Beta-read by Oblitus-Umbrae


Well, that was well received. Nice to know that the are people out there that appreciate my work, even if I am writing on a whim. Onto the comments.

Now... I know that Campione! is a harem story. The problem is, I really have no clue how to write harem interactions If I try, I'll end up going over the top probably, and focus too much on the harem. -_-

I'll see what I can do, but... Sigh...

Authorities have been planned out. All of them. Suggestions are still welcome though, I suppose.

As for the rest, that's spoilers... Nihihihihi...

Really short chapter. We're talking extremely short here, but what can you do? This is more of a teaser chapter really- the prelude to the actual, more meaty chapter if you will. Rest assured, future updates will in fact be much, much longer. Sorry about the sub-par work...

Rolling disclaimer now.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Don't own Campione!. If you think I do, you must be senile or delusional. Really. Delusional.

Concept based off of Oblitus-Umbrae's Godslayer's story. I have gotten his permission to use it, so no problems there. Go check his profile out: He's come up with some very interesting ideas.

Warnings: OOC (Some parts, probably), AU (All Fanfiction is AU, essentially), God-like characters (It's Campione. Deal with it.), sporadic updates (School and Summer School), Bad Humor, angst/emo-ness (Some Parts), Violence, and swearing. (It's rated M folks. If you're twelve years old or something along those lines, you should not be here.)

Viewer discretion is advised.

Prelude to Destruction

A Campione is a being that kills gods. A Campione is a being that is above all other mortals.

I have had the great fortune to meet one of these god-slayers.

This particular god-slayer is the oldest, most powerful, and most magnificent of his kind.

This god-slayer, has been recorded throughout all of human history. He has played numerous roles through the vast recess of time; he has been the humblest of shepherds, the wisest of kings, the kindest of priests, the deadliest of assassins, the bravest of warriors, the greatests of teachers, the proudest of fathers, the friendliest of brothers, and the most cautious of sons.

He has been the basis of many myths, and is steeped in so many mysteries that if he were to be killed, it is entirely possible that he would be resurrected as a Heretic God.

... That is, of course, assuming that something could kill him. I shudder at the thought of an entity that is capable of killing this particular Campione.

The story of his great ascension, the battle in which he killed the one-eyed god of destruction, has been imprinted in human history, in our genetic memory, even if there is little to no written accounts of said battle.

Yet, he does not maintain the haughty disposition that his brethren are prone to exhibiting. Rather... While it is unmistakable that he is a king, he does not comport himself like a king.

While he has a very large power base and does in fact dabble in the affairs of mortals, he does not abuse his power.

Rather, he is an instructor. A teacher. A guide, a helper, and aide.

However, underestimating him because of his demeanor is a monumentally bad idea.

Naruto Uzumaki is still a Campione after all.

-Private journal of Alberto Ricardo

A military complex was engulfed in a great fire.

It was located in a vast desert, in a location that will not be fully disclosed (A third-world country, somewhere in a desert), a dry arid wasteland.

And through the blazing hellfire of this complex, a man walked.

Bodies littered the ground, swathed in cloth to keep out the sand and wind and heat.

Bodies of the fallen, but not of the dead.

Bodies of a group of unconscious terrorists, a relatively new cell.

Bodies of idiots that had pissed the wrong guy off.

"De... Demon!" A terrified man stuttered, as he backed away from the looming figure, scrabbling in the sand, until his back hit a wall. His firearm fell from nerveless fingers, eyes widened and pupils dilated in unadulterated fear. "St... Stay back! Stay back!"

The object of his terror?

"Nah, you've kind of irritated me." Naruto Uzumaki replied casually. "See, normally I would let small fries like you slide by, but you just had to go and try to start World War III. Honestly, what gave idiots like you the idea to steal a weapon of mass destruction and attempt to sneak it into another country?" The blond man shrugged. "Regardless, I consider it my duty to prevent the turmoil that a war would cause."

The terrorist hissed in anger, rage overtaking fear. "You know nothing of the pain that country has caused our people! It is the will of the people that they be punished for denying our wishes! You are a naive fool! You know nothing of the world!"

Instantly the fool felt a chill, as if the air had begun to freeze over. He shivered. Despite the great fire a few meters away or, that incandescent ball of gas that was the sun still blazed merrily down upon the hot sands, but to him...

It felt as if he was encased in ice. And in that moment, the idiot felt fear. This went beyond fear. This was mind-shattering, terror. Every instinct screamed for this man to run, screamed that he had pissed off the wrong person and said the wrong words at the wrong time.

Naruto Uzumaki smiled. A macabre smile, a smile suited for a serial killer or for some cheap comic book store villain, whiskered cheeks stretching, elongated canines baring themselves in this gruesome parody of a grin.

It was the devil's smile.

"Oh hoh? God's will, huh? That kind of bullshit makes me laugh the more I hear it. It saddens me that after all this time, humans can still be so short-sighted and ignorant. Your idiocy is so pitiful and saddening, you need a hug." The devil in a human's skin then picked the terrorist up by the throat and began applying pressure.

The unknown man began choking.

