Alas, the end has come. I'm so exited to press complete on this one! I hope you enjoy and find the epilogue fulfilling.

Disclaimer: Still no.

Richard Castle spent weeks planning their Independence Day party. This year the 4th of July was destined to be special. The day had arrived were they going to adopt Mia officially, they were going to become an official family. He arranged to host a party on the roof of the loft.

A grill was placed, along with coolers and picnic tables for cooking out. Lawn chairs and blankets were also supplied for when darkness descended, giving them all one of the best vantage points for Manhattan fireworks. A variety of plants and flowers were placed about for decoration and Castle even set up a stereo system, giving an ambiance to the space.

Kate was amazed when she stepped through the door, taking in the completely transformed space. She was taken back to their first summer together. Memories of those early months, before anyone knew they were together, when every moment of the day revolved around the anticipation of the next time they could be together. They'd spent their first 4th of July on the very same roof, although things were much simpler; a picnic basket, a blanket and some wine.

Kate blushed as she remembered that night, it started innocent enough, but the end result was Kate's first sexual experience outdoors. She smiled as she thought that she wouldn't mind repeating it again, although she had in the Hamptons on the beach, twice in fact.

She felt his arm wrap around her waist, pulling her body against his as he kissed her lovingly on the cheek. "Do you like it?" He asked her.

"It's perfect." She replied, offering him another kiss, this one soft and on the lips. Kate meant it too, it was the perfect setting for a very special day. Gates would be joining them with the paperwork necessary to legally adopt Mia. It hadn't been an easy feat, but considering their captain was connected to the attorney general, she was able to pull together the required documents.

Lanie and the boys, along with Jenny would be joining the family, all celebrating that Mia was well, and that she was finally home. The papers would be signed at sunset, starting a new chapter on all of their lives together. Kate smiled as she thought about it, as she considered the long journey that they'd all taken to this moment. Mia was finally safe and sound, and the teen was home where she belonged. She then thought about Rick. Every moment with Castle was worth it, and she glowed as she thought about the love of her life, hers once and for all.

He pulled her into an embrace, running his hands down the sides of her, solid white yet lace patterned sun dress. She slapped his hands away teasingly,

"While I love what you've done, you need to wash your hands before getting grime all over this dress! It's new afterall." She winked at him, causing him to smile.

He loved her in all things, but especially admired her skin when she wore light colors, as they gave her the appearance of a healthy, tan complexion. Who am I kidding, he thought to himself, she'd be radiant in a paper bag.

Mia and Alexis joined them soon, each carrying a dish and setting them on the table. Soon Martha and Jim joined, also adding food to the buffet before toasting to their family. She took a sip of her sangria and he his tea as they watched their children, blissfully in love, and grandchildren- chatting away happily.

To say that Jim Beckett had been surprised would have been the understatement of the year. Kate remembered the conversation as if it happened yesterday.

"Hey dad." She moved to hug him, "Thanks for coming over."

"Hey, Katie. It's so good to see you again." Jim was encouraged that he'd been invited to the loft. He was relieved to know that Rick and his daughter were able to work their problems out. She was happiest when she was with her writer and Jim had worried that they wouldn't find their way back to one another. He hugged his daughter firmly, pulling back to get a good look. She looked nervous, but well. She appeared to be well rested and happy, and that was enough for him.

"Hey dad, I've put a pot of coffee on." Kate spoke softly, motioning to where she'd set out mugs at the kitchen table. Jim nodded, following his daughter and taking a seat.

"So, where's Rick?" He asked.

"He's upstairs with his daughter." She stated, swallowing once again nervously. It wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the whole story. Soon enough he would know. Before he could make small talk, Kate jumped in.

"Dad. There's something that I need to tell you." She stared at her coffee mug for a while, her father waiting silently for her to continue.

"It's about when mom died, in the months following her murder." Kate began. She certainly had piqued his interest.

"What is this about, Katie?" She took a sip of her coffee, buying herself some time as she decided what she would say next. Although Beckett had rehearsed this conversation, she found herself unable to remember anything she'd planned to say now that the moment had arrived.

"Dad, after mom died… it was a really dark time for the both of us." She tried to reason with him, leaving him even more lost.

