Fracture Pattern

Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS:LA or its characters.
A/N: Thanks to SwanQueen4055, ToOldToShip, blue dogs rock, anonkp, jmlane1966, guest m (mwhahahaHAHAHAhaha...maybe I am...), and Yammy1983 for the reviews, they always push me to get these chapters done in a timely manner.

Chapter 12

Callen tried to steer around the car that came to a screeching halt in front of them, but the space was too small. Rather than get the car jammed in the spot and wedge their doors shut, effectively creating a 'shooting fish in a barrel' situation, he stomped on the brakes. Deeks grabbed onto anything solid and yelled as the front end smashed through a newspaper stand before it came to a crunching halt.

Deeks shook the glass out of his hair that broke off of the windshield courtesy of the stand and glared at Callen. "Next time, I drive."

Callen huffed and pulled out his gun. "As if you're any better. Arm thyself, little brother, trouble cometh from the east."

"You have got to stop with ye old English novels." Deeks groaned but ducked as a bullet ripped through the back passenger window. "Slide out and take me with you."

A hard kick punched Callen's door open and he dropped to the ground. Deeks quickly crawled over the console and joined him behind the engine. They peered over the hood at their pursuer who looked to be lining up his next shot.

"How many were in the car?" Callen whispered to Deeks who thought hard and then held up 3 fingers. "Great, out-numbered. Although, if he's busy keeping us pinned down, then it'd be even odds."

"Optimism, that's new." Deeks nodded his approval.

"I'm a realist, and in this situation we have a realistic chance of not dying." Callen grumbled. "You keep an eye on our flanks. I'm going to try and make this guy nervous."

Deeks crouched down and kept his weight on his heel which allowed him to pivot either way quickly. Callen moved along the length of the car and popped up at random spots to take shots at the SUV blocking the gunman. What may have appeared random to anyone else were actually well-placed holes. Callen was trying to puncture the gas tank and then generate a spark from the still-running engine. How possible it was, Deeks didn't know, but until they got some back-up, it was as good as any other strategy. He saw something emerge out of the corner of his eye, but he kept his gaze passing back and forth, it could be a distraction technique.

He was right.

"Left flank!" He shouted over the din of several shots slamming into the hood. He yanked Callen down and fired a few back. Callen took the hint and watched the other side. It grew quiet and they grew nervous.

Callen peeked over at their friend behind the SUV and his eyes grew wide. "Run!" He grabbed Deeks and together they hurled themselves towards a dumpster that was close by.

A blast ricocheted off the walls and blew the two men to the ground. Somehow they hauled each other up and limped behind the dumpster while the fireball covered their movements.

"What was that?" Deeks rubbed his ears, trying to massage some hearing back into them.

"Apparently they have grenades." Callen crawled up to peer over the dumpster.

Deeks bit his lip to stop the retort that threatened to burst out. Instead he looked at their surroundings and sighed. "We are so screwed."

"Why?" Callen asked more out of habit than because he was actually listening, he was trying to find the third gunman.

"Because we're in an alley with no way out and I have no extra clips." Deeks slid the clip out of his gun and counted the bullets. "Anyway, I'll be dead once Hetty sees this shirt."

Callen slid down the side of the dumpster, "Kind of ironic if you think about it, we're two arms dealers with no arms."

"Ha ha. They throw one of those grenades down this alley and we're done."

"Now who's being too pessimistic? Lighten up, we'll get out of here." Callen motioned for Deeks to cover to the left and he would take the right. They eyed their sections as the other side seemed to regroup and set out with a new plan. With itchy trigger fingers and no bullets to waste, they calmed themselves down.

Movement caught Deeks attention and he growled as he sent a double tap at the guy lifting the grenade launcher over their destroyed car. "No you are not!"

"Did you get him?"

Deeks squinted through the smoke. "Maybe a piece of him, but all I think I did was slow him down."

A crack sounded above them and they both instinctively ducked. Gunfire ripped over their heads; clearly their opponents didn't have the same problem with dwindling ammunition. They also appeared to not have a clear target in mind as shot shots ricocheted off the walls around them but others were aimed at the rooftops and windows. A second shot was quickly followed by a third and then an eerie silence spread over the area. After exchanging glances and shrugs, Callen slowly worked his way up and peered around the dumpster, but Deeks was focussed on a figure that climbed down a fire escape and was walking towards them.

"Hey, check it out." Callen stood all the way up and let his gun drop. "Sam's here!"

"You go ahead, I think I'll wait here." Deeks watched as Callen turned to walk towards his partner. He swiveled his head back towards the alley and smiled at the approaching figure.

Kensi had run. Not jogged, not loped, but full out ran from the car. Sam had gotten them as close to the action as he could, but they were still two blocks away. The sniper rifle strapped to her back had slowed her down just a hair, and she was only breathing a bit hard when she finally hauled herself up the stairs and burst out onto the rooftop. The sight of the exploded car had momentarily stopped her heart, but she realized the men wouldn't be shooting at anything if Deeks and Callen were already dead. She found her first target after his attempt to fire a grenade was foiled. He was her first victim. The other two made the mistake of showing themselves as they sprayed ammunition. She took her time and then took them out. Once she was certain there was no one else coming, she hustled to the fire escape and climbed down. She pulled her pistol and made sure everything was clear as she worked her way down the alley towards her partner.

