(tears of joy)

I didn't know ppl liked this fic so much! Its been around for so long that I lost hope...

But this is as far as the story goes. Enjoy it and see ya later folks!

Disclaimer: Authoress does not own Zelda
Claimer: Authoress owns idea, plotline, and Neela.
It was a week later. Link stood by his newfound father as Zelda was lead before them. Neela had another parchment out.

"No protest of this trial has been made. According to Gerudo Law, the prisoner Zelda, Princess of Hyrule, will not be given severe punishment as her attempted misdemeanor was unsuccessful. As by our law, her horse is to be set free, and she will be taken to a drop-off area, given a map and a days worth of food, and be set free to find her way home. This is by Sacred Gerudo Law."

Zelda watched as Epona pranced up. Link slipped something in her saddlebag and slapped her side, causing her to bolt. As she disappeared, Zelda was blindfolded and was carried off by another Gerudo. Ganondorf gave the order to break camp.

"Are you certain that was wise?" Neela said.

"Of course. Dallee is going to drop her off by the fortress. Zelda will demand that Nabooru take her warriors and hunt us down," Ganondorf said.

"Zelda will no doubt complain about her treatment here. One slander of 'Sacred Gerudo Law', and she'll be up to her ears in hot water," Link continued.

"When she tells them of her 'imprisonment', Nabooru will have her hands tied. As will all of her warriors. And by then, it will be too late to do anything, as we will have left."

Link smirked.

"Whatever. Link, there's been gossip of you being half Gerudo," Neela said.

"Yep, he's my long-lost son."

Neela laughed.

"And to think, that makes him my long lost step-cousin!"


"Yeah, Neela is my step-niece. Don't worry, sonny, you can still date her if you feel like it."

Ganondorf giggled.

"Fine by me, Pappy! Come my dear, we will away!"

Neela leaned on Link's arm as they walked off, trying not to fall over laughing.