Pavel threw on the first clothes he could find, which ended up being a pair of navy and dark green plaid pajama pants and a white knit long-sleeved shirt his mother had sent him "to keep out the chill." She didn't know they weren't allowed to wear non-regulation clothes, even under their uniforms. Chekov wore it in his free time only. It reminded him of home.

When Pavel answered the door, his skin was damp and his curls wet near dripping, face flushed from embarrassment, the warmth of the shower, and the activity with which he had been occupying himself. With his collarbone bared by the scooped neck of his shirt, he looked an enticing young thing, all rose-tinged alabaster skin.

Mr. Scott smiled at the young navigator, momentarily at a loss for words. Regaining his composure, he held up the bottle in his hand and waggled it in front of Chekov's face. "Thought you could use a drink, lad." Nothing more needed be said.

As nervous and embarrassed as he was at the moment, there was something about Scotty that made Pavel feel more at ease. He felt that he could talk to this man, no matter the subject, and that Scotty would always be a faithful listener. He was actually very glad Mr. Scott was here.

Without another moment's hesitation, Pavel ushered in his guest and plopped down onto his small bed. As the only piece of furniture in the room, it acted as a couch, a chair and anything else Pavel needed it to be. The wall was as good a headrest as any. Chekov patted the place beside him, and Mr. Scott moved to join him.

"You thought right, sir. I could use a drink right now." Chekov gave a deep sigh, mortified and exhausted at all of the realizations of the last hour or so. He wearily leaned his head back against the wall. "I suppose I shall have to get up and fetch glasses now?"

"No need if you're not up to it. We'll swig from the bottle."

Chekov gave his friend a tired smile, absurdly grateful for his understanding. He was in an odd emotional state. At that moment, he felt as if he couldn't lift a finger. He lowered his head onto the bed, legs still hanging off the edge, and covered his face with his arm. All was right. It was dark and calm, now, and Scotty was there beside him. He could feel the body heat radiating from his companion. All was right.

Pavel heard Scotty open the bottle, and uncovered his face, propping himself up on an elbow. "Scotch?"

Scotty grinned. "The very best!"

"Zhis isn't exactly a "svigging" beverage, vouldn't you agree?"

Scotty swigged then, just to prove the boy wrong, grimacing as the alcohol burned down his throat. He chuckled. "You're the one too lazy to get up and get glasses." He held out the bottle, and Chekov took it with a shrug and a conceding smile.

As the ensign took his drink, the lieutenant commander began. "Mr. Chekov… I know what you discovered tonight would be shocking to anyone so young and… Well, what I mean to say is, I understand. But I cannae help but think there might be something else botherin' ya. It worries me to see ya like this, lad. You've been naught but happy and glowing all the time I've known ya, and I want ya to know that you can trust me, whatever it is."

Chekov paused, feeling the warmth of the Scotch spread down his throat and into his stomach. The life-drink gave him courage. It gave him hope.

"I do trust you Meester Scott. I – it's just that – you see, I never vanted zhis." Chekov gestured vaguely to himself.

"What, lad? What is it that you never wanted?"

"Just… all of this. It happens to all of us – every human child must become a human adult – but vhen it happened to me, I did not know… I no longer knew myself. All of a sudden I vas owercome with these… foreign… urges. It vas like zhey took ower my whole body, and vouldn't let me go." Chekov downed another sip of scotch.

Ah… So this was what this was about. Scotty felt truly sorry for his young friend's dilemma. He wanted to help him in any way he could. Still, considering how educated everyone in this society was about sex, it was very surprising to hear of Chekov's turmoil.

"I vanted to focus on my work – my work vas my life, Meester Scott. I vas a scientist, a mathematician, and a strategist. All I vanted was to train my body in zhe service of my mind, but my body vould not obey. Instead of spending my time devouring every physics textbook I could find, I began to spend my valuable time devouring trashy romance novels and, vhen I vas brave enough, a magazine… or two… The hours, at night, which I used to spend stimulating my mind with scholarly articles, calculus practice tests, and stargazing; I spent stimulating my… my body. Oh, god, I was – am – disgusted vith myself."

Chekov took another swig, sputtering slightly as the liquid burned its way down his throat. Scotty remained silent, listening to the young one's woes.

