Well actually, this one was written WAY before the other's were, and I just am eager to start sharing it little by little and see how it goes. I'm enjoying Pink Vengence very much (go check that out yo!) and I'm still updating WOP and POP, as for Knowing the Enemy frowny for the last chapter which sucked hot stinky lactating ass!

My point is! I'm bored! T-T that's right, bored and suffering from a weird form of writer's block, so that's why I've started posting these two projects a little early T-T (by 2 projects I mean Pink Vengence and this one)

If you don't know any of those fuckin stories then go read some! :D yay! Maybe some more reviews might help, they really helped with Knowing the Enemy (Chapter 10 is looking super freakig long u guys) Maybe that will get me all geared up!

Anyway on with the prologue which I have never done ever O-o


"Naruto Uzumaki? Yeah I've heard about that freak, he was institutionalized for killing cats or something when he was eleven right?" The girl wearing bright pink earrings commented to her friend with the spikey green earrings sitting next to her- they will be referred to as pink and green Chick.

"Yeah that's right, he's friends with that one guy, what's his name, oh I know-"

"Shikamaru Nara." A boy slouched in his chair, leaned his head back, his eye's rolling back and forth as he searched for rumors, "He supposedly worships Satan or something. He wears a lot of that crap on his face and dresses like a fag. He's friends with the dog dude-"

"Kiba Inuzuka! Oh he's so hot, I see him on campus all the time and I haven't had time to say hi!" Pink Chick touched her cheeks with a smile while her friend rolled her eyes in the next seat.

"If you ask me, Kiba is still a freak. He's always at the park walking those stupid dogs! Choji is the only normal one of that crowd, sure he's fat but he's nice and he doesn't do anything creepy so that's a plus."

"Whatever." Pink chick rolled on, "Oh but you know who's really hot?"

"Oh I think I know, Sa-"

"-suke Uchiha." Finished a normal looking blonde haired kid with his arms crossed in the chair. "He was new on campus a few months ago, but he quickly made himself known on campus by making enemies with Shikamaru of all people. I don't know what he did, something about killing his cat or something. If you ask me, the guy is a freak, but a lot of the girls like him so I guess he's popular. Is that all-"

"You wanted? Cause I really want to go home now?" The boy slouched in his chair swung his head to one side at the brown haired man sitting in front of him.

"Sure, I guess you're free." Replied Iruka looking over at Kakashi leaning against a wall behind the student with a sigh, the lazy boy rushed past the teachers, eager for freedom.

"This is going to be harder than it looks huh?"

Iruka had no real idea how truthful that conclusion was.

If you're sitting there like "What the fuck is this about?" then my mission was accomplished! YAY missions! WHoo!

Review ~! Or go to the next chapter and review~! Or review them all individually because that would be just awesome of you!

Thanks T-T