A/N: Woah. It's been long, huh? Firstly, I'm terribly sorry. I really am. I've been selfish and arrogant lately, forgetting that I have fans that are waiting for my next update. I am aware that people must've been falling out of my story, 'cause who would wait in months and not read anything else? I fully understand that.

Secondly, I had this major pesky thing that's called WRITER'S BLOCK. Gods, it's more horrifying than a virus. Also I had my spree with other books: Mortal Instruments, Divergent… even falling back to my good 'ol Pokémon days. Yes. You read me right. Pokémon. Who knew I could be so obsessed to write some fanfics about Green and my own character Bronze. (Sorry, for your non-Pokémon fans.

I'm not posting those. I just write them for fun, but I'm embarrassed. I felt that I have sunken low to write about Pokémon, even though I wrote more about the characters than the Pokémon stuff.

Thirdly, I'm not listing the ones who favorited, followed or reviewed this time. I've lost track of all the people who has, and I honestly don't want to waste my time on that now when I could update, which I'm sure you are much more interested in. Sorry guys, but I love you and I'm really thankful for such faithful reviewers.

Fourthly, the sequel. Right now, I'm not sure if I am going to write more than this story. I can fall totally off the Percy Jackson wagon, since there are no more books left than the last one to inspire me to write, so I'm not sure right now. And… I'm not sure how long it will take me to update again. Once you've fallen off, it's hard to get on again.

I'll update you on that matter later, but I hope you like this chapter!

Love you guys!

Chapter 34

"No way," Will groaned and fell down on my bed.

We just found out after a pretty hectic Iris Message that the Stolls were crashing with us at Goode's.

I should be happy, scratch that; thrilled that someone else from camp joined the tremendous feeling of going to high school.

However, having Travis and Connor steering chaos at camp was enough, but in a place with full of mortal teenagers and stressed teachers? Gods know what will happen.

"It won't be that bad," I said, nevertheless, I knew that it would be just as bad as Will thought it would be.

"What happened to the last school?"

"Monster," I shrugged. "What else could it be?"

His face twitched.

It was nine o'clock in the morning, and Will and I had free period. We decided to hustle to my apartment and study to the math test that we were going to have next class.

Will's face twitched again. I was afraid that it was something that I said that would make him feel uncomfortable.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

Will's face turned a slight shade of crimson. He rarely got embarrassed. "Umm… it's just…" he started to scratch his neck, and I tried to ignore how adorable he looked when he did that. His gaze was pointed at the math book, which he had doodled many varies of song texts in.

"I don't get it… could you say the... uh, answer?" His voice was uncertain, almost nervous and embarrassed. I almost forgot that Will always got flustered when he asked me for help, just like when he asked me to help him to wield a sword. I had to; otherwise, he would stab himself like a piece of raw meat.

"487," I said, giving him a small smile. My eyes strolled across the paper and I turned to jelly as I read one of Will's scraps of songs.

Her eyes, the color of the sea

Her beauty, almost like a wave, sweeps you off your feet

Her power turns your strongest to your weakest

With one gaze, you recognize her as the ocean

She is the sea's daughter

Will's songs were beautiful, but he had always been secretive with his writing, except me. If he wrote something good, he often showed up at the fire escape stairs with the guitar case, pajamas and disheveled hair in the middle of the sleeping night. I couldn't really be mad at him, I mean, how sweet wasn't it if someone sang to you late at night?

It's almost odd how gullible I was to him.

"Whatcha reading?" Will wondered as he dug his face in the crook of my neck. I kept noticing how light but sensational his kisses that trailed down my neck were. It was almost like Apollo had blessed him with the good kisser- gene just to make sure that I would turn to much every time Will kissed me.

I widened my eyes and I carefully ripped the paper off the book and tucked it in my jeans pocket before he was done smothering my neck.

The words meant a lot to me, like a little piece of infinity that I could have with just Will.

"Nothing," I said, feeling a bit guilty that I lied. "I was checking the questions." I glanced at my clock and I stood up.

"Is it already over?" he asked, ruffling his golden blonde hair.

"I don't think we used our time that well to practice to our test," I muttered, but I couldn't help but to smile.

Ten minutes.

It took ten minutes for the Stolls to make the fire alarm go on, and make everyone in Goode run out in terror.

I missed the math test, and I felt pretty lousy, because they could set the alarm tomorrow when I had the stupid history test.

The only good thing was that Pam the Llama couldn't run in stilettos, so she had to go barefoot. And New York isn't exactly the cleanest place on earth.

"Where are those clowns?" I growled.

I felt an arm glide across my shoulders, and it was not Will's. Then I saw a curly mop of brown hair, and I knew who it was immediately.

