AN: I have been charged with a great duty! ^-^ That duty is this story. In coalition with Jessikalyn's Story of Damia I have taken Shirley on to tell her tale. I highly recommend reading SOD, as it explains much of what happens in this story. I switch every now and then between 1st and 3rd person POV. When I write in 1st person, it is Shirley talking. So pay attention! ^.~ Just kidding. Now I am done talking. Hurrah! ^-^ R&R please! (Note: I'm not doing the usual disclaimer thingy, because if you actually think I own the characters/game/company then you are a sad sad little person.)

Chapter One

It was early. The sun was peaking over the tops of the roofs in Bale, birds chirped their morning song, and everything held a quiet peace to honor the sun as it rose. But beneath the facade of this peace, a hidden tremor rippled through the earth, warning of the anger that Soa would unleash. Tense hands clenched around the edge of the balcony, blonde hair whispered behind her ear. Miranda felt it, that slight shift in the earth. She knew the others felt it too, probably awoken from their slumber by it.

This is what Meru was talking about. Miranda thought as she turned to face the sun. Another tremor rippled beneath her, this time weaker than the other one. Her thoughts returned to the sick Wingly and what she had told them. Anxiety crossed her fair features. Soa was angry; they had defied her. They had destroyed the God of Destruction. They had lived. She frowned. They had lived!? This was their great crime!? They had risen and fought for life, for others' lives, for the earth, and for this, they must be punished? Be shown the wrongs of their ways and then simply expected to stand by as Soa ravages their world?!

"I can't believe it!" She turned suddenly and let her fist fly into the stone wall, ignoring the blood that poured from her knuckles. "It's insane, and I won't let it happen!"

"Miranda?" The voice came from inside the library, where she had found herself again this morning. She sighed, knowing it would be futile to try and hide. Her little outburst was hardly little. Stepping slowly around the curtain that bordered the balcony entrance, Miranda's golden eyes caught sight of the other owner of the White Silver Dragoon Spirit. She reflected on that briefly, recalling how Damia had replicated the Spirit so that each might carry it. Would Shana still be able to transform?

"Miranda!" Shana walked over, her hands folded politely infront of her. The blonde walked deeper into the room and offered a half smile to the brunette.

"Good morning Shana," she welcomed her, then turned and gestured towards the sun, "what are you doing up? It's early." Miranda watched as Shana smiled and considered her words before answering.

"Did...didn't you feel it?" She asked, causing Miranda's normally stoic expression to falter. She looked down and stared at her clenched, bloody fist. She was right, the others had felt it too. "Dart...he, practically jumped and hit the roof when it happened," Shana laughed lightly, unsure of how to approach her friend. She was acting oddly this morning. "We weren't able to feel them before, but now..." she trailed off, seeing the look on Miranda's face. "Are you ok? Miranda?" She reached a hand out to comfort the blonde, but Miranda shrugged her hand away.

"I'm sorry, Shana. I-" Miranda tried to smile, but it was useless. It turned into more of a bitter smirk than a forgiving smile. "I've just been thinking, that's all. I felt it, too. And I'm determined. I'll protect this earth again, Shana. Nothing's going to happen to it." She sat down as she talked, and Shana pulled a chair up next to her. "Have you ever wondered? About...about her?"

The question took Shana by surprise, but there was no doubt in her mind about who Miranda was talking about. "Yes. Dart and Lavitz told me about her, after they came back with the Dragoon Spirit to heal Feyrbrand's poison." She held out her hand, and the jewel glistened in the morning sunlight. "It...felt nice. Welcoming, you know? The spirit is so calm and gentle, and I could feel its power. I wanted to know more about her from the beginning. But I never met her."

"I did." Miranda smiled. "She asked us to free the others. The other Dragoons. I got the feeling she'd been watching over them all this time."

"She was." Both girls rose to their feet as Albert entered the room. He bowed slightly to each woman, and then gestured to the many rows of books and scrolls covering the walls. "From what I've read so far, the White Dragoon, Shirley, had quite the important role. Not more so than the others, but it was important none-the-less." His gaze drifted to the rising sun beyond the balcony and he smiled. "My apologies. Good morning."

"Good morning, Albert." Shana returned. "Miranda and I were just talking."

"Ah, I see. Have you been reading up, Shana? You are also a Dragoon." He made a gesture for them to sit and he followed suit. Shana shifted uncomfortably.

