Disclaimer: I don't own FMA

Note: I don't really like this fanfic, so this is it.

You said to continue, my dear Payton-chan, so I shall!

Chapter Two:

Seal The Promise

Roy didn't know what to do. His dream had just walked out the door, and down the street.

His dream just walked away from him. Out of his grasp.

Yes, he had cheated on Edward, many times. But it wasn't because he didn't love the little blonde alchemist, he did. He did it because of his reputation, as Central's womanizer. He had been selfish, only thinking about himself, and now he had lost Edward.

He had lost his dream.

Why had he hesitated? It was because... he had been... scared. He knew what had been coming. He knew Edward was going to leave him... and frankly, he couldn't blame Edward for it.

Roy had a dream for them... he had wanted them to be happy together, forever...

He should have run after Edward. He should have chased him down, and taken the teen into his arms, promising to change. If Edward came back, he would commit. To Edward and only Edward.

Hell, if Edward came back, he would yell from the rooftops that he was taken by Edward Elric, and only Edward Elric.

He wanted Edward back.

Roy walked quickly to Edward's dorm. He didn't have time to wait and see if Edward would come back to him, he had to make the move himself.

He whammed his fist against the wooden door. Edward answered, and was clearly shocked to find who was on the other side.

Golden eyes quickly narrowed into a cold glare. "What are you doing here."

The colonel did not hesitate to respond. "I want you back."

"What did I say? I said I'm not about to be your damn boy-toy and you have to-"

Roy cut him off "Commit, I know. And I am prepared to do just that."

Golden eyes calculated. "Are you serious?"


"You are willing to give up your reputation as Central's womanizer... for me?"

A smile graced Roy's face. "Why wouldn't I? You're my dream."

Edward's face had a soft smile. "And you are mine."

Roy moved to close the distance between them. "So, you're willing to live our dream?"

"I always was."

The raven haired man leaned down to Edward's lips. Before their lips met he whispered "I had a dream I wasn't willing to give up."

A soft reply of "Promise?" Came from the short blonde's lips.

Roy didn't respond...

He sealed his promise with a kiss.


Sorry for the sucky ending, I kinda just wanted to end it... Haha... anyway, sorry if you didn't like it.
