Disclaimer: I do not own anyone or anything from Harry Potter!

AN: Hey guys, I wanted to say how sorry I am for not updating. Things have been very stressful at home not to mention I just had a birthday, but anyways, I am sorry if this chapter sucks, but I needed to get a feel for the story again so the next chapter will be loads better I promise.

After a week of Hermione ignoring him, Tom realized that Harry Potter had been right; she was on to him and unless he did something quickly she would no doubt dig up the truth and go to Dumbledore or someone else in the order. The dark lord knew he could not let that happen since he had worked so hard and put so much work in to achieving his goal. He had to do something and he needed to do it now.

After some thought he had come up with an idea. Trying to talk to her would do no good because if he questioned her about why she was avoiding him it would only cause her even more reason to be suspicious. Tom needed to do something that would distract her, something to keep her on her toes and her thoughts away from his odd behavior or better yet, he needed to give her a reason that would explain his behavior. The idea had actually came to him while they were eating lunch together in silence since she wasn't talking to him unless she had no other option. He had noticed Hermione watching Ginny flirt with some guy from Hufflepuff and when she smiled softly before averting her gaze, he had know right away she was one of those people who believed in true love. It was then he knew without a doubt he could get her to forget all her suspicions. All he had to do was make her believe Harry Potter was in love with her. Now the dark lord did not believe in love, but he knew from observing people that it could be a very powerful weapon if one wielded it correctly.

There was only one flaw in his plan; he had no idea how to fake love having never felt it before. He did have Harry's memories so he knew what it felt like for the boy who lived, but it was not the same thing. He had no idea how to fake love. The art of seduction was something he knew since he had used the technique plenty of times, but seduction was much different than love. Tom supposed he would just have to try and mimic others who claimed to be in love and mix in a bit of charm and seduction in as well. The sooner he put his plan in to the action the better. Tom figured it best to start this as soon and possible and so he looked at the Gryffindor girl sitting across from him sipping her pumpkin juice.

"Hermione," He paused a moment to make sure he had her attention even though she still wouldn't meet his gaze with her own. "Hermione, do you think we could talk later tonight in the common room? There is something I need to confess to you and I probably should have told you a long time ago, but the truth was I am terrified about how you will react. It's nothing bad, well I do not see it as a bad thing, but anyways back to the point, will you please talk with me tonight in the common room after everyone else has gone to bed? It's really important Mione."

With a sigh Hermione glanced at him and hesitated. She wanted to say no because he may be trying to trick her somehow and yet it was Harry after all so if he said it was important than it must be. "Okay, I have some books I need to get from the library and by the time I get back to the common room everyone should already be in bed."

Reaching across the table and doing the best to hide his distaste when he placed his hand over hers, he smiled in a way that made the face he was wearing look innocent and sweet. "I promise you won't regret it Mione and when you hear what I have to say I am sure you will understand if I have been different lately. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I haven't wanted to tell you because I was afraid of how you would react. Like I said, it's nothing bad, yet you may not agree. I've probably already said enough to make myself look like a fool so I better shut my bloody mouth now and save the rest of what I have to say for tonight. We have class to get to; would you let me walk with you to class? I've missed you this past week Hermione, you're my best friend and my life isn't the same without you."

Hermione smiled a little as a blush stained her cheeks. "I've missed you as well Harry and I would love it if we walked to Herbology together."

Tom looked down at his food as a dark smirk took over the face of Harry Potter. Step one was complete and tonight he would initiate plan two. It would take a little more work, but Tom Riddle had never given up when things became challenging and he wasn't about to start now. Hermione Granger would fall for him and together both the wizarding world and muggle world would burn.

As much as he hated acting human, the darkest wizard ever known, knew he had no other choice. In order to make sure the prophecy came true, he would have to continue acting human and dealing with emotions he had no desire to understand. There was always sacrifice in the pursuit of power and this was his. He could handle humanity for the time being because in the long run Hermione would lose her humanity and they would be unstoppable. Besides, not all feelings were bad in his opinion. He had never realized breaking his soul apart would have taken away simple pleasure. He understood was pleasure was and yet for a very long time he could not experience it himself; until he had taken over Potters body and now he knew what he was missing. Perhaps faking love would have some perks such as physical pleasure. He may not be in his own body, but physical pleasure had nothing to do with the emotional and everything to do with ones body. Yes, he was sure some perks would come from seducing Hermione Granger.


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