"Lexie!" Connor grinned, hugging my side. "Where are my favorite girl?"

"You're holding your arm around her," Will grumbled sourly.

I drew his arm away, not that he was provoking, but that I didn't want to make Will jealous, especially not after the whole Heath- dilemma and that his fatal flaw would suddenly kick in.

I still remember the conversation I had with Silena, before Will and I got together, we were hiding in a giant tree, spying on Will and Grace's "date".

I still remember how serious Silena was. If Will got so angry and jealous, his fatal flaw, one of the most dangerous, which is envy, could lead to murder.

Still thinking about it made be nauseous. Will- my sweet Will- killing people because of envy?

Travis' expression turned hard. "Look, this isn't a prank. We needed a lead to get you out of here."

I saw Percy's dark haired head steer toward us, and I saw Rachel trailing behind him.

"Perce," I said. "We have to get back to camp."

Percy frowned at the clowns. "Was it really necessary to blow up the fire alarm?"

Connor grinned. "We always make a grand entrance, my friend."

Christie's POV

"Chris," Maddie said, glancing at me. "You might need a towel."

"You don't think I know that?" I snapped, hugging my wet arms around my drenched body. The longest members of the swimming team, the ones who competed in the bigger events, always had extra training in the study sessions.

I'm usually thrilled that I skipped school to swim, but this time some new duo of clowns decided to set out the fire alarm while we had training. I wished that I wasn't so punctual with the fire rules, because then I could've hurried up to fetch a towel.

Maddie was my best friend. She's always been that, I mean she thought the same as me, she reacted the same as me, and sometimes she felt as me.

I never felt the same about Alexis. She was so different than us. She was beautiful, of course. The only thing people notice at first. But she was always so strong, not caring about what other people thought about her.

There haven't been a single day that I haven't thought about her. Back at the old school- she got numerous of possibilities, being popular, athletic…

There was something about her that was godly, whenever she passed the hallway or spoke up, you just had to head what she said or did. It's the same with her brother and boyfriend. We can't just ignore them. They look all normally, human- but there's just something off…

"Alexis is going," Maddie said flatly.


"She's going away with her friends."

I peered after her. I noticed a flash of brown-blonde hair, and I saw her scramble out of the mass of students with her brother, boyfriend and two curly haired guys. Rachel waved at them, and when they were out of sight, she started to look glum. I never knew that Alexis had a brother… to be exact, she hadn't told much to Maddie and I.

"There was probably something important," Maddie suggested helpfully.

I got a tugging feeling in my gut. I wanted to know where they were going- I wanted to follow them. I wanted to know what was so important that Alexis had to dash off every time.

"You want to follow them, don't you?"

I nodded and pushed my way through the wardrobe. "I am," I said, slipping on my warm clothes. "It would be nice if you could join."

Maddie snorted. "Do you seriously think I would leave you alone?" She shook her head in disbelief. "I'm coming Chris."

I breathed out in relief. I would be totally helpless without my Maddie, I mean- she was my partner in crime.

Checking that I had everything I needed, I looked after a nice spot to sneak out.

The reason why I wanted to follow Alexis was because I wanted to know her. I wanted to know what she had done, why she had a brother… I'm so confused.

I felt that I knew her after those years being with her, but I didn't. She was basically a stranger.

Alexis' POV

"Could you please explain why we're going to camp?" Percy asked, looking confused.

Travis' smile faltered. "After Percy's quest, and the bad things happened…"

Bad things.

All of us knew well what those "bad things" were.


"He's stirring chaos," Will stated, looking hardly at both of them.

I sighed, feeling exhausted. I felt so bad for my brother right now; he was the one who saw the whole horror, while I was having problems with Will.

I'm so mad at myself now, I knew that I should've tried better to contact him, I could maybe tried to help him personally.

With my head on Will's warm shoulder, I thought that the prize of all the struggles with him was worth it, I regretted thinking that every time I saw Percy and Annabeth pass each other.

I haven't talked with her for a while, maybe because I knew the tenseness around Percy and Annabeth, and she would be afraid if I questioned her.

Though my world with Will was perfect, the world around us was a mess.

When Travis had parked the camp van, I noticed a huge yellow spot driving closer to us.

No way…

"Your ex-friends are serious stalkers, Lexie," Connor said seriously.

I stared dumbly at them. I was too surprised to really understand that Maddie and Christie were near my camp. Near to discover my identity as a forbidden child of Poseidon.

"Uh…" Percy trailed and jerked his head to the camp. "Should we run?"

Will dragged on my shoulder and I snapped quickly out of my thoughts.

I sighed. "…why not?" Hopefully, they haven't spotted us yet. If we just made a run for it… we could save the explanations.