"It vas utterly confusing! Zhe part of me zhat vas me, my mind, did not vant sex! Love, perhaps, but not just sex! As a person, I vanted success and love and happiness. As a human body, all I desired vas to sate my baser passions! I am still confused Meester Scott! I am sewenteen years old and I do not know vhat to do with myself! I cannot live with these distracting urges! So I block people out! Zhe reason I do not notice what others' intentions are towards me is that I refuse to see zhem! I do not vant to give in to my mere instincts! I should be able to conquer them! I thought about asking Doctor McCoy for a pill to drown out my sexual impulses, but I did not vant to be drugged up during my shift. I – I do not know!"

Chekov took a mightily large draught of Scotch and, coughing, handed it over to Scotty, who was lost in thought, and amazed at these new discoveries.

Scotty drank, and was quiet for a very long while. "Lad… where did you go to school? Or should I say 'When?' You do know that sex isn't a shameful thing, don't you?"

Pavel made a dismissive gesture. "Nyet, nyet. Nothing like that. I never said it vas shameful. Just zhat is vas useless. An abominable waste of my time zhat I vanted to do without."

"Well, first, lad, sex isn't useless. You know the practical usefulness of sex."

"Zat does not apply to me, sir, and never vill."

Scotty blushed, but cleared his throat and continued relatively unfazed. "And, second," he said insistently, "sex and love shouldn't be two separate entities. Sex is simply a physical manifestation of love. It's a way to show your feelings to your partner."

"How can you say zat? You know as well as I zat, more often zan not, sex exists without love, merely for zhe sake of pleasure. Just look at zhe Keptin, vhenever we land on a new planet. He is always kissing some pretty girl vith a halo around her head."

Scotty chuckled in mild concession. "Aye, but what's wrong with pleasure? Aren't the pleasurable moments in life the ones we cherish most?"

"Isn't zhat a little bit – how do you say – Hedonistic, Meester Scott? Fleeting pleasure is nowhere near as satisfying as emotional or goal fulfillment. It is better to be ambitious than to give in to one's urges. It is better to love from afar than to waste one's time vith an ephemeral sexual relationship. While zhe small pleasures of life vill end, your accomplishments vill live on."

"Nonsense, lad! Ya must have balance in your life. Overindulgence never helped anyone, but ya cannae deny yourself one pleasure because ya think another has more value. How 'bout a wee bit of everything? Diversify! Why d'ya join Starfleet if not to experience every part of life, throughout the entire galaxy! Things like sex, food, and drink, for that matter," he said, gesturing ironically to the bottle of scotch, "are just as important to a human being as goal-fulfillment and healthy relationships. Why ever d'ya think ya have senses – touch, taste, smell, hearing, sight – if not to experience life through them? You're young! Go out and live life while ya can!"

Chekov sat up and watched the end of Scotty's passionate speech with a look of awe on his face. "I had never thought of zhat, sir… I… I did not realize zhat sensory pleasure vas an important part of life… I always viewed it as an illogical distraction…"

Scotty gave the boy a gentle smile, and said more quietly, "I'm sure Mr. Spock would agree with that statement." They both chuckled gently. "But a human being isn't logical. That's what makes us so interesting."

Pavel gave a satisfied sigh and flopped back down onto the bed, curling in his long limbs so as to be able to fit. They were silent for a long time. Scotty set the bottle down on the bedside table, situated at the head of the bed, and leaned back against the wall. He could hear Chekov's soft breathing beside him – could feel his warm, solid presence, and smell the shampoo in his still-damp hair.

"Sir?" the boy said gently, at last. "Thank you… for your adwice."

Scotty's heart melted at Pavel's sincere gratitude, and he was still genuinely sorry the lad had endured his confusion so long. "Any time, lad. Any time."

"Sir?" Pavel said again, more tentatively, slowly sitting up on his knees to face his idol. Pavel blushed deeply, and took a deep breath. "Maybe, sir, you could… show me… some time…"

Scotty was momentarily very confused. By the pretty blush and the demure fluttering of eyelashes, he could swear that Chekov was suggesting… Impossible. Not possible. Nope. Not a chance. But, oh, how hope swelled in his chest! "Lad, what are ya saying..?"

Chekov did not answer. Instead, he kissed his friend, quick as lighting, on the cheek. Scotty wasn't sure he would have known what it was if the boy hadn't immediately stuttered out an apology.

