A/N: Hello Everyone! This is my first time writing a fan-ficiton so please go easy on me :) I know my writing is not perfect , but I just want to share this story with you guys and hopefully you guys will enjoy reading it.

I love the show and absolutely adore this couple. I wish sometimes Paily got more cute screen time like Haleb, Spoby, and Ezria. Anywaysss...

Enjoy :)

Emily hurriedly walked across the school's parking lot, heading towards where her friends were standing.

"Hey." Aria smiled and replied back hey before leaning in and giving Emily a hug. Hanna was zoned out on her phone, busy reading something, and didn't even reply to Emily. Spencer didn't even look at her, but she just mumbled a "hey" back. Following Spencer's gaze, Emily looked towards a mass crowd that was gathering on the other side of the school's parking lot before looking back at the girls.

Aria turned and asked, "Where's Maya?"

"She didn't want to come to school today," Emily shrugged, very disappointed in her girlfriend's decision. Hanna still hasn't responded to Emily or acknowledged her presence, while Spencer was still looking at the crowd.

"Ohh-kay," Said Emily, " What's going on?"

Aria just shrugged, looking at Emily. Spencer frowned and turned back towards Emily before answering her question.

"Don't you guys find it weird that the new mayor of Rosewood just purchase Rosewood High a couple of days ago? Like he owns this high school now. Who does that?"

Emily shockingly replied, "Wait, what?!"

Aria, with the same shocked expression, "I didn't even know you could do that. Why didn't my mom say anything to me about it?"

"That's because no one was suppose to know about it." Spencer said, " The only reason why I knew is because my mom accidently mentioned it when she was doing all the legal paperwork."

"Apparently, the rest of the school heard about it too." The girls turned around to the deep voice and found Toby and Caleb heading towards them. Toby walked over to Spencer while Caleb tried to greet Hanna with a kiss on the cheek, but Hanna continued to be obsessed over her phone.

"Hanna." Caleb was trying to get her attention, slightly annoyed.

"Uh? What?" Finally getting her attention away from her phone. "Sorry. What are we talking about?"

Toby just smiled and said, " The whole school knows about the mayor's new purchase and they decided to gather in the parking lot before 'the new kids' arrive."

Emily looked confused and asked, "Um… what does the mayor's purchase and 'the new kids' have to do with each other?"

Spencer interjected, " Yeah and who are 'the new kids' anyways? Some special group was smarty-pants that I have to compete with? By the way, there is no competition."

Caleb just laughed, "No, I heard the mayor brought the school because his daughter will be attending here for her senior year and she's bringing some of her friends too. Her last school kicked her out because she and her friends decided to set some textbooks on fire and it got out of hand. No one got hurt, but there were some huge damages. No other school was going to take her after that incident so I guess the mayor decided to buy one so she can finish out her senior year."

"Sounds like she's trouble," said Emily. Emily has always been the shy girl that hardly even gets in trouble. She likes it that way. No one will ever be disappointed in her if she stays away from trouble. As for her girlfriend, it was opposite. Maya liked causing trouble. Emily's parents didn't approve of their relationship mainly because Maya is known to be into smoking and drugs. Maya wasn't shy about letting people know. People knew and they talked, especially in a small town like Rosewood. Emily wishes that Maya would change and still hold on to the hope that one-day Maya would change for her.

"Must be nice to have daddy clean up your mess, " Spencer mumbled, clearly not impressed with the mayor's daughter. Emily's thoughts of Maya were rudely interrupted by Hanna's excitement.

"O-M-G! They're almost here!" exclaimed Hanna, making everyone jump with her announcement.

"How do you know Hanna?" Aria asked.

"Well, I'm friends with this girl named Shana on Twitter. She's been tweeting crazy tweets about coming to Rosewood for school all morning. She must be one of 'the new kids.' I also follow her fashion blog. She's fabulous!"

Emily just silently smiled at her and shook her head slightly. There's nothing in the world that could excite Hanna more like shopping, a fashion guru, or the newest fall collection of Jimmy Choo's. The girl might not know much about anything else in this world, but Hanna can definitely tell the difference between authentic designer products and knocks-offs.

Before Hanna could continue, a loud roaring sound came from the other side of the parking lot. Emily and the rest of the group turned their heads over to the mass gathering of students. Emily saw a black Jeep emerging from the crowd and the Jeep was speeding over towards them. For a second, Emily thought that they might get run over if they didn't get out of the way, but before she and the rest of the group could react, the Jeep just whipped into the first closest empty parking space that marked Principal Carson's name.

