"Daddyyyyyyyy. I want ice cream"

"Me too. Me too!"

"Come on guys, we only just arrived"

"But I want ice creammmmmmmmm"

I laughed softly at Lilly's complaints, tightening my grip on her hand. It was hard to believe these two little monsters were now seven years old. We were currently at the park, and of course. As soon as we walked into the grounds Lilly and Sam just had happened to spot the ice cream van parked near by the entrance.

"Please Daddy?" she asked sweetly, fluttering her eyelashes, trying to pull off that one look she knows I can't say no to. I looked to Phil who had a huge grin spread across his face.

"Okay. Okay" he answered, rolling his eyes in an attempt to pretend he was annoyed. But that huge, adorable smile gave him away. He dug around in his pocket, a look of concentration taking over his features as he searched for the money.

"Come on dad!" Sam complained, tugging at Phil's hand. Somewhere along the way they had began to call Phil dad and me daddy. Not sure exactly how that one happened. But yeah. At least it saves confusion. Phil just laughed in response to Sam's words, pulling several coins out of his pocket.

"Do you want daddy and I to come with you and Lilly?" he asked Sam softly. Sam crossed his arms across his chest as a small pout appeared on his face.

"I'm a big boy now!" he informed us, unfolding his arms and holding out a hand to receive the money. Phil chuckled before carefully placing the coins in Sam's hand.

"Be careful now. We don't want a repeat of last time" he teased

"I didn't mean to drop it! It was that stupid wasps fault!"

I couldn't help but laugh at that one. Last time we were all out, Sam was happily eating his twister ice lolly when a huge wasp decided it fancied the sweet food. Sam of course screamed and dropped his ice lolly on the ground. To say he was disappointed would be an huge understatement.

"Go on then" Phil laughed, giving Sam a soft nudge. Sam walked over to Lilly and held his hand out to her. "Come on Lilly. Ice cream time!" she happily took his hand. Matching grins could be seen on their faces as they happily ran towards the van.

"They're still so adorable. Even with our Little we Sam being so stubborn"

I smiled softly, taking Phil's hand in mine.

"They sure are. I guess we all know where he gets that from though" I smirked. He gasped, trying to pull of some sort of offended look.

"And what are you trying to say?" Phil asked, not being able to keep the grin away from his lips.

"Just that-"

"Uncwle Dwan!"

A large grin spread across my face as I turned around to see a small child half running, half wobbling towards me with outstretched arms. Of course being followed by a worried looking Chris. I crouched down and held out my arms to her. She grinned as she feel literally feel, into my arms. I stood up, spinning in circles, earning several adorable giggles for her.

"And good afternoon to you Alice" I greeted, hugging her close to me. Chris came to a stop beside me, panting softly from obviously running after her.

"She- wow. She is actually pretty fast" he admitted, panting between words.

"Geez. You're so out of shape Chris" PJ teased, resting a hand on the currently doubled over, out of breath, Chris' back.

"She ran straight from the car as soon as you let her out, didn't she?" Phil asked with a soft smile.

"How did you know-"

"How do you think Lilly always got to you guys so quickly when we came to visit?" Phil answered with a laugh.

"Daddy, daddy. We go the ice cream- Alice!"

Lilly jumped up and down excitedly. "Whoa. Calm down Lilly. You're gonna drop your ice cream and do a Sam" Phil chuckled.

"I already told you it was the wasps fault"

Sam mumbled unhappily as he trudged over with an ice cream in his hand. "I know. I'm sorry Sammy" Phil smiled, ruffling Sam's hair softly.

Old habits sure do die hard.

I placed Alice down, taking Lilly's ice cream of her before she dropped it. Lilly immediately tried to lift Alice into a huge hug. PJ laughed, rushing over to try help Lilly hold Alice properly. Although their little Alice was only two. Lilly still wasn't quite strong enough to lift her comfortably. But of course, that didn't stop Lilly from doing it.

I handed Lilly back her ice cream after she had finished her super hug. I took a quick sneaky lick of it before I gave it back to her. I thought id been sneaky enough for her not to notice. But our Lilly doesn't miss a thing.

"Daddyyyy" she complained, pouting lightly "That was my ice cream!"

Everyone erupted into small chuckles at her reaction. Oh god she's still so adorable. "I'm sorry, Lilly" I grinned, taking her hand in mine once again. She grumbled but happily held my hand. She gave my hand a little squeeze before flashing me a small smile to show id been forgiven.

We all set of for a walk in the little woods that was in the park. Well, I say little, but. It actually quite large. Lots of trees with a sort of large stream and even a little waterfall. We all walked hand in hand. Phil and I holding hands in the middle of our line while Lilly held my hand and Sam held Phil's. Chris and PJ walked behind us, Alice in-between them while they both just couldn't stop smiling at her. This was a nice place for a walk really. But the trees and such really weren't the best part about this place. The best part was


We all turned our attention to Lilly who was excitedly pointing to a small squirrel sitting on the ledge bridge we were currently crossing.

"Daddy. Dad, it's a squirrel!" she squealed excitedly. I'm surprised it didn't run as soon as she started squealing about it. "shhh. Yeah, I see it. We need to be quiet or it'll run away" I whispered, making a zipping motion over my mouth. She nodded, coping the little zipping motion then turning her attention back to the small, grey creature.

"Dad, did you bring the nuts?" Sam asked quietly. Sam was rarely quiet so to see him so occupied by the squirrel was quite amusing. Phil instinctively shot Chris a disapproving look. "Chris" he warned. Chris obviously couldn't help but laugh, which only earned him an elbow in the ribs and another disproving look, this time from PJ.