Deeks melted into a puddle of relief when she came up beside him. A half laugh, half cry ripped past the cuts and bruises. He stared up at his partner as she sagged against the building. She stared at his giddiness with disbelief and relief. A smile flew across her face, Deeks was back and she was glad.

"I didn't tell you before because leaving the way we did would make you mad, so mad that you'd be too busy to worry. I figured you'd be mad no matter what we did; I thought it'd be best if it was a productive anger."

Kensi, shocked that Deeks had answered the question she'd wanted a response to for so long, took a moment to process the words. "You engineered it so that I'd be okay?" She stomped her foot, "How do you explain disappearing into the streets?"

Deeks propped himself up and grinned up at Kensi. "Y'know how you're all awesome out in the desert and forests? Replace the trees with buildings and sand and dirt with concrete. The city is my stomping ground. As long as there are back alleyways and a dirty coat, you couldn't find me if you tried." He gave her a dazzling smile and she returned a much smaller, yet still heartfelt one.

"I know." She kicked at the ground. "But I can't back my partner up if I don't know where he is."

"The next time I'm up against an old friend-turned-enemy, you will be my first call. Now help me up." He held up his hand which Kensi grabbed and yanked hard. "A little more energetic than necessary, but thank you. Besides, it was fun watching you take Matty down. He's faced mobsters, DA's, drug lords, and he's caught by a girl...woman...badass NCIS agent."

"Y'know, I kind of like the idea of out-sourcing our raids." Callen sauntered up behind the pair and looked back at Sam who was close behind. "I just talked to Jim and they have everything cleaned up there and he's sent a team to mop up this mess. We got to have all the fun with none of the responsibility."

"G, that's how you always operate. Only this time, I'm not the one cleaning up your mess." Sam rolled his eyes at Callen's innocent smile. "How is Jim?"

"Ecstatic. The agents in the prisoner transport couldn't keep up with all the confessions and accusations once the truck started moving. He's going to get a huge gold star and based on the way he handled today, he deserves it." Callen paused. "Steve said Molly's angry she missed it, she loves a good raid."

A truck pulled up and a group of agents got out. "Agent Callen? Can you give us an idea of what happened here?"

"The dead guy by the light pole mistook this as a demolition derby and tried to ram us which my superb driving skills avoided."

"Then he tried to shoot me" Deeks interjected.

"The two men by the burned up car attempted to flank us."

"One of whom tried to shoot me and Callen."

"Then there was the launched grenade."

"Which almost blew us both up."

"We retreated to behind the dumpster."

"Which they promptly tried to blow up."

"Our teammates got here just in time to take out the three attackers."

"Thus ending the attempted shooting and blowing up of us."

Sam squinted at Deeks. "Why are you so fixated on when and how you were shot at?"

Deeks squared his shoulders. "I am showing just cause for the holes and tears in this shirt. I know Hetty's listening in and I want her to know I did my best not to destroy my clothes."

"You're still going to get stuffed in a closet." Sam poked at Deeks' shoulder while the other two rolled their eyes and huffed. The ATF agent looked confused.

" the money still in the trunk?" The agent didn't really know what was going on, but he needed to know.

"Yes, and by the looks of it, it was in an indestructible case, so it should still be in one piece." Deeks pointed towards the smoking car. "But it's going to take some work to get to it."

The agent found a smile. "We're ATF, sir, we're used to stuff that's been blown up." He jogged away.

"Sir? Did he just call you sir?" Kensi wrinkled her nose.

"Shh...don't ruin the moment." Deeks squeezed her lips shut with his fingers which were quickly slapped away.

"Come on Sam, let's go home." Callen slapped his partner on the back and together they herded the bickering partners towards the car.

Hetty, hands folded in front of her, was waiting for them as they came through the hallway. "Good to see you all back in one piece. Mr. Deeks, I concede that the damage to your shirt was unavoidable. Could you please remove it and return it to me."

"Thank you Hetty. I did do my best." He spun on his heel to head towards Hetty's clothes closet when she redirected him.

"Oh no, I'm replacing the curtains, there's a door to your left – yes, that one – it's our replacement change room for the time being."

The team watched as he opened the door, walked inside, and was fumbling for the light as the door swung closed on its own. "'s dark in here." Deeks felt around but still couldn't find a switch. He heard the quiet snick of a key turning in a lock. "Hetty..." He drew out the name. "Did you just locked me in a closet!" Footsteps moved away and he swore he could hear snorts and giggles. "Guys? Help? What if I have to pee?" He sighed and dropped his head. He could imagine the sly grin splitting Hetty's face. He backed up slightly and found himself leaning against something soft and bed-like. "Hmm, might as well make the best of it."

And that's where they found him ten minutes later when Callen picked the lock: fast asleep, one pillow under his head and hugging another.

"He looks so harmless when he's sleeping" Kensi whispered.

"Then let's leave him that way, it's safer." Sam herded everyone out of the room again and softly closed the door with a gentle smile flickering across his lips. "Sleep well," he whispered to the door.
