Chapter Two

Checked in and showered, Alys dutifully but unwillingly allowed Cassie to drag her from her room and down to the inn's bar. Her compliance came with only one demand; there had better be food.

"And alcohol," Cassie called traipsing down the stairs. "You did want that, yes?"

"I did," Alys grudgingly admitted following her soon to be ex-best friend down the stairs.

Alys had dragged her feet in the preparation process. Despite, Cassie's easy chatter she wasn't really looking forward to the first initial blast of culture shock. And there would be one. How could there not be? After all, she rarely left the UK.

"Jeez, Alys pick up the pace," Cassie admonished, staring up at Alys. "There's someone I want you to meet."

"Someone?" Alys repeated uneasily. Cassie just smirked and crossed her arms. "So it's like that, huh? Who is it, Cas? A colleague, a friend… a new boyfriend?" Alys' eyebrows rose as she watched Cassie blush. "A new boy toy it is then. What's his name?"

"For god sake, Al, we are going to be late," Cassie cried, avoiding the subject entirely.

"Well, have fun with that," Alys muttered, pretending to turn back. "You know how I feel about surprises… so until you give me the deets, I guess I'll just have to take a rain check."

Slowly, she retraced her steps up the stairs. Cassie never could handle alterations – especially when Alys ruined her surprises – and if she could avoid it, she would… eventually.

"Alright," Cassie gasped, self-disgust ripe in her tone. "His name is Kristian," Alys smirked as the words were dragged from her mouth.

"And how did you meet this Kristian?" Alys demanded, clattering back down the stairs.

"I got lost on my way home one evening and he helped me. Just you wait, I promise speechlessness," Cassie enthused clapping her hands. That level of enthusiasm after a long journey was not something Alys felt prepared to deal with. Speechless, however, was an intriguing idea…if she could deliver.

Moments later, Alys decided that speechless was the wrong word. Try heart attack inducing. The man was a god, all muscular and blond. The type of man slightly X-rated dreams are made of.

"Kristian," Cassie said, tearing Alys from her run away thoughts. "This is the friend I was telling you about. Alys, this is Kristian," she explained, gesturing awkwardly between them.

Alys could do nothing but stand staring. Her wits had abandoned her and shut up shop. It was strange. Cassandra threw tense glances at Alys, failing miserably to communicate what Alys was already thinking. Speak, you idiot.

Kristian, on the other hand, appeared to feel neither their panic nor their wonder. He just smiled politely. Probably enjoying the spectacle of the Brits, thought Alys grudgingly.

"It is a pleasure, Alys," Kristian said, his smile widening as he stood. Taking Alys' hand, he continued, "Cassandra talks of you often. She has shared quite a few amusing tales of your time at university together."

Alys' eyes widened and her head slowly turned to Cassandra. She offered Alys an apologetic smile but it wouldn't save her later. What had she told him? Ten years of secrets and regretted actions in the hands of a stranger... Just kill me now!

"There's no need for death, Alys," Kristian laughed, taking his seat. "We're all friends here. Speaking of friends," Kristian gestured to a man who had until that moment gone unnoticed. "This is my brother Florin."

Frowning, Cassandra stared intently at Kristian. Alys knew that look well and man was about to lose a body part. "I didn't realise we agreed to-" Cassandra began before tilting her head, listening to some unknown sound. Shaking her head, her smile slid back into place.

All the while, Alys watched the developing domestic in confusion. Cassandra had never been able to flip the switch her displeasure. And displeased she had been. Or at least Alys had thought she was. What the hell is happening here?

Florin tilted his head by way of greeting. He did not speak. Alys didn't like people who didn't speak. They reeked of hidden agendas. It probably didn't help that Florin's ice blue unwavering gaze screamed sociopath. Alys could feel the hair on the back of her neck standing on end. Run. Just turn and run now!

Before she could process her reaction, Cassandra caught hold of her hand. "Well boys, I promised Alys a lot of alcohol and I had better deliver before she maims someone," Cassandra laughed, tugging Alys to the bar.

Alys couldn't tear her eyes from that stare. She felt like she had seen her fate in those cold eyes and she didn't like it one bit.


"Well?" Kristian demanded rigidly as he watched Cassandra drag Alys towards the bar.

"Well, what?" Florin shot back, flatly.

'Is it her?' Kristian replied while shaking his head in amusement. Florin couldn't remember the last time his brother had openly laughed at him. Actually, that would be yesterday. Since meeting his lifemate, Kristian had regained the humorous nature which had plagued the lives of their elders. Back then, he had taken immense pride in catching them unaware… until it just stopped.