"Come on!" Travis shouted and bounded to the camp. We all followed him speedily, until I heard a shrill and loud voice bellow:


Of course, we didn't stop- we're not stupid. We knew exactly who it was: Christie and Maddie.

"Gee," Percy intervened in our running spurt. "You never seem to get break, do you?"

I grunted in response.

"Mads!" Christie yelled. "They're getting away!"

There was a part of me that wanted to turn back; back to my first friends, just to know why they were trailing after my like a hungry Minotaur, but another part of me just wanted to run to Camp Half-Blood; people of my brethren, people like me, people of safety.

"Lexie!" Maddie called out desperately. "Please stop and we'll explain!"

I wanted to stop. Hearing Maddie's voice filled with insecurity and confusedness sent me right back to my good 'ol days. Right back when they were just some girls that was still unsure of themselves, still wondering whether not they looked good without glasses or if they should speak up in class.

Not the pretty and popular ones chasing after me, calling for an explanation.

So, I decided to stop. I felt the others tense up, knowing how air-headed I was with this decision. I felt their eyes bore into my back, the same question running into their heads: why did she stop? Is she going to tell what we really are?

Maddie and Christie approached me, both identical confused faces.

"Hi," I offered lamely.

I could already hear Will face palming.

"Hey," they both replied in simulative.


"Look," Christie clarified. "I'm really… uh, sorry for just barging in like this but… I-I…"

Her voice faltered, replaced by numbness. Her jaw slacked and her eyes went blank like she just forgot what she was supposed to say.

My mind was like a running train. I couldn't understand why they came. Did they want to know why I left, or did they come here to infuriate me?

Christie silence affected Maddie as well, they both stood there- speechless and blank minded.

"Maddie, Christie?" I muttered. "Are you okay?"

They both were mute.

I looked down, knowing that even if I tried, it wouldn't help.

Will's hand grazed on my shoulder, signaling that I should leave. Leave them as soon as possible to avoid any unraveling.

That didn't stop me.

"Do you really want to know why I left?" I whispered hoarsely. "Why I never came back to you?"

"Alexis," Percy warned. His voice was cold and stern, full of alert. "You should stop now."

"You were ashamed of us," Maddie croaked. She looked at me, her hazel colored eyes were full of remorse. "You probably packed up your stuff, went to another school and lived your life fully. You didn't have any extra luggage holding you back."

All air was pumped out of my lungs. I couldn't breathe, only stare at them with big eyes filled with surprise. "Ashamed? I was ashamed of you? T-That's n-not true…"

Christie shook her head in disbelief. "We thought that as well in the beginning…" she chuckled bitterly. "But we were wrong."

My eyes stung. "Chris… that's not true. I felt… unappreciated. I felt like I didn't mean anything to you. I-"

"We tried to be you," Maddie's voice shook. "We tried to be perfect as you. But that's not easy when we found out that that you weren't nearly as perfect as we thought you were. There's something about all of you…" she flickered her eyes at all of us.

"You're not normal. Not at all."

"Whatever is behind that hill… is probably what you've been hiding," Christie said. "Something that's nothing for us."

"You're smarter than you look," Travis mumbled.

Christie ignored him. "What is it? What have you been hiding that makes all of you more superior?"

"It's a camp," Will said. His sky blue eyes were narrowed into slits, hard and unveiling.

"A camp?" Maddie deadpanned.

"Yup," Percy said. "Nothing more than a summer camp."

"I don't believe you," she said flatly and made her way through us, closer to the border. Connor quickly grabbed her wrist, preventing her to come any further.

"We don't accept strangers," he said and moved her further away.

"Really?" Maddie said and smirked. She pointed across the green valley. "Do you accept that?"


Christie screamed and covered her eyes. She started to tremble and sob. "W-What is that?"

"Holy Styx," Percy muttered. "They couldn't have chosen a worse time than this."

I finally understood why Christie was screaming at the green splodge that pounded towards us.

"A basilisk," Connor muttered. "Get ready."

I threw a worried glance at Christie, who was still sobbing and clutching Maddie, who looked confused.

"A basila-what? It's just a horse!"

Christie hulked and shook her head. "It's not a horse! It's something-"


Christie screamed out in terror. "Kill it! Kill it!"

"What?" Maddie inquired. "Kill a horse?"

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to calm myself down. This had to be a nightmare. I didn't go to school. The Stolls didn't set the fire alarm. I only fell asleep on my bed with Will next to me and the math book plastered on his face.

But I couldn't prevent reality happening.

I just had to accept it.

Christie could see through the Mist.

Things only got worse when we all took out our weapons. Will took out the golden bow while the rest of us took out our swords.