"What gives you the right to play with the lives of others? Hmm? What gives you the right to destroy the simpler pleasures of those innocent's lives? Men like you... You're all the same."

"De... Demon. You're... You can't be human..."

The whiskered blond cocked his head to the side. "Hmm..."

He then proceeded to throw the man into a nearby wall, said wall collapsed on the limp figure, burying him in a mound of rubble. Fortunately (Or unfortunately, depending on how one would look at the situation), he was alive, albeit with relatively severe injuries (Not life threatening, but still pretty serious).

The man's condition was rather indicative of the condition of his comrades. Most of the figures in the compound were unconscious, or in general not having a good day.

None of them were dead though. (That's what made it horrifying…)

Naruto Uzumaki scratched his chin thoughtfully as he took in the sight of the burning compound. "The smell of smoke in the morning really gets one's spirits raised." He began walking away shortly after uttering this statement.

"Let's see... Stomped some ass, diabolical plot to cause a war stopped, baddies knocked out and authorities on the way... And I got some light exercise in. Not bad for a thirty minute beat-down. Did I miss something?"

The blond shrugged.

"Nah. Now, the question remains, should I walk back to the airport, or should I cheat?"

The ringing of a cell phone caused our protagonist to halt his train of thought, as he pulled it out and held it to his ear.


An outburst of sound caused Naruto to wince and hold the phone away from his ear.

"Ow. Eh? It's you? What do you want?"

A chattering noise.

"Hold on, hold on, I can't keep up... What are you saying about my great-granddaughter?"

More noise, inaudible to any potential eavesdroppers, not that there were any in the area anyway.

A brief pause, before Naruto exploded.

"WHAT THE HELL? What do you mean, someone killed a heretic god? Who the fuck-"


"... Really? And... She's not injured, is she? If she is, then... No? Good, because then I'd have to kill that bastard. Well, he's dead anyways, so that's a moot point... Who killed the god, and which god did he kill?"

Another pause.

"No, I didn't know. I've been a little busy here. Out of contact for a couple of days, traveling abroad... You would not believe the amount of people that hatch these idiotic half-baked schemes to take over the world..."

"Hmm? Godou Kusanagi? He's Japanese? No, I'm not worried about him moving into my domain. If he tries, I'll blow him to smithereens, adopted brother or not. Besides, hopefully he should have had the information pertaining to his elevated status explained to him by now."

Silence, before another phrase was muttered into Naruto's ear.

Angry shouting.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm heading back. I have to see just what kind of guy can kill a god, you know. Which god did he kill again."

Even more irate sounds.

"Hoh? Verethragna? Interesting then... Interesting. This'll be interesting, to say the least. Alright then... Yes, I'll give her a hug when I see her. Yes, I'll give you a hug if I see you. No, I will not greet that piece of crap that you call a husband. What you saw in that guy, I don't know. Alright... I'll talk to you later then."

And with that Naruto hung up the phone. Talking with his granddaughter was always enjoyable.

"Hate her husband though." Naruto grumbled. "What she sees in that worthless guy, I don't know..."

To be fair, the poor man wasn't incompetent. Naruto just had high standards.

The blue-eyed blond cricked his neck and sighed. Well, this was interesting.

"It certainly has been awhile... Better make some preparations then." He dialed a number into his phone and waited for a while.

"Hello? Is that you... Yes, I haven't called in two days. There was no service... Okay, I was lying, because my phone can always connect and- okay. You can stop nagging now."

Naruto sighed. "I need a favor. What do you know about the newest Campione? ... Alright then. Can you get me any and all information pertaining to him? You can? Great..."


"Actually, you owe me a favor. Or two favors. I cleaned you out in poker pretty darn well the last time we played. If I recall, you actually owe me- What's that? You'll do it now? Great. Contact me when you get the info."

And with that, Naruto re-sealed the phone into a sealing array tattooed onto his forearm.

"Good grief. How annoying. Troublesome indeed. To think that there would be another Campione..."

The blond sighed and placed a hand over his eyes.

"I think that I'll have to see just what's so special about this guy. And probably, go teach him the pecking order... Wait. He's in Rome, isn't he? Wonderful."

Naruto shrugged. "Eh. Whatever. I need a breather anyways."

One Naruto Uzumaki was making plans to visit his new 'brother' now. One day after Godou Kusanagi killed the heretic god, a blond-haired man's interest was piqued.

It would certainly prove to be a most interesting meeting.

And things are going to escalate.


As you can see, this really starts after Godou kills Verethragna. One day afterwards, to be more precise.

Yes, Erica is Naruto's descendent. Why? Because shits and giggles. And because I actually have a plan, though it may seem like I don't. The character interaction is going to be hilarious.

... That's really all I have to talk about...

Once again, criticism and complaints are welcome, because these allow me to make this a better and greater story. Seriously though, criticism is very welcome.

I guess this is it. I have been Rein Hellfire. This has been Contradictions.

I'll see you all when I get out of this 'hell' that is Summer School. Sixteen hours of lectures... (Shudders). Save my soul, please.

See you on the flip-side.