"They're so cool!" squealed Hanna, jumping up and down. Spencer just rolled her eyes at Hanna's comment while Aria and Emily both looked dumbfounded at the black Jeep that was parked a couple of feet away from where they were standing.

"Hanna. Don't get too excited," said Caleb, even more annoyed now that his girlfriend was more intrigued with these new kids than paying any attention to him all morning.

For some reason, Emily was getting excited too. Maybe it was Hanna's excitement that was rubbing off on her, but she did want to see what these new students were going to look like and why everyone is so drawn to them.

From the passenger's side of the vehicle, Emily saw a tall girl getting out of the car, followed by a tall curly-hair boy. The tall girl was attractive, Emily concluded. She was tall and she had an athletic built type of body. Maybe she swims or runs? The boy was taller than the girl, pale, and had dark features. He was lean and muscular build. He was definitely one of the taller boys at Rosewood High. They looked at each other and smirked, briefly looking around. Hanna was right. They both had this nonchalant quality about them, which made them very alluring. Emily could see the appeal from both of them.

The next figure got out of the driver's side and Emily's eyes immediately were drawn toward the girl. She was also tall with fair skin. Her auburn hair stops right at her shoulders. She was wearing Ray-bans sunglasses so Emily couldn't really tell what the girl really looks like. She was wearing deep grey v-neck with a black bomber jacket and black combat boots. From what Emily can see, this girl has great style and something that intrigued Emily instantly.

The girl looked around as she stretched out her arms above her head. She stopped dead on in Emily's direction and returned Emily's gaze. Emily could feel her heart beating faster. What the heck? The girl just gave Emily a crooked smile. Emily stopped breathing right then and there when Emily heard the girl chuckled after flashing her crooked smile.

"Paige!" Emily's gaze was interrupted by Noel Kahn's voice as he shouted towards the new kids. The girl just nodded in acknowledgement towards Noel's direction. So her name is Paige Emily noted in her head. That's a cute name for a cute girl.

"Ugh! Kahn knows them?" Spencer asked in disgust.

"Of course, I know them, Spencer." Noel walked straight up to their group with Jenna closely behind. "Toby, landscaping didn't work out for you? I though it suited you pretty well, garden-boy."

"Jenna, can you tell your boy-toy to shut his mouth?" Toby warned. Spencer was ready to say something before Jenna interrupted.

"Hello to you too brother." Jenna just replied sarcastically as she snaked her arms around Noel's waist.

"You guys are not family anymore Jenna." Spencer said. "Remember to keep your distance away from my boyfriend. I'm warning you."

"OOOOOOHHHHHHHHH," Noel laughed. "We're soooooo scared of you and your little crew." He hugged Jenna closer to him.

It was too early to deal with Noel and Jenna, Emily thought.

"Paige, come on. Let us show you around." Paige and her two friends walked over to where the group was standing. With that last statement, Noel and Jenna turned and walked in the school. Shouting back at Emily and her friends. "There is a new crew in town. You guys better watch out."

There was just something about the look Noel gave Emily and her friends. It never sat right with Emily. Honestly, the way Noel would look, sometimes, crept Emily out. She didn't like him. She never did. There was something about him that made Emily want to punch him in the face every time she came in contact with him.

The curly-hair boy walked by first. Giving Emily and her friends the most devious smile she has ever seen. The athletic girl passed by next, but before she completely walked away. She turned and introduced herself.

"I'm Shana." The auburn-hair girl followed Shana and stops right in front of Emily. She took off her sunglasses and looked straight into Emily's eyes. Emily felt a slight flush before looking around from this girl's dark brown gaze. " You guys should really watch out though," said Shana.

"What?!" Spencer exclaimed and Aria followed up, "Why?"

"Because we're the kids your parents warned you about," Shana mischievous concluded before walking away. Emily looked up at the auburn-hair girl, waiting for her to say something but she didn't. She just raised her eyebrow at Emily and gave her a smirk before walking away.

Emily and her friends watched as both girls disappeared into the hallway.

Hanna spoke first. "What does that mean?"

Emily was also confused too. "What does that mean?" mumbled to her self.

Let me know what you think. Review it. PM me. Favorite it. Follow it. Until next time.