"Yes, it was." He reached for her hand.

"Dad, that February… I got pregnant." She stared at her coffee cup, unable to make eye contact. Soon she continued to speak.

"I got pregnant and I didn't know what to do. You were…" Kate hesitated, she didn't want to bring back her dad's drunken days, didn't want to cause him any more pain than she was about to. " Well," Beckett tried to continue, " you were not available…and I was scared. I was really scared."

"Wow." He simply stated, absorbing the news. "What…" Jim wasn't really sure what to ask.

"I had the baby. I went to Boston…"

"You were supposed to be studying abroad." He spoke, the pieces falling into place. He felt quite numb, the shock washing over him.

"I went to Boston." She repeated. "I stayed with Aunt Vera and she helped me to find a family for the baby." Kate finally looked up to him.

"Dad, I wasn't ready to be a mom. I was still grieving, and my life was a mess. I had nothing to offer a baby and... and I had no one." She allowed him time to absorb the news, but soon continued.

"I did what I thought was best." Kate spoke, defending her actions. Jim nodded. He felt incredibly guilty, acknowledging that he wasn't able to be there for his daughter during her time of need.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there, Katie. Do you…" He swallowed back the rush of emotion, "do you know what it was? The baby?"

Kate smiled sadly, "It was a girl." She replied.

He nodded. "I'm glad you told me, and I'm proud that you made such a responsible decision, giving a family such a gift." Before he could speak further, Kate interrupted him.

"Dad, her parents died." He looked up to her suddenly, surprise written all over his face. "I just found out recently, while you were in Europe."

"I had no idea where she'd been living, but after her parents were killed she was tossed from home to home, lost in the foster care system." Kate explained.

Jim looked devastated. He was familiar enough with the legal system to understand how harsh it could be for a child, especially a child who had nobody to advocate for them. "How do you know this?" Jim questioned her. Kate took a deep breath and answered.

"Because she found me." Her voice was just above a whisper, "because she found her way back to me." Her eyes were wide now, glassy with tears as she waited for her father to respond.

"Where is she?" He questioned, his voice filled with a mixture of surprise, trepidation and wonder.

"She… Mia… Mia's upstairs." Kate responded, grabbing her father's hands and holding them while he processed the news.

"She's…" He was lost for words.

"I have a granddaughter." His statement was one of disbelief, before a wide smile spread across his face, pure amazement. "You're a..."

"Mom." Kate finished his though, relief spreading through her as she saw that her dad was taking the news well.

"I have a granddaughter." He repeated, staring off into space.

"Can I meet her?" He asked. Kate let out a sigh of laugh of joy, a smile spreading across her face.

"Yes. She's eager to meet you, but I do need to warn you…she's been through a lot in the short time she's been with us." Jim looked puzzled, so Kate explained the events of the past weeks to him.

He listened with shock and horror, amazed that the young girl had survived so much. "She's got the resiliency of her mother." He stated, brushing his hand across Kate's cheek, he then added,

"And you're both here at the loft, so Castle has been accepting- forgiving you and willing to care for your daughter with you? You said he was with his daughter as well? How does she get along with Alexis? Castle's really ok with your daughter being here? "

Kate sighed… "About that…"

To say that Jim Beckett had been amazed was an understatement. He was simply floored by the fact that Mia's father turned out to be none other than Richard Castle, and that the adults found their way to each other before their daughter came to them once again. He was also relieved, as Jim couldn't imagine a better father for his granddaughter.

The moment Jim met Mia was filled with wonder. He stared at her in awe, reaching out to touch her cheek in loving wonder. "You look like your mother." He spoke. "You're simply beautiful."

Mia smiled then, relief filling her as she gravitated to the man, her grandfather. He took her into his arms and they were bonded. The two talking about anything and everything, discovering how much they had in common, how similar their interests and personalities.

Jim also felt he was reconnecting with his Johanna in some strange way, Mia's mannerisms reminding him so much of his lost love. The teen was another product of what had started with Johanna and himself, and he knew that his wife would have been proud. She would have been just as enamored with Mia as he was.

"Our family is something else." Martha commented, pulling Jim Beckett from his memories. He smiled to her and touched his glass to her own, smiling in agreement as he took another sip of his tea. Soon Mia was by his side, looping her arm into his as she took him over to some corner of the roof, telling him some story about the city they both loved.

