Another year of school

Honestly, it never used to be this bad. It was absolutely fine until I turned sixteen. So, as a seventeen year old pupil returning to school for his final year, well, let's just say this isn't exactly my idea of fun.

I sighed as I walked in the huge front doors. Why are doors always so big in schools? Do they think freaking giants are going to be coming here or something. Anyway, the place looked in the same state as it was when I left it last year. Writing covered walls, brightly coloured lockers. The bright colours were supposed to motive us and make us feel more peaceful or some crap like that. I didn't really care. All that mattered to me was that someone hadn't messed with mine at all. I headed over to the bright blue locker and placed my tiny key in the lock. Amazingly my books were actually still in there. I was expecting them to have been burned or something ridiculous like that. It wouldn't be anything new in this place.

"Hey Dan"

I smiled as I looked to my left to see Chris. Chris was the only decent guy around here. Well friend wise. Everyone else was either too stuck up or too mental to be decent company. Chris and I always hung out together at school. We were, yet again, in all of each others classes this year. At least that was one good thing. He returned my smile and gave me a quick hug.

"We have English first, see you there"

Of course. The worst subjects in this place. Honestly I quite enjoyed reading and writing, but with the teachers in this place teaching. It was the worst subject in the world.

I made my way to class and sat down at the desk next to Chris. Well, the desks were completely separate in this class room so there was a gap between us. But yeah, I was pretty much next to him.

"So, how was summer?" he asked, leaning over slightly so I could hear him over the noise of the idiots in the class.

"Not bad, didn't really do much though. Just freaked out about my exams results a lot"

He laughed, flashing me another smile "Yeah, same really"

The class suddenly went quiet as the door opened. I looked to the door, expecting to see the grumpy old bitch who I had had for about the last three years now.

But it wasn't her

A tall man who had dark hair and bright blue eyes walked up. We all stared at him, most of us in shook.

Who was he?

When he got to the front of the class he smiled at us. His smile was dazzling.

"Hey guys, I mean, class. I'm your new English teacher. Mr Lester"

He was new, well obviously. He seemed like the nicest teacher in this place. He was so young as well. You would have never guessed by looking at him that he could be a teacher.

"So guys, I guess since I don't know any of you we should do something about that. Id like you to tell me a little bit about yourselves. Nothing much, just your name, age and well, a little something about yourself"

I smiled back at him as his eyes landed on me as he was explaining this to the class. He wanted to get to know us? Well this was new. Normally the teachers didn't give two craps about us and only cared that we got the work done. I could tell I was going to like him.

"So, I'll go first so you get the gist"

He perched on the edge on his desk, crossing his arms as he continued to smile at us

"Well, as I said, my names Mr Lester. I'm twenty three years old and…"

He paused, looking upwards as if he was trying to think of something interesting to say about himself

"And my favourite animal is a lion"

I had to stop myself from laughing. He was seriously just a huge kid. How was this guy a teacher?

So Everyone introduced themselves. Well, everyone apart from me. Most the girls all blushed and stuttered out their names. I guess 'omfg how hot is Mr Lester' will be the newest gossip spreading around the school. I was broken out of my thoughts by his voice. He smiled at me as he asked me to introduce myself. For a moment, my mind went completely blank. If I didn't say something quickly I was going to be like one of those annoying stuttering girls at the back of the class.

"Um, my name's Dan. I'm seventeen years old. And um."

Come on Dan. One more little thing to say. Just don't say anything stupid

"And I really like llama's"

Really Dan? That was what you just had to say. I blushed furiously with embarrassment as practically everyone around me snickered at my comment.

Mr Lester let a small chuckle escape his own lips as he just flashed me another one of those amazing smiles. Okay, I really need to stop talking about him like this. Sure he is attractive, but it's not like I'm in love with him or anything.

"Well, I guess since introductions are over we should do some work for the rest of the lesson" he looked up to the clock, biting his lips nervously as he looked back at us "Well, for what's left of it anyway"

He stood up straight, picking up a piece of paper he had placed beside him on his desk when he came in. He glanced over the paper, looking even more nervous than before. It was so obvious he hadn't done this sort of thing before.

"Well, um. Just because nobody likes essays I want our first piece of work together to be an short story. It can be on anything you like" he let a small laugh out as he saw peoples worried faces "Don't worry. It just has to be a couple of pages long. You don't have to write me a novel"

Creative writing for the first piece of work? Okay, he may be my new favourite teacher. I don't think I've ever had a favourite teacher actually. So, yeah.

He's my favourite teacher ever.

************************************************** *******************

"How did you manage to leave all your books in English?"

"I don't know, just, come on"

I couldn't help but smile as I watched Chris hesitantly knock on the door. He had somehow managed to leave all his books in English and not even realize until now. The end of the day. Chris was such a weird guy, always joking around but when it came to talking to teachers he just turned into this shy little thing.

"Come in"

He both walked in to see Mr Lester, writing something on several pieces of paper in front of him. He just smiled up at us as we walked in. that smile again. Seriously Dan. Get a hold of yourself. He's just a teacher. A teacher who's incredibly nice and has beautiful eyes.

No stop. Seriously

"Oh, Chris, you left your books here"

Chris nodded shyly, gingerly making his way over to collect his books. As he picked them up, he turned to our teacher, looking like he was about to speak but he didn't. Chris quickly began pacing towards the door. I followed. Until I heard Mr Lester's voice.

"Hey Dan, could you stay back a minute?"

Chris looked between the two of us then said a quick goodbye. Before I knew it he was out the door. I walked towards my teacher, returning his gentle smile.

"What did you want to see me about?" I asked casually

"Well, I just wanted to say that I read your work and I'm really impressed. Do you write often Dan?"

"I, um. Not really. Sometimes I guess"

"Well, I think with a little help you could do something amazing like get a book published"

I just stared at him. Me get a book published? No way.


"Yeah, of course. Id be happy to help you after school or something. I mean, that is if you don't mind hanging out with a teacher" he added with a smile

"Sure, that would be great" I looked at my phone. Time sure was getting on. If I didn't get home soon mum would be worried. "I, um, I've gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow"

"Sure, Bye Dan"

I quickly exited the classroom, basically running out of the school. I don't know why but I was incredible happy. I had made a friend I guess. Well, I'm pretty sure Teachers aren't supposed to be your friend but. It really didn't matter

I had made a friend