Beta-read by Oblitus-Umbrae.


Rein Hellfire here, with another project. This one has been plaguing me for a while. I've been reading Campione!, as you know. Then after reading some fanon (A risky and terrifying endeavor), I thought to myself, Hey! This guy's idea looks good! Let's see if I can adapt it and make it my own!

This is the result. The product of my fevered mind. Have fun!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Don't own Campione!. Absolutely not. If I did... I'd be filthy rich. Do you see me rolling around in green paper? Do you?! No? Good, because it means that I don't own a damn thing.

Concept based off of Oblitus-Umbrae's Godslayer's story. I have gotten his permission to use it, so no problems there. Go check his profile out: He's come up with some mighty interesting ideas.

Warnings: OOC (Some parts, probably), AU (All Fanfiction is AU, essentially), God-like characters (It's Campione. Deal with it.), sporadic updates (School and Summer School), Bad Humor, angst/emo-ness (Some Parts), Violence, and swearing. (It's rated M folks. If you're twelve years old or something along those lines, you should not be here.)

Enjoy. Viewer discretion is advised.

Prologue: Rising from the Ashes

The golden-haired man took a staggering step forward.

The golden-haired man took another step forward, onto a burnt out field.

A field of blood and ruin, a field of battle and horror.

A field of death.

It was a plain field, nothing special, simply bare stone and dirt. However, what rested on top of the field was the truly horrifying part of this tale.

The man's comrades lay around him, sprawled and dead on the ground. Brave men and women from many villages, many nations, all dead. Each wearing head-bands with the symbols of one army, one united front.

There were countless amounts of dead, heaped up, flies buzzing, carrion-animals screaming and screeching, picking away at the desecrated remains.

The man took another step forwards, blood sheeting down from a wound in his forehead, forcing him to close one of his eyes.

His normally spiky hair was matted with red liquid. His black trench-coat that had orange flames running about was torn, shredded, and destroyed. It was nothing more but rags that revealed the man's muscular and tanned chest.

The golden-haired man took another step, this one stronger than the previous ones.

Wounds covered his body, wounds from where he had been blown back into a pile of corpses. So many wounds, ranging from small cuts to a large gash on his chest, one that nearly exposed his ribs and internal organs.

His blood dripped down from his tattered pants, splashing onto the ground. Drops of the liquid of life, pooling in various indentations and crevices, staining the dirt bright red.

Still the man moved forwards, in an inexorable march. Piercing blue eyes staring forward, eyes that were clear and hard despite the destruction that would have made lesser men weep.

This man had resolve.

This man would not bend.

He would not break.

He did not know the meaning of the word impossible.

And slowly, the man continued forwards, before stopping.

In front of him stood a primordial figure. It was formless, shapeless, and indescribable. Its very existence was a contradiction to reality. Its form could not be described, because he could not comprehend it anymore.

The man could have before, but now the miasma of the being's foul Chakra choked his very senses.

The sum of all the hatred in his world.


The primordial demon that could not be killed.

Ten tails of utter darkness, condensed hatred and despair, flickered behind the primitive figure's form. It was anathema to existence, a malevolent, hateful presence.

The malevolent being stared at the man with its baleful eye, that terrible eye of destruction. Ringed, with nine commas swirling around its pupil, an absolutely horrible gaze. And it roared.

The roar was a terrible thing.

It caused a storm to form, ten kilometers away, and devastate the land with lightning and tornadoes.

An earthquake, a hundred kilometers away, that created a massive scar in the earth.

Flooding, fires, tsunamis.

The being's roar was an object of both destruction and sorrow.

Yet the man weathered it.

Truth be told, he shouldn't have been able to. The man should have died a long time ago. He should have died the minute he was swatted aside by one of the thing's tail.

He should be dead.

"People die when they are killed." The man spoke, all of a sudden, his voice insignificant compared to the terror that was the Ten-tails. "Funny. I don't feel dead."

The beast roared again.

The blond-haired man said nothing, simply stood there.

It was sheer folly, attempting to fight this... This god. This was a being of absurd power. To fight it would be like an ant fighting an elephant, a piece of sand trying not to be swept away by the current. To fight the Ten-tails was to fight a force of nature.