Mia was eager to go fishing, and was promised that they would go to the cabin before the summer was over. A sense of life, as sense of purpose was renewed in Jim, as he had yet another person to live for- to love. Mia was good for him, and he was good for her.

Their friends soon joined the roof party, and the celebration came into full swing as everyone helped themselves to dinner. Mia , Alexis and Kate spent a good amount of time together, Alexis playing her violin as Kate showed Mia the basics of guitar. Castle watched as the women in his life bonded, never feeling more fortunate than he did that night.

Mia had been happy and was growing healthier with each passing day. She would still likely need physical therapy for a few more months, but she was moving about normally once again. The new-found sense of independence made the teen shine with pride. Mia found herself going out on the town with Alexis, for short amounts of time and to places where she could rest. They'd go to the movies, out for coffee, visit both Alexis and Mia' old book stores. Alexis had even taken Mia to her college campus, spending an afternoon there and showing Mia that college could be in her future too. The young teen embraced the prospect, especially considering she'd been tested by Marlow Preparatory Academy. In spite of the need for some remedial math, Mia was found to be ready to start the 8th grade come the fall.

Despite having missed school, having lived on the street, Mia's voracious appetite for knowledge served her well. She'd continued to teach herself, even in the worst of experiences. The school counselors had been impressed with her drive and her intelligence, and the life she'd lived, the events she survived commanded the respect of all who encountered her. The teen was excited to start anew, and relieved that she would have the entire summer to continue her recuperation from the building collapse.

As the sun began to set, the family gathered together. Music played softly in the background, and guests were free with the wine as they gave their attention to Gates.

"Well, I've been asked here today to oversee the signing of some very important papers." The captain began. The girls smiled brightly at Castle and Beckett, who placed an arm around each girl, linking the four of them in a chain in front of Gates.

"Although we still have to file these to make them official, I can declare that the papers are legally binding." She smiled to Mia directly before addressing her.

"Mia, is it your wish to be adopted? From this point on, Kate Beckett and Richard Castle will become your legal parents. They will the same rights and responsibilities as would any other parent." Gates stated. Castle leaned in and whispered,

"That means you'll have to do what we tell you." His words earned an eye roll from Mia, who shoved him lovingly with her elbow. Both Castle and Beckett asked their captain to include Mia and Alexis in the small ceremony they'd created, making the adoption not just the signing of documents, but the symbolic formation of a family.

Mia smiled to captain Gates and nodded her head, "I am very lucky to have found not just one, but both of my parents. There isn't anyone else alive that I would rather be bound to." The young teen then looked to Alexis, reaching for her hand, "and there isn't any sister that I would rather call my own than you." The red-head smiled, squeezing her little sister's hand.

"I sort of felt like you were my little sister, even before you actually were, at least officially speaking," Alexis commented, "and I'm happy to have you both joining my family." She then looked to Kate, taking the detective's hand and squeezing it.

"If I may," Martha interjected, "I must speak on behalf of Jim and myself to let you know how incredibly honored we both feel to have such wonderful children and grandchildren. Mia, darling- welcome to our family." She smiled softly to the teen and pulled her in for a hug.

Captain Gates nodded, a soft smile on her face. "Very well, then," She turned to Castle and Beckett, "if there is no objection from either one of you, please sign where I've indicated." The captain motioned to the areas marked for Castle and those for Beckett, making the adoption of Mia into their family; as well as the joint custody of their daughter official.

Once they were done everyone clapped, ready to celebrate their new chapter. Soon the wine was once again flowing and the music was turned up, a soft tune filling the sweet summer air. Kate smiled as the smell of Jasmine crossed her nose, reminding her of romantic summers past, particularly of time spent with Castle. She never wanted her time with Rick to end. Kate turned to him and smiled, nodding. She was ready.

Castle then turned to gates, giving her a knowing grin. The captain then smiled and spoke up. "Um, can I have everyone gather around once again?" She requested, pulling their friends and family around once more. This time everyone, including the girls, looked confused.

"You see," Gates began, "I was asked to come here tonight and provide the paperwork that would make you all a family, at least in the eyes of the law." She smiled before adding, "and we've done that."

