Hello all and welcome to this marvelously symmetrical fanfic. Yes I know I have other fanfics that I am working on and have to update, but I just had to post this, and I will continue with my other fanfics.

This will be the first ever Soul Eater/IS crossover ever.

This idea came to me and I just couldn't wait to write this. As the description says this will follow everyone's favorite OCD nutcase Death the Kid along with the others. I just thought that this idea was just too funny and I hope you will agree.

I will try to keep the characters in character for this fanfic. If I made a character ooc please tell me politely and I will correct myself to fix the problem.

Disclaimer: I do not own Infinite Stratos or Soul Eater, both series along with the respective characters belong to their respective owners. What I do own is the idea, this fanfic.

As always please Read, Review, Follow and Fav. Please no Flamers or Trolls.

Now that I got that out of the way enjoy.

Prologue: A Symmetrical Beginning.

It all started as a normal day for Death the Kid, he got up, got dressed, ate breakfast, checked to see if everything is perfectly symmetrical, that includes checking if he remembered to fold the end of the toilet paper into a triangle (which he always does) and left for DWMA with his weapon partners Liz and Patty Thompson.

It was all normal until he along with his weapon partners were called to the Death Room by his father Lord Death.

"You wanted to see me father?" asked Death the kid walking into said Death Room accompanied by Liz and Patty.

"Ah, yes I called you three here with some good news." said Lord Death happily in his usual high, squeaky voice.

"Good news?" asked Kid with a raised eyebrow.

Then Patty says in an excited tone "Are we gonna get a Giraffe? I always wanted one!"

Then Liz asks in her normal tone of voice turning to her sister "Do you see a Giraffe anywhere?"

Patty then proceeds to look around the Death Room and then under a little rock slightly bigger than a pebble and says "No, I can't find one."

"Then we aren't getting one." says Liz deadpanning her sister.

"Anyway, what is the good news father?" asked Kid after watching Liz and Patty's comedy routine and turning his attention back to his father.

"Ah yes, the good news," says Lord Death in his usually happy tone, apparently he was watching said comedy routine as he turns his attention back to Kid "I have an extra special mission for you, it also includes a special present as well."

Kid then asked with a raised eyebrow "Ok let me get this straight, I was called here for a special mission and a present?"

"Not just any mission and a present," Lord Death continued "the mission sends you to protect a special school from any kishin influence, and what the present is has to do with said school."

"Ok, I'm listening." says Kid sounding abit more interested to find out more about this mission he will be going on.

"I knew you would say that," says Lord Death happily while clapping his over sized cartoony hands together as he continued by saying "and that's why I will be having someone else explain the next part to you."

Just then a high pitched giggling that didn't belong to Lord Death, since this voice sounded distinctly female, said voice sounded like it belonged to a young girl. The voice filled the Death Room causing Kid, Liz and Patty to look around to see where the voice is coming from.

Lord Death then moved out of the way to reveal where the voice was coming from, said voice came from the mirror that Lord Death was in front of which hid it from view.

What shown in the mirror was something that Kid didn't truly expect. This person was apparently Japanese, with long purple hair and purple eyes.

The woman in the mirror was smiling and waving happily to Death the Kid.

Kid then pointed to said mirror while looking at his father and asked "Father, who is this woman."

Said woman then said smiling "Let me introduce myself. I am the great genius Tabane Shinonono. It's nice to meet you."



Author's Note: There you have it, the prologue. If you are wondering why it's so short, the reason is the prologue needs to be symmetrical, so Death the Kid won't have an OCD attack, the upcoming chapters will be longer.

I hope I kept everyone in character so far, if not please tell me. I will probably be following the Light Novels for the story of IS so I will probably be using some of my writing style I use in IS: Special Circumstances, since the writing style was liked, and it is rather easy the way I write to follow the LN.

You all know where Death the Kid, Liz and Patty are going, and can probably already guess what Kid's present will be.

I'll update when I can, see ya later.