Disclaimer: I don't own anything!

My Lord, My Captor


Rin was roused in the middle of the night, as the sounds of screams assaulted her ears. The acrid smell of smoke followed. She coughed then quickly crawled towards the door of her hut, and peeked cautiously. Red cinder and ash hung heavily in the air. Her eyes were greeted by the sight of Northern soldiers fighting demons. But they weren't just any mindless demons starved of human flesh.

They were demon soldiers as well. Demons who think and have a purpose. She recognized the blue crescent moon crest on their armor… these are the Western Invaders who had come to take their lands. She heard of rumors that the Demon Lord of the West, whoever that is, expands his empire by conquering the other Lands.

East had already fallen. And now they come to take the North as well.

Her blood boiled in anger. Damn them.

She ran back to gather her few belongings, and secured a small knife inside her kimono. Rin tightened her sash around her waist and ran outside. Her heart rapidly beating in her chest, she ducked and darted in the midst of the battle. Her stomach churned at the carnage at her feet. She had stepped on a mangled human corpse while fleeing.

A man suddenly grabbed her by the arm and spun her around. She yelped. "You! What are you still doing here?!"

"What do you mean?" She was breathing heavily, fear in her eyes at seeing his bloodied face.

"Just before dusk, we relayed information to some of the town people about the invaders drawing near, so they can instruct everyone else to depart immediately for their safety! You are the only commoner left in here!"

She was stunned. No one bothered to tell her. She felt a pang of ache… followed immediately by anger. Selfish bastards. They probably hoped for her to die.

"No matter. Escape while you still can." He pointed towards the edge of the forest. Rin was about to mumble a thanks, when an arrow went through his chest. His eyes rolled back and he fell on the ground. She covered her mouth to silence her own screams, then she ran towards the forest, hoping death wouldn't find her yet.