Castle and Beckett moved to stand by one another, bringing their parents and their daughters to surround Gates once again. They did so, with no small amount of curiosity painted over their faces.

"There is just one more matter that they thought we should attend to, one more document to sign." Gates explained, reaching into the folder that held the adoption paperwork. As she pulled out the paper, Alexis and Mia gasped, shortly followed by and "oh my!" from Martha.

Jim simply laughed and the last one to speak was Lanie, with a shocked, yet simple "Are you kidding?"

Kate smiled to her best friend and nodded. She then turned to Alexis and Mia.

"Do we have your blessing?" She asked them. There was no hesitation as both girls nodded, Alexis muttering "It's about time."

Castle and Beckett then turned back to Gates, who carefully held a marriage license. The couple decided that they didn't want any fuss, and they didn't want to wait. They'd spent long enough waiting and just wanted to be together. They wanted to begin their lives together, their lives as a family.

"Now I get why your sun dress is white." Lanie commented, squeezing Kate's shoulder and grabbing a bouquet of hydrangeas from one of the tables to hand her. The detective took them and smiled, rolling her eyes at the tradition Lanie mandated while beaming at her husband to be. They now had the blessing of their family and nothing stood in their way.

"Would you like to say anything, before you both sign that is?" Gates offered.

Castle and Beckett then stood back, separating slightly to face one another and taking hold of each other's hand. Kate handed her Flowers to Alexis as Mia stood next to her father.

"Kate." Castle began to speak first. "I've been chasing you around for years. Now I realize that I loved you before I even knew you. We've got the proof right here." He motioned to Mia, earning a silent eew from the teen and causing Kate to smile.

"I promise you that I'll never stop chasing you, that I'll never stop loving you. I promise to be a soft place for you to land and a solid foundation for us to build our future together." He pulled her slightly closer, their hands clasped firmly. "I promise to love you until the day I die... and probably to haunt you after." It was such a Castle remark, Kate couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Nevertheless, Beckett did her very best to hold back tears as she listened to Castle speak.

She then smiled to him softly, knowing it was her turn to speak.

"Rick, meeting you was the best thing to ever happen to me, even before I knew you, you were the best thing in my life." He smiled in understanding as she continued to speak,

"You joke about how you've saved my life more than I've saved yours, but what you don't know is that you're right. You are so right, Rick. You've been saving my life every day, with every word you've written you've saved me. You set me on a path that led straight to you, and babe- I'd walk that treacherous path a thousand times if it meant that you were waiting at the end for me." Both were close to tears, and their loved ones weren't fairing much better.

Kate smiled, letting out a breath as she took him in once more, "I guess what I'm trying to tell you is that I love you, Rick. I love you with every piece of myself and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life loving you." Both were lost for a moment, gazing into one another's eyes and oblivious to the fact that they weren't alone.

Gates finally cleared her throat, bringing them back to the present. "Do you have rings?" She asked.

"Oh!" Castle exclaimed, reaching into his pocket to produce both bands. He'd completely forgotten to prepare for the ring exchange. In fact, he was proud that he remembered to bring them at all considering his nerves, his excitement. He handed Kate his wedding band and kept hers, preparing for the exchange. Soon they'd placed the rings on one another's fingers, pledging their love and affection as they did so.

Gates smiled, nodded and finally stated, "Then by the power vested in me by the state of New York, I pronounce you husband and wife. Mr. Castle, you may kiss your bride."

As if by some divine plan, they kissed shortly after dark and just as the first fireworks of the evening detonated, lighting up the sky in celebration. The explosion startled both of them, causing them to falter and then laugh into their kiss. "Well that was appropriate." He joked to her, whispering in her ear as he held his wife close to him.

"So, Mrs. Castle, I think it's safe to say our Marriage started with a bang." He teased her.

She simply leaned in, stroking his cheek and pulling him closer by the chin, just as their lips met, she whispered, "Oh no, my dear husband, the banging comes later…and there will be lots of it."

He let out a delighted laugh, pulling her closer as they swayed together on the roof, surrounded by their family, safe and protected, loved and whole, open to the possibilities of what the future had in store for all of them.