Kristian had been so close to the edge, Florin thought sadly. Until Cassandra. He wanted that. He wanted to be saved… before he became too much of a danger for his own people to deal with him.

Florin forced a smile, something he had learnt from watching Kristian's emotions and sense return. He hoped that his attempt would distract Kristian. He didn't want to admit that his life was as dull as ever. There wasn't an ounce of colour in his life.

How could he tell Kristian that his faith had faltered? Florin knew that Kristian would continue to fight for his happiness. He understood that Kristian loved him. He thought he remembered what that felt like. Love. It was such a foreign emotion to him now. Kristian was determined to share every experience of his new found life with Florin, however. Whether he was willing or not. Because of that bond, that trust, Florin was reluctant to admit that he had conceded defeat. Instead, Florin had become adept at misleading his little brother with half-truths.

'It's possible, but it's too soon to tell,' Florin responded, carefully controlling his thoughts. He couldn't allow even the slightest chance that Kristian would stumble into the turmoil of his mind. He couldn't predicate how it would affect his brother and that lack of control made him unease. Or how Florin believed uneasy would feel.

'You don't feel anything?' Florin could hear the doubt in Kristian's voice. He held back a deep-seated need to sigh.

'Be patient,' Florin admonished. 'I've lasted six hundred years.'

'You can't keep me out, brother. I know how close you are,' Kristian claimed, staring firmly into Florin's eyes. It made him feel incredibly uncomfortable. He could face down an army of crazed vampires alone and his heart beat steady but the thought of, advertently or inadvertently, causing his brother pain sent his heart rate into overdrive.

He didn't know how to respond. All he could do was stare at Kristian helpless to protect him. Helpless. Was this how the end felt? A downward spiral into despair.

"Are you alright, Florin?" Cassandra asked, ripping him from his thoughts. It jarred him momentarily. He just stared at her. "C'mon, dude. You're going to freak Alys out with an expression like that."

Florin's gaze moved to Alys. His expression became razor focus as he stared at her, willing something, anything to happen. Or for her to disappear. If it wasn't her, Kristian wouldn't be blinded by false hope today. He would be disappointed and Florin couldn't allow that to happen. His brother was finally happy. How dare this stranger threaten that!

Heat engulfed him. Anger rose fast, blanketing his mind and clouding his judgement. He could only see her. She stared back at him defiantly, enflaming his anger more and more.


Alys glanced sharply between Florin and Cassie. She wanted desperately to approve of Kristian. Alys was convinced that that was the sole reason for Cassie's determination. Cassie never rushed but this trip… this trip was different.

Cassie had to be considering taking a serious step with this man. She owed it to her best friend to make an effort to get to know him. But Florin's animosity was far too much for her to deal with in her current state. Alys could barely utter a coherent sentence as it was. How was she meant to vet a stranger, block out the negativity of another and manage Cassie's expectations after 12 hours of travelling? For Alys, the answer was simple. She wasn't. She had no issue with conceding her weakness.

"Easy up, Florian," Kristian ordered, glaring at his brother in warning.

"Actually, I think I'd better head to bed," Alys said, gripping the table as a wave of fatigue swept over her.

"But, Alys," Cassie whined pleadingly while Alys shook her head forcefully. "Just a little longer."

"I've reached my quota of waking hours, Cas. Another ten minutes and you'll be carrying me," Alys admitted reluctantly. Usually, Alys hated to display her weaknesses for others to exploit but she forced herself to accept that that day was out of her control. She had long passed the hyperactive stage of fatigue. She could hear her words slurring and feel her mind lagging.

"Fine. But you owe me double time tomorrow," Cassandra sighed. Alys was grateful that her best friend knew when to admit defeat.

"It was nice to meet you, Kristian," Alys offered politely. She stiffened, preparing to face the violence in Florin's eyes one last time. His vacant expression surprised her. He still stared at her but the force had seeped away, leaving behind what she could only describe as astonishment.

Without a word, Florin rose to his feet. With one last glance at Alys, he rushed out the door. It slammed back against the wall in his haste. Alys stared after him. She fought back her annoyance. She would not allow a rude stranger to make her feel insulted.

"Never mind him. It's just an off day," Cassie assured. Alys appreciated the sentiment but she had never been a good liar. She could hear the doubt in her voice. Even Cassie was perturbed by his ambivalence.