Jack was flying back to the Pole from Burgess. It was a somewhat long flight, but he didn't mind that much as he got fantastic views.

He was flying over some little town in England when dark clouds started to gather. He frowned, and a growl filled the sky, deafening the young immortal.


His eyes widened as he realised, scanning the sky worriedly, picking out the darker clouds. He was so absorbed in this that he didn't notice the metallic scent that drifted through the air until fear prickled down his spine. He gasped out loud, darting swiftly to the left and watching with horror as lightning crashed mercilessly down into the place he had been. Rain lashed down into the air, plastering his hair flat. Gulping, he let himself drop, hoping to escape the thunderstorm. He clutched his staff, recalling something about wood attracting lightning, but the knowledge was fragmented and half forgotten.

He desperately tried to avoid the lightning bolts that hurtled like maddened horses towards him. He didn't quite manage to dodge one, and his sleeve started to smoke. He gave a wounded yelp, his skin smarting. Giving up, he threw a snow globe and collapsed through the portal to the Pole.

The pain wracked his body, the arm almost shrieking in protest as he dragged himself upwards. One of the yetis noticed him and dropped the plate he was holding, seeing the horrific burn running down Jack's arm. He rushed forward and picked Jack up in his strong arms. The youngest Guardian struggled, weakly declaring himself fine.

"Only a thunderstorm," he tried to tell the yeti, but the yeti was racing towards a door. He opened it without knocking. A large Russian voice boomed angrily from within.


Buggy growled in complaint, holding out the injured teen he carried in his arms. North gaped, hurrying over. "Vhat happened to him? Jack!"

"Jus' thunder…" Jack murmured, clutching the burn with tears in his eyes. "Thun'er an' lightnin'…"

His arm was starting to hurt a lot now, and he could hear North shouting something. He tried to stay awake but the darkness claimed him.