"owww. You guys are no fun" he pouted. Alice giggled, grinning up at Chris. She obviously found it hilarious that her daddy acted like such a big kid still.

Phil pulled out the small bag of nuts from his bag and handed a few to Sam and Lilly. He stopped before glancing at Alice then looking at PJ "Do you want her too?"

"Yeah. Sure. I'm sure she wants to feed the squirrel. Don't you Alice?" PJ asked, giving Alice's hand a small squeeze. She grinned, nodded excitedly "Squizel!" Phil handed her some, flashing her a small smile before turning back to look at the small creature. The small creature in question had seemed to have called some friends over.

"Daddy. Look. Mr squirrel has friends!"

Lilly was right. There were now about five or six little guys. Them all attempting to hide behind the trees and other places.

"Come out Mr squirrel. I have some nice foodies for you" Lilly coeed happily as he crouched down and attempted to make her way over to the animal quietly. She smiled softly as she held out a nut to the squirrel. It's tiny little black eyes looked from her to the nut and back. It then quickly used it's little hands to take the nut and began to nibble on it.

"Daddy! He's eating it!" she grinned, running back to me and about squeezing the air out of me as she hugged me tightly.

************************************************** *******************

"Sam! Be careful"

"Lilly! Don't run so fast with Alice!"

Chris and PJ just laughed as we attempted to shout.

"Let them play guys. Alice will be fine as long as she's with Lilly. So you know. We're not really that worried" PJ said with a soft smile. I sighed gently, leaning back against Phil on our spot on the grass. After our squirrel feeding adventure pretty much everyone insisted we go to the play park.

So here we are

Sam was currently trying to swing as high as he could on the swing while Lilly was helping Alice climb the steps up to the slide.

"They look so cute together you know" Phil said softly, wrapping his arms around me. I leaned me head back, looking into his eyes while a small smile formed on my lips.

"They do. Lilly really loves Alice" I replied, leaning up in an attempt to kiss Phil's lips. Of course, that didn't work though. Spider man lies. You cannot kiss someone when your pretty much upside down. Phil chuckled softly at the pout that I was now showing him. He pressed a quick kiss to my forehead, attempting to stifle more small laughs.

"Daddy! I wanna go on the swing. Push me?" Lilly asked, running over to us. Well running as well as he could with Alice holding onto her hand. PJ stood up, smiling at both the girls. "I'll take Alice to the little swings then" he said, scoping Alice into his arms.

"Dad. If daddy's gonna push Lilly, push me?"

Phil laughed, standing up then holding his hand out to me. I took his hand, flashing him a small smile before basically being dragged over to the swings by Lilly.

"Come on then baby girl"

"Daddy. I'm not a baby" she complained with a small pout

"Sorry, Lilly. You're my big girl, aren't you?"

"Yup, I am!" she grinned, jumping up onto the swing.

"Okay, you holding on tight? Okay. 3...2...1" I grinned giving her a huge push "lift offffff" I shouted, taking a step back so I didn't end up getting hit in the face or something like that. That would probably happen knowing my luck, but yeah.

"Dad! Higherrrrrr. We need to go higher than Lilly" Sam complained, a matching, huge grin plastered to his face.

"Okay, okay. Come on then. Hold on tight while we go super high"

Both Lilly and Sam giggled excitedly as they flew through the air on the swings.

Prefect moments like these were what I lived for.

************************************************** *******************

I carefully lifted Lilly into my arms, attempting to quietly close the car door. I guess being at the park all day had really tired them out. Well Lilly anyway. She had fallen asleep as soon as she had gotten into the car. Sam wasn't much better. It was so obvious that he was basically half asleep.

Phil opened the front door, holding it open for me and Sam. He closed it behind us, placing a hand on Sam's back and leading him to his bedroom. Well, his and Lilly's room, but still.

"I don't want to go to bed yetttttt" Sam groaned, attempting to cover up a yawn as he talked.

"Come on. You're tired. You need to bed when you're tired" Phil said quietly, obviously trying not to wake up Lilly.

I gently laid Lilly on her bed, letting Phil deal with our stubborn little Sam. I carefully took of her shoes, deciding it was better to just let her just sleep in what she was wearing rather than waking her up to get her changed. I tucked the covers under her chin, placing a small kiss to her forehead.

"Goodnight, Lilly"

"But daddddddd" Sam grumbled from under his covers where Phil had somehow managed to place him. "Goodnight Sammy" Phil replied softly, already walking over to the door way to join me. He flipped the light switch, quietly closing the door behind him.

We made our way to out room, instantly collapsing onto out bed. Well I did anyway. Phil just laughed and sat down beside me.

"Today was fun" he admitted quietly, wrapping an arm around me. I snuggled into his chest, a small smile tugging at me lips. "Yeah it was. Kinda tired though" I mumbled as I tried to stifle a yawn. I gently leaned up, pressing my lips against his, in a proper kiss this time. He kissed back instantly, running a hand through my now slightly curly hair.


Phil and I both looked towards the end of our bed to see Lilly standing there. She had her pink teddy bear pressed close to her chest as she looked up at us with her big brown eyes. He blonde hair fell into her face as he snuggled into her teddy bear.

"Lilly? What is it baby?" Phil asked, retrieving his arm from beneath me and sitting up.

"…you didn't give me a goodnight cuddle" she mumbled quietly.

Phil smiled, motioning her over. He helped her onto the bed, letting her squeeze herself in-between us.

"I love you. Dad, daddy"

"I love you too"

"We both love you lots and lots"