Eyes downcast, the boy babbled, "I am wery, wery sorry sir. I do not know vhat I vas thinking. Please, forget all about – "

Presently, however, the Russian found it particularly difficult to speak, because there was a mouth over his own, a hand cupping his cheek, and – oh – he was in heaven. Chekov returned Scotty's kiss with his usual energetic fervor, but Scotty pulled away after a moment, shaking his head. "No, no, ya don't want me, lad. You should go after some other pretty young thing, not a fat, short, balding old man. I'm so sorry I took advantage of your vulnerability. I hope ya can forgive me."

Scotty moved to leave, but Pavel tugged him frantically back down onto his bed. "Don't go, Meester Scott."

"I'm sorry, Pavel. Really, I didna want to hurt ya. I promise ya, ya don't have to feel awkward about it later. We're still friends. I understand how you were feelin' just then. I know you didna really mean it."

Pavel frowned rather fiercely and held Scotty in place with a firm grip on his arm, not allowing him to leave. "Nyet, you do not know how I feel." Pavel took a deep breath and screwed up his courage, his hold on Scotty tightening slightly.

"Laddie, don't ya go saying something you'll regret…"

"I love you!" Chekov burst out, eyes clenched shut against the potential backfire of these words.

Scotty's eyes widened in shock, and he was quick to deny the truth of Pavel's words. "No ya don't. You're just confused right now, Pavel, what with what we've been talking about and –"

"Nyet! I love you! Я люблю тебя! I have alvays loved you Meester Scott. For a long time I have known this."

Scotty's heart pounded and his thoughts raced. Could this be true? Could it possibly be that the beautiful, wonderful, intelligent, talented young man could love him? Montgomery Scott?

"Pavel…" Scotty whispered, his expression softening. Pavel looked up at him, and an understanding passed between them. Both leaned in for a kiss; this time it was soft, tender.

"I love ya too," Scotty confessed into Chekov's ear. I have loved ya since I saw the glee on your face when I explained my theory of transwarp beaming. I cannae get enough of you. I always want to be with you – to be bathed in the glow of your ever-present cheer. You're my favourite person in the universe, Pavel."

"Call me Pasha."

"Pasha… that's adorable," Scotty said with a grin. "Call me Monty."

Chekov peered up at his love through blonde lashes. "Monty?" he asked. "I have never heard you called zhat."

"It's what my family calls me."

When Pavel beamed, it seemed as if he radiated pure joy, and Scotty could not help but kiss him senseless. Pavel may have been inexperienced, but he was nothing if not enthusiastic. Scotty did not think he had ever been kissed with such a heady fervor. His Pasha copied whatever he did, and tried everything he thought Scotty might enjoy.

As their tongues slid slickly against each other, Scotty was frankly awed by the fact that this beautiful creature could ever want him. Pulling away at last to breathe, Pavel noticed he had somehow climbed into Scotty's lap and pushed him up against the wall. Leaning down to attack his lover's neck, Pavel ground his hips down on Scotty's arousal, which had just begun to twitch to life.

"Och, lad! You'll kill me. You really want to?"

"Da, of course, Monty. But, if I kill you, you vill die happy." Chekov grinned wickedly and pulled Scotty into another searing kiss.

When Pavel reached down and started to unfasten Scotty's pants, Scotty mumbled, "Mmmmh, Pasha, you're not exactly innocent in the ways o' things, are ya?"

"Just because I have never had sex does not mean I do not know vhat I am doing. It is silly to embark on any endeawor without doing zhe proper… research."

Scotty almost laughed, but ended up groaning instead as Chekov tugged open his pants and took him in hand. Tangling his hands in Chekov's sandy curls, Scotty crushed his mouth to the younger man's. "Clothes off. Now," Scotty gasped out between kisses, pushing Pavel down to lie on his bed.

Pavel didn't really need encouragement. He pulled off his shirt a second later, and then immediately began to fumble with the draw string on his pajama bottoms. Scotty drank in the sight of the half-naked youth, all lithe, lean muscle and pale expanses of unblemished skin. Scotty had the fleeting thought that this was all a dream. But, if it was, he was sure as hell going to enjoy it. Chekov struggled a bit with his pants, but soon they were across the room with the rest of his clothes, and he was completely bare.

Scotty stared. "God, you're beautiful."