Christie gasped and pressed herself closer to the tree. "This isn't real, this isn't real…"

Maddie widened her eyes. "Where did you get the baseball bats from? Why are you planning to hurt a horse?"

"IT'S NOT A DAMN HORSE!" Christie screeched and continued to bawl her eyes out.

I frowned. I felt normal. There were too many surprises today that I couldn't feel surprised anymore.

I could just progress what happened today.

Maddie and Christie cornered me, dumping all their bitterness out on me. Then a basilisk came in, trying to kill my friends and me. I found out that Christie was clear-sighted while Maddie was just seeing a damn horse.

I just had the perfect day.

I didn't cry. I didn't feel any bubbling sadness through me when they said all those things about me.

Because they were right.

I wasn't nearly as perfect as they thought I was.

I wasn't the perfect Alexis.

The only thing that sent a pang to my heart was their feelings. I was never ashamed of them. I cared for them, but the only thing they sent back was nothing.

They could be my first friends. They could be the first persons I had a sleepover with, but it didn't change anything.

They didn't see me in the same way.

And now… even through all that happened, I was fighting a monster that threatened their lives.

The monster didn't bug me much.

The small green snake wasn't much, even with the puny crown perched on top of it's head.

But it was enough to shake the hysteria in Christie.

I felt sympathy for her. Even though this isn't much for the demigods, but for a mortal that have never seen anything like that… this was something that she would never forget.

With an easy jab, Percy swiped it's head off and it dissipated into golden dust.

Christie stared at the lump of dust in disbelief. "I-It disappeared?" Maddie looked too confused to say anything.

"For now," Percy mumbled.

Will nudged me. "Doesn't this concern you?"

I nodded. "Does Christie see the camp? I mean, she's…"

"I don't know. It doesn't seem like it."

Christie gasped again, this time she looked like she was about to pass out. "A horse-man!"

"Huh?" Maddie blinked. "It's just a normal man!"

"No, it isn't!" she insisted.

"Chiron?" I asked and turned around to see my teacher trotting to me with his half white horse body. "I can-"

"Alexis," he said. His face showed no sign of anger. "Your friends-"

"I'm really sorry," I blurted out. "It's my fault. I looked too suspicious when I left the school, and they followed me…"

"It's not your fault," Percy said gently.

"Are they talking about us?" Maddie questioned.

"Obviously," Christie snapped, out of her dramatic mind field.

I decided to ignore them.

Chiron lead me to a spot where they couldn't hear us and began to explain things to me. It turned out that things were much more complicated than I thought.

He sighed. "Alexis… I'm afraid that we need to take some measurements about your… friends."

I frowned. "Like using the Mist to make them forget what just happened?"


"What's so bad about that? That's great! I was almost about to tell them what I was!"

"But there is also Christie… you see, a clear-sighted person tend to… snap out of the mist, finding out that their minds have been manipulated and they'll remember what happened. They regain their memory. Unless you decide that you're able to trust Christie with your secret."

My ears ringed. Able to trust Christie? I wasn't so sure.

Trust didn't come easily to me and Christie wasn't exactly my friend now to be exact. If I befriended her again and I did something to peeve her off, would she even hesitate to tell my secret?

"I-I…" I stared at the horizon feebly. "Maddie will eventually find out. But Chiron… I don't think I'll be able to put them into this mess. What if they got hurt?"

"Mythological creatures doesn't care much for mortals… but you'll never know. You can end up in a tricky situation and if they find out who your friends are-"

"They'll be after them."

Chiron nodded gravely. "I'm afraid that your decision will be a tough one."

I glanced back at back at my old friends. Christie seem shaken up while Maddie still seemed confused, but both of them looked equally beaten up. Could I really put them into an action that could hurt them? Even kill them?

"I…I think we need something more than a quick fix with the Mist… I think we need something permanent…" I hesitated, but I was sure of my decision. I will carry this decision inside me forever, I thought. Occasionally I will wonder if I did the right thing, or how things could've been if I had chosen differently.

"I have to be erased from their memories. Permanently. They won't remember any girl named Alexis Milano."

A/N: There you goo! Hope you liked it!

So yeah, they're getting their memory about Alexis erased. I'm not sure if I should write about how they do it in the next chapter, or just leave it like this.

Say your opinion!

I'm sure some of you are against this, they finally reunited, but now they wont even remember who she is?

But it's my decision, and I'm not going to change it.

I don't have much to say right now…

I'm sorry, once again.

I also have a goal to reach 500 reviews when I end this story!

I hope you review and I'll try to update as soon as I can. The sequel… I'll post more about it later.


Bye, love you!

- IAmAHalfBlood