
"Remind me why we're here again," Patricia said as we walked into Agent Provocateur. I rolled my eyes and pulled up my sunglasses.

"I am most defiantly getting laid on my birthday. It's a present to me myself and I," I said waltzing over to the nightgowns. I picked up a sheer black one with lace. "I love,"

"Then buy it," Joy said. I turned to her and lifted up the gown.

"Actually, I think I want to see it on you," I purred. She smirked. "Buy it,"

"Sure, Ambs," Joy said taking the gown. I smirked and then looked over, finding a gorgeous dressing gown. It's silky and perfect, it actually covers something up. Oh I love this one.

"It's very chic," I said.

"Very," She agreed.

"I think I'll take it and then I'll get some more lingerie sets," I said picking up a sexy garder. She smirked and then walked off. Ah lingerie, my favorite pieces of clothing especially Agent Provocateur.


"I'm bored," I said as I looked through the sex toys. I already had picked out about 10 sets of lingerie, some nightgowns, some toys for the sex room, some other things for the sex room.

"Well what do you want to do?" Amber asked as she swiped her credit card. "I think we've hit all the store I needed,"

"Let's go have some fun," I smirked evilly. Everyone gave me a look and I kept grinning as I got into the front seat of my car. "I wanna rob,"

"No, Patricia," Nina said.

"Yes," I said.

"I've got nothing else to do with my day," Amber said playing with her nails.

"Sure," Joy said. I parked my car outside of one of my favorite stores. A gun shop. I walked inside and the girls looked shocked.

"Pick a gun and I'll teach you how to shoot in the range," I said looking through a selection of pistols. "Go small," I said gesturing to where I was looking.

"This is adorable!" Amber squeaked holding a pink gun.

"This is even better," Joy said holding up a plum colored gun. I rolled my eyes and stood on the side of the room while they chose what they wanted. I feel like I'm going to be leading this little mission.

"We found the perfect one for all of us," KT said holding one up. It's white with red roses on it. It's actually really, cute I guess.

"Nice, I'll take one too," I said.

"Let's coordinate outfits," Amber squealed.

"Uh shouldn't you learn how to shoot," I piped up.

"Of course not, it's more for show Patty," Joy said bumping me. I rolled my eyes. If we get caught by the cops then I want to see how cute their asses look in handcuffs because they can't shoot a gun.

"Fine, let's go get matching outfits," I said sarcastically. Joy gave me a look and I shrugged. We got back in my car and we drove to some clothing store. Inside everyone bought matching bandanas, hoodies, shorts and shoes. We got back in the car and changed. "Are we ready now?" I asked impatiently.

"Yep," Willow chirped. I rolled my eyes and drove around for a while until we got to a convience store.

"Act cool, pretend like you're buying stuff," I said. They all nodded and we got out of my car. Oh hopefully this will go better than I think it will.


We walked into the store trying to act casual. Patricia walked over to where beers were while I stayed with Amber. Amber was practically squealing so I told her to squeal on the inside.

"Pasha," I said in an American accent. Patricia turned around.

"Pasha really?" She mouthed. I shrugged. "Yeah Jess?" She said in an American accent.

"Do we want ice cream?" I asked leaning into the little freezer, poking my breast out. I saw the clerk looking and smirk. Amber swiftly slapped my ass.

"I don't like you flirting," She hissed still flashing her smile. I rolled my eyes and pulled out two popsicles. I handed her one.

"It's strictly business, promise," I said.

"Better be," She said going to the counter. I sighed. "Hey Jess, I think we should get some cigarettes. What do you guys think?" She asked. She flashed her guns and I saw all of us nod. We all put on our bandanas then turned to face the clerk. We all lifted our pistols at the clerk.

"This is a stick up," We all said in unison. The clerk cowered. Patricia shoved the guy out of the way and started to empty out the cigarette display. She then emptied the register.

"Don't just stand there, go take the security tapes," Patricia barked. We all followed her directions. Mara went to go hack into the computer system while Amber took the camera and snapped the wires. I feel a rush! I've never felt like such a badass before. KT tied the clerk down to a chair in the managers office.

"What's the code?" Nina asked the clerk.

"I don't know it," The clerk said. Patricia slapped him.

"What's the code?" Patricia demanded gripping his brown hair. She held him close to her thighs. "It'd be real bad if someone as hot as you got shot," The guy squinted his eyes at her.

"Patricia?" He asked.

"Ben?" She said shocked, releasing his hair. Oh shit, we're robbing her ex boyfriend. He grinned and started laughing.

"My, my how the tables have turned Patty," He said. "Oh I'm going to have fun with you,"

Things we did and probably should have #17: Rob a convience store with friends

I feel like this sucks :( poo I'm sorry. I promise that the next chapter will be way way way more interesting! Like I really do promise it'll be better. So a little drama that will foreshadow for later, anyways tell me what you want to see and I'll try and do it to the best of my ability as fast as I can. See you guys next time muah, happy Friday . Today in my French class was so cute because my teachers daughter had to stay at school and she was singing in French while she was watching her little movie, tres adorbs. But again I'm sorry, I literally do suck as a person for waiting so long to update, I'll try and update tomorrow hopefully and do an M for the next chapter.

Gummy-bears28: Updated and thank you my love! I'll see if I can do a M for it soon

bondlikesuperglue: Thank you so much love :) I'll try and be more frequent.

Erinjoy: Updated :)

PatriciaEddie3: Yeah I could totally try and do that.

Guest2468: Totally doable lol well Ben is already here now

FABINALIVES: Well I'm glad that you can be entertained by this and I love Fabina so I totally can do that.

cruzguadalupe6: Can do! Hopefully I can fill some in next chapter?

JerkZero: Why thank you :)

Guest: Updated!

Julia B: Thank you and yeah I could play with KT more.

Peddieismylife: Thank you my angel

houseofanubisfan2: Aw thank you :) you're really nice.

SugarCubes101: Lol I was Hello Kitty for Halloween, I went to the mall in my costume and thank you.

A Poet's Diary: I will totally keep writing, sorry for the stupid wait :/ school has kicked my ass.

Winxjaderamesy: Yes! And I'm actually about to start working on Birthday Cake.

Sparklelikeasparklything: Thank you hun glad you love

Guest: It loves you too :)

BlackCat46: Peddie is fun. I will seriously try and be way faster because the waiting is literally ridiculous and you guys are too amazing for me not to do this faster. I'm so so sorry.

LoveWillRemember: Thank you and yeah I think I will because A LOT of people want that.

hbhs12: That's how the peddie Jara is cute and lol yesss that's why they needed lingerie. School seriously seriously is horrid but its getting better.

creativeminds614: Why thank you and it'll be a crazy party. Let's just say the lingerie is a little bit of an indication of what will happen

Just Juice: Tadaaa!

corrintaylor: Thank you hun :) you're a friggin great reviewer.

jane: OMG I feel like such a bad person okay I'm going to get on my writing kick and do birthday cake. I'm sorry I didn't do this, I suck!