Pavel smiled shyly and laughed, saying playfully, "Shut up."

"Why don't ya make me?"

Pavel did. He kissed like he did not need to breathe. Perhaps he didn't. Scotty felt like he himself would cease his respiratory functions entirely if only he would never be parted from his Pasha.

"Monty, milyy, I vant to see you," Pavel said when he had sufficient air in his lungs, tugging up the hem of Scotty's shirt.

Scotty blushed more deeply than he had in a very long time, looking at the gorgeous thing beneath him. "No, ya don' want to see me shirtless, Pasha. I'm not the best lookin' fella – "

Pavel interrupted. "Off," he commanded curtly, and peeled Scotty's shirt off himself. Slowly, the blonde beauty kissed Scotty's neck, collarbone, and down his chest murmuring, "I love you, Monty. I vant to have sex vith you. I love you. I vant you inside me. Vant to feel you. Vant you to fuck me so hard."

Hearing those filthy words fall from those perfect lips, Scotty's stomach lurched and his cock thickened with want. He released a strangled groan and kissed Chekov with all his might. After kicking off his pants and underwear, he shoved Chekov to lie beneath him. They kissed languidly this time, wetly sucking at each other's mouths. When they broke the kiss, a trail of saliva connected their mouths.

"Do you have stuff?" Scotty asked.

"In zhe bedside table."

Scotty leaned over and grabbed a condom and the bottle of lube from the drawer. When he returned to his young lover, Pavel was already lying ready for him, legs spread. "Take me zhis vay. I vant to see your face."

"Oh, lord, I won't ever be able to resist ya, lad," Scotty groaned desirously. "Here, now just relax. It might hurt a bit."

Scotty snicked open the bottle of lube and slathered his fingers liberally. Gently, he prodded at Chekov's pink hole, and slowly pushed a finger in. Pavel moaned breathily, and Scotty moved in and out bit, letting his lover adjust to the intrusion.

"Aiiee, Da, Monty, I can take another."

Scotty obeyed, more desperate for his Pasha ever moment, and slid another finger inside the teenager's velvet heat. Gently, he stretched Pavel, scissoring his fingers and thrusting them in and out. Then, crooking his slick digits just at the right angle, he brushed Pavel's prostate. Chekov gasped and shoved himself down on Scotty's fingers.

"Ahh, fuck me, Monty! Now, now! Can't vait for you!"

"But you're not rea– "


Scotty was in no position to argue. Impatient, he fumbled with the condom packet and, hands shaking, rolled it on, and slicked himself with lube.

"Monty," Pavel whined insistently, his head falling back on the pillow, tired of waiting. So, obligingly, Scotty positioned himself at Chekov's entrance and slowly sheathed himself in the throbbing heat of his lover's body.

As deep as he could go, Scotty stilled for a moment and looked into his Pasha's impossibly blue eyes, dark with lust and dazed with pleasure. Chekov leaned up to kiss him lightly. "Ahhh, Monty, love, move now."

It took all of Scotty's control not to pound immediately into Pavel's taught body, but he managed to gently rock his hips against his love's. That is, until the Russian boy demanded he move faster.

"Harder, Monty. Da! Da, that is good!" Scotty found Pasha's sweet spot, and he angled himself to hit the bundle of nerves with nearly every thrust. Chekov was soon reduced to a litany of high-pitched whines, and when Scotty reached down to stroke him in time with his thrusts, he came hard into Scotty's fist.

Muscles contracting deliciously around him, Scotty followed Pavel over the edge and collapsed onto his flushed, hard body, panting. With a slow groan, Scotty slid out of his young lover and lied face down on Pavel's sheets, completely fucked out. When he regained enough energy to move, he sat up and rolled off the condom, throwing into the nearby trash receptacle.

Pavel, still flushed, glowing, and covered in his own cum, leaned over to kiss Scotty. Their lips moved calmly against each other, sealing their act with love. Pavel nuzzled Scotty's forehead and pressed a kiss to his temple before standing. He fetched a washcloth from the bathroom and returned to wipe away the mess they'd made. Then, completely content, Pavel snuggled under the covers of his small bed and pulled Scotty to him. Silently, they cuddled, taking comfort from the solid warmth of another body by their sides. They lied there, breathing in each other's scents, until they drifted off to sleep.