring smile and rubbed her forehead with his as a soft purr emanates from his chest and throat. Rin stops Sesshōmarus' from getting any closer to her, she makes a quick spin which makes her yellow dress twirl showing him her legs and cranes her neck from side to side; showing him she's fine and there's no reason to come closer. Before the brothers could even slightly relax, they shoved both of their women behind them. The creature now only stands to the side of his body that hasn't deteriorated by Kagomes' arrow. Kagome felt the creature stare in her direction again which sends an uncomfortable chill down her spine; they all watched it carefully.


The four of them watch on as the creature disappears in its' own purple gas. Both Inuyasha and Sesshōmaru stay right where they are as they both snarl and growl in the area the creature was just in. Kagome knows they can still smell it somewhere in the forest and want to go after it to kill it, but right now there is someone in the hospital they need to see. Kagome takes Inuyasha by the hand and forces him to follow her out of the forest, as Rin tugs at Sesshōmarus' shirt urging him to do the same. Neither of the brothers likes the idea of leaving the creature alive but they know they can always come back later and put the pitiful thing out of its' misery; for the sake of their mates safety.

-Room 723-

With a quick trip to Kagomes' apartment, to change Inuyasha into something that didn't have holes in it or mud, cover his ears, and put shoes on; the four of them went to the hospital together in Kagomes' car. As they got there Inuyasha, Rin, and Sesshōmaru went straight to Kaedes' room as Kagome sees a doctor talking to a police officer not far from Kaedes' room. She gives Rin the duffle bag and goes over to the pair when she sees Tora wave her over.

"Excuse me?"

They both men give her attention.

"My name is-"

"Ms. Higurashi," the doctor holds out his hand and she meets him half way with the greeting, "it's nice to meet you young lady. I'm Dr. Suikotsu, I helped perform the operation with my colleague Dr. Izumo, of whom is in a meeting at this time."

"Thank you for helping her doctor."

"That's what we're here miss. I'll be working with Dr. Izumo on getting Ms. Kaede a replacement eye while we have here. But, there is something I must discuss with you."

The officer shifts himself closer to Dr. Suikotsus' side.

"It's about how she lost her eye, isn't it? What did you find out doctor?"

"How the eye was taken out of your neighbors eye socket was done with such procession, that only someone highly trained with their hands and speed can possibly pull it off."

The officer steps forward, "Which is why we ask you Ms. Higurashi if you might know anyone that will want to do your neighbor harm?"

Well, no human would harm Kaede but there might be a few spirits she forced to move on that might want a crack at it.

"No officer, Kaede is a retired demonologist exorcist priestess that has only done good deeds and helped those who need it."

"So," Dr. Suikotsu takes in a sigh, "the only beings that would want her harmed are in a different realm entirely."

Kagome turns to the officer, "I'm sorry officer, I know that's not the outcome you were looking for."

"That's alright miss, the office will still look into the matter and contact you if there is anything out of the ordinary. And you know what number to call if there's any emergency."

After the officer leaves, Dr. Suikotsu tells Kagome he will take the information he has on hand to Dr. Izumo and reminds her Kaede is safe in the hospital and promptly leaves to attend other patients. After filling out some forms Tora gave her Kagome went right into Kaedes' room to see Rin by Kaedes' bedside holding her hand and praying silently as Sesshōmaru looks on. Kagome passes Sesshōmaru and gave him a friendly smile as he briefly gave her his attention and came to Inuyashas' side as he sat on the opposite side of Rin, studying Kaedes' face intently through his sunglasses.

Kagome put a gentle hand on his shoulder, he connected his hand to hers immediately.

"You...cried in here."

"I did." She felt him give her hand a gentle squeeze.

"I understand why, I was too late to prevent the attack. I'm glad her injuries aren't more serious, but I do feel guilty about the loss of her eye; at least her arm will heal." Kagome wrapped her arms around Inuyashas' neck from behind as his hand slides up to her shoulder. He gives a low purr.

"You did what you could Inuyasha, and you managed to get that thing in the forrest before it could do more harm." she kisses his cheek.

She looks over to Rin, who is still in prayer, and watches Sesshōmaru place a hand on her shoulder, she gives a small smile when Rin doesn't push him away.

There are several question that are bothering her. Why did that thing attack Kaede? And it 'spoke' to Inuyasha as if it knew him, what does it mean? And why was it transfixed on her more than anyone else there? The only one that has the answers to these questions still slumbers before them; safe and still warm.


This chapter is dedicated to my grandma that has recently passed on. I love you grandma!

Please leave comments and reviews!