And with this chapter, Two Halves: Walk in the Shadows, is officially over! Know how in a series, epilogues foreshadow the next book? Trololololol

Oh, also, MysteriousMew has finally published her story, based in my Skyrim world, and using the OC she submitted for the Contest, onto . The story is titled, Little Spit Fire and I hope you all check it out!

Notice to my fellow authors and also to my readers. I have finally created the DeviantArt Chatroom where we could all gather and just talk and chill. It can kind of be like a Skyrim Fanfiction Book Club. Anyways, here's the chatroom link will be on my profile. Come in any time!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please Fave/Follow/Review. If you haven't already, please read the prequel, Two Halves: Full Moon before you read this story.

If you want to follow me socially, I have a Twitter account: NikkiNicole159 and I also have a Deviant Art account: Nicky-Nightmare


Lassarina walked with Kiraya, Rohan and Avyanna, having returned from a job the children wanted to take on. They had to clear out a den of wolves that had moved into a cave behind Black-Briar Meadery West, and Lassarina and Avyanna acted as chaperones, making sure the children stayed safe while they took out the menacing wolves. It had been a little over a month since Lassarina and Vilkas's wedding, and she was still adjusting back to the Companions lifestyle. She was making sure not to take any jobs that required her to travel longer distances as she still didn't trust herself to be out on her own for several days without falling back into her skooma habits.

"Did you see how I saved Kiraya from that one wolf?" Rohan boasted. "She didn't see it coming at her from behind, and I threw my knife right into its head."

"It's only cause I was aiming at the wolf you were fighting!" Kiraya defended herself, though Lassarina caught the happy twinkle in her eye that expressed she was glad Rohan was the one that saved her.

"You should still be more aware of your surroundings, Kiraya," Avyanna told the girl. "Next time, Rohan might not be there to save you."

"Aye, I know," she sighed, wiping wolf's blood off the arrows she retrieved.

"Don't worry, Kiraya, I had to have Vilkas save my behind a few times," Lassarina told her niece, offering her a comforting smirk. "That's what shield-siblings are for, to have an extra sword watching your back."

"Rohan will be able to watch all our backs at the rate he's growing," Avyanna sighed sadly.

In the past month alone, Avyanna's younger brother had sprouted several inches, showing a hint of the man he would one day grow up to be. He had started growing his hair out as well, claiming he wanted to have it like Farkas's.

"He's a Nord through and through," Lassarina smiled, ruffling the boy's hair. "You'll see, one day he'll be as tall as Farkas and twice as handsome."

"I don't think that would be remotely possible," Avyanna teased, "since Farkas is the most handsome man in Skyrim."

Lassarina was quick retort, "Nay, Vilkas is the better looking of the twins."

"You have to say that because he's your husband."

"I say it because it's true."

Rohan rolled his eyes and Kiraya giggled, "They're twins; they look exactly alike."

"That's not true, Kiraya," Rohan disagreed. "Farkas is taller and bigger that Vilkas."

"Aye but their faces are the same."

"We could argue about this all day," Lassarina laughed as they entered Whiterun through the gates. "Or we could go to Jorrvaskr and get something to eat."

Rohan and Kiraya looked at each other before running off toward Jorrvaskr, Lassarina and Avyanna following more slowly.

"Think Vilkas returned from his job in Rorikstead with Torvar yet?" Lassarina asked.

Avyanna gave her an amused smirk. "You're like an unhappy pup who got left behind by their master. He's only been gone four days."

"Aye, I know. I just miss him."

"He'll probably be back tonight or tomorrow if he hasn't arrived already. So just be patient until then."

Lassarina pouted. She didn't like being separated from Vilkas for a couple of hours, let alone a few days. Their bed felt empty without him beside her, and she wished he was home already. Avyanna chuckled at how dejected she looked and placed a hand on her shoulder as they continued to walk towards Jorrvaskr. Rohan and Kiraya had gone ahead and disappeared into the mead hall long before Lassarina and Avyanna reached the doors. She reached to pull it open, but was suddenly grabbed from behind and swung around. Lassarina let out a squeak of surprise and turned her head only to receive a kiss from Vilkas.