"I--no. Miranda's the White Silver Dragoon now. I didn't think I--"

"Cut the nonsense, Shana. You have just as much right as I do to carry the Spirit." Miranda let her arm fly out in a wild gesture. "You're one of us. A friend and a Dragoon. So don't even start thinking that you don't belong." Miranda was standing infront of Shana now, looking down at her with a hand on her hip. Her face was determined. "You told me back in Deningrad to 'take care of the rest'. And it isn't over, and we're going to need all the help we can get. Understand?"

"Yeah. Thanks...Miranda." Shana beamed happily now. Albert turned a grateful smile to Miranda.

"Now, about Shirley..." she trailed off as she turned and stalked away. She began pacing the room methodically, in a way that made Albert raise an eyebrow. What was she thinking?

"Miranda--" his tone had an edge of warning in them, she noticed. He knew what she was thinking.

"No Albert. It's time."

"Miranda. No. " The last word was stressed to the point that it was an order . Miranda cocked her head to the side at this. Albert was standing now. "If anyone should go next it's me. I can't let you. It's not safe."

"I am not your subject, Albert. I have my own country, remember? And if Meru can do it, so can I. And so can Shana for that matter." Miranda gestured happily towards the silent brunette who had yet to say a word; though she had a slight idea on what they were arguing about.

"Meru's different. She's a Wingly, therefore-"

"We're Dragoons , Albert. Stop worrying. Anyways, if we delay any longer, it might be too late." This had Albert's attention. His eyes shut slowly as he sank into a nearby chair. Miranda felt a surge of victory.

"If anything happens, you are to stop immediately," Albert's voice was quiet, and Miranda nodded solemnly.

"Of course." She glanced momentarily at Shana. "We'll be busy until lunch, I guess. If we don't come down--" she smirked at Shana's shocked stare, "--then send Dart or someone to get us, ok?"

"Alright. Tell me what you learn, ok?" Albert stood to leave and Miranda followed him to the doorway.

"Don't worry. We will." She closed the door behind him and then turned to face Shana. "Are you up to this? Sorry, I should have asked."

Shana shook her head. "Don't worry about it. I worked hard so that I could walk beside Dart. I'm not about to stop there. I will fight along side you guys!" She stood up and tightened her fists. Miranda smiled approvingly.

"Good. Let's get to work." She grabbed The Book of Ancients and joined Shana at a nearby table where the chairs were comfortable. Huddling close together, they opened the book with anticipation. Immediately, both their Spirits started pulsating with a bright light. The double effect was soothing, yet they sensed the urgency hidden underneath. When the lights died down again, the book was opened to a particular page written in strange characters. Strange, yet they both could read them.

Quite the audience I have.

Their heads snapped up at the voice. Glancing at eachother, it was silently agreed that they had both heard the voice. Serene and calm, it was like waterfalls that echoed with the knowledge of mellenia, ageless. The voice was hardly a threat; though it had startled them, coming out of nowhere like that.

I see. Damia tells me you are both carriers of the same Spirit. And Shana, I sense something more in you. A deeper power.

"I-I the Moonchild," Shana stammered. Miranda's features were awed that this was happening. Though they were expecting it, it was still quite the shock.

Yes, that would explain it. It's also a great asset on our side. This is highly irregular; Spirits from the same dragon, how odd. But Damia also tells me that is her doing, and I am not one to argue with a trusted friend. You two..are so different, yet so much alike. Both of you share my skills in healing, but Miranda, your pride and fierce resolve mimic mine. Shana, your gentleness and tender innocence, for one your age is admirable and the source of much envy. I now understand Dart's reason for venturing into my Shrine so long ago.

"Damia said we had to use this book." Miranda changed the subject, and there was a weary sigh coming from Shirley.

You need not talk aloud. I can sense your thoughts just as easily as you can sense mine. And if I am not mistaken, you two can sense eachothers. Let your mind speak for you, I can hear you.

Shana frowned, as did Miranda. They both shrugged at eachother, and put their words into thoughts. Quite the reversal for both of them.

"Like this?" Shana looked at Miranda. The blonde openly gaped. Shana's words echoed clearly in her mind. It worked!

"Unbelievable. Shirley, is that your name?" Miranda kept an eye on Shana, glad when the brunette expressed the same shock, proving that they could hear eachother.


"And we must use this book?" Miranda placed a hand beneath the cover.

Yes, you all must. Time is running out, Soa has already made the first move. I will tell you my story. Though first I must warn you: Whatever you have heard from Meru about Damia may not be how I saw it. A tale through different eyes is seen in a different light. Now, will you listen?

"Yes." Both girls nodded. And Shirley began her tale...

Over 11,000 years have passed since I have last drawn breath, but I can still remember the sweetness of the air of my hometown....
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