Immovable. Implacable. Irresistible.

The man prepared himself to do the impossible, to fight the un-fightable.

It was a fool's last stand.

It was an idiot's battle.

It would probably be a curb-stomp battle.

He would probably, no, almost certainly lose.

However, the man didn't care anymore. All of his friends and comrades had died, even his enemies, slain by this reaper. Slain by this abomination.

Then again, he was an abomination too, if he was able to get back up. Ironic. In order to fight that which was not human, one must first become inhuman, it seemed.

The golden-haired man composed himself. He felt no fear. He felt no hatred, not anymore. He felt nothing. He could feel nothing, not even his despair.

The only thing left to him, the only thing that the beast hadn't taken away was his resolve.

Determination. Will. Will to fight. Will of Fire. Mind of Steel and body of Iron.

The will to live on. The ingrained survival instinct, that was what drove him.

It was classic fight or flight. And the man chose fight. There was no escaping the specter of death. There was no running, no hiding, no hiding from the demon-god. And that ingrained instinct knew that fact, and reacted accordingly.

Fight was the only option left.

The man stood tall, a weary and beaten warrior. He stood among the cadavers of the fallen, stood in direct opposition to the walking apocalypse that had killed so many.

The Ten-tails was the embodiment of destruction in this world.

It was a fool's stand. One could not fight this being. To do so was so useless, any effort was so weak compared to the being.

It was beyond a normal human's ability to comprehend, the Ten-tail's power level that is.

And yet this man dared to stand in its way.

A golden shroud wrapped around his form, a shroud of Chakra. Of light. The shroud that was his will to oppose the almighty foe that towered above him.

"This is stupid. Then again, I've never been one to make the best decisions." One Naruto Uzumaki prepared himself to face a force of nature. Combat began.

And unstoppable force met unbreakable will.

A Campione – a Godslayer – is a supreme ruler.

Since he can kill a celestial being, he can therefore call on the sacrosanct, divine powers wielded by the gods.

A Campione – a Godslayer – is a lord.

Since the power to kill a deity is in his hands, he therefore looms over all mortals on Earth.

A Campione – a Godslayer – is a devil.

Since of all mortals who live in the world, none can assume a power to match his.

Countless years ago, Naruto Uzumaki became the first Campione.

Standing on a field of blood and death, surrounded by forces of destruction, surrounded by a burning country, facing a god that could hardly be called a god. No, that god was more like chaos personified. It was a primordial being that was more terrible than a god, more powerful than a god, on the level of a true God. All of those years ago, Naruto Uzumaki broke the boundaries of reality.

Then again, the concept of 'Impossibility' wasn't a concept he had believed in.

If a mortal that can't fight the divine kills a divine being, what does that say about that being? And when a man takes on the powers of the anti-thesis of what he believes in, what does that make him?

A blip in the fabric of reality.

A whisper in the wind.

A prophet, a messiah, a savior, a destroyer, a tyrant...

A king.


And that's the prologue for my new side-project.

I'm really detracting from my usual writing style. Usually, I don't write God-like characters. However, in this story, I really have no choice, because this is a world where people kill gods. Yeah... I kinda have to make the main character God-like, though it goes against how I try to construct a story... It is essential for the story. Darn.

Naruto's ridiculously overpowered, obviously. He just killed an engine of destruction and gained its powers. He killed the fucking Ten-tails. OP! Yeah... He's so stupidly powerful it's not even funny. This is going to be a doozy to write, I can feel it...

This author does not like writing harems. He does not. I do not write harems. If the story requires me to, or if I get a thousand angry PMs, I might consider it. Emphasis on consider. But in general, I don't write harems. Not going to go into details, just know that I really don't understand harem pairings.

Updates will probably be slower than Fate: Zero Hour, simply because I have to thoroughly read the light novels and anime for the series I'm crossing Naruto with. I understand the basics, yeah, but I still feel like I'm out of my element. Just a little bit, but it's still not a good feeling to have when you're writing fanfiction.

Once again, constructive criticism is appreciated. Anything that will allow me to build a better story. Until then, I have been Rein Hellfire.

See you guys... Next time.