"You're back," she smiled, twisting in his arms so she could thread her fingers into his hair.

"Aye, did you miss me?" he mumbled against her lips.

"So much."

"Why don't you two take that back home?" Torvar said, walking up the steps and into Jorrvaskr.

Lassarina chuckled and Vilkas leaned to whisper in her ear, "That doesn't sound like a bad idea."

"And you call me insatiable."

Vilkas growled lustfully and dragged her back down the stairs, neither of them having taken one step into Jorrvaskr. Lassarina really didn't mind either; she just wanted to be with Vilkas. They all but ran to Breezehome and locked the door behind them once they were inside, running upstairs and falling into bed together. She couldn't get enough of her husband, perfectly content with lounging around the house with him and spending hours in bed, something he wasn't complaining about. Vilkas was just as eager to start a family with her, and they only way they could get started on that was through marathons of lovemaking.

Later, as they lay together in the warm furs, completely sated, Lassarina roused from her sleep and sat on the edge of the bed groaning. Her head was pounding and she felt completely drained of energy, making her downright irritable. Being careful not to wake Vilkas, she got up and went downstairs to find something to drink.

"Where are you going?" Vilkas murmured as she reached the bedroom door.

She glanced over her shoulder and smiled at Vilkas. "I'm just going downstairs to get a drink. Go back to sleep, love."

He mumbled incoherently and fell back on his pillow, snoring softly seconds later. Lassarina shook her head with a soft chuckle and made her way downstairs, stumbling a bit on the last step when a wave of dizziness hit her and nearly caused her to fall on the floor. She cursed softly and went to sit down at the dining table, clutching her forehead with both hands and massaging her temples. She sipped on a tankard full of water and sighed, waiting for her headache to pass.

Once it was gone, she walked back upstairs, slipped on a dress, and kissed Vilkas's cheek. It was still early in the evening, so she wanted to go out and run a quick errand before coming back to her husband.


"Vilkas, wake up," Lassarina said softly, shaking him awake.

Vilkas groaned and blinked open his eyes, seeing Lassarina standing over him. He sat up and stretched his back, hearing the delightful crack of his spine straightening out. After four days out on the road without his wife, sleeping on the cold hard ground, he was thankful he was back home. His job to drive out some bandits with Torvar had been successful, but it had been awful being apart from Lassarina. He gave her a smile and reached out for her.

"Get back into bed," he said playfully, grabbing her hips.

He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her neck, only to move back when he noticed she wasn't into it. Frowning, he pushed her hair away from her face.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I've been getting headaches lately," she told him. "I went to see Danica so she could try and help me."

"And did she?"

He watched her nibble on her lower lip a bit, as if she were holding back on some important information. Vilkas frowned some more and pulled her closer, watching as she lowered her gaze.

"Lassarina, what's wrong?" he asked her.

She looked up and instead of a frown on her face, Vilkas saw a happy smile. The glow in her pale blue eyes spoke of good news and he couldn't resist smiling back.

"It's good news," she chuckled.

He released a playful growl and kissed her. "For the love of Talos woman, tell me already."

She leaned forward and kissed him deeply. "I'm pregnant."

I have had so much fun writing this book, let alone this series, for all of you! It's been some of the greatest times of my life, being able to get my thoughts and ideas down on digital paper, have people read it, and then have it become so well received. I feel so touched that so many people enjoy my stories and it only motivates me to write even more! To my friends, MysteriousMew, Wilvarin, BrunetteAuthorette99, Kira Mackey, and Lady of Dov, you've all been a huge part of this, helping me by listening to my ideas and giving me feedback. Whisper292, You're an amazing friend and the best BETA reader a girl could ever hope for and with any luck, I'll see you at Youmacon and give you the hug of appreciation you deserve! To all my readers, old and new, this story wouldn't be what it is without all you. Thank you so much!

I hope you all enjoyed the story and remember to Fave/Follow/Review!

Much love,
