A/N First thing- I am a die hard Caskette shipper...some parts are tough to read...they were tough to write...just keep the faith.

Follow me on Twitter at KJF3333 – so many great Castle fans make for fun and interesting conversations. I tend to post when chapter updates are coming, hints, sneak peaks, and links to new chapters.

About this story- First fanfic ever- and had I realized the broad scope of the fandom universe I might never have written it at all. Truthfully, I thought maybe 20 people might see it. What started out as an individual challenge to see if I could write a 50,000 word story in three months, has turned into an adventure I was allowed to share with many. The people on this site are truly some of the best out there in the ether- thank you for coming along and actively participating in the process. This story is in large part what it is because of the readers, reviewers and followers who invested in it along with me. It has been a blast. - K

Decisions and Dominoes Chapter 1

Katharine Beckett stood staring out her DC apartment window allowing a momentary slip in her iron resolve to be a hundred percent committed to her new life. The sun was just beginning to rise and she studied it like she used to study her murder boards at the 12th looking for answers. Her thoughts rushed unchecked to New York City and all she had left behind. Her father's ever present uncensored advice, best friend and conscience Lanie, loyal partners Ryan and Espo, and of course, Castle all fought for her emotional attention.

This was not the first summer that Beckett had spent apart from her old life. Summer seemed to be a time of change for her; a time when space was used to gain perspective. And control. It was always about control. The summer after the shooting she spent at her dad's cabin, the summer Castle was in the Hamptons with his ex-wife Gina when he believed she had chosen Demming and now this summer. The summer after she turned down Castle's proposal and had chosen her work. Her future. Her life.

"Katie, when you are scared you hide in your work," she heard her father's words playing over in her head.

Kate shoved what felt like an accusation from her consciousness only to have it replaced by Royce's warning, "Putting the job ahead of your heart is a mistake. Risking our hearts is why we are alive. The last thing you want is to look back on your life and wonder if only…"

The memories continued uncontrolled, "Katharine Houghton Beckett, will you marry me?" Rick's voice echoed through to her center circumventing her defenses in the way only his could.

"Castle," Kate remembered her exact words, "I got the job in DC." She registered the pain in his face and swore she heard his heart break as she explained to him how this was something she had to do on her own. That this job would take all of her. That right now she had nothing for him.

Kate didn't know what she had expected from Rick Castle in that moment, but it was not for him to simply rise from his knees and gaze down at her with acceptance and resignation, "Goodbye, Kate. I hope it's everything you want it to be." Those were the last words that she heard from him. Her DC position started immediately and when she had gone to the loft and the 12th to gather her belongings, Castle had been nowhere to be found and she didn't feel she had the right to ask anyone at either location where he was.

Unable to endure anymore time wrestling with her own mind, Kate wrenched her gaze from the window and moved to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. It was time to get ready to embrace her choice for another day. It was time to go to work.

The past work week had been a bitch. Sure the hours were long, but what really frustrated her was how confined she felt. She had chosen this job to do more and what she found was that she was doing less. She hadn't thought about what it would mean to go from being the lead detective calling the shots on every case to the inexperienced agent following directions. It wasn't a position that Kate relished in the least. It made her edgy and restless and that was never a good combination.

-O-O-I-O-O-O-O-O-O-O- O- O

"Castle! Damn, bro, what took you so long?" Esposito called across the squad room when the elevator's doors opened and Castle stepped out.

"Sorry. Sorry, believe it or not, I overslept," Castle explained throwing his jacket over the back of his chair that now sat between Ryan and Espo's desk facing away from where Beckett's desk still sat empty.

"Mr. Castle, may I have a word?" Gates called to him standing in her office doorway.

Castle made a face like he'd just gotten called down the principal's office, "Oooh, someone's in trouble," Ryan teased entering the room just in time to hear Gates summon Castle.

"If I'm not back in five minutes, come for me?" he whispered urgently.

Espo nodded, "We got your back, Castle."

As Castle walked away and into the lionesses den Ryan gave him a thumbs-up and when he was out of earshot said, "I'm not going in there."

Esposito nodded in agreement, "No way, bro."

Gates waited for Castle behind her desk, "Sit down, Mr. Castle."

"Umm…sure..okay. Is there a problem, Sir?"

Gates actually smiled at Castle, "I got a call from the mayor today."

"I didn't do it," Castle blurted.

"Do what?"

"Whatever it is," he continued.

"Calm down. The mayor wanted to know how things were going with you being here without Detective Beckett," she told him taking a seat.

"Oh?" Castle's hands started to sweat a little bit. Here it comes he thought.

"I have to say, Mr. Castle that I have been…," she paused and Castle's eyes widened as he waited for the proverbial ax to fall, "impressed."

"Really?" Castle almost squeaked in surprise.

Gates laughed softly, "It's no secret that I have not been your biggest fan."

"Uh, no, that most certainly has not been a secret. I think I even saw it on Page 6 once," he quipped.

Gate's smile faded, "Don't push it."

"Um, no Sir, sorry," he smiled his best photo shoot smile at her not knowing what else to do.

"Truthfully, I didn't know if you would continue to be an asset to this department once Beckett left, but you have proved me wrong. Case closure rates for your team are higher than ever."

Castle interjected like a puppy who had just received a treat, "You're admitting I'm an asset to the department, Sir?"

Gates stared him down again. It worked. He stopped talking.

"I told the mayor just that and since you two are poker buddies, I thought I would tell you myself versus you hearing it second hand from him. I felt you've earned that."

Castle's tension had been a palpable thing in the room when he didn't know what was coming from Gates. He visibly relaxed and stood reaching across her desk to offer his hand, "Thank you, Captain. That means a lot coming from you."

Gates shook his hand and meant it, "The last few months could have gone either way for you. I didn't know if you had it in you. After Kate took the DC job, I figured you would be out, but you surprised me. You surprised a lot of people."

Castle glanced at the floor momentarily to give himself time to steady his voice, "You know, Sir, I wasn't sure I had it in me either."

Gates returned to full captain mode, "Now this does not mean you are free to run amok in my precinct like a five year old with a bag of Halloween candy, Mr. Castle."

Castle smiled, "I understand, Sir."

Gates hid her smile behind her eyes, but Castle saw it, "Be sure that you do. Dismissed."